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Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011)
Volume 19, Issue / 2006
English Article Japanese Article
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Battle front of the hyperactivity bladder treatment 吉田正貴 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 1-1, 2006. |
Can do it in settings of art - nursing, the care of the urination management 今丸満美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 2-2, 2006. |
Bowel dysfunction in old age Christine Norton Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 3-4, 2006. |
Intention of the "correspondence to the patients with excretory disorder" plan 西村かおる Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 5-7, 2006. |
"24 years when we learned with children with excretory disorder called the polyuria" 神野啓子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 8-8, 2006. |
"Move forward with excretory disorder" called "polyuria" 塩津直子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 9-9, 2006. |
Until "we come across a catheter" 矢澤康行 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 10-10, 2006. |
From Japanese alphabet - basics of relation for the neurogenic bladder patients to application - 百瀬均 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 11-11, 2006. |
"Trial -TOT(trans-obturator tape) surgery - of the new surgery for stress urinary incontinence" 巴ひかる Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 12-12, 2006. |
Characteristic and appropriate how to choose excretion articles 浜田きよ子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 13-13, 2006. |
Until urination record - how to put, form, instruction - 田中純子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 14-14, 2006. |
Evaluation - by comparison - video manometry of lower urinary tract (LUT), lower digestive tract (LGIT) in 001 healthy subjects 伊藤敬志1, 榊原隆次1, 内山智之1, 山本達也1, 劉志1, 阿波裕輔2, 山本香織2, 木納美香2, 山口千晴3, 服部孝道1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 15-15, 2006. |
Usefulness of the urinary flow dynamic function study in 002 diabetes 山口千晴1, 榊原隆次2, 内山智之2, 劉志2, 山本達也2, 伊藤敬志2, 阿波裕輔3, 真々田賢司1, 澤部祐司1, 野村文夫3, 服部孝道2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 15-15, 2006. |
Fact-finding of the maneuver in 004 at-home self catheterization 斎藤佳恵, 水口雅代, 丸谷晃子, 竹内弘美, 冨田静江 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 16-16, 2006. |
Investigation about CIC by the elderly people in 005 Hoshigaoka welfare annuity hospitals 松下千枝1, 細川幸成1, 小野隆征1, 大山信雄1, 菅井亜由美2, 中川優子1, 田中久美子1, 百瀬均1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 17-17, 2006. |
Problems at introduction of 006 elderly people self catheterization patients and the measures 岩切直子, 田島純子, 大平知子, 竹内舞衣子, 萩原絹子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 17-17, 2006. |
Clean intermittent withdrawing of urine instruction using the brochure to 007 elderly people 熊澤久美子, 藤井美保子, 竹内千晴, 村上千恵子, 河合多喜子, 野上宏美, 野尻佳克, 岡村菊夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 18-18, 2006. |
Usefulness of the simple bladder capacity measuring instrument in 008 urination people with a disability 高坂哲 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 18-18, 2006. |
Proposal of the rational bladder function rating system for use of 009 diapers elderly people 岩坪暎二, 八木廣朗, 福田禧子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 19-19, 2006. |
Acute phase urination disorder care for the weak elderly people by 010 nurses 野尻佳克, 岡村菊夫, 吉田千恵, 渡辺町子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 19-19, 2006. |
Examination about 012 pressure sores and urination Control Law 松尾学1, 野口満2, 畑田鉄平2, 東武昇平2, 松尾朋博2, 金武洋2, 宮下征子3, 高橋正美3, 平田三枝子3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 20-20, 2006. |
The individual urination management in 013 elderly people-adaptive lease houses and the importance 土屋雅彦1, 小倉弘幸1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 21-21, 2006. |
Urination management - CGA (using gerontological general usability test (Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment) - of the elderly people in 014 medical treatment wards 永坂和子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 21-21, 2006. |
