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Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011)
Volume 21, Issue / 2008
English Article Japanese Article
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We talk about the urologic future at old age 北村唯一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 1-1, 2008. |
Social security in the future 西島英利 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 2-2, 2008. |
Term of the chairmanship 松本哲朗1, 加藤久美子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 3-3, 2008. |
1. Urination disorder of the women of the working generation 西井久枝 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 4-4, 2008. |
2. The present conditions and problem of urination, sexual dysfunction of working men 永井敦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 5-5, 2008. |
3. Significance of understanding, interest and the news of the media about the excretion care in its prime 高橋美佐子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 6-6, 2008. |
4. Cooperation of urologist and the industrial health staff 富田健太郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 7-7, 2008. |
Term of the chairmanship 村上吉博 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 8-8, 2008. |
Term of the chairmanship 本間之夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 9-9, 2008. |
1. Problem of the excretion care network by the community medical care cooperation and fine-view - Aichi method 吉川羊子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 10-10, 2008. |
2. Problem of the excretion care network by the community medical care cooperation and fine-view - Kyoto method 上田朋宏 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 11-11, 2008. |
3. Problem of the excretion care network by the community medical care cooperation and fine-view - Yamagata method 佐藤和佳子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 12-12, 2008. |
4. Launch a Fukuoka elderly people excretion improvement committee meeting; and - Fukuoka method 山口秋人, 宮崎良春 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 13-13, 2008. |
5. Problem of the excretion care network by the community medical care cooperation and fine-view - Kitakyusyu method 白石公彦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 14-14, 2008. |
6. Main point - of problem of the excretion care network by the community medical care cooperation and fine-view - systematization 中野滋文 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 15-15, 2008. |
Put the elderly people of the urination disorder to help the excretion care network with diagnostic criteria, treatment guideline - need of nursing care, a cognitive case in the field; and - 岩坪暎二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 16-16, 2008. |
The clinical network which is bought for interstitial cystitis 上田朋宏 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 17-17, 2008. |
Clinical path in the elderly people urology department treatment 野口満 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 18-18, 2008. |
1. Art of urinary frequency treatment 野村昌良 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 19-19, 2008. |
2. Role ... of nursing - nurse of the urinary frequency 今丸満美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 20-20, 2008. |
Challenge ... from change - Washlet of the restroom space to health care 野上薫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 21-21, 2008. |
1. Key of treatment and the nursing for the elderly people urination disorder 鍋島義之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 22-22, 2008. |
2. Key of treatment and the nursing for the elderly people urination disorder 梶原敦子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 23-23, 2008. |
Pelvic organ prolapse practice not to overdo it 中田真木 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 24-24, 2008. |
Term of the chairmanship 後藤百万1, 西村かおる2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 25-25, 2008. |
1. Point to understand urinary frequency, urinary incontinence 山下博志 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 26-26, 2008. |
