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Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011)
Volume 18, Issue / 2005
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
"Approach of the cellular biology for the tailor-made medicine" 祖父江憲治 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 1-1, 2005. |
"The present conditions and measures of diabetes" 佐藤譲 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 2-2, 2005. |
Hypogonadism in S-1 aging men 堀江重郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 3-3, 2005. |
Epidemiology of the S-2 men sexual function 丸茂健 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 4-4, 2005. |
Diagnosis of the S-3 ED 佐々木春明 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 5-5, 2005. |
Treatment of the S-4 erectile dysfunction 小谷俊一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 6-6, 2005. |
S-5 phalloplasty, penile prosthetic transplant surgery 永尾光一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 7-7, 2005. |
S-6 (1) women sexual dysfunction - general remarks - 小谷俊一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 8-8, 2005. |
Male sexual dysfunction - that we saw it from S-6 (2) women sexual dysfunction - female partner 永尾光一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 9-9, 2005. |
Term of the chairmanship 西澤理1), 本間之夫2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 10-10, 2005. |
For realization of the PD-1 made-to-order urination management: To fill care and the medical interval 岩坪暎二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 11-11, 2005. |
PD-2 urination diary 石橋寿子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 12-12, 2005. |
Self catheterization of PD-3 elderly people 野口満 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 13-13, 2005. |
Efforts of the PD-4 Shinshu excretion care meeting for the study 伊藤喜世子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 14-14, 2005. |
What is found for the individual care in the settings of the PD-5 care job 牧野美奈子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 15-15, 2005. |
Importance of "education, the learning" in the PD-6 urination management 吉川羊子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 16-16, 2005. |
Examination of the urologic surgery case for 1 elderly person 80 years or older 高尾徹也, 辻村晃, 宮川康, 高田晋吾, 西村和郎, 吉村一宏, 野々村祝夫, 高原史郎, 奥山明彦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 17-17, 2005. |
The transurethral high temperature therapy that used balloon expansion for the elderly people prostatic hyperplasia more than 2 together 村上真基1), 塚田修1), 小菅崇 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 17-17, 2005. |
Examination of the transurethral prostatic electric transpiration technique for patients with 3 old prostatic hyperplasia 80 years or older 佐藤俊和1), 能勢頼人1), 田嶋健一1), 橿淵啓史1), 田島惇1), 吉田さやか2), 野口かおり2), 近藤清子2), 高橋智子2), 金井美江子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 18-18, 2005. |
Examination of the own urination type bladder substitution in 4 elderly people 山下哲史, 杉下圭治 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 18-18, 2005. |
One case that caused experience and urethrorectal fistula of the urethral stent for 5 elderly people 中井正治1), 前川正信1), 塩山力也1), 大山伸幸1), 三輪吉司1), 秋野裕信1), 横山修1), 守山典宏2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 19-19, 2005. |
Examination of the elderly people urology department surgery case in 6 our hospital 尾張幸久, 大森聡, 丹治進, 近田龍一郎, 藤岡知昭 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 19-19, 2005. |
Fact-finding of the nocturia in 7 urology department outpatient department 中川保美, 徳田真由美, 福士文子, 梅木佳世, 朴英哲 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 20-20, 2005. |
About the participation of the iatrogenic factor for the nocturia of 8 elderly people 大岡均至, 野瀬隆一郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 20-20, 2005. |
Questionary survey about the urination management of the care manager in 9 Miyazaki-shi 井上勝己, 薬師寺和道, 長田幸夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 21-21, 2005. |
Examination of an urination symptom and the quality of life in the health center for the elderly in 10 Utsunomiya-shi 綱川敦子1), 関山和弥2), 山西友典3), 森偉久夫2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 21-21, 2005. |
