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Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011)
Volume 20, Issue / 2007
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
A caloric restriction and anti-aging 下川功 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 1-1, 2007. |
Positioning of the urination disorder in elderly people 鳥羽研二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 2-2, 2007. |
Term of the chairmanship 内藤誠二1, 荒井陽一2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 3-3, 2007. |
Management and informed consent in the elderly people urology department surgery 金山博臣 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 4-4, 2007. |
It is prevented the delirium after elderly people technique 野口満 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 5-5, 2007. |
Management of the elderly people urology department surgery: From the situation of the nurse 佐藤良子1, 岩村正嗣2, 佐藤威文2, 田中みどり1, 森本英美1, 渡辺佳世子2, 高田穂積2, 馬場志郎2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 6-6, 2007. |
Treatment of the elderly people prostatic hyperplasia 粕谷豊 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 7-7, 2007. |
Treatment of the localized prostate cancer in elderly people 斎藤誠一, 荒井陽一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 8-8, 2007. |
Bladder complete removal, urinary diversion technique of elderly people 舛森直哉, 市原浩司, 田中俊明, 塚本泰司 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 9-9, 2007. |
Urologic operation under laparoscopy of elderly people 原野正彦, 内藤誠二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 10-10, 2007. |
Term of the chairmanship 後藤百万1, 西村かおる2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 11-11, 2007. |
To support the independence of role - worker and the user of the university in the at-home urination management; - 吉川羊子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 12-12, 2007. |
Relation to the at-home urination care with the urologic medical office 安川修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 13-13, 2007. |
One discussion of the present conditions of the urination care in our station and the future problem 朝子ひろ子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 14-14, 2007. |
A relation to the treatment at home as a visit pharmacist, the care manager: Urination care ... which has dignity until ... last 藤澤節子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 15-15, 2007. |
The caring at home in patients with renal failure: Cooperation with the care in the preservation period renal failure and the peritoneal dialysis 宮崎正信 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 16-16, 2007. |
Coping to the lower urinary tract functional disorder in elderly people: We think about the role of urologist and care, nursing system paramedics 後藤百万 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 17-17, 2007. |
With the ideal figure which urination management of elderly people and medical cooperation - we aim at - 武井実根雄 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 18-18, 2007. |
From the side of management and a treatment nurse, the care person of patients with elderly people urination disorder 田中純子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 19-19, 2007. |
From the side of management and treatment - physician of patients with urination disorder - 吉田正貴 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 20-20, 2007. |
The concrete activity that we want to practice for "aim" of the community medical care 永江浩史 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 21-21, 2007. |
Make use of - care and peritoneal dialysis to intercept the times of the elderly people renal failure; and - 宮崎正信 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 22-22, 2007. |
Urination management of elderly people who had the prostatic hyperplasia 山西友典 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 23-23, 2007. |
Diagnosis and treatment - of prostate cancer and the urination disorder in patients with urination disorder - prostate cancer 金山博臣 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 24-24, 2007. |
Relations of effect of treatment and the age of transurethral prostatectomy (TURP) for 001 prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) 関成人1, 柚木貴和1, 友田稔久1, 瀬口博史1, 内藤誠二1, 武井実根雄2, 山口秋人2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 25-25, 2007. |