2. Choice of the diaper for appropriate care, utilization technique 牧野美奈子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 27-27, 2008. |
3. Toilet activities and house environment 志井田太一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 28-28, 2008. |
4. Trial in the area for "realization of the reliable care" to support the life like the person 藤澤節子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 29-29, 2008. |
5. Local problem (the thing which we saw from Kitakyushu-shi consultation window) of the excretion care 緒方有為子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 30-30, 2008. |
Clinical application of examination of OS01-1 quantitative bowel function (QL-GAT): Change by levodopa of the Parkinson's disease bowel function 横井郁子1, 榊原隆次2, 岸雅彦2, 岩ヶ谷千佳4, 高橋修5, 内山智之3, 阿波裕輔6, 舘野冬樹2, 山口千晴7 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 31-31, 2008. |
Examination of OS01-2 quantitative bowel function (QL-GAT) 岩ヶ谷千佳1, 榊原隆次1,2, 岸雅彦2, 舘野冬樹2, 寺田一志1, 小谷野孝1, 戸澤光行1, 高橋修4, 横井郁子5, 内山智之3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 31-31, 2008. |
Effect of treatment of the sacrum surface therapeutic electrical stimulation for the constipation of OS01-3 need of nursing care elderly people 今西里佳1, 中川晴夫2, 松本香好美3, 淡路静佳3, 鍋倉実3, 丹野修3, 海法康裕2, 松下真史2, 荒井陽一2, 上月正博1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 32-32, 2008. |
Factor associated with the enforcement of the disimpaction of need of nursing care elderly people using OS01-4 temporary nursing at home 榊原千秋, 塚崎恵子, 井上克己 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 32-32, 2008. |
One discussion in the excretion care of patients with megacolon with OS01-5 dementia and the frontal lobe disorder 古賀かおり, 中垣照美, 釜堀康恵, 種子田美穂子, 桑野初子, 岩谷泰江, 荒木靖三 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 33-33, 2008. |
The present conditions and problems of the OS02-1 elderly people urination care 池田智恵子1, 野口満1, 畑田鉄平1, 東武昇平2, 森健一1, 高橋元3, 平島定4, 松尾学5, 野俣浩一郎3, 金武洋1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 33-33, 2008. |
Take off the diaper of OS02-2 need of nursing care elderly people, and catch a suit of - feeling like to urine surely; or - 花田千秋1, 永沼真由美1, 関屋じゅん1, 岩坪暎二2, 八木廣朗2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 34-34, 2008. |
It is introduction ... of the enlightenment activity in ... our hospital for the spread of OS02-3 cleanliness intermission withdrawing of urine 杉村享之, 田中純子, 伊藤美香, 福井準之助, 村石修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 34-34, 2008. |
About problems in the OS02-4 intermittence self catheterization enforcement 大岡均至 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 35-35, 2008. |
The didactic example that became the catheter-free from OS02-5 urinary retention 吉武恵理, 高畠由紀, 末廣聖子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 35-35, 2008. |
Usefulness of CIC in OS02-6 latter term elderly patients and super elderly patients 勝田麗美1, 瀧知弘1, 山田芳彰1, 鈴木由美1, 林田慶子1, 水向恵美2, 中村小源太1, 本多靖明1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 36-36, 2008. |
Effective - of urination management - volume of urine monitor lily phosphorus (R) of patients with OS03-1 spinal cord injury 藤井奈緒子1, 中嶋昌代1, 津崎香織1, 黒崎里美1, 仙石淳2, 柳内章宏2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 36-36, 2008. |
Urination fact-finding of the urination elderly people in the OS03-2 diaper 岡崎静子1, 松房弘子1, 根橋勉1, 小山貴夫2, 袖野綾子2, 松井学2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 37-37, 2008. |
OS03-3 three dimensions supersonic wave dislocation measuring assembly about a rap session for effectively utilizing it 大岡均至 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 37-37, 2008. |
Does OS03-4 restroom setting type flow rate measuring assembly, TOTO-CES445 (urinary flow measurement restroom) improve patients quality of life at testing? 関口由紀1, 小野塚千絵1, 村山裕子1, 関口麻紀1, 坂西晴三2, 古田祐一3, 山崎洋式3, 窪田吉信4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 38-38, 2008. |
Introduce OS03-5 whole country's first "flow rate measurement restroom" 竹平洋美, 高瀬沙織, 園城歩, 藤井憲子, 鈴木真樹子, 長谷川徹 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 38-38, 2008. |
