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Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011)
Volume 17, Issue / 2004
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
"Human relations in the Japanese culture" 北山修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 1-1, 2004. |
"Problems in the clinical practice of the urination disorder" 西澤理 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 2-2, 2004. |
1 [ URINARY INCONTINENCE AND PELVIC FLOOR RECONSTRUCTION : WHERE ARE WE NOW? ] Kathleen C.Kobashi Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 3-3, 2004. |
2 "diagnoses and treatment of Alzheimer's disease" 山田正仁 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 4-4, 2004. |
Term of the chairmanship 後藤百万1), 西村かおる2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 5-5, 2004. |
PD1-1. About the care house maintenance that fixed its eyes on home health care from hospital medical care 土屋雅彦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 6-6, 2004. |
PD1-2. From a system, the field of policy 中井滋 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 7-7, 2004. |
PD1-3. Personnel training with knowledge, a technique necessary for urination management 谷口珠実 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 8-8, 2004. |
PD1-4. What can urologist do? 小川隆敏 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 9-9, 2004. |
PD1-5. For independence of the urination movement 大神泉 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 10-10, 2004. |
PD1-6. The urination management education in the WOC nursing authorization nurse and the problem 田中純子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 11-11, 2004. |
PD1-7. Trial of elderly people urination disorder fact-finding in Kagawa and the urination management of the care health center for the elderly residents based on the urination management manual 武田繁雄1),9), 向井千晶1),9), 筧善行1),9), 長尾由美子2),9), 大橋洋三2),9), 大森正志3),9), 山本由利子4),9), 小島圭二4),9), 渡辺豊彦5),9), 山田大介6),9), 福井明子7),9), 松木孝和8),9) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 12-12, 2004. |
PD1-8. Aiming at the making of ability enlightenment, team of the care job; "obtain it, and hide it, and launch an excretion care meeting for the study" 加藤基子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 13-13, 2004. |
PD1-9. Efforts in activity - Aichi in the area 吉川羊子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 14-14, 2004. |
PD1-10. About the establishment and the activity of the Fukuoka network - Fukuoka elderly people excretion improvement committee - 武井実根雄 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 15-15, 2004. |
PD2-1. Because is youthful men usefulness - of the hormone replacement for elderly men forever; - 佐藤嘉一, 丹田均 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 16-16, 2004. |
PD2-2. Because is youthful women usefulness - of the hormone replacement for elderly women forever; - 小池浩司 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 17-17, 2004. |
PD2-3. When is from sex - of Aging couple; feeling - 荒木乳根子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 18-18, 2004. |
PD2-4. Correspondence - to "the temporary need of nursing care state" in trial - area elderly people for the independence of elderly people 里宇明元 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 19-19, 2004. |
PD2-5. Business to support the independence of elderly people 志築学 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 20-20, 2004. |
With "every day diagnosis of the urination state of elderly people in the clinical practice importance - of the treatment" - urination grasp and living guidance that are in a state 大岡均至 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 21-21, 2004. |
1 "recent topic around the hyperactivity bladder" 武井実根雄 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 22-22, 2004. |
2 "strategic - Tumor dormancy therapy (cancer dormancy therapy) - of the treatment for cancer in consideration of age" 高橋豊 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 23-23, 2004. |
The effect that the intermittent self catheterization of 1 elderly person gives to the field of activities 横井さつき, 石田裕子, 江上直美, 姫野俊子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 24-24, 2004. |
