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Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011)
Volume 24, Issue / 2011
English Article Japanese Article
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Medical direction in the aged society 大島伸一 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 1-1, 2011. |
1. The fall prevention of elderly people from excretion care 泉キヨ子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 2-2, 2011. |
2. Until excretion care - last moments of super elderly people guarantee - of the quality of human 桑田美代子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 3-3, 2011. |
Term of the chairmanship 金山博臣1), 窪田吉信2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 4-4, 2011. |
1. Treatment preferences for the elderly people prostate cancer including deferred therapy 賀本敏行 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 5-5, 2011. |
2. From the situation of factor - physician influencing the treatment preferences for patients with old cancer 松浦俊博 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 6-6, 2011. |
3. Surgical treatment for the elderly people invasion bladder cancer 武中篤, 磯山忠弘, 瀬島健裕 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 7-7, 2011. |
4. Treatment preferences of high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (T1G3) in elderly people 小林一樹1), 野口純男1), 逢坂公人2), 太田純一2), 森山正敏2), 鈴木康太郎2), 池田伊知郎2), 藤川敦2), 土屋ふとし2), 岩崎皓2), 窪田吉信2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 8-8, 2011. |
5. Support to the treatment preferences that thought about the quality of life of patients with urologic cancer of elderly people 岩本純子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 9-9, 2011. |
Term of the chairmanship 大園誠一郎1), 渡邉順子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 10-10, 2011. |
1. Paradigm changes from treatment at home system - cure functioning by many types of job cooperation to care 中野一司 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 11-11, 2011. |
2. Excretion care - present conditions and problem (from the situation of the care management) ... in being at home 佐藤文恵 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 12-12, 2011. |
3. Through relation - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) to excretory disorder in the visit rehabilitation, 2 cases of dementia - 鈴木小夜子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 13-13, 2011. |
4. The urination care that cooperated with urologist 武井実根雄 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 14-14, 2011. |
1. Approach of the present conditions of urination, the support in Kagawa and the fine-view Sanuki urinary incontinence social gathering 山本由利子1), 政田美喜2), 近石昌子3), 細川三規子4), 福井明代5), 高橋安子6), 大橋洋三7), 筧善行8) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 15-15, 2011. |
3. Obtain it, and hide it; activity and the problem of the excretion care meeting for the study 陶山啓子1), 窪田里美2), 山木一恵3), 形上五月1), 小岡亜希子1), 武智伸介4), 荒木映雄5), 岩田英信1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 17-17, 2011. |
4. "Cheerful departure is an excretion care network in Kitakyusyu" Kitakyushu-shi 西井久枝1),2), 山下博志3), 岩坪暎二4), 松本哲朗1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 18-18, 2011. |
5. Look back on the activity of "the Aizu excretion care meeting for the study" 入澤千晴1), 青木美佐子1), 加藤幸二1), 入澤千晶1), 梶原敦子2), 玉木信3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 19-19, 2011. |
6. Approach in the NPO Fukuoka elderly people excretion improvement committee for 7 years 武井実根雄, 宮崎良春, 山口秋人, 阿部正秀, 関成人, 荒木靖三, 今丸満美, 江頭芳樹, 押淵英尚, 加藤雅人, 鈴山京子, 角田和之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 20-20, 2011. |
7. Many types of job cooperation "Miyazaki cure care network" activity report 坂本増美, 外山博一, 萩田均司, 牛谷義秀 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 21-21, 2011. |
8. About the approach of a purpose and the intermittent withdrawing of urine instruction person authorization seminar of the meeting of the national net aiming at the urination that NPO is comfortable 山口昌子1), 上田朋宏2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 22-22, 2011. |
9. A problem in the activity of our meeting meeting thinking about the issue of NPO Yamanashi excretion and the future prospects 小林晴名 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 23-23, 2011. |
