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Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011)

Volume 22, Issue / 2009
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1. Trend of a diagnosis, the treatment guideline for patients with super elderly people prostate cancer in our country
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 1-1, 2009.

Japanese Article 2. A diagnosis and treatment of old urologic cancer
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 2-2, 2009.

Japanese Article Step of the society urologic at Japanese old age
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 3-6, 2009.

Japanese Article 1. To be at home, and to undergo medical treatment reporting to a family supporting patients with old urologic cancer and support ... in peace; ...
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 7-7, 2009.

Japanese Article 2. It is the relation to ... comeback to normal life after support technique of the elderly cancer-carrying patient and family who underwent urinary diversion
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 8-8, 2009.

Japanese Article 3. How do support discharge support - family of patients with old urologic cancer exploring way of life at the end of life; ...?
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 9-9, 2009.

Japanese Article 4. Mainly on efforts of present conditions - Kyoto of cancer measures -
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 10-10, 2009.

Japanese Article 5. Reporting and support to a family supporting patients with old urologic cancer
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 11-11, 2009.

Japanese Article 1. Total care to patients with cancer and a family urologic at old age
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 12-12, 2009.

Japanese Article 2. From the situation of symptom control and total care - skin, excretion care authorization nurse of symptomatic urologic cancer -
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 13-13, 2009.

Japanese Article 3. Radiotherapy for urologic cancer of elderly people
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 14-14, 2009.

Japanese Article 4. Symptom control and total care of symptomatic urologic cancer
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 15-15, 2009.

English Article 1. Neuromodulation
Firouz Daneshgari
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 16-18, 2009.

English Article 2. Minimally Invasive Female Urology
Sandip Vasavada
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 19-20, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical results of the bladder total extraction for elderly people OS01-1 80 years old or older
山中和樹1,2, 三宅秀明1, 武中篤1, 井上隆朗2, 藤澤正人1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 21-21, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical examination about the elderly patients whom radical total cystectomy in the OS01-2 our hospital was performed in
石原理裕1, 佐藤直也1, 坂本英雄1, 檜垣昌夫1, 小川良雄2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 21-21, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the bladder total extraction for OS01-3 elderly people
深津顕俊, 上平修, 平林裕樹, 守屋嘉恵, 萩倉祥一, 木村恭祐, 吉川羊子, 松浦治
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 22-22, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of patients with old bladder cancer in the OS01-4 Fukushima Medical College urology department
片岡政雄, 野宮正範, 川島洋平, 小川総一郎, 小黒俊樹, 佐川幸司, 塩見誉, 宍戸啓一, 山口脩
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 22-22, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the renal carcinoma surgery case of OS01-5 elderly people
小内友紀子1, 近藤恒徳1, 橋本恭伸1, 小林博人1, 田邉一成1, 中澤速和2, 伊藤文夫2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 23-23, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the celoscope lower kidney surgery for patients with OS01-6 elderly aged 75 or over renal carcinoma
井上勝己1, 濱砂良一1, 分田裕順1, 上村敏雄1, 月野浩昌1, 別納弘法1, 蓮井良浩1, 山下康洋2, 小林隆彦3, 長野正史4
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 23-23, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the urologic celoscope poorness technique for OS02-1 elderly people (80 years old or older)
平井健一, 秋田泰之, 井上享, 山崎六志, 秦聡孝, 住野泰弘, 野村威雄, 平田裕二, 佐藤文憲, 三股浩光
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 24-24, 2009.

Japanese Article When incontinence type urinary diversion technique is chosen for OS02-2 elderly people, is a difference of the quality of life present between technique?
米納誠, 山本泰弘, 今西彩, 深川淳至, 吉田正貴
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 24-24, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical examination about the side effect of the M-VAC therapy for patients with progressive urothelial carcinoma in the OS02-3 our hospital 70 years or older
元山彰子1, 中島紀子1, 森明美1, 中村一美1, 人見由希子1, 太田淳子1, 川口昌平2, 小堀善友2, 中嶋孝夫2, 島村正喜2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 25-25, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the retroperitoneal space mirror lower kidney ureter total extraction for elderly people in the OS02-4 our hospital
寺西淳一, 佐保田珠弥, 服部裕介, 三好康秀, 近藤慶一, 野口和美
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 25-25, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of renal cell carcinoma complicated with OS02-5 patients on dialysis
松崎敦, 平井勝, 鷲野聡, 小林裕
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 26-26, 2009.