TZ index in OS04-1 symptom-related BPH and Resistive index and arteriosclerosis-related relations with the factor 栗田豊1, 新保斉1, 今西武志1, 大塚篤史1, 古瀬洋1, 中西利方2, 麦谷荘一1, 牛山知己1, 大園誠一郎1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 39-39, 2008. |
Comparison of a transabdominal echo in the OS04-2 prostate volume measurement and the transrectal echo 入澤千晴, 入澤千晶 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 39-39, 2008. |
Prospective controlled trial of the effect of treatment with naftopidil and hydrochloric acid tamsulosin for the prostatic hyperplasia case with higher than two times of OS04-3 nocturia 浮村理, 鴨井和実, 沖原宏治, 米田公彦, 寺崎豊博, 河内明宏, 三木恒治 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 40-40, 2008. |
Use experience of the temporary custody type urethral stent (Pross Takasu) for 30 OS04-4 prostatic hyperplasia 竹島雄太1, 能勢頼人1, 田嶋健一1, 井之輪俊彦1, 木下貴之1, 橿淵啓史1, 佐藤俊和1, 田島惇1, 江原美里2, 田宮千代美2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 40-40, 2008. |
Examination of the usefulness of transurethral holmium laser prostate enucleation (HoLEP) for patients with OS04-5 advanced age prostatic hyperplasia 三輪好生1, 横井繁明1, 増栄孝子1, 守山洋司1, 西野好則2, 宇野裕巳3, 土井達朗4, 出口隆1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 41-41, 2008. |
Examination of the TUR-P postoperative practiced hand satisfaction in the OS04-6 prostatic hyperplasia 福田孝1, 大森聡1, 加藤香廉1, 兼平貢1, 藤岡知昭1, 加藤陽一郎2, 沼里進2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 41-41, 2008. |
Examination about the transurethral prostate of the 3 days and 2 nights short term hospital admission using clinical path in the OS04-7 elderly 増田裕 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 42-42, 2008. |
One case of the acute transverse myelitis that urinary retention remained in after OS05-1 quadriplegia disappearance 高橋修1, 榊原隆次2, 金徳男1, 片岡学1, 坂本恭子1, 橋場健一3, 東丸貴信4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 42-42, 2008. |
Examination of urinary flow dynamic function study (UDS) in patients with OS05-2 lumbar spinal canal stenosis 武山美樹1, 大川真琴1, 佐藤信1, 桑原正明1, 工藤朋宏1, 高橋康平2, 神尾一彦2, 松下真史3, 荒井陽一3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 43-43, 2008. |
From the inflection of efforts - urination diary to improve the urination disorder of OS05-3 elderly people 立崎恵美子1, 高橋久江2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 43-43, 2008. |
About the presence or absence of discharge disorder in OS05-4 nursing home residents and the effect 内山智之1, 榊原隆次2, 阿波裕輔4, 山口千晴3, 山下優美6, 神津三佳6, 久成洋子6, 藤平圭子6, 山西友典5, 服部孝道1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 44-44, 2008. |
Examination of the measurement time in the OS05-5 residual urine measurement 中原王寿 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 44-44, 2008. |
Role of ICIQ-SF in the LUTS practice by the doctor at OS06-1 medical office 岡村菊夫1, 野尻佳克1, 石田陽子1, 赤堀将史2, 小林峰生3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 45-45, 2008. |
Comparison ... in evaluation ... elderly people of the quality of life and the non-elderly people with OS06-2 women urinary incontinence patients 伊藤悠城, 古内徹, 古平喜一郎, 二宮彰治, 中村聡 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 46-46, 2008. |
The urination fact-finding that is in a state after the OS06-3 TVT surgery 門田美佳1, 八幡福子1, 泰多賀子1, 馬場清美1, 吉田祝子1, 古山裕子1, 浪間孝重2, 大沼徹太郎2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 46-46, 2008. |
Examination of the genital herpes misdiagnosed as OS06-4 cystitis 石井泰憲 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 47-47, 2008. |
Postoperative complications, life of the patients undergoing OS06-5 TVM surgery, example examination about the psychology situation 田向美紀, 水野千詠美, 加藤久美子, 山崎明美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 47-47, 2008. |
Evaluation from effect - physician that "the urinary incontinence consultation" as OS06-6 "unification" gives for practice 曲友弘1, 鈴木和浩1, 深堀能立2, 村椿茂里3, 小泉美佐子4, 新井明子4, 上山真美4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 48-48, 2008. |
It is ... about a risk factor except nocturia - aging of OS06-7 women 青木芳隆, 大山伸幸, 三輪吉司, 秋野裕信, 横山修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 48-48, 2008. |
Behavior modification of the OS07-1 floor of the pelvis group of muscles training 秋山知江子1, 金山稔1, 山田恵美1, 佐々木美加1, 紺頼光子1, 佐藤順子1, 川島洋平2, 伊達智徳2, 村木修2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 49-49, 2008. |
