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Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-)

Volume 40, Issue / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Foreword
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 1-1, 2020.

Japanese Article Database analysis of summary 24 years (1,996-2,019 years) of the critical care center consultation patients
亀山元信, 村田祐二, 安藤幸吉, 庄子賢*, 山内聡, 野上慶彦**, 近田祐介, 高瀬啓至, 荒井未央***, 白土陽一
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 3-13, 2020.

Japanese Article About safety, the effectiveness of modified type electroconvulsive therapy (m-ECT) to elderly people in the Sendai Municipal Hospital
清水萌木, 高濱加奈, 遠藤愛子*, 佐藤こずえ**, 渋谷嘉成*, 松木佑*, 五十嵐江美*, 田坂有香*, 菊池達郎***, 小原千佳, 川井由美子, 滑川明男, 和田努, 佐藤博俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 15-19, 2020.

Japanese Article Examination from the platelet count in the Kawasaki's disease immunoglobulin refractoriness case
成重勇太, 新田恩, 黒田薫, 中川智博, 宮森拓也, 加藤歩, 高橋俊成, 新妻創, 島彦仁, 本間貴士, 守谷充司, 北村太郎, 藤原幾磨, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 27-31, 2020.

Japanese Article Blood, biochemical comparison of mild gastroenteritis-related convulsions hospitalized in our hospital
黒田薫, 新田恩, 北村太郎, 高橋俊成, 新妻創, 守谷充司, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 33-36, 2020.

Japanese Article Examination of the predictor of the severe bacterial infections in children with fever within three months after birth
矢内敦, 新田恩, 黒田薫, 中川智博, 成重勇太, 宮森拓也, 加藤歩, 高橋俊成, 新妻創, 島彦仁, 本間貴士, 守谷充司, 北村太郎, 藤原幾磨, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 37-41, 2020.

Japanese Article An example of the ascending colon granular cell myoblastoma which we resected endoscopically
渡辺ゆみ子, 野村栄樹, 平塚早貴, 鈴木直生, 高橋早友未, 佐藤公子, 佐藤伊佐雄, 平塚敬士, 大山秀晃, 鈴木範明, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 佐藤直実*, 渋谷里絵*, 菊地達也
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 51-55, 2020.

Japanese Article 6 years old girls case of the foreign body in vagina which came to the hospital for main complaint in length between the waist and the ankle
守谷充司, 齋藤寧子, 平山亜由子*, 宇賀神智久*, 早坂篤*, 新妻創, 高橋俊成, 島彦仁, 新田恩, 北村太郎, 大槻健郎*, 藤原幾磨, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 57-60, 2020.

Japanese Article Two cases of Asymmetric crying face
宮森拓也, 新田恩, 伊藤貴伸, 新妻創, 高橋俊成, 島彦仁, 守谷充司, 北村太郎, 藤原幾磨
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 61-63, 2020.

Japanese Article 1 case that DIC and pulmonary embolism developed after the uterine myoma and the intrauterine curettage of adenomyosis of the uterus merger pregnancy eight weeks and were able to save
橋本栄文, 田邉康次郎*, 吉永浩介**, 大槻健郎
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 65-68, 2020.

Japanese Article An example of recurrent cancer of endometrium treated effectively with an immune checkpoint inhibitor
佐藤綾香, 橋本栄文, 工藤友希乃, 工藤理永, 熊谷奈津美, 高橋友梨, 宮副美奈子, 笹瀬亜弥, 平山亜由子, 宇賀神智久, 早坂篤, 大槻健郎
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 75-80, 2020.

Japanese Article Can you prevent the fibrinogen drop of the emergency surgery massive bleeding case in in-hospital fresh frozen plasma?
安達厚子, 安藤幸吉, 亀山良宣, 筆田廣登, 山内正憲*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 81-83, 2020.

Japanese Article 1 case of the abdominal aortic aneurysm explosion that it exploded during an operation again and had cardiac arrest, but we made full use of the level 1 system 1000th class and were able to save
佐藤麻理子, 安藤幸吉, 安達厚子
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 85-89, 2020.

Japanese Article Example that a sacroiliac joint ache improved after the crotch arthroscopic surgery for thighbone acetabulum impingement (FAI)
畠中聡, 野口森幸*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 91-94, 2020.

Japanese Article It is ... from the point of view of one the brain death lower organ donation case's experience - inside the hospital donor coordinator
澤井彰, 畠山稔*, 西澤威人**, 成澤あゆみ**, 刈部博**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 40: 95-103, 2020.