One discussion of the effective instruction method to promote independence of 2 cleanliness intermission withdrawing of urine 奥家艶子, 岡島明美, 大空真樹, 原畑法子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 24-24, 2004. |
It is ... using efforts - interference low frequency in our institution for urinary frequency, the urinary incontinence of 3 elderly people 加納美和1), 田中久美子1), 北島清彰2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 25-25, 2004. |
Examination of the environmental adjustment program enforcement 10 example for the functional urinary incontinence of patients with 4 advanced age cerebral damage 長島緑1),2), 飯島節3), 三輪隆子2), 牛山武久2), 横田美恵子2), 堀房子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 25-25, 2004. |
The example that examined the excretion care that the urine of the new product during 5th was desirable for by taking it, and using a pad 戸田典夫1), 佐藤一行1), 深谷保夫2), 梶原敦子2),3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 26-26, 2004. |
Using the medical treatment environment odorimetry in the use of 6 excretion tools patients 永坂和子1), 村上栄三2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 26-26, 2004. |
Examination ... of efforts - in trawl consultation for 7 urinary incontinence 谷口真佐子, 大末恭子, 溝口典子, 森山和子, 金子浩子, 柳迫昌美, 武井実根雄 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 27-27, 2004. |
Examination of complications in 8 urethral stent 江口賢, 白石晃司, 毛利淳, 上領頼啓 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 27-27, 2004. |
It is experience for the long term after change remands from temporary type urethral stent as the low invasive treatment of 9 elderly people prostatic hyperplasia to eternity type urethral stent 小林正喜1), 岡田安弘1), 滝本至得2), 川田望2), 平方仁2), 山口健哉2), 五十嵐匠2), 佐藤克彦2), 吉澤剛2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 28-28, 2004. |
Examination of the urethral stent catheter in 10 our hospital 小松淳, 大森聡, 近田龍一郎, 藤岡知昭 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 28-28, 2004. |
Clinical results of the urethral stent made of shape-memory alloy for the lower urinary tract obstruction due to the internal secretion-resistant prostate cancer of 11 elderly people 長岡明, 石井達矢, 川村裕子, 山辺拓也, 大地宏, 矢口博理, 冨田善彦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 29-29, 2004. |
Examination of the postoperative complications in 12 elderly people general anesthesia lower open surgery 宮川友明1), 服部一紀2), 及川剛宏2), 樋之津史郎2), 関戸哲利2), 宮永直人2), 河合弘二2), 島居徹2), 赤座英之2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 29-29, 2004. |
Clinical examination of elderly people celoscope bottom kidney, adrenal gland operations in 13 our hospital 井上勝己1), 山下康洋1), 小林隆彦1), 長野正史1), 長田幸夫1), 柚木崎智子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 30-30, 2004. |
Examination of the elderly people living renal transplantation in the hospital urology department attached to 14 Yamaguchi University faculty of medicine 高井公雄, 土田昌弘, 赤尾淳平, 磯山直仁, 松村正文, 内山浩一, 内藤克輔 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 30-30, 2004. |
Examination of the CAPD therapy in 15 elderly people end stage renal failure 東武昇平, 野口満, 森健一, 松尾学, 錦戸雅春, 古賀成彦, 金武洋 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 31-31, 2004. |
Trial of colpoclesis and the TVT combination for the extensive genital prolapse case with the urinary incontinence of 16 advanced age 嘉村康邦, 宍戸啓一, 松岡俊光, 熊谷伸, 片岡政雄, 山口脩 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 31-31, 2004. |
Effect - first report ... of 17 floor of the pelvis group of muscles exercises combination sacrum periosteum acupuncture needle stimulation therapy 関口麻紀1), 関口由紀2), 本城久司3), 吉川羊子4), 後藤百万4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 32-32, 2004. |
Results and quality of life evaluation of the surgical treatment for the genital prolapse of 18 elderly people 松山豪泰1), 平田寛1), 内藤克輔1), 尾縣秀信2), 辰村正人3), 竹本雅彦4), 富松健5) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 32-32, 2004. |
About combination of the TVT surgery in 19 genital prolapse surgery 青木慶一郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 33-33, 2004. |
It is examined the collagen infusion for stress urinary incontinence after the operation of 20 men 大塚篤史1), 新保斉1), 高山達也1), 鶴信雄1), 古瀬洋1), 牛山知己1), 鈴木和雄1), 大園誠一郎1), 影山慎二2), 渡辺哲也3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 33-33, 2004. |