10. Excretion care network: in Aichi About the activity of "the NPO Aichi excretion care meeting for the study" 吉川羊子1), 後藤百万2), 前田耕太郎3), 永坂和子4), 渡邉順子5) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 24-24, 2011. |
Term of the chairmanship 武田正之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 25-25, 2011. |
1. Urination management of men 松本成史 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 26-26, 2011. |
2. Urination management of women 巴ひかる Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 27-27, 2011. |
1. Examination of hormonal therapies long-term in preoperation for the High risk confinement-related prostate cancer 加藤真史 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 28-28, 2011. |
2. About adjuvant hormonal therapies in the prostate cancer 小中弘之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 29-29, 2011. |
3. The present conditions and the prospects of hormonal therapies for the castration-resistant prostate cancer 酒井英樹 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 30-30, 2011. |
1. Medical treatment Update of the prostatic hyperplasia 柿崎秀宏 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 31-31, 2011. |
2. By the appearance of 5 α inverting ferment inhibitors, how does the prostate cancer practice change? 鈴木啓悦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 32-32, 2011. |
1. Including central disease and urination disorder - cerebral blood vessel-related urinary frequency 榊原隆次 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 33-33, 2011. |
2. Kidney cancer treatment: of the molecular target medicine era It is placed in particular the mTOR inhibitor 筧善行 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 34-34, 2011. |
3. Evaluation of the medical student for an excretion care lecture, the training in Fukui University 早川美津江1), 清水由加里1), 船津良夫2), 横山修3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 35-35, 2011. |
4. Around nocturia and quality of life - EVOLUTION Study - 吉田正貴 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 36-36, 2011. |
5. The partner that the OAB patients have good orally disintegrating tablet of the LUTS therapeutic drug 並木徳之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 37-37, 2011. |
6. Significance of the nocturia of elderly people judging from an epidemiologic survey 中川晴夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 38-38, 2011. |
7. What is it possible in by clinical practice chronic pain treatment - of elderly people every day to where? - 北原雅樹 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 39-39, 2011. |
8. Want to know here; is good how to use residual urine measuring instrument and an art of the self catheterization instruction 田中純子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 40-40, 2011. |
1. Problem of the at-home urethral catheterisation 石井泰憲, 瀬山洋子, 江口賀恵, 黒須つた子, 峯岸和子, 田中絵梨, 森山美絵, 渡辺愛 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 41-41, 2011. |
2. Trial of the urethral catheters withdrawal using volume of urine monitor USH-052 (lily phosphorus) 坂井健彦, 宮富良穂, 茂田安弘, 永倉一武, 正井基之, 吉田豊彦 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 41-41, 2011. |
3. Investigation about the intermittent withdrawing of urine of elderly people resident in the area where an urologic house staff became absent 井上勝己1), 野瀬清孝1), 賀本敏行1), 松下さおり2), 加藤順子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 42-42, 2011. |
4. The present conditions of CIC in our hospital urology department outpatient department 佐藤両, 青木裕章, 西尾浩二郎, 小堀善友, 芦沢好夫, 八木宏, 宋成浩, 新井学, 岡田弘 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 42-42, 2011. |
5. Approach of the bladder indwelling catheter care in the local core hospital 伊藤佐智 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 43-43, 2011. |
6. For construction of the rehabilitation approach for the urination disorder 太田有美, 洲上祐亮, 佐藤浩二, 井上龍誠 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 44-44, 2011. |
1. Investigation of the self-efficacy in the urination care for staff of Mr. care institution 南悦子1), 絹川裕子1), 小徳美千子2), 安田浩子3), 森本靖子4), 中下英之助2), 小田貢4), 前田惠利5) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 45-45, 2011. |
2. Bowel control by the many types of job cooperation 近藤理恵, 白井新二, 山花諒司, 杉本祐治 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 45-45, 2011. |