Clinical examination of naftopidil in patients with prostatic hyperplasia using 002 King health questionnaires 金城真実, 桶川隆嗣, 奴田原紀久雄, 東原英二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 25-25, 2007. |
Use experience of the temporary custody type urethral stent (Pross Takasu) for 003 prostatic hyperplasia 竹島雄太1, 能勢頼人1, 田嶋健一1, 井ノ輪俊彦1, 木下貴之1, 細田千尋1, 橿淵啓史1, 佐藤俊和1, 田島惇1, 柴山隆2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 26-26, 2007. |
The effect to quality of life of tamsulosin on urination disorder with 004 prostatic hyperplasia: Evaluation using SF-36, I-PSS, the quality of life score 矢野仁1, 鈴木啓悦2, 阿波裕輔2, 中津裕臣2, 江越賢一2, 三上和男2, 岡野達弥2, 野村和史2, 古谷雄三2, 市川智彦2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 26-26, 2007. |
Limit of 005 TUR-P preoperation urodynamic study 速水慎介, 小林史岳, 佐藤崇, 太田信隆 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 27-27, 2007. |
Is it the prostatic hyperplasia surgery that 006 PVP(KTP laser prostate transpiration technique) is safe for elderly people, and is certain? 山口秋人, 武井実根雄, 野村博之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 27-27, 2007. |
Examination ... in characteristic and quality of life evaluation ... men inhabitants examination testee of the lower urinary tract symptom of 007 old age men 牛嶋壮1, 浮村理1, 沖原宏治1, 中尾昌宏2, 本城久司2, 水谷陽一1, 河内明宏1, 三木恒治1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 28-28, 2007. |
Characteristic of the ED of the elderly people who consulted 008 men function outpatients 65 years or older 末富崇弘, 常楽晃, 及川剛宏, 関戸哲利, 樋之津史郎, 宮永直人, 河合弘二, 島居徹, 赤座英之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 28-28, 2007. |
Examination of the patients in 009 male climacterium loanwords 65 years or older 高田晋吾, 平井利明, 植田知博, 木内寛, 小森和彦, 中山治郎, 高尾徹也, 宮川康, 辻村晃, 奥山明彦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 29-29, 2007. |
About the treatment hope for the lower urinary tract symptom in 010 public middle and old age persons 増井仁彦1, 吉村耕治1, 塚本泰司2, 大城清3, 宗田武1, 兼松明弘1, 中村英二郎1, 西山博之1, 賀本敏行1, 小川修1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 29-29, 2007. |
About a risk factor of the nocturia in 011 men 青木芳隆, 大山伸幸, 三輪吉司, 秋野裕信, 横山修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 30-30, 2007. |
012 physical activity and examination about the prostatic hyperplasia exacerbation factor 栗田豊, 今西武志, 新保斉, 大塚篤史, 古瀬洋, 麦谷荘一, 牛山知己, 大園誠一郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 30-30, 2007. |
About the actual situation of the light urinary incontinence assumed by 013 telephone consultation 岡崎静子, 根橋勉 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 31-31, 2007. |
Association between urination disorder and quality of life of local elderly people participating in 014 health class 正源寺美穂1, 泉キヨ子1, 平松知子1, 江本厚子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 31-31, 2007. |
LUTS practice by 015 public physicians 岡村菊夫1, 野尻佳克1, 長谷川友紀2, 小林峰生3, 柳原喬3, 岡本嘉仁3, 村瀬敏之3, 早川聡実3, 赤堀将史3, 寺田順二3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 32-32, 2007. |
Attitude survey for hyperactivity bladder (OAB) in 016 non-specialists 小澤秀夫1, 横山光彦2, 高本均3, 寺井章人4, 井上雅1, 公文裕巳5 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 32-32, 2007. |
Examine 017 disease; significance and problems of the urinary flow dynamic function study for the purpose of the cooperation 大橋輝久, 村尾航, 山本康雄, 近藤捷嘉 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 33-33, 2007. |
Cooperation with an institution and the urology department by 018 balloon catheter withdrawal 河治俊之, 木屋五月, 安田孝子, 吉川大輔, 鈴木香奈 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 33-33, 2007. |
About urologic visit practice in 019 Mitoyo General Hospital 山田大介1, 西口潤1, 高尾彰1, 陶山文三1, 中津守人2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 34-34, 2007. |
Three cases of the pulmonary thromboembolism that developed in 020 urologic hospitalized elderly people 水沢弘哉, 小泉孔二, 小口智彦, 菊池俊樹, 上野陽子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 34-34, 2007. |
One case of the female urethra malignant melanoma that 021 radiotherapy was effective 鈴木康之1, 高坂哲2, 鈴木英訓1, 古田昭1, 成岡健人1, 長谷川雄一1, 小出晴久1, 小杉繁1, 本田真理子1, 頴川晋1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 35-35, 2007. |