Study on appropriate correspondence to 015 elderly people urination disorders 高橋悟, 大川麻子, 後藤百万, 鈴木康之, 武井実根雄 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 22-22, 2006. |
Attitude survey about the excretion care at 016 disaster prevention 吉川羊子1, 後藤百万1, 大島伸一2, 土屋雅彦3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 22-22, 2006. |
The present conditions of the caregiver who 017 is at home, and urinates, and cares 田島純子1, 岩切直子1, 竹内舞衣子1, 大平知子1, 萩原絹子1, 東武昇平2, 松尾学2, 野口満2, 金武洋2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 23-23, 2006. |
The bladder training method to an advanced age at-home supporter by 018 care managers required 坂本増美1, 川越久美2, 井上勝己3, 長田幸夫3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 23-23, 2006. |
We investigate recognition about the incontinence prevention of the care prophylactic exercise instructor training student attending a lecture in 019 care prevention business 牧野美奈子1, 神智淳2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 24-24, 2006. |
The excretion support system in 020 hospitals 美濃久美子1, 福家啓子1, 長尾由美子1, 漆原茂美1, 星川美穂1, 多田敏子1, 大橋洋三2, 藤田治2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 24-24, 2006. |
Examination of an urination symptom and the quality of life in the 021 U city health center for the elderly, 2 綱川敦子1, 関山和弥2, 山西友典3, 森偉久夫2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 25-25, 2006. |
Examination about the need of the actual situation of the urination management in 022 our hospital rehabilitation wards and the urologic intervention 三輪好生1, 西田泰幸1, 佐々木祐介2, 森憲司2, 小木曽小百合3, 各務康代3, 林ゆかり3, 松田敦子3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 25-25, 2006. |
Frequency of a nocturia type and the bladder capacity drop type in 023 nocturia 新保斉, 大塚篤史, 今西武志, 永田仁夫, 麦谷荘一, 牛山知己, 大園誠一郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 26-26, 2006. |
Approach ... using nursing - scale to the uneasiness of 024 TUR-P patients 國弘千春, 楠雅代, 加藤生絵, 山口静, 秋山廣子, 岡村菊夫, 野尻佳克 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 26-26, 2006. |
Examination of the effect of the aromatherapy on strain of the patients at 025 prostate biopsies 山田恭子1, 寺田好美1, 竹田津利江1, 前田正美1, 高尾徹也2, 辻村晃2, 奥山明彦2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 27-27, 2006. |
It is ... about use of examination - infusion anesthesia of the nursing at 026 prostate biopsies 刈谷博幸, 景平英子, 加納美和, 北島清彰 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 27-27, 2006. |
Compare at change - male physician enforcement of the consciousness of the women at examination of 027 pressure flow study and the women urination function test person enforcement; and ... 塩山由美, 立川久美, 関成人, 甲斐信幸 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 28-28, 2006. |
Effect of a foot bath, the hot compress on nocturia of 028 elderly people 池上千聡, 赤羽恵子, 小澤恵美, 富田康敬 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 28-28, 2006. |
The experience that patients who received 029 high-density focus-style ultrasonic diathermy received bladder indwelling catheter self-care 松野友紀1, 平山千登勢1, 曽根富久子1, 谷口珠実2, 桶川隆嗣2, 東原英二2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 29-29, 2006. |
From relations of foreign nursing - age and disease severity of patients with 030 interstitial cystitis - 宇都沙緒里, 大末恭子, 藤川暢子, 真崎加奈子, 松永享子, 山口和子, 金子浩子, 柳迫昌美, 武井実根雄 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 29-29, 2006. |
About effect to give to self-drainage catheters of 031 cationic detergent addition glycerin liquid 大岡均至1, 藤澤正人2, 岩坪暎二3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 30-30, 2006. |
About effect to give to insuccation and self-drainage catheters made of silicone rubber of the repetition sterilization by boiling on 032 antiseptic solution 大岡均至1, 藤澤正人2, 岩坪暎二3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 30-30, 2006. |
The example that excretion care turned into with 033 appropriate welfare tools 長谷川恵子1, 三角真理1, 竹本佐知子1, 牧野美奈子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 31-31, 2006. |
The effectiveness of the actual situation and the house environment maintenance of the excretion management in 034 home health care settings 土屋雅彦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 31-31, 2006. |
