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Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011)
Volume 23, Issue / 2010
English Article Japanese Article
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Term of the chairmanship 河邉香月 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 1-1, 2010. |
The medical prospects toward the super aged society 辻哲夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 2-2, 2010. |
Term of the chairmanship 後藤百万1), 真田弘美2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 3-3, 2010. |
1. The present conditions and problem of the urination management in the at-home old man institution 後藤百万 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 4-4, 2010. |
2. Importance of the urination management judging from skin care 真田弘美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 5-5, 2010. |
3. Urination care in repeat invention, being at home 西村かおる Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 6-6, 2010. |
4. Urination care of need of nursing care elderly people 竹内孝仁1), 藤尾祐子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 7-7, 2010. |
Term of the chairmanship 市川智彦1), 筧善行2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 8-8, 2010. |
1. Quality of life evaluation in localized prostate cancer treatment 吉村耕治 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 9-9, 2010. |
2. Laparoscopic prostatectomy 頴川晋 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 10-10, 2010. |
3. Minimum wound endoscope lower total prostatectomy 木原和徳 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 11-11, 2010. |
Term of the chairmanship 内藤誠二1), 大園誠一郎2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 12-12, 2010. |
1. Medical treatment: for the prostatic hyperplasia Mainly on an alpha-blocker and an anticholinergic drug 山西友典 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 13-13, 2010. |
2. How do make guidelines on prostatic hyperplasia;:? About surgery and low invasive treatment 関成人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 14-14, 2010. |
Term of the chairmanship 平尾佳彦1), 岩坪暎二2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 15-15, 2010. |
1. About the treatment of sleep disorder with nocturia and the hyperactivity bladder 武田正之1), 座光寺秀典1), 中込宙史1), 澤田智史1), 荒木勇雄1), 後藤百万2), 西澤理3), 吉田正貴4), 高橋悟5) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 16-16, 2010. |
2. One idea of the therapy for the coping nocturia for the nocturia of elderly people 平山暁秀 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 17-17, 2010. |
3. From analysis "long-term vertical section epidemiologic studies about the aging" of the nocturia 岡村菊夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 18-18, 2010. |
1. The combined modality therapy that is Sequential for the progress renal carcinoma 羽渕友則 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 19-19, 2010. |
2. The mechanism of action of neovascularisation inhibitor and the mTOR inhibitor 大家基嗣 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 20-20, 2010. |
1. Comparison and problem - with quality of life and treatment satisfaction - various therapy of patients with localized prostate cancer during endocrine therapy 並木幹夫, 三輪聰太郎, 上野悟, 北川育秀, 溝上敦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 21-21, 2010. |
2. A hot flash and usefulness of quality of life - steroid-related antiandrogen 酒井英樹 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 22-22, 2010. |
Prostate cancer postoperative urination disorder: One discussion to male LUTS natural history 荒井陽一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 23-23, 2010. |
1. Elucidation - of metabolic syndrome and lower urinary tract symptom - common onset risk 横山修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 24-24, 2010. |
2. The medical side of the urination disorder in the metabolic syndrome 石橋俊 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 25-25, 2010. |
1. From the situation of questionnaire - common practice used for an urination disorder - 久米春喜 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 26-26, 2010. |
2. Good how to use questionnaire ... to utilize questionnaire for assessment and a care evaluation, and to keep alive for ... nursing 田中純子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 27-27, 2010. |
1. Medical treatment Update of the prostatic hyperplasia 柿崎秀宏 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 28-28, 2010. |
2. Possibility of the prostate cancer chemoprophylaxis 金山博臣 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 29-29, 2010. |