3. Having learned from right skin care and toilet activities confirmation 藤原津由子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 46-46, 2011. |
4. Approach to bowel movement care based on the assessment by the Bristol scale 土田範行1), 金子ゆかり1), 三田真紀1), 萩原恵子1), 亀田健一1), 榊原千秋2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 46-46, 2011. |
5. The home return in the convalescent rehabilitation ward and relations of the excretion care 小丸雄介1), 大穂翼1), 志方弘子2), 筒井清香2), 北川光恵2), 永沼真由美2), 八木擴朗3), 岩坪暎二3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 47-47, 2011. |
1. Approach to the prospective discharge guidance of the urinary diversion patients 山本直子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 47-47, 2011. |
2. Attitude survey of the patients for the smell in the ward 加藤美和, 田中みどり, 佐々木亮, 岩本純子, 高田穂積 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 48-48, 2011. |
3. Keep a nursing - word for word record alive in preoperation aiming at the early self-care establishment to the patients undergoing bladder complete removal, urinary diversion; and ... 川村弘美, 大井真美恵, 山門起代, 濱中裕美子, 涌中悦子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 48-48, 2011. |
4. Change of the uneasy factor of the nurse in conducting Zoladex injection education 村嶋一歩1), 江上フミ1), 石田夕紀子1), 伊藤愛佳1), 古村恵1), 鈴木奈々1), 今泉碧海1), 田中萌絵1), 林美津子1), 酒井知子1), 松川宜久2), 後藤百万2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 49-49, 2011. |
1. Approach to self catheterization instruction on the basis of the discharge support of a wide range of panhysterectomy patients 玉木美種子, 鍋島あゆみ, 蔵田佐知子, 佐藤紀子, 吉田久美子, 中所菊代, 橋本節子, 中川雅之, 大口尚基, 松田公志 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 49-49, 2011. |
2. Experience of the self catheterization of the patients who underwent extensive panhysterectomy 神津三佳1), 山下優美2), 熱海雪絵2), 金子千春2), 阿波裕輔3), 野積邦義3), 市川智彦4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 50-50, 2011. |
3. From the example of the patients who thought, and were unstable psychologically for the urinary incontinence with patients who received art of artificial urethral sphincter implantation 豊岡藍1), 佐治佳奈子1), 菅原寛子1), 熊田真紀子1), 中川晴夫2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 51-51, 2011. |
4. Examination of the usefulness of the foreign primary nursing for the patients that radical total prostatectomy was planned 仲本恵理, 森美穂, 藤川暢子, 古賀寛史, 山口秋人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 51-51, 2011. |
5. Of the nursing for the urinary incontinence after the prostatectomy wrestle 吉田奈緒, 浅川るみ, 松井綾子, 酒井知子, 加藤玲子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 52-52, 2011. |
1. The one instance case that gave a suggestion for use of the pelvic organ prolapse support underwear 加藤久美子1), 鈴木省治1), 伊藤真粧美2), 須藤麻子2), 野村富子2), 原和美2), 西村京子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 52-52, 2011. |
2. Pelvic organs de-postoperative quality of life investigation (comparison between traditional approach and TVM) 藤川公樹, 松山豪泰 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 53-53, 2011. |
3. The effectiveness of the TVM surgery of elderly people and safe examination 菊地美奈1), 増栄孝子1), 三輪好生1), 出口隆1), 守山洋司2), 西野好則3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 53-53, 2011. |
4. It is weighed the symptom after preoperation, the operation of the women who underwent surgical repair in pelvic organ prolapse 田中優紀1), 桂原幸代1), 谷村恵美1), 嘉村康邦2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 54-54, 2011. |
1. Comparison according to the time, need of nursing care degree of the excretion assistance incidence for the at-home person requiring nursing care 成瀬昂1), 野宮明2), 永田智子1), 田口敦子1), 桑原雄樹1), 村嶋幸代1), 本間之夫2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 55-55, 2011. |
2. Lower urinary tract symptom evaluation of the citizen's open lecture attendant by the main lower urinary tract symptom score 岡村菊夫, 大菅陽子, 野尻佳克 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 56-56, 2011. |
3. Recognition investigation of the elderly self catheterization patients in the Nagasaki University Hospital urology department 松尾朋博, 大仁田亨, 宮田康好, 井川掌, 酒井英樹 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 56-56, 2011. |