Ergonomic evidence -1 to support the design of 035 excretion tools 石井賢俊1, 賀集竹子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 32-32, 2006. |
Design example - of ergonomic evidence -2 - ergonomic evidence-based excretion tool to support the design of 036 excretion tools 石井賢俊1, 小板橋喜久代2, 新藤直子3, 加藤登志子4, 石井百合子5, 望月彬也6 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 32-32, 2006. |
Examination of the elderly testee in 037 prostate cancer PSA examination 75 years or older 酒井英樹, 井川掌, 金武洋 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 33-33, 2006. |
It is examined the testee 80 years old in 038 prostate cancer examination or older 宇野裕巳1, 高橋義人2, 出口隆2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 33-33, 2006. |
Clinical examination of 039 elderly people prostate cancer case 井川掌, 宮田康好, 久松浩, 酒井英樹, 金武洋 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 34-34, 2006. |
Attitude survey of the nurse stopping by after clinical path introduction of 040 laparoscopic total prostatectomy 菰方幸子, 木下幸子, 國枝卓子, 坂下由枝 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 34-34, 2006. |
It is reviewed the instruction at 041 prostate complete removal postoperative discharge time 赤田知美1, 豊岡藍1, 須藤洋子1, 浅野玲子1, 並木俊一2, 中川晴夫2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 35-35, 2006. |
About the stress factor in the treatment process of 042 high doses division implant therapy 大池綾子, 田中みどり, 石川美里, 長田真由美, 吉部恵理子, 佐藤良子, 小松都 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 35-35, 2006. |
It is examination about the urinary incontinence after an operation in 043 holmium laser prostate enucleation (HoLEP) 前田高宏, 西本絋嗣郎, 大東貴志, 村井勝 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 36-36, 2006. |
Is the detrusor mistake reflection in 044 prostatic hypertrophy case associated with age and occlude grade? 関戸哲利, 常楽晃, 樋之津史郎, 河合弘二, 宮永直人, 及川剛宏, 島居徹, 赤座英之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 36-36, 2006. |
Possibility - to usefulness - POP diagnosis of the peritoneal echo in 045 floor of the pelvis line exercises instruction 入澤千晴, 青木美佐子, 横田陽子, 新国久美子, 大島一恵, 入澤千晶 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 37-37, 2006. |
Quality of life investigation of 046 interference low frequency stimulation therapy 高谷明美1, 相本幸恵1, 田和由美子1, 西本美幸1, 大口尚基2, 川喜多繁誠2, 日浦義仁2, 木下秀文2, 松田公志2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 37-37, 2006. |
Problems when we shift to genital prolapse surgery treatment managed in 047 pessaries 中田真木1, 中山裕敏2, 新島礼子1, 小島俊行1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 38-38, 2006. |
About estrogen-replacement therapy before and after 048 genital prolapse plastic surgery 新島礼子1, 中田真木1, 尾添章子2, 須合明美2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 38-38, 2006. |
It is ... for an urination disorder after significance - radical prostatectomy of the floor of the pelvis muscle exercise in 049 men 齊藤恵子1, 斉藤理代1, 高田幸1, 大川ノブ子1, 西村かおる1, 大川麻子2, 石井淳一郎2, 嶺井定嗣2, 入江啓2, 門脇和臣2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 39-39, 2006. |
Treatment of the urge incontinence with 050 hydrochloric acid propiverine and clinical studies about the quality of life improvement 松川宜久, 後藤百万, 吉川羊子, 服部良平, 小野佳成 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 39-39, 2006. |
Examination about the lower urinary tract symptom in 051 elderly women 池田義弘, 中川晴夫, 竹本淳, 海法康裕, 松下真史 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 40-40, 2006. |
Clinical examination of the new anticancer agent treatment for patients with 052 advanced age urothelial carcinoma 稲留彰人, 桝永浩一, 高橋渡, 吉田正貴, 上田昭一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 40-40, 2006. |
Clinicopathologic examination - by usefulness - regional arterial infusion therapy of the preoperation MVAC chemotherapy in 053 bladder total extraction cases and the systemic chemotherapy 松本和将1, 入江啓1, 佐藤威文1, 藤田哲夫1, 村本将俊1, 岩村正嗣1, 内田豊昭2, 馬場志郎1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 41-41, 2006. |
Clinical statistics of the surgery case urologic 70 years old in 054 our hospital or older 松崎敦1, 寺内文人1, 鷲野聡1, 小林裕1, 森田辰男2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 41-41, 2006. |