Japanese Article Experience of foreign chemotherapy (paclitaxel+gemcitabine) for the OS02-6 elderly people urothelial carcinoma
高橋元, 福田一絵, 畑田鉄平, 野口満, 江口二朗, 野俣浩一郎, 金武洋
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 26-26, 2009.

Japanese Article The effect of the posture on OS03-1 bowel function: Examination in healthy subjects by the video manometry
角山邦子1, 榊原隆次2, 細井博康3, 岸雅彦2, 小川恵美奈2, 高橋修4, 内山智之5, 阿波裕輔6, 山西友典7, 田邉一成2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 27-27, 2009.

Japanese Article Precision judgment of various supersonic wave volume of urine measurement instruments to use in OS03-2 excretion care settings
岩坪暎二1, 八木廣朗1, 永沼真由美2, 関屋じゅん2, 花田千秋2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 27-27, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the intervention of nursing it to the patients whom an urination disorder appeared after OS03-3 rectum, anus disease technique
内藤直美1, 西村かおる1, 平林理代1, 齊藤恵子1, 石黒登志子1, 大川あさ子2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 28-28, 2009.

Japanese Article The residual urine measurement using OS03-4 diaper sensor
作間俊治, 杉本正顕
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 28-28, 2009.

Japanese Article The development of the local network of the OS03-5 elderly people excretion rehabilitation and inspection of the effectiveness
後藤百万, 松川宜久, 小松智徳, 奥村敬子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 29-29, 2009.

Japanese Article For improvement of the ability for assessment of making - floor nurse of the assessment tool for the urination disorder in the OS03-6 orthopedics ward and unification of the care -
阿久津清子, 山田祐子, 浅野千里, 渡邉麻子, 山下悦子, 田中純子, 西野理英
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 29-29, 2009.

Japanese Article About the NPO incorporation of the OS04-1 Fukuoka elderly people excretion improvement committee
武井実根雄, 山口秋人, 関成人, 阿部正秀, 角田和之, 宮崎良春
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 30-30, 2009.

Japanese Article Care burden on OS04-2 assistance withdrawing of urine enforcement care giver degree investigation
松田久雄1, 前川たかし2, 朴英哲3, 山田薫4, 森康範5, 加藤良成5, 井口正典5, 百瀬均6, 植村天受7, 渥美公秀8
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 30-30, 2009.

Japanese Article Experience the excretion rehabilitation of the rectal bladder functional disorder patients due to an OS04-3 sacral nerve disorder
種子田美穂子, 溝口祐香, 村田奈理加, 中尾真由美, 中島美穂, 荒木靖三
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 31-31, 2009.

Japanese Article Try making, the use of bowel movement management - bowel movement chart of patients with OS04-4 spinal cord injury; and -
藤井奈緒子, 谷口真弓, 柏木史江, 黒崎里美, 高橋信子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 31-31, 2009.

Japanese Article Attitude survey about the urination management of the nurse in OS04-6 Nara
下川久仁子1,2, 苫米地智恵1,2, 橋田あつ子1, 吉村久美子1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 32-32, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination about instruction and the course management using the OS04-7 at-home self catheterization care book
玉木美種子, 高谷明美, 今村理恵, 藏田佐知子, 大口尚基, 松田公志
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 33-33, 2009.

Japanese Article Comparison of medical expenses by the presence or absence of nocturia of OS05-1 elderly people
中川晴夫1, 海法康裕1, 今西里佳1, 寶澤篤2, 牛凱群3, 永富良一3, 辻一郎2, 荒井陽一1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 33-33, 2009.

Japanese Article The hypogonadism (LOH, late-onset hypogonadism) of men with the OS05-2 aging is an independent risk factor of the loss of control of blood sugar
杉本和宏1, 重原一慶1, 角野佳史1, 北川育秀1, 小中弘之1, 溝上敦1, 高栄哲1, 並木幹夫1, 高島三洋2, 岩本晃明3
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 34-34, 2009.