4. Effect to give to the actual situation and quality of life of the nocturia in general women including our hospital staff 中田公美, 神鳥周也, 太田昌一郎, 山内敦, 佐々木明, 大谷幹伸 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 57-57, 2011. |
1. Development of the underwear for the old and middle age man by the new idea 熊本悦明1), 北村唯一1), 齋藤豊一2), 篠崎彰人3), 中川義明3), 山崎由紀夫3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 58-58, 2011. |
2. Trial to install an excretion care counselor's office to push forward at-home return smoothly from a health center for the elderly 木屋五月 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 58-58, 2011. |
3. Role of the excretion care committee in the health center for the elderly 河治俊之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 59-59, 2011. |
4. Approach for the improvement of the bowel movement care with the nursing facility 種子田美穂子1), 桑野初子1), 神山剛一2), 荒木靖三2), 河口和美3), 城戸由香里3), 城戸祐一郎4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 59-59, 2011. |
5. Both the heart and the body are refreshment elation regular stools 池田順子, 中山暁文, 青柳由希子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 60-60, 2011. |
6. We obtain the cooperation from an excretion instruction person and, for the urination behavior of elderly people with dementia, open the way of the problem solving 江坂敬子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 60-60, 2011. |
1. Because "sit down, let's found it"; is relation ... of ... excretion care and the rehabilitation staff 冨士本洋子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 61-61, 2011. |
2. Inspection of nocturia practice guidelines 大谷将之, 米納誠, 西山彰浩, 藤田優香, 大嶋恵理香, 吉橋智子, 河原小夜子, 坂本真奈美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 61-61, 2011. |
3. Examination of the change of the testosterone level by the aging in men with type 2 diabetes 邵仁哲1), 兼光紀幸2), 内藤泰行1), 納谷佳男1), 落合厚1), 鴨井和美1), 河内明宏1), 福井道明3), 三木恒治1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 62-62, 2011. |
4. The held situation of the first World Continence Week (WCW) Japan 谷口珠実, 西村かおる, 山野裕, 寺内淳子, 大科宣子, 榊原千秋, 大野直美, 長嶺由樹子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 63-63, 2011. |
1. Examination for the floor of the pelvis line keep-fit class holding in the outpatient department 榊原直美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 64-64, 2011. |
2. Effect of the imidafenacin on hyperactivity bladder (OAB) with the nervous disease and cognitive function 榊原隆次1), 舘野冬樹1), 高橋修2), 杉山恵2), 矢野仁3), 鈴木啓悦3), 内山智之4), 山本達也4), 阿波裕輔5), 柳澤充5), 山口千晴6), 山西友典7), 岸雅彦1), 小川恵美奈1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 64-64, 2011. |
3. Synergy effect of excretion rehabilitation biofeedback therapy and the physical therapy for the dyschezia 神山剛一, 種子田美穂子, 荒木靖三 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 65-65, 2011. |
1. Effect of the excretion of the elderly people with the steam warm temperature sheet 伊神敬人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 66-66, 2011. |
2. Through the role of the nursing to wrestle, and to check effect of treatment for - quality of life improvement of the excretion instruction person for the urinary frequency improvement of elderly people with dementia - 山田正己 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 67-67, 2011. |
3. Activity report of the meeting (OSICCo: pee) thinking about the concise intermission withdrawing of urine that we matched with an individual 中村みどり1), 大石勝美2), 田中悦子3), 近石昌子4), 鳥本一匡5), 西浦絵理2), 松岡美保子6), 松下千枝7), 松田貴子2), 百瀬均2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 67-67, 2011. |
4. Examination of the excretion care medical care cooperation promotion of elderly people with dementia entering group home 谷口珠実, 西村かおる, 佐川光俊, 立埼恵美子, 安部静枝, 山野裕, 岡村富子, 長嶺由紀子, 根本由美子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 68-68, 2011. |
5. Index to foresee convalescence of the urination care, Take off a care degree and the diaper of 289 cases of 3 years; correlation of the score 岩坪暎二1), 八木擴朗1), 北川光恵2), 永沼真由美2), 志方弘子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 69-69, 2011. |
6. About working for urologic evaluation improvement of the other courses hospitalization case 大岡均至 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 70-70, 2011. |
1. Examination of the case that a femoral neck fracture caused urinary retention postoperatively 松尾学1), 白石雅也2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 70-70, 2011. |