Examination (the second report) of the urologic surgery case for 055 elderly people 80 years or older - About complications - 高尾徹也, 木内寛, 小森和彦, 藤田和利, 松岡庸洋, 宮川康, 高田晋吾, 辻村晃, 野々村祝夫, 奥山明彦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 42-42, 2006. |
Infusion with the hypodermic injection for patients with 056 end-stage cancers 作間俊治, 藤田亮 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 42-42, 2006. |
We prevent delirium after elderly people technique with 057 zolpidem 東武昇平1, 野口満1, 畑田鉄平1, 松尾朋博1, 森健一1, 松尾学2, 金武洋1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 43-43, 2006. |
Examination of the office visiting rate by an epidemiologic survey and the treatment instruction of the male sexual function of 058 elderly people 中川晴夫1, 池田義弘1, 竹本淳1, 松下真史1, 大森芳2, 寶澤篤2, 辻一郎2, 荒井陽一1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 43-43, 2006. |
Clinical examination of elderly patients on dialysis in 059 our hospital 品川剛廣, 加藤香廉, 工藤大輔, 杉村淳, 大森聡, 丹治進, 近田龍一郎, 藤岡知昭 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 44-44, 2006. |
A diagnosis and treatment of the 060th flight incontinence 味村俊樹, 山田英樹, 大見琢磨, 荒井武和, 白京訓, 野澤慶次郎, 松田圭二, 安達実樹, 冲永功太 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 44-44, 2006. |
About a faecal incontinence diagnosis and treatment in 061 our hospital 高橋知子1, 山名哲郎1, 積美保子2, 佐原力三郎1, 岩垂純一1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 45-45, 2006. |
The effectiveness of the nursing care program for the dyschezia of 062 care health center for the elderly residents 陶山啓子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 45-45, 2006. |
Development of quality metrics of the bowel movement care in 063 elderly people temporary nursing at home 辻村真由子1, 赤沼智子2, 根本敬子2, 本田彰子2, 鈴木育子3, 石垣和子2, 山本則子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 46-46, 2006. |
Concept analysis of 064 "bowel movement management" 谷口珠実1, 小松浩子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 46-46, 2006. |
The actual situation of the bowel movement management in 065 temporary nursing at home 榊原千秋, 塚崎恵子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 47-47, 2006. |
For 066 constipation and life that does not have loose bowels approach - of the bowel movement care in - special elderly nursing home Kotobuki village Land 船津良夫1, 正井章子1, 梅林真紀1, 中村きょう子2, 合田由紀子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 47-47, 2006. |
An example of the rectal huge fossilized fecal matter which we were able to make cut stone with 067 compressed air lithotriptor (lithoclast) 神山剛一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 48-48, 2006. |
The present conditions and problems of the bowel movement management of the person with 068 at-home high rank cervical cord injury 高岡素子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 48-48, 2006. |
Experience the bowel movement rehabilitation of patients with 069 spinal cord injury 種子田美穂子, 桑野初子, 野明俊裕, 荒木靖三, 高野正博 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 49-49, 2006. |
It is ... from efforts for the getting up of 070 severeness institution users to a bowel movement spontaneous by ... gene locus excretion 小林君代, 馬渕規嘉, 杉岡徹哉, 今村寧 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 49-49, 2006. |
The example that was connected by the review of the use of 071 laxative and the maintenance of the excretion environment for bowel control 三角真理1, 長谷川恵子1, 竹本佐知子1, 牧野美奈子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 50-50, 2006. |
About bowel movement support to support life of 072 severeness dementia about bowel movement support of Mr. - maegashira both sides of the head type dementia A - 渡邊一江, 山本千夏, 奥村千鶴, 北野ひかる, 福本めぐみ, 烏田光枝, 脇田美佳, 田中貴恵 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 50-50, 2006. |
We look back from the care of the factor examination 2 example of 073 coprophilia 根本由美子1, 東秀へい2, 樽川智美2, 金沢幸子3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 51-51, 2006. |
Restroom circumstances in 074 Laos country farm villages area and fact-finding of the excretory disorder 釜土禮子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 51-51, 2006. |
The present conditions of the efforts about the excretion improvement of elderly people in 077 Fukuoka 武井実根雄, 宮崎良春, 山口秋人, 関成人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 53-53, 2006. |