A detrusor function in the urinary tract management of patients with 21 chronic phase cerebrovascular disorder and examination of hyperactivity bladder (OAB) 夏目修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 34-34, 2004. |
Clinical examination of OAB which merged with 22 BPH 本田和也, 内田久志, 細井隆之, 鶴谷善昭, 横田崇, 山口脩 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 34-34, 2004. |
Significance of the day volume of urine in the nocturia case of 23 elderly people 曽根淳史1), 田中啓幹1), 木村高博2), 首藤恵二郎2), 小林達也3), 藤澤正人3), 森岡政明4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 35-35, 2004. |
Classification of 24 nocturia 吉村耕治, 宇都宮紀明, 市岡健太郎, 上田修史, 寺井章人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 35-35, 2004. |
The residual urine measurement using 25 BVI6100 本田愛, 藤井美保子, 戸田真喜子, 川野貞子, 野尻佳克, 岡村菊夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 36-36, 2004. |
Examination about treatment and the lower urinary tract symptom of patients with 26 advanced age prostate cancer 桝永浩一, 吉田正貴, 稲留彰人, 上田昭一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 36-36, 2004. |
About the association between epidemiological investigation - nocturia and other diseases about the urination disorder of 27 elderly people - 中川晴夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 37-37, 2004. |
Clinical examination of 28 whole day uropoiesis rates, urinometry 新保斉, 西島誠聡, 永田仁夫, 大塚篤史, 高山達也, 鶴信雄, 古瀬洋, 麦谷荘一, 牛山知己, 鈴木和雄, 大園誠一郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 37-37, 2004. |
Does the custody increase complications frequency in 29 urination management methods and examination - intermission-type balloon TM night of urinary tract complications? - 小澤秀夫1), 上松克利1), 大森弘之1), 公文裕巳2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 38-38, 2004. |
Experience of out hospital infection due to multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa with suspected interposition of 30 nursing facilities, breaking through 浪間孝重1), 内啓一郎1), 大沼徹太郎1), 黒川いく2), 赤間美恵子1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 38-38, 2004. |
Examination of Purple urine bag syndrome in 31 our hospital 福田孝1), 由利康裕2), 藤枝信夫2), 寺邑敏彦2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 39-39, 2004. |
Examination about the upper urinary tract calculus in 32 super elderly people 80 years or older 山田大介, 井上高明, 陶山文三 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 39-39, 2004. |
Clinical examination of the elderly people upper urinary tract calculus case given ESWL in 33 Nippon Steel Hirohata Hospital 藤井明, 造住誠孝, 柳内章宏, 中野雄造, 松本弘人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 40-40, 2004. |
Clinical examination of patients with urolithiasis in 34 Kumamoto University 70 years or older 稲留彰人, 吉田正貴, 高橋渡, 上田昭一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 40-40, 2004. |
Examination of 35 elderly people ED 邵仁哲1), 落合厚1), 牛島壮1), 河内明宏1), 藤戸章1), 三木恒治1), 藤原光文3), 石田裕彦4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 41-41, 2004. |
Comparison - with ED treatment - young people of 36 elderly people 椎木一彦, 佐々木春明, 七条武志, 菅原草, 青木慶一郎, 鈴木俊一, 深澤立, 島田誠 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 41-41, 2004. |
Questionary survey of the ED to 37 urinary organ outpatients and the related matters 倉田幸子, 中田公美, 佐藤ひろみ, 鈴木和子, 久松英治, 山内敦, 佐々木明, 大谷幹伸 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 42-42, 2004. |
Discussion of the care about the sexuality after 38 laparoscopic radical total prostatectomy 小池里佳, 宮崎ゆり, 権田直美, 鈴木絢子, 今川由加里, 中田貴子, 菊池礼子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 42-42, 2004. |
Consciousness and relation of the nurse for 39 sexuality 柴山直子, 渡辺祐美子, 中崎さとみ, 金澤順子, 久保亜希子, 鈴木和子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 43-43, 2004. |
Focus on fact-finding - body pressure dispersion bedclothing of the lying in bed environment of the patients receiving 40 prostate implant therapy treatment; and ... 林容子1), 丸谷晃子1), 水口雅代1), 斉藤佳恵1), 橋本多恵1), 竹内弘美1), 中村一美1), 冨田静江1), 溝上敦2), 小松和人2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 43-43, 2004. |
It is examined fact-finding and the nursing of the patients after 41 operations 80 years or older 西願裕美子1), 河津順子1), 堀江美保1), 佐藤裕子1), 杉野綾子1), 小野寺正雄1), 藤原文子1), 岡田弘2), 堀江重郎2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 44-44, 2004. |