Trial of the early intervention to the patients undergoing 022 own urination type new bladder ostomy 増田洋子, 岩佐知美, 磯田薫, 井上純子, 柿添学, 滝沢明利, 野口和美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 35-35, 2007. |
Production of the education video supporting the self-care acquisition of 023 urinary tract stomas 伊藤喜世子1, 横田素美2, 柳澤美保1, 百瀬悦子1, 福沢よし美1, 前山ひかり1, 青嶋ひろ1, 小林由香1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 36-36, 2007. |
Comparison with OABSS and the urination actual situation in 024 need of nursing care elderly people 今西里佳1, 中川晴夫2, 松本香好美3, 淡路静佳3, 鍋倉実3, 丹野修3, 海法康裕2, 松下真史2, 荒井陽一2, 上月正博1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 36-36, 2007. |
Clinical statistics of 025 advanced age urology department inpatients 柚須恒, 小池祐介, 小杉繁, 山田裕紀, 池本庸, 頴川晋 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 37-37, 2007. |
Clinical examination of the chemotherapy combination radiotherapy for the invasive bladder cancer of 026 elderly people 山崎恵一, 菊地栄次, 小堺紀英, 宮島哲, 中川健, 大家基嗣, 大東貴志, 中島淳, 村井勝 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 37-37, 2007. |
Examination of celoscope lower nephrectomy and the ureter drawing technique for patients with 027 advanced age renal pelvic tumors 稲留彰人, 吉田正貴, 前田喜寛, 里地葉, 永田卓士, 上田昭一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 38-38, 2007. |
Nine cases of the elderly people renal carcinoma of 028 surgery non-enforcement 大古美治, 寺尾秀行, 小貫竜昭, 中村昌史, 小林一樹, 野口純男 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 38-38, 2007. |
Experience of the radiofrequency wave solidification therapy for patients with 029 advanced age renal carcinoma 大森聡, 加藤香廉, 小原航, 近田龍一郎, 藤岡知昭 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 39-39, 2007. |
Examination of the urologic celoscope poorness technique for 030 elderly people 80 years or older 高尾徹也, 松岡庸洋, 宮川康, 高田晋吾, 辻村晃, 辻畑正雄, 西村和郎, 野々村祝夫, 奥山明彦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 39-39, 2007. |
Clinical examination of the urologic laparoscopic surgery in 031 elderly people (75 years old or older) 田中一志, 原勲, 中野雄造, 三宅秀明, 竹田雅, 武中篤, 藤澤正人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 40-40, 2007. |
The present situation of the treatment preferences of urologic cancer for elderly people based on 032 questionnaire count results 沖原宏治, 浮村理, 白石匠, 牛嶋壮, 高羽夏樹, 水谷陽一, 三木恒治 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 40-40, 2007. |
A characteristic and problems of the elderly people prostate cancer case controlled for a long term by 033 endocrine therapy 井川掌, 酒井英樹, 金武洋 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 41-41, 2007. |
Results of 200 brachytherapy for 034 prostate cancer 岡根谷利一1, 西澤秀治1, 中山剛1, 上垣内崇行1, 橋田巌2, 保坂典子3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 41-41, 2007. |
Examination of the bone metabolism in patients with 035 prostate cancer 野宮明, 西松寛明, 久米春喜, 石川晃, 冨田京一, 武内巧, 北村唯一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 42-42, 2007. |
Algetic evaluation using Visual Analogue Scale for the patients of 036 LH-RH analog injections and Categorical Scale 重原一慶1, 宮城徹1, 中嶋孝夫1, 島村正喜1, 鈴木明美2, 能嶋敏子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 42-42, 2007. |
Usefulness of ADC map in 037 prostate cancer diagnoses: Examination by the perineal multiple sites biopsy 宇野裕巳1, 仲野正博2, 江原英俊2, 出口隆2, 近藤浩史3, 酒々井夏子4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 43-43, 2007. |
It is comparison ... in ... elderly people and young people about urinary incontinence after 038 laparoscopic radical prostatectomy 松川宜久, 服部良平, 小松智徳, 石田陽子, 吉川羊子, 小野佳成, 後藤百万 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 43-43, 2007. |
It is examination about the delirium after the surgery of 039 total cystectomy patients and an operation 津田望1, 宮田由紀子1, 石村由香1, 居内広美1, 佐藤紀子1, 中須税子1, 室田卓2, 大口尚基3, 松田公志3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 44-44, 2007. |
Examination of the effective sedative measures time for 040 per urethra postoperative balloon unpleasantness 谷村茜1, 黒瀬美智子1, 中村香緒里1, 近藤博子1, 西山康弘2, 小澤秀夫2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 44-44, 2007. |
Relations with delirium and MMSE after 041 urology department surgery 鎌塚尚生, 小谷野淑恵, 川幡富子, 粕谷豊, 村山猛男 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 45-45, 2007. |