Invention - second report ... of the telephone consultation about the urinary incontinence by 11 nurses 井手千佳, 中町真喜子, 田島純子, 高橋眞弓 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 22-22, 2005. |
An urination disorder investigation and excretion help technique in 12 our hospital 田村佐智, 刈谷博幸, 戸梶チエ子, 北島清彰 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 22-22, 2005. |
PSA examination in 13 Gifu: Examination about the PSA normal value increase 75 years or older 宇野裕巳1), 高橋義人2), 石原哲2), 出口隆2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 23-23, 2005. |
Clinical examination about the prostate biopsy for 14 elderly people 80 years or older 小島宗門1), 廣田英二1), 増田健人1), 矢田康文1), 早瀬喜正2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 23-23, 2005. |
Examination about the urinary incontinence after 15 total prostatectomy 金城真実, 桶川隆嗣, 奴田原紀久雄, 東原英二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 24-24, 2005. |
It is the history of treatment by the interference low frequency for the urinary incontinence after prostate cancer technique in 16 our hospital 大岡均至, 野瀬隆一郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 24-24, 2005. |
17 prostate cancer endocrine therapy and bone density, bone metabolism marker 山田雄太1), 高橋悟1), 野宮明2), 西松寛明1), 久米春喜1), 石川晃1), 冨田京一1), 武内巧1), 北村唯一1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 25-25, 2005. |
Diachronic measurement - of the speed urinary flow by effect on 18 prostatic hyperplasia - transperineal supersonic wave Doppler that alpha blocker administration gives to intraurethral speed at urination 小澤秀夫1), 上松克利1), 能勢宏幸2), 横山光彦2), 大森弘之1), 公文裕巳2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 26-26, 2005. |
Discussion about the diachronic pathologic change in 19 prostatic hyperplasia 百瀬均, 岸野辰樹, 細川幸成, 小野隆征, 大山信雄 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 26-26, 2005. |
Effect of the Eviprostat on urination disorder with 20 prostatic hyperplasia 鈴木英訓1), 後藤博一1), 山本順啓1), 池本庸2), 富田雅之2), 鈴木康之2), 頴川晋2), 波多野孝史3), 中條洋4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 27-27, 2005. |
Examination about the seasonal variation of the lower urinary tract symptom of patients with 21 prostatic hyperplasia 池本庸1), 清田浩1), 古田昭1), 小杉繁1), 頴川晋1), 白井尚2), 鳥居伸一郎3), 武内宏之1), 阿部和弘1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 27-27, 2005. |
Examination of the effect on blood pressure, pulse with the change of position of hydrochloric acid tamsulosin for patients with 22 advanced age prostatic hyperplasia 松尾朋博1), 野口満1), 東武昇平1), 森健一1), 高橋元2), 松尾学1), 西村直樹3), 谷口啓輔4), 宮崎伸一郎5), 金武洋1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 28-28, 2005. |
23 urination disorders and sleep disorder - α blocker improve a sleep disorder of BPH; or - 小杉繁1), 鈴木康之2), 高坂哲3), 池本庸1), 岸本幸一2), 鈴木英訓1), 古田昭1), 塩野裕1), 成岡健人1), 頴川晋1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 28-28, 2005. |
Comparison - of examination - elderly people and the young people about the clinical response of hydrochloric acid tamsulosin for IPSS, quality of life of patients with 24 prostatic hyperplasia and Bother 桝永浩一1), 吉田正貴1), 稲留彰人1), 上田昭一1), 藤澤章二2), 平山英雄3), 山本広敏4), 野尻明弘5) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 29-29, 2005. |
Effect of the age in 25 locoregional type prostate cancer treatment 松山豪泰1), 松田健二2), 長尾一公1), 安井平造3), 吉弘悟3), 馬場良和2), 須賀昭信1), 松本洋明1), 城甲啓治1), 内藤克輔1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 30-30, 2005. |
About the health-related quality of life of patients with 26 prostate cancer about - treatment postclimax ambulatory patient - 早原信行1), 榊原敏彦1), 石井啓一2), 上川禎則1), 杉本俊門1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 30-30, 2005. |
Multicenter study of 27 total prostatectomy clinical path 野尻佳克1), 岡村菊夫2), 奥村和弘2), 津島知靖2), 長井辰哉2), 川喜多睦司2), 上平修2), 斉藤史郎2), 寺井章人2), 副島秀久2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 31-31, 2005. |
Medical care for patients with 28 prostate cancer at the end of life 山田大介, 野崎邦浩, 陶山文三 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 31-31, 2005. |
Questionary survey about the validity of 29 prostate cancer notices 野口和美, 上村博司, 寺西淳一, 藤浪潔, 三好康秀, 中井川昇, 齋藤和男 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 32-32, 2005. |
Sexual function before and after the implant therapy in the prostate for the prostate cancer in 30 Kanazawa University and urination state 中村千鶴1), 太田あや1), 竹内弘美1), 冨田静江1), 溝上敦2), 高田昌幸2), 小松和人2), 並木幹夫2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 33-33, 2005. |