1. A floor of the pelvis disorder and quality of life: of women Pelvic organ prolapse 高橋悟 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 30-30, 2010. |
2. Urinary incontinence and quality of life of women 巴ひかる Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 31-31, 2010. |
Anti-aging food of the coenzyme Q10 dream 山本順寛 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 32-32, 2010. |
Term of the chairmanship 窪田吉信 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 33-33, 2010. |
Introduction of the interesting announcement 鈴木康之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 34-34, 2010. |
Paramedics domain 谷口珠実 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 35-35, 2010. |
1. An uneasy factor about the excretion of elderly people judging from telephone consultation and the cancellation suggestion 松房弘子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 36-36, 2010. |
2. It is ... for the brochure making for the patients who can reduce investigation, examination - uneasiness of the uneasiness of the patients detaining urethral catheters 山本小百合 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 36-36, 2010. |
3. Attitude survey of the nurse for the smell in the ward 佐々木亮 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 37-37, 2010. |
4. Bacteria pollution state of coccygeal region in the pad internal environment and the urination capitulum skin 仲上豪二朗1), 繁田佳映2), 真田弘美1), 紺家千津子3), 松尾淳子4), 須釜淳子4), 田端恵子5) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 37-37, 2010. |
5. Effect of the portable restroom of the flushing for the independence help of the excretion act 佐藤隼人, 西村純二, 一宮マリ子, 阿部寿美子, 橋本由美子, 荒金幹代子, 香田三郎, 渡邉真由美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 38-38, 2010. |
1. The training actual situation of the foreign care giver about urology department 松田久雄1), 植村天受2), 渥美公秀3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 38-38, 2010. |
2. Shonan area care exchange meeting 菊地基 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 39-39, 2010. |
4. Is it met the urination request of need of nursing care elderly people? 松永翼1), 中司江利子2), 森敬子2), 花田千秋3), 筒井清香3), 永沼真由美3), 八木廣朗4), 岩坪暎二4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 40-40, 2010. |
5. Society collaborative investigation (forecast of 2009) urologic at old age about the urination care of need of nursing care elderly people 岩坪暎二1), 小澤恵美2), 中下英之助3), 土山克樹4), 中原壬寿5), 大和豊子6), 高崎良子7), 伊藤京子8), 高坂哲9), 本間之夫10) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 41-41, 2010. |
1. Using fact-finding - mistake activity bladder symptom questionnaire and the King health questionnaire of the hyperactivity bladder in the hospital inpatient - 立川幸絵 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 42-42, 2010. |
2. About prefrontal specific and diachronic activity associated with the urine collection 山口千晴, 内山智之, 山本達也, 柳澤充, 真々田賢司, 澤部祐司, 榊原隆次, 桑原聡, 野村文夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 43-43, 2010. |
3. Bladder hyperesthesia due to the nervous disease 榊原隆次1),2), 山口千晴3), 内山智之2), 山本達也2), 山西友典4), 矢野仁5), 阿波裕輔5), 高橋修6), 杉山恵6), 岸雅彦1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 44-44, 2010. |
4. The detection of the detrusor mistake activity by five phases of feeling like to urine 榊原隆次1), 角山邦子2), 高橋修3), 杉山恵3), 内山智之4), 山本達也4), 山西友典5), 矢野仁6), 岸雅彦1), 山口千晴7) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 44-44, 2010. |
1. Care - interview for the urinary frequency by the psychogenesis and importance ... which is environmental made which it is easy to interview 小林陽子1), 村山猛男2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 45-45, 2010. |
2. Examination of the interstitial cystitis in the Kurosawa Hospital 曲友弘, 小倉治之, 加藤春雄, 大塚保宏, 黒澤功 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 46-46, 2010. |
3. Histories of treatment of the interstitial cystitis in elderly people 松本力哉, 大塚篤史, 伊藤寿樹, 杉山貴之, 永田仁夫, 高山達也, 古瀬洋, 栗田豊, 麦谷荘一, 大園誠一郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 47-47, 2010. |
4. Examination of the telephone inquiry for the interstitial cystitis after the TV broadcast 上田朋宏 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 47-47, 2010. |
1. Clinical examination of patients with kidney tumor in our(DM) department 80 years or older 高橋正幸, 布川朋也, 小泉貴裕, 山本恭代, 山口邦久, 中逵弘能, 岸本大輝, 井崎博文, 福森知治, 金山博臣 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 48-48, 2010. |