2. Nocturia and fall, hearing investigation about the association with the sleeplessness 吉田祐文 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 71-71, 2011. |
3. Examination of the fall case in our hospital convalescent rehabilitation ward 平川真治, 松浦真理子, 安田美代子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 71-71, 2011. |
4. Examination about the risk of developing urine discharge disorder of the elderly people vertebral fracture 横山剛志1), 野尻佳克2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 72-72, 2011. |
1. An example of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease given an urination function test for an urination disorder 矢野仁1), 榊原隆次2), 舘野冬樹2), 高橋修3), 杉原恵3), 遠藤匠1), 直井牧人1), 西見大輔1), 神谷直人1), 鈴木啓悦1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 72-72, 2011. |
2. Hollow dynamics in spinocerebellum-related ataxic (SCA6) nine 杉山恵1), 榊原隆次2), 高橋修1), 岸雅彦2), 小川恵美奈2), 舘野冬樹3), 矢野仁3), 鈴木啓悦3), 金徳男1), 片岡学1), 東丸貴信1), 内山智之1), 山本達也4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 73-73, 2011. |
3. Urination disorder of denaturation-related (Alzheimer's disease) and vascular (white matter type-prone cerebral infarction) dementia 高橋修1), 榊原隆次2), 舘野冬樹2), 岸雅彦2), 小川恵美奈2), 杉山恵1), 片岡学1), 金徳男1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 73-73, 2011. |
4. Detrusor external sphincter cooperation imperfection (DSD) with peripheral neuropathy 高橋修 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 74-74, 2011. |
5. Examination of the urination disorder of Levi corpusculum type dementia 舘野冬樹1), 榊原隆次1), 岸雅彦1), 小川恵美奈1), 高橋修2), 杉山恵2), 東丸貴信2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 74-74, 2011. |
6. About prefrontal diachronic activity associated with the urine collection in patients with Parkinson's disease 山口千晴1), 内山智之2), 山本達也2), 柳澤充3), 榊原隆次4), 真々田賢司1), 澤部祐司1), 桑原聡2), 野村文夫1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 75-75, 2011. |
1. About the development of catheter preservation method and UTIs of the elderly people self catheterization enforcement case 大岡均至 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 75-75, 2011. |
2. Differential diagnosis of the elderly people complicated urinary tract infection using the bacteria scattergram of all automatic urinary tangible analysis of component device UF-1000i 小澤秀夫1), 矢島尚子2), 小林秀行3), 薬師寺宏1), 清水真次朗1), 宮地禎幸4), 永井敦4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 76-76, 2011. |
3. Clinical examination of the pyelonephritis in elderly people 中野雄造, 柳内章宏, 三宅秀明, 田中一志, 藤澤正人 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 76-76, 2011. |
4. Make our district medical care cooperation guidelines for the lower urinary tract symptom 近藤福次1), 新舎総恵2), 和久夏衣3), 池田仁4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 77-77, 2011. |
5. Examination of 1 case that became able to visit a hospital for treatment by each subject cooperation practice 堀場優樹1), 福田元1), 岡本増巳2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 77-77, 2011. |
1. Clinical examination of the laparoscopic nephrectomy for the renal carcinoma 80 years or older 滝澤奈恵1), 河源1), 井上貴昭2), 乾秀和1), 駒井資弘1), 中川雅之1), 川端和史1), 大口尚基1), 木下秀文1), 松田公志1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 78-78, 2011. |
2. Operative stress: of the radical bladder complete removal to face each other than 80 years old Evaluation in E-PASS 井上貴昭1), 杉素彦1), 増田朋子1), 西田晃久1), 川喜多繁誠1), 河源2), 室田卓之1), 木下秀文2), 松田公志2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 78-78, 2011. |
3. Examination of the bladder total extraction for the elderly people bladder cancer in the Akita University urology department 堀川洋平, 千葉修治, 成田伸太郎, 井上高光, 土谷順彦, 羽渕友則 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 79-79, 2011. |
4. Examination of the therapy for urothelial carcinoma in elderly people 85 years or older 片山欽三, 種田建史, 大年太陽, 小林憲市, 加藤大悟, 鄭則秀, 高田晋吾, 松宮清美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 80-80, 2011. |
5. Treatment preferences of the elderly patients who had abdominal aortic aneurysm and renal cell carcinoma 今井佑樹, 吉良聡, 座光寺秀典, 工藤祥司, 神家満学, 犬塚秀康, 小林英樹, 土田孝之, 深澤瑞也, 武田正之 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 80-80, 2011. |
1. Examination of the medication compliance of the hyperactivity bladder patients and the associated factor 松下全巳1), 片岡憲稔2), 鎌足雅之2), 三谷高徹2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 81-81, 2011. |