Japanese Article Does it become the risk factor of SSI for the length of stay in OS05-3 preoperation?
大菅陽子, 野尻佳克, 岡村菊夫
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 34-34, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect of treatment of the imiquimod cream for the OS05-4 condyloma acuminatum
石井泰憲, 山本小百合, 瀬山洋子, 福田絵梨, 黒須つた子, 峯岸和子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 35-35, 2009.

Japanese Article About the existence febris urinary tract infection onset of patients who received OS05-5 intermittent self catheterization (CIC)
宮崎有, 吉村耕治, 大久保和俊, 渡部淳, 神波大己, 兼松明弘, 中村英二郎, 西山博之, 賀本敏行, 小川修
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 35-35, 2009.

Japanese Article Urinary calculus treatment of the OS06-1 elderly aged 75 or over
西村和重, 金子新, 佐藤勇司, 中島啓二, 徳田雄治, 藤山千里, 魚住二郎
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 36-36, 2009.

Japanese Article Comparative study about the clinical response of levofloxacin and hydrochloric acid tamsulosin for OS06-2 chronic non-bacterial prostatitis or the prostatic pain
高橋良輔1, 関成人1, 上領頼啓2, 山口秋人3, 作間俊治4, 安東定5
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 36-36, 2009.

Japanese Article Importance ... of the collaboration in ... medical care team looking back on a fact of the incontinence care instruction to patients with OS06-3 dementia
小林陽子, 白取絹恵, 村山猛男
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 37-37, 2009.

Japanese Article Analysis - from the attitude survey of the member who arrived at the report - care post at aging care circle settings in the OS06-4 Kinjo University
釜土禮子, 越納美和
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 37-37, 2009.

Japanese Article Is high-dose hydrochloric acid vardenafil (20) in OS06-5 elderly people dangerous?
佐々木春明1, 押野見和彦2, 後藤隆太3, 深澤立4, 石川公庸5, 矢嶋孝敏1, 麻生太行1, 青木慶一郎1, 太田道也1, 七条武志6
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 38-38, 2009.

Japanese Article Can sexual dysfunction of the OS06-6 Parkinson's disease precede an exercise symptom?
内山智之1, 榊原隆次1,3, 山本達也1, 伊藤敬志1, 阿波裕輔4, 山口千晴2, 服部孝道1, 桑原聡1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 38-38, 2009.

Japanese Article OS07-1 urge incontinence, clinical examination of the sacrum surface therapeutic electrical stimulation for the urinary frequency with a feeling of pressure
能勢頼人, 竹島雄太, 佐藤俊和, 田島惇
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 39-39, 2009.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of preventive measures against thromboembolism in the OS07-2 pelvic organ prolapse surgery
中田真木1, 中山裕敏1, 小島俊行1, 遠田栄一2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 39-39, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of psychometrics of international prostatic symptom score (I-PSS) for OS07-3 women lower urinary tract symptom (FLUTS)
岡村菊夫, 野尻佳克, 大菅陽子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 40-40, 2009.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the low back pain in the OS07-4 Tension-free vaginal mesh(TVM) surgery and the measures
川本三枝子1, 池田洋2, 野村昌良3, 松本有未1, 渡邉良子1, 矢野京子1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 40-40, 2009.

Japanese Article It is ... through a comparison of brochure check list introduction for relation to instruction to patient of the staff for the OS07-5 exercise of pelvic muscle and effect ... patients and anteroposterior UCLA-PCI
吉田紀子, 森紗耶嘉, 百津毅, 北川りえ, 筬島保子, 野口正典, 松岡啓
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 41-41, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination about the change of male LUTS by the OS08-1 aging
杉村享之, 田中純子, 伊藤美香, 志賀淑之, 遠藤文康, 福井準之助, 村石修
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 41-41, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical results of the imidafenacin in the elderly hyperactivity bladder patients OS08-2 80 years old or older
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 42-42, 2009.

Japanese Article Interstitial cystitis in OS08-3 elderly people
野宮明, 藤村哲也, 福原浩, 榎本裕, 西松寛明, 久米春喜, 武内巧, 本間之夫
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 42-42, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect factor to give the medication compliance of the OS08-4 mistake activity bladder patients
松下全巳1, 片岡憲稔2, 鎌足雅之2, 三谷高徹2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 43-43, 2009.

Japanese Article Hearing investigation of the hyperactivity bladder of elderly people by the questionnaire in the OS08-5 orthopedics
吉田祐文, 栩木弘和, 鎌田雄策, 高橋洋平, 清水英徳, 木場健
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 43-43, 2009.