2. Clinical examination about the change of the long-term renal function after the nephrectomy 久米春喜, 鈴木基文, 藤村哲也, 福原浩, 榎本裕, 西松寛明, 鮎澤信宏, 石橋由孝, 本間之夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 48-48, 2010. |
3. Examination of the contrast nephropathy in elderly people 森健一1), 野口満2), 佐藤文憲1), 三股浩光1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 49-49, 2010. |
1. The effectiveness of the Eviprostat as the initial treatment in the BPH/LUTS patients 川嶋秀紀, 田中智章, 鞍作克之, 玉田聡, 内田潤次, 井口太郎, 仲谷達也 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 50-50, 2010. |
2. Evaluation by OABSS, ICIQ-SF of naftopidil for BPH/LUTS with the urge incontinence 小杉繁1), 池本庸2), 成岡健人2), 梅津清和2), 大塚則臣2), 中條洋3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 51-51, 2010. |
3. Examination ... by the presence or absence of effect on BPH/Male LUTS - OAB of the tamsulosin hydrochloride 村岡敬介 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 52-52, 2010. |
4. Examination with the urination diary of the silodosin for the male lower urinary tract symptom 渡辺美穂, 山西友典, 水野智弥, 吉田謙一郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 53-53, 2010. |
1. Mainly on examination - urinary leakage about the characteristic of elderly people LUTS - 冨田雅之1), 池本庸2), 成岡健人2), 中條洋3), 柚須恒1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 54-54, 2010. |
2. Is the urination of the night BPH patients hard to be really given? - Analysis - by 24 hours UFM 宍戸啓一, 野宮正範, 千葉茂寿, 岩崎充晴, 山口脩 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 55-55, 2010. |
3. Examination of light selective laser transpiration technique (PVP) for elderly people 関成人1), 内藤誠二1), 野村博之2), 山口秋人2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 56-56, 2010. |
4. - to think about the association of the symptom after algetic characteristic - generation time and operation by the urethra indwelling catheter in transurethral prostatectomy (TUR-P) 菊地湖, 馬場清美, 吉田祝子, 古山裕子, 佐竹洋平, 池田義弘, 浪間孝重 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 57-57, 2010. |
1. Discussion about the age upper limit setting of the prostate cancer inhabitants examination in our country 沖原宏治, 三神一哉, 鴨井和実, 河内明宏, 三木恒治 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 58-58, 2010. |
2. Usefulness evaluation of 5-point scale in the prostate cancer detection by the MRI 宇野裕巳1), 豊田将平1), 高田俊彦1), 米田尚生1), 櫻井幸太2), 川口真平2), 仲野正博3), 出口隆3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 59-59, 2010. |
3. Examination of the prostatic aspiration biopsy of super elderly people (80 years old or older) 小幡淳, 長田浩彦, 前田高宏, 香野日高, 水野隆一, 菊地栄次, 浅沼宏, 宮嶋哲, 中川健, 大家基嗣 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 60-60, 2010. |
4. High bone density spinal compression fracture in patients with prostate cancer 松島常1), 金子智之1), 森本裕彦1), 津坂恭央1), 宗像昭夫1), 本間之夫2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 60-60, 2010. |
1. Study on prevalence rate of symptom of the nocturia in local inhabitants and risk factor 大菅陽子1), 岡村菊夫1), 大塚礼2), 加藤友紀2), 下方浩史2), 今井具子3), 安藤富士子4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 61-61, 2010. |
2. Examination about the condition of a patient of the nocturia 大谷将之, 米納誠 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 61-61, 2010. |
3. Examination of circadian rhythm which we saw from the ratio by night in the / day of urinary Na excretion in the nocturia 夏目修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 62-62, 2010. |
4. BNP predicts an effect of the diuretics administration in the day for patients with nocturia 里地葉1), 和田孝浩1), 古閑博明2), 江藤正俊1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 63-63, 2010. |
1. Hearing investigation about the association between injury quick wit and urination disorder of the bone fracture in elderly people 吉田祐文, 栩木弘和, 田島康介, 高尾英龍, 木村昌芳, 木場健 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 64-64, 2010. |
2. About the effect that excretion gives to the fall fall in the elderly people welfare institution 佐々木円 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 64-64, 2010. |
3. Urination care of the vertebral fracture 横山剛志1), 野尻佳克2), 大菅陽子2), 岡村菊夫2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 65-65, 2010. |
1. The effect that DPC gives for perioperative care of the total prostatectomy 橋根勝義, 野尻佳克, 町田二郎, 川喜田睦司, 荒井陽一, 内藤誠二, 長谷川友紀, 服部良平, 松田公志, 岡村菊夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 66-66, 2010. |
2. The effect that DPC gives for perioperative care of the transurethral prostatectomy 岡村菊夫, 野尻佳克, 永江浩史, 矢内原仁, 佐々直人, 荒井陽一, 内藤誠二, 長谷川友紀, 服部良平, 松田公志 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 66-66, 2010. |