Than the questionary survey in evaluation - Laos country farm village area of the enlightenment activity of the floor of the pelvis line exercises in the OS07-2 Laos country ... 釜土禮子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 49-49, 2008. |
Effect of the floor of the pelvis group of muscles training by the bio feedback in OS07-3 elderly people 渡邉順子1, 後藤百万2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 50-50, 2008. |
The effectiveness of the floor of the pelvis muscle exercise in the OS07-4 women floor of the pelvis disorder 齊藤恵子1, 平林理代1, 原田厚子1, 西村かおる1, 大川あさ子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 50-50, 2008. |
Various efforts for OS07-5 floor of the pelvis exercises continuation 関口麻紀1, 関口由紀2, 小野塚千絵1, 吉川羊子3, 後藤百万3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 51-51, 2008. |
Examination about the effectiveness of OS07-6 peritoneoscope bottom radical prostatic complete removal postoperative floor of the pelvis line exercises 鳥前円1, 下村加奈子1, 日下華世1, 田邊奏絵1, 松川久美子1, 桃嵜淳子1, 大口尚基2, 松田公志2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 51-51, 2008. |
Effect of floor of the pelvis group of muscles exercises on female elderly people with the OS07-7 urinary incontinence 東村志保1, 井上由紀子2, 佐藤恵子2, 米澤照世2, 高崎絹子3, 仲上豪二朗4, 真田弘美4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 52-52, 2008. |
Can the patients determine hematuria after OS08-1 TURP definitely? 藤井美保子1, 横山剛志1, 林留美子1, 横山育代1, 楠雅代1, 山口静1, 岡村菊夫2, 野尻佳克2, 石田陽子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 52-52, 2008. |
It is examined the support for the purpose of the quality of life improvement of the patients after OS08-2 pelvic organ prolapse technique 関根きよみ1, 新島礼子1, 高山ふみ代1, 中田真木2, 中山裕敏2, 小島俊行2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 53-53, 2008. |
Work on floor of the pelvis line exercises before art of effectiveness of the instruction to patient for the urination disorder after the OS08-3 radical total prostatectomy 村野由美子1, 岩戸千鶴1, 加藤由紀2, 村松美和子2, 白田千鶴子1, 麻生太行3, 佐々木春明3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 53-53, 2008. |
Making ... of the course list when we aimed at real - check list and unification of the discharge plan in the OS08-4 urinary tract stoma construction patients 大瀧ひとみ, 菅原寛子, 豊岡藍, 土肥千秋, 熊田真紀子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 54-54, 2008. |
Tray how to stop patients subsequent coping behavior of the urinary incontinence after the OS08-5 total prostatectomy 三富沙織, 片山奈々子, 奥麻衣子, 伊藤麻里, 上田倫代, 澤村美智代, 山田和美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 54-54, 2008. |
Making of the OS09-1 excretion care-oriented on admission excretion information record paper 野尻佳克, 横山剛志, 藤井美保子, 横山育代, 渡辺町子, 吉田千恵, 熊沢久美子, 石田陽子, 岡村菊夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 55-55, 2008. |
Examination of the orientation before treatment in the OS09-2 high dose rate division implant therapy 渡辺沙織, 田中みどり, 長田真由美, 松本絵里香 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 55-55, 2008. |
It is ... about the patients for the being bombed in attitude survey - everyday life with patients and family who received insertion therapy in OS09-3 prostate encapsulated sealed radioactive source eternity, difference of the uneasiness of the family 木村美穂1, 足立清美1, 當田麻里子1, 日下美保子1, 川喜多繁誠2, 福井勝也2, 杉素彦2, 室田卓之2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 56-56, 2008. |
Examination of the OS09-4 prostate cancer encapsulated sealed radioactive source therapy clinical path 吉田紀子, 花岡真理, 北川りえ, 筬島保子, 綾塚仁志, 冨安克郎, 松岡啓 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 56-56, 2008. |
Urination management questionnaire for the physician except the OS09-5 urologist 横山剛志1, 野尻佳克2, 石田陽子2, 市場綾子1, 藤井美保子1, 岡村菊夫2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 57-57, 2008. |
Measures for the present situation and prevention of of UTIs due to the methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the OS10-1 our hospital hospital infection 飴谷祐子1, 森田涼子1, 南愛美1, 番和子1, 出店外代美1, 中嶋啓子1, 重原一慶2, 田谷正2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 57-57, 2008. |