Japanese Article About a change after the sacrum surface therapeutic electrical stimulation in female need of nursing care elderly people with OS09-1 OAB
今西里佳1, 中川晴夫2, 松本香好美3, 淡路静佳3, 鍋倉実3, 丹野修3, 海法康裕2, 松下真史2, 荒井陽一2, 上月正博1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 44-44, 2009.

Japanese Article Comparison between feeling of urinary urgency and feeling of residual urine of the OS09-2 mistake activity bladder patients
山口千晴1, 内山智之2, 山本達也2, 阿波裕輔3, 榊原隆次4, 真々田賢司1, 澤部祐司1, 野村文夫1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 44-44, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination about the urination symptom of patients with OS09-3 advanced age urinary calculus
東武昇平, 松尾朋博, 江口二朗, 山田潤
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 45-45, 2009.

Japanese Article Adaptation - of the acupuncture by the MRI views in patients with examination - cerebrovascular disorder of the acupuncture for the hyperactivity bladder of OS09-4 elderly people
本城久司1, 日野こころ1, 北小路博司1, 岡田晃一2, 中尾昌宏2, 浮村理3, 河内明宏3, 三木恒治3
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 45-45, 2009.

Japanese Article Improvement effect of the feeling like to urine in the treatment with cholinolytic drug on OS09-5 elderly hyperactivity bladder patients
宍戸啓一1, 野宮正範1, 酒井多喜夫1, 高橋則雄2, 内田久志2, 細井隆之2, 中野路子3, 渡辺一弘3, 村上房夫3, 山口脩1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 46-46, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination ... at patients trend - no floor medical office of BPH/Male LUTS treated only with OS10-1 medical therapy of 3 years
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 46-46, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinical usefulness of naftopidil with the urination diary for patients with OS10-2 prostatic hyperplasia
渡邊成樹1, 山口聡1, 小山内裕昭1, 沼田篤2, 柿崎秀宏2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 47-47, 2009.

Japanese Article Effect of α 1 blocker on patients with OS10-3 advanced age prostatic hyperplasia
今西武志1, 栗田豊1, 新保斉2, 赤羽伸一2, 高田三喜3, 中西利方4, 大園誠一郎1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 47-47, 2009.

Japanese Article Positioning of OS10-4 hydrochloric acid tamsulosin and the silodosin
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 48-48, 2009.

Japanese Article Prospective study - that we did it mainly on a quality of life evaluation by clinical response - IPSS of naftopidil for patients with prostatic hyperplasia that we examined from the presence or absence of merger of the OS10-5 mistake activity bladder and KHQ
矢野仁1, 鈴木啓悦1, 阿波裕輔2, 浜野聡2, 太田詔2, 大木健正1,2, 古谷雄三2, 岡野達弥2, 森偉久夫2, 市川智彦1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 48-48, 2009.

Japanese Article It is one hollow dynamics with suspected CADASIL from OS11-1 cerebral white matter lesion, peripheral neuropathy
高橋修1, 榊原隆次2, 杉山恵1, 金徳男1, 片岡学1, 坂本恭子1, 岸雅彦2, 小川恵美奈2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 49-49, 2009.

Japanese Article One hollow dynamics which presented only a cerebellum symptom and an urination symptom after OS11-2 encephalitis
杉山恵1, 榊原隆次2, 高橋修1, 角山邦子3, 金徳男1, 片岡学1, 坂本恭子1, 岸雅彦2, 小川恵美奈2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 50-50, 2009.

Japanese Article One case of the neurogenic bladder which occurred after radiation combination arterial infusion chemotherapy for the OS11-3 bladder cancer
稲葉光彦, 藤井秀岳, 鳥山清二郎, 姫田健, 中ノ内恒如, 本郷文弥
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 50-50, 2009.

Japanese Article After taking silodosin for the urination disorder with the OS11-4 prostatic hyperplasia multicenter clinical studies (SELECTIVITY age stratified analysis) about the early effect
小川毅彦1, 上村博司1, 矢尾正祐1, 野口和美2, 志村英俊3, 古畑哲彦3, 河上哲3, 里見佳昭3, 朝倉智行3, 窪田吉信1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 51-51, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination about the residual urine of OS11-5 elderly people
畑田鉄平1, 野口満1, 東武昇平2, 森健一3, 高橋元1, 松尾学4, 金武洋1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 51-51, 2009.