3. Try the introduction of examination - porter scan plus of the postoperative urination management in the preoperation in the transurethral endoscopic operation; and ... 原口愛美, 鈴木恵美子, 吉田紀子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 67-67, 2010. |
4. Examination of urinary incontinence postoperative discharge guidance contents 平山千登勢 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 67-67, 2010. |
1. Effect on occupation of the pelvic organ prolapse 加藤久美子1), 鈴木省治1), 山本茂樹2), 古橋憲一2), 吉田和彦2), 鈴木弘一2), 村瀬達良2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 68-68, 2010. |
2. About a role of female sexual dysfunction and urologist than an attitude survey about the nature for - hospital testees - 青木芳隆1), 佐々木喜久子2), 高原典子1), 横山修1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 68-68, 2010. |
3. Trial of the floor of the pelvis line exercises instruction using the DVD 佐藤文恵1), 大園誠一郎2), 合木梢3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 69-69, 2010. |
1. Examination about the lower urinary tract function before and after the Tension-free vaginal mesh (TVM) surgery in the pelvic organ prolapse patients (65 years old or older) 咲間隆裕, 大日方大亮, 佐藤克彦, 長根裕介, 持田淳一, 一瀬岳人, 山口健哉, 高橋悟 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 70-70, 2010. |
2. Preventive measures against wound infection in the pelvic organ prolapse surgery 中田真木, 中山裕敏, 小島俊行 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 70-70, 2010. |
3. Examination of the case that needed intermittent self catheterization (CIC) after pelvic organ prolapse surgical repair 板橋悦子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 71-71, 2010. |
4. The effect that TVM-P gives to bowel function on rectocele 神山剛一, 荒木靖三, 野明俊裕, 中川元典, 岩谷泰江, 小篠洋之, 鍋山健太郎, 高野正博 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 72-72, 2010. |
1. Does the pad test reflect ICIQ-SF for one hour? 川添夏衣1), 関戸哲利1), 河合弘二1), 島居徹1), 赤座英之2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 73-73, 2010. |
2. Thought for the urinary incontinence of the patients who received art of artificial urethral sphincter implantation 佐治佳奈子1), 菅原寛子1), 豊岡藍1), 大川亜美1), 熊田真紀子1), 中川晴夫2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 73-73, 2010. |
3. We plant the artificial sphincter for patients with incontinence for the male serious case and are improved an effect and the quality of life by the surgery 中川晴夫, 海法康裕, 荒井陽一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 74-74, 2010. |
1. Clinical examination of the prostate cancer encapsulated sealed radioactive source therapy for elderly people 福森知治, 中逵弘能, 布川朋也, 小泉貴裕, 山本恭代, 山口邦久, 岸本大輝, 井崎博文, 高橋正幸, 金山博臣 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 75-75, 2010. |
2. The analysis that the advanced age case by an investigation of the conscious and objective urination situation to an advanced age case given brachytherapy and the comparison with the non-advanced age case is characterized 八重樫洋1), 石浦嘉之1), 飯島将司1), 越田潔1), 斎藤泰雄2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 76-76, 2010. |
3. It is ... from the change in discussion - preoperation, postoperative hollow dynamics about the urinary incontinence after the radical total prostatectomy 柳内章宏, 三宅秀明, 田中一志, 武中篤, 藤澤正人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 77-77, 2010. |
4. Quality of life evaluation: according to the treatment in patients with prostate cancer About association with the aging 矢野敏史1), 山下資樹1), 松岡祐貴1), 平間裕美1), 常森寛行1), 植月祐次1), 乾政志1), 杉元幹史1), 筧善行2), 武田繁雄3), 野村伊作4), 山岡伸好5), 佃文夫6), 山本議仁7), 松木孝和8) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 78-78, 2010. |
5. Examination about the way of the foreign nursing support for patients with prostate cancer 岡林志磨, 高橋幸子, 加納美和, 北島彰子, 北島清彰 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 79-79, 2010. |
1. Clinical examination of the elderly people bladder cancer pT1G3 case 逢坂公人, 横西哲広, 伊藤悠亮, 小宮敦, 小林一樹, 酒井直樹, 野口純男, 岸洋一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 79-79, 2010. |
2. We correspond to patients with advanced age progress urothelial carcinoma 80 years or older and are examined the next anticancer chemotherapy 山田大介, 堀川雄平, 小泉文人, 陶山文三 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 80-80, 2010. |
3. Nursing intervention along the psychological change of the advanced age patients who underwent ileal conduit, ureterocutaneous fistula ostomy 山門起代, 垣見聡美, 川村弘美, 秋田聡子, 涌中悦子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 80-80, 2010. |