Analysis of the uneasiness by the questionnaire of 42 prostate biopsy patients and the measures 小田切郁子, 池上千聡, 伊藤真由美, 宮下久子, 富田康敬 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 44-44, 2004. |
Examination about the postoperative nursing of 43 transrectal high-density focus-type ultrasonic diathermy (HIFU) 中邑ひとみ, 舟木千香子, 三谷昌弘, 鈴木真樹子, 長谷川徹, 長谷川眞常 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 45-45, 2004. |
It is ... from the viewpoint of infection prophylaxis by examination - adenovirus vectors of 44 prostate cancer gene therapy infection prophylaxis manuals 植木史子1), 福田奈央子1), 藤本典子1), 木下幸子1), 高馬恵子1), 村田育子1), 李宗子2), 後藤章暢3), 白川利朗3), 日向信之3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 45-45, 2004. |
In clinical path making of 45 total prostatectomy 加藤生絵, 大下美智恵, 宮澤陽子, 伊藤千鶴子, 秋山廣子, 野尻佳克, 岡村菊夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 46-46, 2004. |
The actual situation of the use of the alternative medicine in the patients with 46 urologic disease 丸谷晃子1), 松木幸栄1), 八田理恵1), 斉藤佳恵1), 橋本多恵1), 水野一美1), 竹内弘美1), 冨田静江1), 小松和人2), 大野智3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 46-46, 2004. |
Experience of the chemotherapy for the purpose of the quality of life maintenance for patients with 47 advanced age bladder cancer 大森聡, 近田龍一郎, 藤岡知昭 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 47-47, 2004. |
Clinical features of the elderly people in 48 prostate biopsies 金城真実, 井手久満, 桶川隆嗣, 奴田原紀久雄, 東原英二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 47-47, 2004. |
Role of the PSA test in the district between 49 Nakayama and our hospital 刈谷博幸, 西森理恵, 渡辺和歌, 景平英子, 北島清彰 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 48-48, 2004. |
It is significance of the infusion therapy in the prevention of recurrence bladder after an operation for 50 elderly people epibiosis-related bladder cancer 藤本清秀1),2), 近藤秀明2), 細川幸成2), 田中洋造2), 米田龍生2), 堀川直樹2), 吉井将人2), 山本雅司2), 平尾佳彦2), 大園誠一郎3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 48-48, 2004. |
51 prostate cancer endocrine therapy and bone density 野宮明, 高橋悟, 西松寛明, 久米春喜, 冨田京一, 武内巧, 太田信隆, 北村唯一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 49-49, 2004. |
Prostate cancer screening for the elderly boys with 52 lower urinary tract symptoms 小島宗門1), 大石正勝1), 岡田晃一1), 兼光紀幸1), 矢田康文1), 早瀬喜正2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 49-49, 2004. |
Transurethral prostatectomy for prostatic hyperplasia 53 prostate 100 ml in capacity or more: Surgery results and one invention to be carried out safely 古屋聖児1), 小椋啓1), 島村昭吾1), 荒木徹2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 50-50, 2004. |
About a clinical index associated with the bladder wall-thickness of 54 middle and old age men 秋野裕信, 山内寛喜, 楠川直也, 中井正浩, 前川正信, 塩山力也, 石田泰一, 大山伸幸, 三輪吉司, 横山修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 50-50, 2004. |
Exclusion criteria of 55 standard critical path 野尻佳克1), 小澤秀夫2), 絹川常郎2), 今村正明2), 齋藤史郎2), 寺井章人2), 武井実根雄2), 長谷川友紀2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 51-51, 2004. |
We look at 56 mirrors and are examined the urinary flow dynamic function study before and after the lower total prostatectomy 瀬口博史, 関成人, 甲斐信幸, 内藤誠二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 51-51, 2004. |
Urinary frequency of the bladder exit part obstruction (BOO) case during 57 α 1 blocking agent internal use, examination of the clinical response of the anticholinergic drug combination for the urinary urgency 鈴木康之, 高坂哲, 岸本幸一, 鈴木英訓, 古田昭, 長谷川雄一, 山田裕紀, 三木淳, 沼崎進, 頴川晋 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 52-52, 2004. |
Examination of the usefulness of frequency of the hyperactivity bladder with 58 prostatic hyperplasia and α 1 blocker (naftopidil) 合谷信行1), 福井準之助2), 東間紘1), 井口靖裕3), 徳本直彦1), 巴ひかる4), 木原健4), 永田幹男2), 黒川純2), 杉村亨之2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 52-52, 2004. |
Fact-finding of 59 holmium leather prostate enucleation (HOLEP) postoperative urination state satisfaction and urinary incontinence 三木真弓1), 西原トヨ子1),2), 田中友香1),2), 持田蔵1),2), 原律子1),2), 鷺山和幸1),2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 53-53, 2004. |
Fact-finding of the fall fall in 60 eliminative behavior 加藤むつ子, 数見悦子, 伊藤恵子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 53-53, 2004. |