Japanese Article Early adverse event of the encapsulated sealed radioactive source therapy for OS12-1 elderly people
高田亮1, 佐藤健介1, 大澤泰介1, 及川浩2, 中村隆二2, 丹治進1, 江原茂2, 藤岡友昭1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 52-52, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the foreign chemotherapy for OS12-2 elderly people
桝永浩一, 稲留彰人, 松本賢士, 米納誠, 大谷将之, 吉田正貴
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 52-52, 2009.

Japanese Article Bone density drop with the endocrine therapy for patients with OS12-3 advanced age prostate cancer
山本貴大, 小野澤瑞樹, 宮永直人, 常樂晃, 及川剛宏, 関戸哲利, 河合弘二, 島居徹, 赤座英之
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 53-53, 2009.

Japanese Article Long-term experience of internal secretion chemotherapy, the radiotherapy for the OS12-4 elderly people prostate cancer (there are metastases to bone)
小林正喜1, 松井強1, 岡田安弘2, 一瀬岳人2, 高橋悟2, 滝本至得2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 53-53, 2009.

Japanese Article About the bone fracture of the prostate cancer case during OS12-5 androgen ablation therapy
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 54-54, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect that OS13-1 prostate cancer brachytherapy gives to the quality of life of elderly people
長田浩彦1, 森田伸也1, 中島淳2, 香野日高1, 菊地栄次1, 宮嶋哲1, 中川健1, 大家基嗣1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 54-54, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination according to the age group about the OS13-2 prostate aspiration biopsy
小島宗門1, 矢田康文1, 早瀬喜正2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 55-55, 2009.

Japanese Article Experience case of the terminal care for the last years of prostate cancer case in the care health center for the elderly of OS13-3 us
本田まゆみ1, 中神義三1,2, 小島健次1, 平内理恵1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 55-55, 2009.

Japanese Article Effect of the video teaching materials in OS13-4 high dose rate division implant therapy (HDR)
松本絵里香, 田中みどり, 渡辺沙織, 佐々木亮, 高田穂積
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 56-56, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the biopsy number in the OS13-5 perineal prostate biopsy: Is the many several places biopsy necessary for a case 70 years old or older?
宇野裕巳1, 高田俊彦1, 竹内敏視1, 多田晃司2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 56-56, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination about the improvement effect of α 1 receptor blockade on urination disorder to be complicated with encapsulated sealed radioactive source treatment in OS14-1 prostate cancer eternity
上松克利1,2, 佐々木克己1,2, 渡辺豊彦1,2, 鬼武万由子1, 小武家誠1,2, 上杉達也1,2, 枝村康平1,2, 雑賀隆史1,2, 那須保友1,2, 公文裕巳1,2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 57-57, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination about the correlation of the quality of life effect level index in patients with OS14-2 prostate cancer and the health-related quality of life questionnaire
松崎香奈子, 木藤宏樹, 小林孝至, 溝口研一, 赤倉功一郎
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 57-57, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the radical total prostatectomy that OS14-3 elderly people underwent
木村恭祐, 上平修, 平林裕樹, 守屋嘉恵, 萩倉祥一, 深津顕俊, 吉川羊子, 松浦治
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 58-58, 2009.

Japanese Article Trial (the first report) of the talk database compilation of patients with OS14-4 prostate cancer
谷口珠実1, 澤田明子2, 佐藤(佐久間)りか3, 射場典子3, 一之瀬義雄5, 木元康介6
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 58-58, 2009.

Japanese Article An understanding degree and satisfaction for the drug castration of patients with OS14-5 prostate cancer
辻舞1, 阪木浩子1, 下川久仁子1, 原本順規2, 谷満2, 平山暁秀3, 永吉純一4
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 59-59, 2009.

Japanese Article About a change of the bone density with the androgen ablation therapy of the OS15-1 prostate cancer
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 59-59, 2009.

Japanese Article Treatment result of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for patients with OS15-2 elderly people prostate cancer
松尾学1, 竹原浩介1, 鶴崎俊文2, 与儀安男3, 小幡史郎4
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 60-60, 2009.