4. Experience of the laparoscopic radical cystectomy for elderly people 住野泰弘, 佐藤文憲, 瀬治山伸也, 安藤忠助, 中野大作, 野村威雄, 平田裕二, 三股浩光 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 81-81, 2010. |
5. Clinical examination of the celoscope lower total nephroureterectomy technique for the elderly aged 75 or over 井上勝己1), 月野浩昌1), 下村貴宏1), 向井尚一郎1), 上村敏雄1), 分田裕順1), 長野正史1), 賀本敏行1), 山下康洋2), 濱砂良一3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 81-81, 2010. |
1. Improvement of staff education in the lower limbs lymphedema care 鶴田朋子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 82-82, 2010. |
2. Safe examination in the Zoladex injection by the seat rank 手束深雪, 松本真知子, 仲本惠理, 藤川暢子, 柳迫昌美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 83-83, 2010. |
3. Difficulty of the total care of patients with progress prostate cancer and the family 青木美佐子, 入澤千晴, 入澤千晶, 二瓶香代子, 横田陽子, 長谷川恵 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 83-83, 2010. |
4. Attitude survey - about the role of the nurse to the patients who received study on psychological care - cancer notice of patients with cancer 安達まき, 田中奈津子, 岡崎佳子, 泰多賀子, 堀富貴子, 寺島聖子, 古山裕子, 佐竹洋平, 池田義弘, 浪間孝重 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 84-84, 2010. |
5. Efforts of the NST intervention in our hospital urology department 澤田由香利 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 85-85, 2010. |
1. Association between classification and night care of the at-home family caregiver by the sleep satisfaction using the shape of a tree model 成瀬昂, 永田智子, 田口敦子, 桑原雄樹, 村嶋幸代 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 86-86, 2010. |
2. Fact-finding about the excretion of home care pressure sore carriers 大桑麻由美1), 須釜淳子1), 松尾淳子1), 紺家千津子2), 真田弘美3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 87-87, 2010. |
3. Approach for the problems solution to at-home self catheterization instruction 鍋島あゆみ, 佐藤紀子, 蔵田佐知子, 吉田久美子, 玉木美種子, 中所菊代, 中川雅之, 大口尚基, 松田公志 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 87-87, 2010. |
4. Recognition for the excretion care of the nurse working on the site and the self catheterization and future problem 山口昌子1), 上田朋宏2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 88-88, 2010. |
5. About an association between hand-washing and UTIs onset for our hospital self catheterization enforcement case 大岡均至 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 88-88, 2010. |
1. Examination for the effect on urination disorder effect of treatment and sleep disorder of α 1 blocking agent in patients with prostatic hyperplasia of elderly people 咲間隆裕, 大日方大亮, 佐藤克彦, 長根裕介, 持田淳一, 杉本周路, 一瀬岳人, 山口健哉, 高橋悟 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 89-89, 2010. |
2. Treatment result of holmium laser prostate enucleation (HoLEP) in elderly people 宍戸俊英, 林建二郎, 多武保光宏, 桶川隆嗣, 奴田原紀久男, 東原英二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 90-90, 2010. |
3. Light choice-style prostatic transpiration technique (PVP): using the high output (80W) KTP laser An effect and safety in the old case 平林淳1), 黒松功1), 古澤淳1), 堀靖英2), 杉村芳樹2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 91-91, 2010. |
1. The hot flash with the LH-RH agonist injection for patients with prostate cancer and algetic examination 坂本和也, 小串哲生 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 92-92, 2010. |
2. About initial treatment results and quality of life of the high dose rate implant therapy treatment for the localized prostate cancer 小宮顕, 藤内靖喜, 一松啓介, 今村朋理, 伊藤崇敏, 森井章裕, 保田賢司, 渡部明彦, 野崎哲夫, 布施秀樹 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 93-93, 2010. |
3. Support the hope that the patients live for at old age to receive prostate cancer chemotherapy 大友絵利香 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 93-93, 2010. |
4. Analysis of the telephone consultation after the "urinary leakage measures after the prostate cancer surgery" television broadcast 山野裕, 寺内淳子, 小暮かをる, 山口好枝, 山口昌子, 牧野美奈子, 西村かおる Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 94-94, 2010. |
1. Histories of treatment for patients with male infertility 60 years or older 小堀善友, 佐藤両, 八木宏, 芦沢好夫, 宋成浩, 新井学, 岡田弘 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 95-95, 2010. |
2. Examination about the difference in ED treatment in elderly people and non-elderly people 重原一慶1), 川口昌平1), 前田雄司1), 北川育秀1), 小中弘之1), 溝上敦1), 高栄哲1), 並木幹夫1), 中嶋孝夫2), 島村正喜2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 95-95, 2010. |