Usefulness of the hCG therapy for 31 PADAM patients 50 years or older 辻村晃1), 高尾徹也1), 宮川康1), 高田晋吾1), 古賀実2), 竹山政美2), 松宮清美3), 岩佐厚4), 奥山明彦1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 33-33, 2005. |
Examination of the preoperation factor involved in the sexual function of the patients who underwent 32 TUR-P 小倉正治, 大東貴志, 宮嶋哲, 堀口裕, 中川健, 大家基嗣, 中島淳, 丸茂健, 村井勝 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 34-34, 2005. |
Examination of the life-style related diseases in patients with 33 elderly people spinal cord injury 佐藤聡秋, 毛利学, 森田肇 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 34-34, 2005. |
Effect of the rachiopathy in 34 men urination disorders 福田孝1), 由利康裕1), 藤枝信夫1), 寺邑敏彦2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 35-35, 2005. |
Attitude survey about the attendant in 35 general anesthesia laparotomy lap stage of surgical anesthesia 遊佐裕子1), 八島和子1), 羽田みゆき1), 吉田有佳子1), 安斉加奈子1), 酒井泉1), 実沢洋子1), 八巻美智子1), 村木修2), 伊達智徳2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 36-36, 2005. |
Trial of the video orientation for 36 surgery (testing) planned patients 古村富美子, 原田しま子, 木暮志穂, 小島紀子, 江島桃枝, 前田孝子, 竹内美智子, 増田健人, 矢田康文, 小島宗門 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 36-36, 2005. |
About the effect of the education on nurse taking instruction of 37 cleanliness intermission self catheterization 矢作美加子1), 谷口珠実2), 丹波光子1), 小島美保2), 東原英二2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 37-37, 2005. |
Problems in the nursing of patients with 38 interstitial cystitis 岡晶子, 松下清美, 山本久美香, 山中稔子, 齊藤亮一, 西川信之, 上田朋宏 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 38-38, 2005. |
An effect and problems that we use 39 six phases hematuria scales 田崎愛子, 木下由紀子, 岩佐みどり, 西村直樹 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 38-38, 2005. |
One discussion about the condition to enable independence of the intermittent self catheterization in being at home of 40 elderly people 梶原敦子1), 深谷保男2), 堀川由美子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 39-39, 2005. |
Efforts and result - interim report - of the excretion care management instructor training business that 42 Yamagata is right 佐藤和佳子, 舟山恵美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 40-40, 2005. |
Recognition investigation of the care manager about 43 "excretion management" 松田久雄1), 渡辺由美2), 植村天授3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 40-40, 2005. |
With importance of the individual care in 44 special elderly nursing home institutions;, actually 遠藤八代美1), 山野良夫1), 竹本佐知子1), 長谷川恵子1), 牧野美奈子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 41-41, 2005. |
Efforts of the excretion care utilized the characteristic of 45 unit care 竹本佐知子1), 遠藤八代美1), 長谷川恵子1), 牧野美奈子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 41-41, 2005. |
Rating system of the urination disorder disease severity of 46 patients, caregiver level 岡村菊夫1), 野尻佳克1), 長浜克志2), 長田浩彦3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 42-42, 2005. |
Trial of the quality of life evaluation in the family caring for 47 urinary frequency, urinary incontinence patients 川喜多繁誠1), 河源1), 大口尚基2), 木下秀文1), 松田公志1), 川喜田睦司3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 42-42, 2005. |
Quality of life investigation in urinary frequency, the urinary incontinence treatment with 48 hydrochloric acid propiverine 野口和美1), 近藤慶一1), 鈴木康太郎1), 山岸拓也1), 齋藤和男1), 小川毅彦2), 上村博司2), 中井川昇2), 矢尾正祐2), 窪田吉信2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 43-43, 2005. |
Urination management of need of nursing care elderly people by the urination monitoring using 49 diaper sensors and volume of urine measuring instrument in the supersonic wave bladder 小泉美佐子1), 新井明子1), 内田陽子1), 島田由美子2), 田中志子3), 増田明美3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 43-43, 2005. |
Development of 50 new volume of urine monitor "lily phosphorus R" and usability test in the healthy subject 朽津直美1), 児玉廣之2), 岩坪暎二3), 吉村尚4), 吉田啓介1), 吉村康生1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 44-44, 2005. |
Efforts of the electromagnetic stimulation therapy for 51 urinary incontinence 吉野由賀子1), 西野整一1), 木原健1), 犬塚信子2), 井口靖浩2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 45-45, 2005. |