Japanese Article Trial (the second report) of the talk database compilation of patients with OS15-3 prostate cancer
澤田明子1, 佐藤(佐久間)りか2, 和田恵美子3, 射場典子2, 谷口珠実4, 一ノ瀬義雄5, 木元康介6
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 60-60, 2009.

Japanese Article Comparison in elderly people and young people in the OS15-4 peritoneoscope bottom radical prostatectomy
松川宜久, 服部良平, 奥村敬子, 舟橋康人, 小松智徳, 佐々直人, 吉野能, 山本徳則, 後藤百万
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 61-61, 2009.

Japanese Article Experience of the docetaxel administration for HRPC of OS15-5 elderly people
古瀬洋, 松本力哉, 伊藤寿樹, 永田仁夫, 今西武志, 大塚篤史, 高山達也, 栗田豊, 麦谷荘一, 大園誠一郎
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 61-61, 2009.

Japanese Article About the nursing intervention which paid more attention to key person (person of assistance) of the OS16-1 senile hollows Tommy construction patients
鈴木千絵子, 島津智江, 鈴木晶子, 伊藤寛美, 増田倫子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 62-62, 2009.

Japanese Article Look back toward the nursing of the patients, the family who fell into importance - crisis state of the relation of the nurse for the patients, the family receiving the notice of OS16-2 cancer; and -
青木美佐子, 入澤千晴, 入澤千晶, 二瓶香代子, 横田陽子, 梅宮直子, 長谷川恵
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 62-62, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of safety and the duties transfer in the injection by the nurse of OS16-3 Zoladex LA
真崎加奈子1, 権藤ひとみ1, 藤川暢子1, 林笑子1, 柳迫昌美1, 山口秋人2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 63-63, 2009.

Japanese Article Cooperation of a physician and the nurse at the cancer practice in the OS16-4 our hospital
入澤千晴, 入澤千晶, 青木美佐子, 二瓶香代子, 横田陽子, 梅宮直子, 長谷川恵
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 63-63, 2009.

Japanese Article Present conditions and problem - of the nursing support to image - molecules target-treated patients of the nurse for the OS16-5 new therapy introduction
倉石真理, 浅田つかさ, 納奈央, 上岡美保, 白石留美子, 中屋ひとみ
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 64-64, 2009.

Japanese Article It is ... for improvement of the quality of duties improvement, the nursing from the development of the assessment list of the OS16-6 sharp pain control and the example examination of the cancer pain past of enforcement - urinary organ cancer
冨永実穂, 柴千恵子, 吉田かおる, 佐々木空美, 吉井栄子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 64-64, 2009.

Japanese Article A feeling of dysuria just after the OS17-1 TURP surgery
野尻佳克, 大菅陽子, 岡村菊夫, 横山剛志, 藤井美保子, 林留美子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 65-65, 2009.

Japanese Article Fact-finding after the discharge for the postoperative urinary incontinence of the patients who underwent OS17-2 total prostatectomy
斎藤知恵実, 西山順子, 尾山典子, 今林真由美, 松澤美沙, 中村清華, 船木智子, 松崎香奈子, 木藤宏樹, 赤倉功一郎
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 65-65, 2009.

Japanese Article After TURP technique in patients with OS17-3 dementia about care of delirium, the unrest
横山剛志1, 野尻佳克2, 岡村菊夫2, 大菅陽子2, 藤井美保子1, 林留美子1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 66-66, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination - in the anticoagulation - transurethral resection of prostate technique case in OS17-5 elderly people
小澤秀夫1, 横山光彦2, 常義政2, 藤井智浩2, 宮地禎幸2, 永井敦2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 67-67, 2009.

Japanese Article Cooperation with NST in the lap stage of surgical anesthesia of the OS17-6 advanced age urinary organ patients
佐治佳奈子1, 菅原寛子1, 豊岡藍1, 阿保佳子1, 伊藤留美子1, 熊田真紀子1, 中川晴夫2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 67-67, 2009.

Japanese Article Present conditions analysis and discussion of the urologic disease in the care health center for the elderly (stand-alone) user of OS18-1 us
平内理恵1, 中神義三1,2, 小島健次1, 本田まゆみ1, 山中香1, 太田良梨沙1, 外山禎子1, 大井美智子1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 68-68, 2009.