About the actual situation of the excretion care in our 079 temporary nursing at home station 結城光, 横内美智子, 横山富美江, 猪狩ハツ子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 54-54, 2006. |
From 080 urinary frequency, questionary survey in attitude survey - citizen open lecture about the urinary incontinence - 木下幸子1, 祖父江正代2, 西野好則3, 出口隆4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 54-54, 2006. |
About the actual situation of the urinary incontinence of elderly women judging from 081 telephone consultation 浪間孝重1, 中川晴夫2, 星清継1, 大沼徹太郎1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 55-55, 2006. |
An example of the cystocele given 083 anterior wall of vagina reefing and vaginal cavity reefing 香西光1, 福田孝1, 由利康裕1, 寺邑敏彦2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 56-56, 2006. |
1 case (including analysis by Videourodynamics) of 084 urethral diverticula 朝倉博孝1, 高橋光子2, 遠藤明子2, 村井勝3, 長田浩彦3, 野崎祥子4, 相良麻由4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 56-56, 2006. |
One case of patients with 085 radical prostatic elderly people prostate cancer which was totally removed 能勢頼人1, 竹島雄太1, 橿淵啓史1, 佐藤俊和1, 田島惇1, 岸田由起子2, 薬丸一洋2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 57-57, 2006. |
It is experience for a long term of the use of change custody, continuation from a temporary type of 086 elderly people prostatic hyperplasia to eternal type urethral stent 小林正喜1, 岡田安弘1, 滝本至得2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 57-57, 2006. |
Relations with grade and the male hormone of 087 prostate cancer 山田雄太1, 久米春喜2, 福原浩2, 石川晃2, 西松寛明2, 冨田京一2, 武内巧2, 北村唯一2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 58-58, 2006. |
Examination of the effect of treatment for 088 elderly people nocturia 畑田鉄平, 野口満, 東武昇平, 松尾朋博, 松尾学, 金武洋 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 58-58, 2006. |
Questionnaire results about the nocturia for 089 physicians 桝永浩一, 吉田正貴, 稲留彰人, 高橋渡, 上田昭一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 59-59, 2006. |
Lower urinary tract symptom questionary survey in 090 medical offices 岡村菊夫1, 野尻佳克1, 平野真2, 柳原喬3, 村瀬敏之4, 藤沢健夫5 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 59-59, 2006. |
The onset, diagnosis age of patients with 091 interstitial cystitis, lower urinary tract symptom at urinary tract infection 中川雅之1, 伊藤靖彦1, 吉田浩士1, 上田朋宏1, 齋藤亮一2, 西川信之2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 60-60, 2006. |
Examination - of the treatment result by experience - hollow master (TM) of 092 urinary incontinence and interference low frequency treatment for the patients with the urinary frequency 塩山力也1, 青木芳隆1, 棚瀬和弥1, 大山伸幸1, 秋野裕信1, 横山修1, 南後修2, 藤田知洋2, 大滝秀穂3, 木村良平4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 60-60, 2006. |
Examination about various parameter in patients with 093 urination disorders 金城真実, 桶川隆嗣, 奴田原紀久雄, 東原英二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 61-61, 2006. |
Examination - for - Fukui prostate examination testees with 094 lower urinary tract symptoms and Body Mass Index concerned 青木芳隆, 大山伸幸, 三輪吉司, 秋野裕信, 横山修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 61-61, 2006. |
Investigation about the reception of the patients who underwent 095 urinary diversion 渡真利絹江1, 長嶺由樹子1, 伊波義一1, 源河里美1, 内田厚2, 小川由英2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 62-62, 2006. |
One discussion of the self-care instruction of the urinary tract stoma construction patients with 096 Alzheimer's dementia 桜井麻知子, 安藤嘉子, 竹本さと子, 高井万紀子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 62-62, 2006. |
Relation to the elderly staying alone patients who constructed 097 hollows Tommy 佐藤知子, 玉井琴江, 柳澤美保, 伊藤喜世子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 63-63, 2006. |
Look back on case - 11 years when independence, activity spread using 098 wearing type urine collector systems 佐藤文恵 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 63-63, 2006. |
Be associated with independence of the excretion of the case refusing the bowel movement in 099 restrooms 松下清美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 64-64, 2006. |
The soft meal that enabled continuation and bowel control of 100 oral intake 窪田里美, 河内浩美, 重見日出男, 高橋徳昭, えひめ排泄ケア研究会 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 64-64, 2006. |