3. Examination (from the viewpoint of prevention of the ED) of the elderly people ED 邵仁哲1), 兼光紀幸4), 落合厚5), 納谷佳男2), 内藤泰行1), 鴨井和実1), 河内明宏1), 藤原光文3), 三木恒治1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 96-96, 2010. |
1. Questionary survey about the cooperation with a local inclusion support center and the local medical institution 坂本増美1), 井上勝己2), 賀本敏行2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 97-97, 2010. |
2. Than the all quantity visit investigation in examination - model area inclusion support center jurisdiction district of the factor that had an influence on the subjective evaluation about the urination of home support elderly people required - 堀江竜弥1), 舟山恵美2), 佐藤和佳子1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 98-98, 2010. |
3. The activity actual situation between urination function test people of many institutions and the future prospects 桑原早智子1), 北廣和江2), 田巻康弘3), 田中悦子4), 山口昌子5) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 99-99, 2010. |
4. Examination of the urination management method in institution residents 南悦子1), 村上信子1), 安田浩子2), 絹川裕子3), 森本靖子4), 中下英之助1), 小田貢4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 100-100, 2010. |
1. For the effective good use of intravesical capacity measuring instrument 牛島由子, 山道誠司, 溝口翔悟, 池田英夫, 栗栖弘明 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 101-101, 2010. |
2. Examination of the meatus urinarius sterilization in the self catheterization 西山明子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 101-101, 2010. |
3. Examination about the effect that excretion care gives to UTIs (UTI) of elderly people 繁田佳映 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 102-102, 2010. |
4. Look back on excretion care of the terminal period 藤井美保子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 102-102, 2010. |
5. Measure the duration of the effect in the use of reduction - olive oil of the catheter unpleasantness of the urethral catheters patients; and - 高橋加奈枝, 落合豊子, 西谷美智世, 細川美奈子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 103-103, 2010. |
1. Relation to the self-care instruction of patients with mental disorder that constructed double Thoma 佐々木早苗 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 104-104, 2010. |
2. Uterine cancer surgery and radiotherapy, participation of one - pudendal nerve disorder of the sustained urinary incontinence due to the lumbar spondylosis 高橋修1), 榊原隆次2), 杉山恵1), 金徳男1), 片岡学1), 羽柴恭子1), 岸雅彦2), 小川恵美奈2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 105-105, 2010. |
3. Hollow dynamics - of one patient who presented with meningitis - urinary retention syndrome by Chinese medicine-induced chemical meningitis 高橋修1), 榊原隆次2), 杉山恵1), 角山邦子3), 金徳男1), 片岡学1), 羽柴恭子1), 岸雅彦2), 小川恵美奈2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 106-106, 2010. |
4. One case that we were able to respond to for meningitis - urinary retention syndrome in the hollow dynamics course 杉山恵1), 榊原隆次2), 高橋修1), 金徳男1), 片岡学1), 坂本恭子1), 岸雅彦2), 小川恵美奈2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 107-107, 2010. |
1. Example that team care was effective for the intractable dyschezia and abdominal pain that produced rectal cancer postoperatively 種子田美穂子, 馬場布美, 児玉美香, 岩谷泰江, 神山剛一, 荒木靖三 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 108-108, 2010. |
2. An ADL drop and urine discharge disorder of weak elderly people 野尻佳克, 大菅陽子, 岡村菊夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 109-109, 2010. |
3. The case that the elderly people with the drop of the cognitive function were able to get a maneuver of the pouch exchange 野村卓史, 久野景子, 川下育子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 110-110, 2010. |
4. It is ... using the volume of urine measuring instrument in ... bladder for the urination independence of the patients 浦川麻衣子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 110-110, 2010. |
1. About the effect of the floor of the pelvis line exercises instruction on elderly people in our hospital female urologic outpatient 釜子優美子1), 藤原敦子2), 問山大輔2), 岩田健2), 沖原宏治2), 河内明宏2), 三木恒治2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 111-111, 2010. |
2. Clinical examination in the sharp pain after the TVM surgery 守山洋司1), 藤広茂1), 三輪好生2), 菊地美奈2), 増栄孝子2), 出口隆2), 西野好則3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 112-112, 2010. |
3. Floor of the pelvis group of muscles usability test of the female urologic foreign consultation patients with the ultrasonic diagnostic imaging apparatus 岡本美香子, 村山陵子, 藤村哲也, 釣巻ゆずり, 堀田久美, 樋口善英, 本間之夫, 村嶋幸代 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 23: 113-113, 2010. |