Japanese Article Attitude survey of the nurse in the use of OS18-2 getting up, body movement sensor
佐藤啓太1, 大熊香1, 堀富貴子1, 荻原芳香1, 吉田祝子1, 泰多賀子1, 古山裕子1, 佐竹洋平2, 池田義弘2, 浪間孝重2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 68-68, 2009.

Japanese Article About a fall risk by the short term hospital admission of patients with OS18-3 advanced age urinary organ cancer
山内希, 竹内舞衣子, 林智子, 貞方三枝子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 69-69, 2009.

Japanese Article Discussion about thirsty frequency by the OS18-4 cholinolytic drug internal use and the care
堀雅美1, 前田康子1, 八嶋遊2, 井口由佳2, 重原一慶3, 打林忠雄4
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 69-69, 2009.

Japanese Article Stoma care of the patients repeating the self-withdrawal of the ureteral stent by OS18-5 dementia
多氣真弓1, 上野理恵1, 森優2, 今田直樹2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 70-70, 2009.

Japanese Article One discussion about the preoperation care to elderly people undergoing OS18-6 urinary diversion
河北奈津子, 幸史子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 70-70, 2009.

Japanese Article One case of the bladder calculus due to PS01-1 urethral catheterisation
林留美子1, 近藤祐加1, 正岡愛1, 藤井美保子1, 横山剛志1, 村松有紀1, 大菅陽子2, 野尻佳克2, 岡村菊夫2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 71-71, 2009.

Japanese Article ... which thinks about the role that a hospital takes in excretion care for fact-finding - acute phase of the urinary incontinence in the PS01-2 person with a disability ward
津畑亜紀子, 花田美樹, 出井恭子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 71-71, 2009.

Japanese Article A nursing job and the care job in PS01-3 urination care settings: From the questionary survey of 203 nursing jobs that participated in a class and 84 care jobs
山口昌子1, 上田朋宏1,2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 72-72, 2009.

Japanese Article NET EXCEPTION Err: Could not connect to host
緒方有為子1, 岩坪暎二2, 山下博志3, 西井久枝4, 山田裕司1, 徳光崇5
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 72-72, 2009.

Japanese Article Activity report of the PS01-5 Aizu excretion care meeting for the study
加藤幸二, 入澤千晴, 青木美佐子, 梶原敦子, 逸持治幸子, 小池夏子, 古俣宏江, 五十嵐裕子, 佐藤友美, 入澤千晶
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 73-73, 2009.

Japanese Article Effect of the abdominal damp hot compress on urination after the slight water load of PS01-6 elderly people
留畑寿美江1, 納城隆一2, 井垣通人3, 岩元純4
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 73-73, 2009.

Japanese Article A physical therapy intervention effect and follow-up evaluation by the randomized controlled trial of PS01-7 stress urinary incontinence possession women
矢萩美和1, 鈴木重行2, 後藤百万3, 吉川羊子4, 関口由紀1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 74-74, 2009.

Japanese Article Quality of life of the patients receiving the infusion therapy in the BCG bladder in PS02-1 outpatient department
笹川寿美1, 中川雅子1, 今倉美智子2, 三神一哉3, 浮村理3, 三木恒治3
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 74-74, 2009.

Japanese Article Attitude survey for the urine of the patients who received PS02-2 TUR-BT (transurethral bladder tumor resection)
福原真紀1, 牧野未奈1, 坂口裕子1, 前田ゆかり1, 伊藤吉三2, 乾啓子1
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 75-75, 2009.

Japanese Article Experience of the interference low frequency treatment for PS02-3 stress urinary incontinence (hollow master)
佐藤文恵1, 天野友香理1, 大園誠一郎2
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 75-75, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination about the risk factor of the anatomic dehiscence in the bladder total extraction with the use of PS02-4 intestinal tract urinary diversion technique
釜子優美子, 干場智子, 藤井香葉, 山本真弓, 桐山明子, 大川智美
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 76-76, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the bladder tamponade in the PS02-5 our hospital
山道誠司, 池田英夫, 栗栖弘明, 牛島由子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 76-76, 2009.

Japanese Article For the understanding improvement of result - patients of the orientation using the PS02-7 DVD -
高野由子, 坂本裕美, 荒木絵美子, 鵜飼真理, 北川三千代, 大嶺卓司
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 22: 77-77, 2009.