Role of a characteristic and the nursing of the patients of the senile state to undergo a prostate biopsy in hospitalization for 042 2 days and 1 night 阿久根瑞美, 松原重治, 杉原陽子, 川崎恵美子, 永井恭子, 田淵とみ子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 45-45, 2007. |
About introduction of having an experience simulated after an operation of 043 elderly aged 75 or over preoperation for the delirium prevention 吉村亜矢子1, 大山奈弥恵1, 江藤恵美1, 仁田脇智子1, 長嶺京子1, 長崎玲子1, 山内正倫2, 長野正史2, 井上勝己2, 長田幸夫2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 46-46, 2007. |
Examination about the factor to have an influence on a skin state at elastic stockings wearing before and after the 044 moves technique and the dermatopathy 岡村泉, 打矢恵子, 鈴木佳奈子, 吉山茜, 西松寛明, 吉井栄子, 北村唯一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 46-46, 2007. |
Examination of the TUR-P clinical path in 045 our hospital 北小百合1, 中村一美1, 船板美知子1, 針田由子1, 重原一慶2, 宮城徹2, 中嶋孝夫2, 島村正喜2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 47-47, 2007. |
Fact-finding about the role awareness of the nurse in 046 cancer chemotherapy 元田道子, 金澤ナミ子, 八重樫さおり, 相馬久子, 山田その江 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 47-47, 2007. |
About importance of the orientation before treatment in 047 high dose rate division implant therapy 長田真由美, 田中みどり, 石川美里, 吉部恵理子, 渡邊沙織 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 48-48, 2007. |
It is ... from questionary survey during ... hospitalization to investigate uneasiness, the pain of the patients receiving 048 prostate cancer encapsulated sealed radioactive source treatment 寺崎和代1, 辻本夕子1, 田村京子1, 木本未歩1, 小寺美智子1, 青木芳隆2, 大山伸幸2, 横山修2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 48-48, 2007. |
Preoperative uneasy contents and nursing help of 049 radical total prostatectomy patients 金子千春, 薦田しず江, 山下優美, 神津三佳, 田中亜紀子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 49-49, 2007. |
Introduction of BVD-6100 to the urologic outpatient by 050 urination function tests person 泰多賀子1, 馬場清美1, 浪間孝重2, 大沼徹太郎2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 49-49, 2007. |
Usefulness of the on admission residual urine measurement by 051 nurses 渡辺町子1, 野尻佳克2, 岡村菊夫2, 吉田千恵1, 藤井美保子1, 横山剛志1, 河合多喜子1, 秋山廣子1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 50-50, 2007. |
One case that a restless symptom was seen in after 052 prostate cancer small source insertion 斉藤知恵, 阿久津瑞恵, 高橋ひろみ, 山崎美穂, 藤田智恵子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 50-50, 2007. |
Examination - from 053 effect - morphologic side that the floor of the pelvis group of muscles shrinkage gives in bladder behavior flexibility with different postures 柴喜崇1, 西村かおる2, 中村純子2, 遠藤善裕3, 谷徹3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 51-51, 2007. |
Situation - of the urinary incontinence after effect - discharge of floor of the pelvis line exercises after 054 total prostatectomy 小島とく, 大竹公子, 吉田謙一郎, 山西友典, 神原常仁, 福田武彦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 51-51, 2007. |
It is examination about the start time of floor of the pelvis line exercises for the urinary incontinence after 055 prostate complete removal technique 八島夕夏1, 安倍淑子1, 赤間美恵子1, 浪間孝重2, 大沼徹太郎2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 52-52, 2007. |
It is examined floor of the pelvis line exercises for the urine prohibition in the recovery process after 056 radical total prostatectomy 高橋理佳1, 松田裕美1, 大滝恵1, 早坂和美1, 志田裕子1, 亀井咲1, 小野久実子1, 佐藤和佳子2, 長岡明3, 冨田善彦3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 52-52, 2007. |
The effectiveness of the floor of the pelvis muscle exercise in 057 women floor of the pelvis disorders 齊藤恵子1, 斉藤理代1, 西村かおる1, 原田厚子1, 石黒富志子1, 大川あさ子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 53-53, 2007. |
Effect of floor of the pelvis line exercises on genital prolapse complicated for 058 urination disorders 関口麻紀1, 関口由紀2, 小野塚千絵3, 吉川羊子4, 後藤百万4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 53-53, 2007. |
Examination of the foreign nursing EMG biofeedback (feh miskiang) consultation for 059 urinary incontinence patients 松永享子, 大末恭子, 東田加奈子, 和田一美, 金子浩子, 柳迫昌美, 武井実根雄 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 54-54, 2007. |
About association of an urination symptom and the residual urine in 060 female hyperactivity bladder patients 大塚篤史1, 新保斉2, 古瀬洋1, 栗田豊1, 麦谷荘一1, 牛山知己1, 大園誠一郎1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 54-54, 2007. |