Examination for quality of life improvement of 101 hollows Tommy patients 桜糀由紀, 高橋真弓, 小坂郁美, 相馬久子, 山田その江 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 65-65, 2006. |
About 102 Yamagata excretion care management counselor training business result from - example analysis 佐藤和佳子1, 舟山恵美1, 長岡明2, 冨田善彦2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 65-65, 2006. |
About 103 Yamagata excretion care management counselor training business result from - participant questionnaire 舟山恵美1, 佐藤和佳子1, 長岡明2, 冨田善彦2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 66-66, 2006. |
The present conditions of an issue of urination counselor's office and the interview care system introduction of 104 elderly people and future problem 大竹登志子1, 前川佳史1, 佐藤浩子2, 亀山美津子2, 渡辺君代2, 樋川布江2, 粕谷豊2, 村山猛男2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 66-66, 2006. |
Efforts of the excretion support in 105 Kagawa 山西美江, 山本由利子, 長尾由美子, 福井明代, 向井千晶, 近石昌子, 細川三規子, 佐藤幸子, 高橋安子, 東條俊司 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 67-67, 2006. |
Activity and problem of 106 "we obtain it we hide it excretion care meetings for the study" for 2 years 加藤基子, 重見日出男, 岩田英信, 青木香代子, 伊藤京子, 窪田里美, 山木一恵, 陶山啓子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 67-67, 2006. |
About the setup of the excretion care meeting for the study in 108 Aizu areas 青木美佐子, 入澤千晴, 新国久美子, 大島一恵, 加藤幸二, 入澤千晶 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 68-68, 2006. |
Trial of the networking of the excretion care in 109 Mie 高植幸子1, 林智世2, 金原弘幸3, 吉田和枝1, 杉村芳樹3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 69-69, 2006. |
Urination management for the home care shift of 110 spinal cord injury children patient 岡本昌子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 69-69, 2006. |
Examination of the correspondence to patients with dementia in 111 urology department surgery 川幡富子, 小谷野淑恵, 加賀谷智, 島田基 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 70-70, 2006. |
It is fact-finding of the use of physical brace for fixation of the bladder indwelling catheter after 112 technique 大湾知子1,2, 菅谷公男3, 翁長幸代4, 栄野川喜美子4, 宮崎りな4, 幸喜美代子4, 宮里実3, 小川由英3, 高良武博5 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 70-70, 2006. |
Through 2 examples that did not get help - critical care center hospitalized verbal communication for the excretion independence after 113 urethra indwelling catheter withdrawal - 本間和香, 大科宣子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 71-71, 2006. |
Excretion care fact-finding in 114 day care nursing facilities 小暮久美子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 71-71, 2006. |
Care needs of the urination disorder after 115 lower digestive tract enucleation 江本厚子1, 相川みづえ2, 西島安子2, 深見葉奈子2, 清水美智子2, 松川和恵2, 泉敬子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 72-72, 2006. |
Introduction - of the floor of the pelvis line exercises for efforts - operation toward the early convalescence of the urinary incontinence after 116 total prostatectomy 秋山由美子1, 江本厚子2, 渋谷紀美子1, 三枝京子1, 有井由美子1, 山元由美子1, 杉山優輝子1, 小潟隆英1, 山口邦雄1, 加藤基子3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 72-72, 2006. |
1 example that urinary incontinence improved by excretion helping behavior therapy and the reward training method of patients with 117 integration ataxia 北川陽子, 山口昌子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 73-73, 2006. |
Experience the case that excretion was able to become independent in the relation by 118 many types of job 中村悦子1, 大林浩美1, 山下真理子1, 崎田弘美2, 山崎裕之3, 谷内江美佳4, 升井悦子4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 73-73, 2006. |
Urethra indwelling catheter management of the patients with 119 dementia 谷本明子, 松野惠, 山崎よし子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 74-74, 2006. |
Improvement "of quality of life and the ADL to see from independence support of efforts" excretion of the ward specialized in 121 senile dementia 伊藤彩1, 佐久間よしい1, 山口好枝2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 75-75, 2006. |
Through 1 example of the patients after urination management - cerebral hemorrhage surgery from the residual urine measurement by 122 urination diaries and bra dozen kiang - 山口昌子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 19: 75-75, 2006. |