Conduct telephone consultation about 62 urinary incontinence 井手千佳1), 中町真喜子1), 田島純子1), 森豊子1), 東武昇平2), 森健一2), 松尾学2), 野口満2), 金武洋2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 54-54, 2004. |
We think about "the thought of the patients" for 63 nurse call 大室美保子, 大島邦代, 田洋美, 文才理, 石井泰憲, 金子昌司 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 55-55, 2004. |
8 cases that we transferred to from 64 medical treatment type hospital for uropathy 芦沢好夫, 武藤智, 吉井隆, 西尾浩二郎, 斉藤恵介, 栗原浩司, 岡野由典, 上山裕, 岡田弘, 堀江重郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 55-55, 2004. |
The present conditions of the clean intermittent self catheterization for elderly people in 65 our hospital outpatient department 森田玲子1), 玉木美種子1), 太田智恵美1), 大口尚基2), 六車光英2), 松田公志2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 56-56, 2004. |
Examination of the diaper secession judgment of 66 advanced age urinary incontinence patients 楠雅代, 梅津恵, 久野扶美, 村上千恵子, 小沢律恵, 三浦久幸, 岡村菊夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 56-56, 2004. |
After 67 total prostatectomy comparison between evaluation - urinary incontinence group and urination incontinence group - of the quality of life of the patients 木川美代子, 中村妙子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 57-57, 2004. |
An urination disorder investigation in the aging area more than 68: About a change with the aging in particular 曽我倫久人1), 杉村芳樹2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 57-57, 2004. |
Examination of the bedridden degree and urination state in 69 care insurance chief physician opinions book 寺邑敏彦, 寺邑能實 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 58-58, 2004. |
Fact-finding - of present conditions - Fukuoka-shi of the urination in settings of 70 care 武井実根雄1), 宮崎良春2), 山口秋人2), 関成人2), 岡留綾2), 鍋島義之2), 内藤誠二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 58-58, 2004. |
Rating system suitable for the general physicians for 71 elderly people urination disorders 岡村菊夫1), 野尻佳克1), 長浜克志2), 加納英人2), 宮崎政美2), 長田浩彦3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 59-59, 2004. |
Trial of the "excretion instruction person" in 72 Aichi excretion care meetings for the study training 吉川羊子1), 後藤百万1), 大島伸一1), 渡邉順子2), 生田美智子3), 永坂和子3), 小林加代子3), 青木直子3), 岩井歩3), 土屋雅彦3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 59-59, 2004. |
Collaboration ... with a role and the physician of the resource nurse in efforts - specialty outpatient department of the urination management in 73 senior Popes 田中純子, 田中奈美子, 山田直子, 島田明子, 永田幹男, 黒川純, 杉本晃士, 杉村亨之, 貫井文彦, 福井準之助 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 60-60, 2004. |
Examination - by epidemiological investigation - IPSS about the urination disorder of 74 elderly people 池田義弘, 中川晴夫, 海法康裕, 荒井陽一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 60-60, 2004. |
Patients with backbone infarction that excretion could become independent by 75 intermission withdrawing of urine and self-enema, and at-home life allowed 梶原敦子1),2), 深谷保男1), 堀川由美子1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 61-61, 2004. |
The one instance case that cancer pain was able to control by 76 teams medical care well 白石多恵, 奥家艶子, 原畑法子, 宮宇地徳昌 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 61-61, 2004. |
One discussion about self-care instruction of 77 elderly people Ostomate and the long-term support system 木村智葉 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 62-62, 2004. |
Problems of the use of intermission-type balloon catheter for patients with 78 spinal cord injury 八十浜成人, 冨岡佳代, 安済ノブ, 堀房子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 62-62, 2004. |
Grasp of the urination state using a one side method diaper sensor of the urination fact-finding in elderly people with 79 dementia 細谷佳子1), 内田幸雄1), 谷佳子1), 富樫のり子1), 岡田愛子1), 渡辺理恵1), 丹野恵美子1), 中川晴夫2), 海法康裕2), 荒井陽一2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 63-63, 2004. |
For making, the introduction of the self catheterization mirror for 80 women 水野一美, 田村峰子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 63-63, 2004. |
Invention of the appliance for the self catheterization for men with imperfection quadriplegia that the finger function of 81 both sides abolished 大橋英行 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 17: 64-64, 2004. |