Development of the invention - Vaginal Wall Island(VWI) method to prevent an urethra, bladder hesitation case of 062 mesh 入澤千晴1, 嘉村康邦2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 55-55, 2007. |
Pelvic organ prolapse surgery using the Gynemesh PS in 063 elderly people 咲間隆裕, 大日方大亮, 武信康弘, 持田淳一, 杉本周路, 山口健哉, 吉川哲夫, 平野大作, 吉田利夫, 高橋悟 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 56-56, 2007. |
Genital prolapse surgical complications and problems to 064 elderly people 中田真木, 中山裕敏, 小島俊行 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 56-56, 2007. |
Level of invasion of the genital prolapse surgery using the mesh for 065 elderly people, examination about the quality of life 杉村享之, 田中純子, 福井準之助, 村石修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 57-57, 2007. |
About the training of training - first - fourth instruction person of "the excretion instruction person" as 066 excretion care specialty paramedics - 吉川羊子1, 後藤百万1, 永坂和子2, 土屋雅彦3, 大島伸一4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 57-57, 2007. |
An effect and effect of the enlightenment activity by efforts and the questionary survey on 067 urination care enlightenment lectures 牧野美奈子, 西村かおる Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 58-58, 2007. |
To raise the excretion care skill of 068 areas (a medicine manufacture maker being established) 青山光子1, 山口晃司1, 永坂和子2, 瀧本なつみ2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 58-58, 2007. |
From the present conditions and problem -3 hawk, Musashino, the Koganei urination disorder study session of the relation by the many types of job team for the difficult example of 069 urination disorders 谷口珠実1, 金城真実1, 奴田原紀久雄1, 東原英二1, 田中良典2, 長倉和彦3, 谷口亮一4, 高山俊政5, 田中恭子6, 安田洋子7 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 59-59, 2007. |
Than associated - care prophylactic excretion care management model development business with the actual situation and the bionomics of the urination disorder of 070 home support elderly people required - 舟山恵美1, 今野日出子2, 佐藤千鶴2, 佐藤和佳子1, 長岡明3, 佐藤冨美子1, 長谷川直人1, 大島扶美2, 冨田善彦3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 59-59, 2007. |
Problem - of activity report - future of 071 Aizu excretion care meetings for the study 青木美佐子1, 入澤千晴1, 新国久美子1, 大島一恵1, 加藤幸二1, 入澤千晶1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 60-60, 2007. |
Legal inspection of "the medical care" in 072 care settings particularly the excretion care 松田久雄1, 中西道正1, 加藤良成1, 井口正典1, 植村天授2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 60-60, 2007. |
An effect of 073 urination care counselor's offices and interview care system introduction and future problem 大竹登志子1, 菊地和則1, 前川佳史1, 粕谷豊2, 村山猛男2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 61-61, 2007. |
Problem future about continuation of 074 elderly people incontinence care 小林陽子, 渡邉君代, 佐藤浩子, 村山猛男 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 61-61, 2007. |
Urination care attitude survey in 075 national longevity medical centers 横山剛志1, 野尻佳克2, 岡村菊夫2, 秋山廣子1, 市場綾子1, 藤井美保子1, 渡辺町子1, 吉田千恵1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 62-62, 2007. |
Use and problem of the urination management system in 076 elderly people institutions 土屋雅彦1, 小倉弘幸1, 西森文彦2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 62-62, 2007. |
Excretion care for 077 discharges 斉藤敬一, 宮本美佐, 篠原文江, 戸梶チエ子, 北島清彰 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 63-63, 2007. |
Use experience of the magnetic cap for the intermittent urination at 078 bladder catheterisation 真島君恵, 村上真基, 赤池秀子, 塚田修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 63-63, 2007. |
Example ... which examined the effectiveness of being carried out at 080 incontinence care and dementia care - same time 大石紫1, 前田尚美1, 山口好枝2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 64-64, 2007. |
Efforts ... of instruction and the team for intermittent self catheterization instruction - discharge for elderly people with 081 total blindness 西山明子, 谷口理恵, 安達綾子, 保科彰 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 65-65, 2007. |
One case that a care burden was reduced by use of 082 sheaths type urine collector systems 坂本増美1, 井上勝己2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 65-65, 2007. |