Self catheterization instruction for the elderly people with OS10-2 eyesight, the hearing loss 竹内舞衣子1, 岩切直子1, 田島純子1, 萩原絹子1, 畑田鉄平2, 東武昇平2, 森健一2, 松尾学2, 野口満2, 金武洋2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 58-58, 2008. |
The present conditions and analysis of the everyday life of the patients who underwent OS10-3 urinary diversion 小島とく1, 大竹公子1, 山西友典2, 吉田謙一郎2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 58-58, 2008. |
Usefulness of the bladder irrigation using the OS10-4 acidity water 古味あゆみ, 近藤愛, 阿部洋, 伊藤佐智, 石川希, 戸梶チエ子, 北島彰子, 北島清彰 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 59-59, 2008. |
About a difference by the age of the effect of the cholinolytic drug which assumed the symptom evaluation of the OS11-1 mistake activity bladder and a disease-specific quality of life disorder evaluation an index 石浦嘉之, 武田匡史, 越田潔 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 59-59, 2008. |
OS11-2 Colin drugs Donepezil propiverine combination therapy: For the urination quality of life improvement of patients with dementia 榊原隆次1, 尾形剛1, 井坂茂夫2, 湯浅譲治2, 岸雅彦1, 舘野冬樹1, 高橋修4, 内山智之3, 阿波裕輔5, 山口千晴6 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 60-60, 2008. |
It is ... about the quality of life of elderly patients for quality of life - later stage of the OAB patients using the OS11-3 KHQ questionnaire 早原信行1, 榊原敏彦1, 山本晋史2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 60-60, 2008. |
The present conditions of the hyperactivity bladder (OAB) treatment in the OS11-4 Kyushu University Hospital 友田稔久, 関成人, 内藤誠二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 61-61, 2008. |
Study on quality of life and effect factor of elderly people with prostatic hyperplasia with the symptom of the OS11-5 mistake activity bladder 飯見優子2, 小泉美佐子1, 村椿茂理3, 上山真美1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 61-61, 2008. |
Effect on effectiveness of tolterodine in the OS12-1 elderly hyperactivity bladder (OAB) patients and cognitive function 森健一1, 野口満1, 畑田鉄平1, 東武昇平2, 高橋元3, 松尾学4, 山田潤2, 金武洋1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 62-62, 2008. |
Two cases of the interstitial cystitis complicated with OS12-2 bladder cancer 大森聡, 兼平貢, 加藤香廉, 福田孝, 藤岡知昭 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 62-62, 2008. |
Urinary flow dynamic function study - urine collection period in the OS12-3 mistake activity bladder 山口千晴1, 榊原隆次2, 内山智之3, 山本達也3, 伊藤敬志3, 劉志3, 阿波祐輔4, 真々田賢司1, 野村文夫1, 服部孝道3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 63-63, 2008. |
About usefulness of tolterodine for the OS12-4 elderly hyperactivity bladder patients 武井実根雄, 野間秀哉, 宮崎薫, 野村博之, 一倉晴彦, 田中祥子, 北城守文, 古賀寛史, 山口秋人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 63-63, 2008. |
Is the nocturia of OS12-5 elderly people a bone fracture and a risk factor of the survival rate drop? - Examination - by the prospective cohort after the epidemiologic survey 中川晴夫1, 池田義弘1, 海法康裕1, 中谷直樹2, 牛凱軍3, 今西里佳4, 大森芳2, 辻一郎2, 永富良一3, 荒井陽一1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 64-64, 2008. |
Experience the at-home end-of-life care of OS13-1 patients with cancer that you hoped to greet last moments at home 青木美佐子1, 入澤千晴1, 二瓶香代子1, 横田陽子1, 五十嵐裕子1, 入澤千晶1, 遠藤幸代2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 64-64, 2008. |
From the consciousness of medical treatment background and the nurse of examination - cancer terminal patients of the palliative care in the OS13-2 urology department ward - 神津三佳1, 山下優美1, 今関文子1, 阿波裕輔2, 荒木千裕2, 今本敬2, 二瓶直樹2, 納谷幸男2, 鈴木啓悦2, 市川智彦2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 65-65, 2008. |
Clinical statistics of patients with urologic malignant tumor in the OS13-3 our hospital 小池祐介1, 梅津清和1, 山本順啓1, 下村達也1, 池本庸1, 柚須恒2, 頴川晋3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 65-65, 2008. |
One case that lymphatic vessel phlebophlebostomy was effective for prostate cancer lymphedema for OS13-4 last years 平井健一1, 野村芳雄1, 浜田裕一2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 66-66, 2008. |
It is three patients who had Reiter's syndrome after the infusion therapy in the OS14-1 BCG bladder 野宮明, 冨田京一, 西松寛明, 久米春樹, 武内巧, 北村唯一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 66-66, 2008. |