2. Evaluation (GAP Study) about the effectiveness, the safety of the anticholinergic drug in the hyperactivity bladder patients 西井久枝1),2), 井上誠3), 伊藤加代子3), 深井喜代子4), 酒本貞昭5), 伊東健治6), 松下全巳7), 芳賀一徳8), 松本哲朗1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 81-81, 2011. |
3. Examination of the risk factor which the hyperactivity bladder of elderly people develops 平山暁秀 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 82-82, 2011. |
4. Fact-finding of the hyperactivity bladder practice, treatment of urologist, the non-urologist in Hiroshima 梶原充, 沖真実, 柴田昌紀, 小畠浩平, 郷力昭宏, 岩本秀雄, 正路晃一, 宮本克利, 増本弘史, 井上省吾, 小林加直, 大原慎也, 林哲太郎, 亭島淳, 松原昭郎 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 83-83, 2011. |
5. Examination about the safety of the bladder water pressure expansion technique for the interstitial cystitis in elderly people 野宮明, 宮嵜英世, 鈴木基文, 藤村哲也, 福原浩, 榎本裕, 西松寛明, 久米春喜, 井川靖彦, 本間之夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 84-84, 2011. |
6. Of the nursing of patients with old interstitial cystitis, actually 尹敏愛, 野宮明, 中村美和, 久米春喜, 脇田早苗, 本間之夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 85-85, 2011. |
1. Examination of the pressure flow study unsuccessfullness case in elderly people 橘田岳也, 田中博, 三井貴彦, 菅野由岐子, 守屋仁彦, 野々村克也 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 85-85, 2011. |
2. Examination of the usefulness of α 1 blocking agent for patients with prostatic hyperplasia using nocturia quality of life questionnaire (N-QOL) 吉田正貴1),2), 後藤百万2), 岡田弘2), 曽根淳史2), 本間之夫2), 舛森直哉2), 辻村晃2), 村上房夫2), 山口脩2), 池田俊也2),3) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 86-86, 2011. |
3. Examination about the effect of the age on improvement of the nocturia by transurethral prostatectomy (TUR-P) 小島宗門1), 矢田康文1), 早瀬喜正2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 87-87, 2011. |
4. Examination of α 1 blocking agent monotherapy for OAB with BPH/LUTS 村岡敬介 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 87-87, 2011. |
5. Use - of the I-PSS (VAS-QOL) interview sheet for interview - elderly people to understand a suit about the urination 豊崎香与1), 雨山良美1), 植本聖子1), 田島基史2), 矢野敏史2), 武田繁雄2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 88-88, 2011. |
6. TURP for patients with dementia 野尻佳克, 岡村菊夫 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 89-89, 2011. |
1. Clinical study (the fifth report) of the peptide vaccine therapy for the prostate cancer which assumed WT1 antigen a target 北島清彰 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 90-90, 2011. |
2. Comparison of total extraction and the external beam radiation in patients with elderly people confinement-related prostate cancer 松崎敦, 斎藤公俊, 平井勝, 小林裕 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 90-90, 2011. |
3. Examination of complications of the encapsulated sealed radioactive source therapy for the prostate cancer of elderly people 岡田安弘1), 山口健哉1), 坂口雅州2), 前林俊也2), 斎藤勉2), 高橋悟1) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 91-91, 2011. |
4. Examination of the effect that encapsulated sealed radioactive source treatment gives to the quality of life of elderly people on prostate cancer 鈴木賢次郎, 長田浩彦, 篠田和伸, 香野日高, 水野隆一, 菊地栄次, 浅沼宏, 宮嶋哲, 中川健, 大家基嗣 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 92-92, 2011. |
5. Examination about clinical results of the chemotherapy based on docetaxel for the elderly people (75 years old or older) castration-resistant prostate cancer 高羽夏樹1),2), 沖原宏治1), 岩田健1),2), 本郷文弥1), 鴨井和実1), 河内明宏1), 南口尚紀3), 矢野公大4), 伊藤吉三4), 米田公彦5), 大嶺卓司6), 三木恒治1),2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 93-93, 2011. |
6. Change of dry mouth before and after the use of cholinolytic drug for the hyperactivity bladder 影山慎二1), 塩暢夫1), 塚田隆2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 94-94, 2011. |
3. We looked, and the housekeeper "is associated with independence help of the excretion of economical life-care facility residents" and 木全久美代 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 96-96, 2011. |
4. From the questionary survey to a how to use urination function test people belonging urologic physician 田巻康弘 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 97-97, 2011. |