About a three case suggested by 083 secret polydipsic factors with the need to review the way of the living guidance 梶原敦子1, 深谷保男2, 石井恵子2, 堀川由美子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 66-66, 2007. |
Examination of the self catheterization management of 084 elderly people 竹内舞衣子, 岩切直子, 大平知子, 田島純子, 荻原絹子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 66-66, 2007. |
Use experience of the Solifenacin (vesicare (R)) for 085 elderly people 宮川友明 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 67-67, 2007. |
Through 1 example of patients with help - cerebral infarction for usefulness and the urination independence of the urination monitoring for 086 urinary incontinence patients - 新井明子1, 小泉美佐子1, 齋藤喜恵子2, 滝原典子2, 高橋陽子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 67-67, 2007. |
Examination about 087 HoLEP postoperative urinary incontinence and discharge guidance 小山友紀1, 平山千登勢1, 丹波光子1, 谷口珠実2, 宍戸俊英2, 東原英二2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 68-68, 2007. |
Effect of the sacrum surface therapeutic electrical stimulation on 088 need of nursing care elderly people 今西里佳1, 中川晴夫2, 松本香好美3, 淡路静佳3, 鍋倉実3, 丹野修3, 海法康裕2, 松下真史2, 荒井陽一2, 上月正博1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 68-68, 2007. |
Effect of the electromagnetic stimulation therapy on 089 urinary incontinence 吉野由賀子1, 西野整一1, 木原健1, 犬塚信子2, 井口靖浩2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 69-69, 2007. |
About an effect and a feeling of about 090 prostate complete removal postoperative therapeutic electrical stimulation patient's share of medical expenses 中川晴夫1, 海法康裕1, 菅原寛子2, 大滝ひとみ2, 土肥千秋2, 近藤幸子2, 浅野玲子2, 池田義弘1, 荒井陽一1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 69-69, 2007. |
091 bowel habits and residual urine 野尻佳克, 岡村菊夫, 吉田千恵, 渡辺町子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 70-70, 2007. |
Relation for the bowel movement independence of patients with 092 cervical cord injuries 横山富美江1, 結城光1, 梶原敦子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 70-70, 2007. |
About the excretion care based on the condition of a patient classification of the 093rd flight incontinence 種子田美穂子, 桑野初子, 金澤昌満, 野明俊裕, 荒木靖三, 高野正博 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 71-71, 2007. |
Bowel movement management about the constipation of 094 bedridden elderly people 永坂和子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 71-71, 2007. |
About the reliability of the bladder function evaluation of 095 need of nursing care elderly people (from the evaluation of diaper check two days) 岩坪暎二, 八木擴朗, 永沼真由美, 関屋じゅん, 福田禧子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 72-72, 2007. |
Through consciousness, the present conditions investigation of making - nurse of 096 diaper criteria for use of food additives - 美濃久美子1, 長尾由美子1, 福家啓子1, 漆原茂美1, 大橋洋三2, 上松克利2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 72-72, 2007. |
Examination of the exchange method and the choice method of the appropriate diaper in 097 medical treatment type ward 増永有輝, 上杉有美子, 藤井和子, 松尾淳子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 73-73, 2007. |
ESWL treatment result using Lithostar Multiline of 098 elderly people upper urinary tract calculi 木村元彦, 笹川亨 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 73-73, 2007. |
About the association with patients with 099 urinary calculus and the lifestyle 胡摩崎真也, 古味あゆみ, 古味由佐, 戸梶チエ子, 北島清彰 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 74-74, 2007. |
Effect of the cranberry juice on chronic UTI of 100 urethral catheters long-term custody patients 岩野まゆみ1, 太田麻希1, 藤田左知子1, 木村明2, 宮永健3, 青木芳隆4, 横山修4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 74-74, 2007. |
Examination about the interstitial cystitis symptom in 101 elderly people 中川雅之, 田上英毅, 吉田浩士, 上田朋宏 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 75-75, 2007. |
Effect of the preservation condition on adhesion bacteria to self-drainage catheters made of 102 silicone 大岡均至1, 藤澤正人2, 岩坪暎二3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 75-75, 2007. |
Cytotoxicity of the self-drainage catheters slide and for 103 eight weeks made of silicone after the antiseptic solution load 大岡均至1, 鈴木芳幸2, 藤澤正人3, 岩坪暎二4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 20: 76-76, 2007. |