Effect of the individual floor of the pelvis line exercises combination sacrum periosteum acupuncture needle stimulation therapy for the floor of the pelvis disorder after 52 hysterectomy 関口麻紀1), 関口由紀2), 小野塚千絵3), 本城久司4), 吉川羊子5), 後藤百万5) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 45-45, 2005. |
Relation to the patients undergoing 53 urinary incontinence surgery 青木美佐子, 入澤千晴, 新国久美子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 46-46, 2005. |
Attitude survey of 54 female urologic foreign consultation patients 高谷明美1), 森田玲子1), 丸尾野八重子1), 大口尚基2), 日浦義仁2), 木下秀文2), 松田公志2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 46-46, 2005. |
Background - of the patients present conditions report -65 years old or older with urologic foreign testee in the clinic for exclusive use of 55 women 新島礼子1), 巴ひかる2), 保坂はるみ3), 藤間恵子3), 星順子3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 47-47, 2005. |
Adverse event of the induction chemotherapy for 56 elderly people testicular tumors 安東聡, 河合弘二, 高岡栄一郎, 服部一紀, 島居徹, 赤座英之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 48-48, 2005. |
One case of the living renal transplantation between 57 advanced age couples 難波行臣1), 石黒伸1), 今村亮一1), 今尾哲也1), 市丸直嗣1), 高原史郎2), 奥山明彦1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 48-48, 2005. |
Results of delirium measures with 58 medical therapy 東武昇平, 野口満, 松尾朋博, 森健一, 松尾学, 錦戸雅春, 酒井英樹, 野俣浩一郎, 金武洋 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 49-49, 2005. |
Weigh the example that caused delirium after ... operation about 59 urinary diversion postoperative delirium inducer and the example that did not cause it; and ... 袴田将嗣, 田中みどり, 佐藤良子, 小松都 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 49-49, 2005. |
Effect of the rehabilitation program on functional urinary incontinence of 20 patients with 60 old higher brain function disorders 長島緑 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 50-50, 2005. |
About a change after an efforts investigation, the training for the functional urinary incontinence of 61 medical institutions 長島緑1), 會田玉美2), 関口和子3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 50-50, 2005. |
The trial of the floor of the pelvis line exercises for the patients undergoing 62 radical total prostatectomy: Through brochure making 三浦由子, 寺下恵都子, 佐藤忍, 小宮祥子, 広瀬優子, 毛利潤子, 青木慶一郎, 島田誠 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 51-51, 2005. |
The effectiveness of floor of the pelvis line exercises in 63 prostate complete removal postoperative urinary incontinence 松森ゆきみ1), 竹原肖江1), 博田智子1), 近藤博子1), 西村朗2), 藤原修2), 上松克利3), 小澤秀夫3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 51-51, 2005. |
Experience of the floor of the pelvis muscle exercise instruction in 64 radical total prostatectomy 高田幸1), 齋藤恵子1), 前之園有子1), 近江晶子1), 大川ノブ子1), 西村かおる2), 大川麻子3), 門脇和臣3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 52-52, 2005. |
Trial of the bladder training method for urinary incontinence prevention for the elderly people at-home supporter by 65 care managers required 坂本増美1), 川越久美2), 井上勝己3), 長田幸夫3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 52-52, 2005. |
Experience of the musical therapy for the bladder irritation with 66 transurethral postoperative urethral catheterisation 寺田好美1), 谷口貴子1), 井口和江1), 前田正美1), 高尾徹也2), 辻村晃2), 奥山明彦2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 53-53, 2005. |
Examination of change over time and the nursing of the tenesmus in 67 urinary tract catheter custody 田籠一美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 53-53, 2005. |
Effect - of allied - cranberry juice drinking of a change and the skin trouble of urinary pH of 68 hollows Tommy construction patients 関山静子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 54-54, 2005. |
Investigation about 69 urinary tract reconstruction postoperative life satisfaction 宮沢真弓, 後藤志津香, 山口孝江, 岡根谷利一, 西澤秀治 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 54-54, 2005. |
One instance case of the latter term old cervical cord injury that passed after 70 injury in 32 years 千田喜久子1), 浪間孝重2), 渡邉幸子1), 佐々木いづみ1), 霜山絵美1), 赤間美恵子1), 川崎芳英2), 大沼徹太郎2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 55-55, 2005. |
Patients with cervical cord injury that urination independence established in a relation of the excretion care in being at home after 71 discharges 結城光, 横内美智子, 横山富美江, 猪狩ハツ子, 新田ヒロミ Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 18: 55-55, 2005. |