Examination about the urination state of the own urination type bladder substitution that observation was available for for OS14-2 long term, Comparison between elderly people and young people 80 years or older 曽我英雄, 武中篤, 寺川智章, 熊野晶文, 村蒔基次, 倉橋俊史, 中野雄造, 三宅秀明, 田中一志, 藤澤正人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 67-67, 2008. |
Experience of the laparoscopic bladder total extraction for bladder cancer OS14-3 80 years old or more 藤井猛, 菅朋子, 平田裕二, 佐藤文憲, 三股浩光 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 67-67, 2008. |
Age-specific clinical statistics of the OS14-4 renal cell carcinoma surgery case 松崎敦, 寺内文人, 鷲野聡, 小林裕 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 68-68, 2008. |
Example that was able to detain a peritoneal dialysis catheter using a scirrhous cystoscope to patients with old chronic renal failure who had the OS14-5 greater omentum abdominal wall adhesion 植木常雄 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 68-68, 2008. |
An evaluation of the prostatic MR imaging from OS15-1 perineal biopsy specimens: Pathological examination of ADC level normalcy-positive core 宇野裕巳1, 仲野正博2, 江原英俊2, 出口隆2, 近藤浩史3, 酒々井夏子4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 69-69, 2008. |
Examination about the treatment result of the radical total prostatectomy for OS15-2 elderly people 一瀬岳人1, 蜂矢隆彦2, 大日方大亮1, 佐藤克彦1, 持田淳一1, 杉本周路1, 平野大作1, 吉田利夫1, 岡田清己1, 高橋悟1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 69-69, 2008. |
Examination about the dysuria after the brachytherapy for the prostate cancer in OS15-3 Fukui University 大山伸幸1, 青木芳隆1, 伊藤秀明1, 棚瀬和弥1, 前川正信1, 三輪吉司1, 秋野裕信1, 佐藤義高2, 塩浦宏樹2, 横山修1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 70-70, 2008. |
Examination of the PDE5 inhibitor in OS16-1 elderly people 麻生太行, 佐々木春明, 押野見和彦, 七条武志, 青木慶一郎, 太田道也 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 70-70, 2008. |
Satisfaction of the citric acid sildenafil in OS16-2 elderly people 押野見和彦, 佐々木春明, 七条武志, 麻生太行, 青木慶一郎, 太田道也 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 71-71, 2008. |
Examination about the association with a testosterone level and the arteriosclerosis in patients with OS16-3 type 2 diabetes (men) 邵仁哲1, 兼光紀幸3, 納谷佳男4, 落合厚5, 内藤泰行1, 米田公彦6, 河内明宏1, 福井道明2, 吉川敏一2, 三木恒治1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 71-71, 2008. |
Through citizens of OS17-1 care lecture 大野直美1, 尾知洋子1, 高橋良江1, 岡崎俊子2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 72-72, 2008. |
Evaluation of the member of OS17-3 excretion care specialty training seminar 谷口珠実, 花岡真佐子, 西村かおる, 梶原敦子, 田中純子, 高崎良子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 73-73, 2008. |
Activity of PS01-1 excretion team <team UK> 齊藤麻紀, 石川晴邦, 逢坂悟郎, 大橋俊典, 柏原真由美, 田中絵理, 藤原祐介, 山下哲平, 岸典子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 73-73, 2008. |
Analysis of the actual situation of the excretion help in PS01-3 medical treatment type medical facilities and the factor 小岡亜希子, 曽根司央子, 土居千晃, 野村和香, 藤井晶子, 松田裕美, 渡邊あゆみ, 陶山啓子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 74-74, 2008. |
Importance - excretory disorder of the excretion care in the rehabilitation ward is ... with the problem to cause for PS01-4 convalescence 飯田いづみ, 西千浪, 西村美智代 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 75-75, 2008. |
For "the comfortable excretion help" of the use of efforts - diaper patients to PS01-5 excretion care 清水綾子, 犬束嘉宏 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 75-75, 2008. |
The present conditions of the elderly people intermittent self catheterization in the hospital kidney urinary organ surgery attached to PS02-1 Tsukuba University 関戸哲利, 及川剛宏, 島居徹, 赤座英之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 76-76, 2008. |
Through 1 example of patients with self catheterization re-instruction - cardiogenic infarction of the patients who complicated left hemiplegia in PS02-2 spina bifida - 泉谷義明 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 76-76, 2008. |
The present conditions in the whereabouts of the PS02-3 advanced age self catheterization patients 岩切直子1, 竹内舞衣子1, 田島純子1, 萩原絹子1, 畑田鉄平2, 東武昇平2, 森健一2, 松尾学2, 野口満2, 金武洋2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 77-77, 2008. |