5. 1 example that taught the self catheterization to 91-year-old elderly men 及川優子, 馬場清美, 菊地湖, 舘野雪子, 岩松文子, 酒井フミエ, 古山裕子, 竹内晃, 浪間孝重 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 97-97, 2011. |
6. Caring at home of the spinal cord injury injured 堺谷珠乃 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 98-98, 2011. |
7. After excretion care team activity one year 佐藤綾乃1), 永井佳美1), 竹内香織1), 相良寿美1), 藤田貴子2), 高木良真2), 増田尚加2), 黒田倫枝5), 西垣英治4), 速水慎介5) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 98-98, 2011. |
1. Examination of the living renal transplantation by the elderly donor 小内友紀子, 尾本和也, 石田英樹, 田邉一成 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 99-99, 2011. |
2. Clinical examination about the renal function after the nephrectomy in elderly people 藤内靖喜, 飯田裕朗, 伊藤崇敏, 森井章裕, 保田賢司, 渡部明彦, 野崎哲夫, 小宮顕, 布施秀樹 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 100-100, 2011. |
3. Examination of the GC (gemcitabine + cisplatin) therapy for the elderly people urothelial carcinoma 深津顕俊, 上平修, 平林毅樹, 山口朝臣, 平林裕樹, 守屋嘉恵, 木村恭祐, 吉川羊子, 松浦治 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 101-101, 2011. |
4. Examination of the early effect of the dutasteride for the prostatic hyperplasia 坂本和也 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 101-101, 2011. |
5. Examination of safety and the effectiveness of TURP, TUEB, HoLEP in patients with advanced age prostatic hyperplasia 宍戸俊英, 菅田明子, 中村雄, 山口剛, 林建二郎, 板谷直, 原秀彦, 多武保光宏, 桶川隆嗣, 奴田原紀久雄, 東原英二 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 102-102, 2011. |
7. About the urinary diversion in patients with old bladder cancer 守屋嘉恵, 吉川羊子, 平林毅樹, 山口朝臣, 平林裕樹, 木村恭祐, 深津顕俊, 上平修, 松浦治 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 103-103, 2011. |
1. Elucidation of the urinary incontinence risk factor of the elderly women who lived in the cold districts 原井美佳1), 大浦麻絵2), 吉川羊子3), 森満4) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 104-104, 2011. |
2. Comparison ... of satisfaction investigation - active play generation and the elderly people with female floor of the pelvis rebuilding center consultation patients 横川一美 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 104-104, 2011. |
3. About the actual situation of the Urogynecology telephone consultation classification and example - of the telephone consultation contents in the -1 company 芥川愛, 南部洋子, 林由美, 小林未央 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 105-105, 2011. |
4. Change (than comparison inspection of 2008 and 2010 of the A home care support establishment) of the situation and the urination care of the certification for long-term care person in being at home 佐藤文恵, 堂元京子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 105-105, 2011. |
5. Than the questionnaire to use actual situation - hospital nurse of the toilet bowl with warm water flush system for washing user - 中田真木 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 106-106, 2011. |
6. Investigation of the urination independence help skill in the staff of Mr. care institution 南悦子1), 絹川裕子1), 小徳美千子2), 安田浩子3), 森本靖子4), 中下英之助2), 小田貢4), 前田惠利5) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 107-107, 2011. |
1. It is approach ... by the team about ... conference for practice of the individual care plan 奥山真理子, 坂上さゆり, 斉藤良子, 笹川佐知子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 108-108, 2011. |
2. - to know the thought to the treatment of elderly patients continuing treatment for examination - long term to the nursing support to patients with prostate cancer receiving endocrine therapy 寺井知子, 藤原正子, 浅野久美子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 108-108, 2011. |
3. From examination - patients satisfaction questionnaire results of security, the comfortable LH-RH agonist administration by the nurse - 藤原正子, 寺井知子, 浅野久美子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 109-109, 2011. |
4. Association between urine collection symptom and ADL (Activities of Daily Living) practice situation of patients with stroke to receive convalescent rehabilitation 阿部桃子1), 佐藤和佳子2) Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 110-110, 2011. |
5. Examination of the urine collection bag fixation method at use of wheelchair of the urinary tract catheter custody patients 明関真貴子, 山下清美, 檜垣みち子 Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) 24: 111-111, 2011. |