Example that intermittent withdrawing of urine during sleep was effective for PS02-4 bedridden dementia old man 神戸排尿懇話会グループ6, 山崎浩1, 大家角義1, 谷口大輔2, 野田晴彦2, 安野博彦3, 森下真一4, 山道深4, 仙石淳5, 能美昌司5 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 77-77, 2008. |
One case that self catheterization was useful for bladder diverticulum of PS02-5 elderly people 作間俊治1, 金丸和美2, 藤田亮1, 安田敦子2, 尾畑紘史1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 78-78, 2008. |
Example that an urine discharge disorder improved by PS03-2 urination instruction 石田陽子, 野尻佳克, 岡村菊夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 79-79, 2008. |
Example that a living condition improved by use of PS03-3 care service 藤井洋一郎, 坂尾博晃, 栗田知子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 79-79, 2008. |
The bladder training method to an advanced age at-home supporter by the PS03-4 care manager required 坂本増美1, 井上勝己2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 80-80, 2008. |
About the effect of the cranberry juice long-term intake on patients of the long-term urethral catheterisation state with PS03-5 chronicity complexity urinary tract infection 藤田左知子1, 岩野まゆみ1, 太田麻希1, 八木泰美1, 西村恵里子1, 木村明2, 木村知行1, 宮永健3, 青木芳隆4, 横山修4 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 80-80, 2008. |
Examination about the fixed method of PS04-1 urethral catheters 武川智美1, 小林優子1, 飯岡昌美1, 畑山早苗1, 吉田悦子1, 鹿山道代1, 青柳貞一郎2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 81-81, 2008. |
Examination of the effect that PS04-2 urinary incontinence and a diaper give to buttocks skin 繁田佳映1, 大場美穂1, 藤川潤子1, 仲上豪二朗1, 井上歩2, 上田葵子2, 田端恵子3, 須釜淳子2, 真田弘美1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 81-81, 2008. |
Examination of the effectiveness of the urine collecting pad for the purpose of healing of dermatopathy promotion in the PS04-3 buttocks, the aggravation prevention 大場美穂1, 繁田佳映1, 仲上豪二朗1, 松尾淳子2, 井上歩2, 上田葵子2, 藤川潤子1, 田端恵子3, 須釜淳子2, 真田弘美1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 82-82, 2008. |
Difference in image ... with elderly people and the care employment of investigation - public about PS04-4 excretion care and the excretion article 高植幸子1, 吉田和枝1, 佐々木奈緒2, 林智世3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 82-82, 2008. |
About efforts about the excretion care of PS05-1 Kitakyushu-shi 徳光崇1, 北九州方式の排泄ケアシステム検討会2, 熊澤淨一2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 83-83, 2008. |
About activities and the problem of the PS05-2 urination care consultation window 緒方有為子1, 山田裕司1, 猪熊和仁1, 大江晃2, 熊澤淨一3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 83-83, 2008. |
From the situation of efforts - administration of the elderly people urinary incontinence prevention business of PS05-3 Kitakyushu-shi - 福田聖子1, 宮永敬市1, 大丸幸1, 今吉由美2, 岩坪暎二4, 倉本博5, 山下博志6, 西井久枝7, 橋元隆8, 熊澤淨一3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 84-84, 2008. |
Efforts as the physical therapist to the PS05-4 women elderly people urinary incontinence prevention classroom 中藤佳絵1, 吉田遊子1, 神崎良子1, 橋元隆1, 福田聖子2, 宮永敬市2, 大丸幸2, 田舎中真由美3, 西井久枝4, 熊澤淨一5 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 84-84, 2008. |
Attitude survey of the excretion care in the staff concerned with PS05-5 elderly persons living at home care 西井久枝1, 舟谷文男2, 熊澤淨一3, 松本哲朗1 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 85-85, 2008. |
Approach of the PS06-1 "Sanuki urinary incontinence social gathering" Kagawa excretion support seminar 福井明代1, 長尾由美子2, 門田千晶3, 近石昌子4, 細川三規子5, 山西美江6, 高橋安子7, 山本由利子8, 大橋洋三2, 筧善行3 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 85-85, 2008. |
About efforts and the effect of the excretion seminar in the PS06-2 "society of the whole country net aiming at the comfortable urination NPO corporation" 山口昌子, 上田明宏 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 86-86, 2008. |
It is ... for the excretion (bowel movement) care network structure in community medical care cooperation activity - area as the PS06-3 special hospital 種子田美穂子1, 伊藤聡子1, 平川素子1, 古賀優子1, 井手美穂1, 荒木靖三2 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 21: 86-86, 2008. |