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Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-)

Volume 28, Issue / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article An investigation of the quality of life in the elderly people medical care and problems of SOL (Sanctity of life)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 1-1, 2015.

Japanese Article Quality of Life and Sanctity of Life of elderly people judging from 1 legal viewpoint
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 2-2, 2015.

Japanese Article Urination dyschezia of patients with 2 dementia: From a disease and testing (the first) to understanding of a symptom and coping (the second)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 3-3, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. It is ... from the situation of present conditions and problem - home care support hospital of treatment at home and the elderly people cancer medical care
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 4-4, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Urologist feel at-home hospice for the first time
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 5-5, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. At-home end-of-life care of patients with elderly people cancer
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 6-6, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Of the clinical practice of the urine discharge disorder, actually
小川隆敏, 曲人保
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 7-7, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Assessment of the lower urinary tract discharge disorder and initial education of real - cleanliness intermittence self catheterization of the care and care - to continue it
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 8-8, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. It is ... from the viewpoint of approach - occupational therapist for the clean intermittent withdrawing of urine independence
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 9-9, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Dyschezia due to the floor of the pelvis disease
神山剛一, 佐藤知行
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 10-10, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. The foreign present conditions and problem specialized in urination, bowel movement care
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 11-11, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Efforts of health class ten years for local senior women in Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi
新島礼子1), 中嶋真理奈2), 山本佳世子2), 高垣茂子3), 中島靖子4)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 12-12, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Efforts as the physical therapist for local senior women in a care health center for the elderly, the ambulatory rehabilitation
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 13-13, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. It is the role as the social resource from the activity of annoyance 110th 25 years of the NPO excretion
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 14-14, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. For standardization of the urination management in the bladder function evaluation (1) regional alliances as the problem for the at-home return establishment - of significance and the meeting for the study of - regional alliances
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 15-15, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. For standardization of the urination management in the bladder function evaluation (2) regional alliances as the problem for the at-home return for a breakaway from - easy functional urinary incontinence type correspondence -
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 16-16, 2015.

Japanese Article Quality of life and urination management of elderly people
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 17-17, 2015.

Japanese Article New medical treatment = present conditions for the Japanese castration-resistant prostate cancer and fine-view = to the future
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 18-18, 2015.

Japanese Article Attempt of the molecular target therapy choice in consideration of patients age of mRCC
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 19-19, 2015.

Japanese Article "Metabolic health" in prostate cancer hormonal therapies
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 20-20, 2015.

Japanese Article Invention of the self-care for the women who underwent own urination type bladder substitution ostomy
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 21-21, 2015.

Japanese Article update of urination disorder treatment in consideration of life-style related diseases
横山修, 青木芳隆
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 22-22, 2015.

Japanese Article Senile problem in the OAB treatment
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 23-23, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Point to raise ability for living guidance self-care of the urinary incontinence of women
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 24-24, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. About medical therapy - electricity, electromagnetic stimulation therapy of the female urinary incontinence
山西友典, 加賀勘家, 柴田千晴, 内山智之, 布施美樹
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 25-25, 2015.

Japanese Article Fact ... of the care that ... nurse performs to apply behavior therapy and a transdermal absorbent in the urine collection elderly people failure
谷口珠実1), 澤田智史2), 三浦由紀子3), 吉良聡2), 宮本達也2), 山岸敬2), 小林英樹2), 三井貴彦2), 武田正之2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 26-26, 2015.

Japanese Article The LUTS care of elderly people: To live a healthy life
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 27-27, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the protective efficacy of the long-term diet caloric restriction for the aging-related change of the rat bladder
伊藤悠城1),2), 相澤直樹1), 藤田泰典3), 鈴木基文4), 福原浩4), 小島俊男5), 本間之夫4), 窪田吉信2), 伊藤雅史3), 井川靖彦1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 28-28, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Do the paramedics utilize an urination record by urination care enough?
草野脩平, 一番ヶ瀬優佳, 藏田彩, 東武昇平, 野口満, 魚住二郎
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 29-29, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. It is = through efforts = Happy Nappy Life2014 (in the future of the diaper by light) of the improvement of the local excretion care that skin, an excretion care authorization nurse receives
関谷純子1), 浦田克美2), 宗川愛3), 高橋麻由美4), 小俣佳子5), 小岩井慶子6), 岡田純子7), 石井裕梨8), 黒巣美津枝1), 小林いずみ1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 29-29, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Examination of the speedy catheter introduction start time in the self catheterization
中野叙子1), 眞崎加奈子1), 松本真知子1), 古賀寛史2), 武井実根雄2), 山口秋人2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 30-30, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. CIC instruction in our hospital, a present conditions investigation and instruction using the interview sheet to the patients caring for
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 30-30, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. To conduct it for unnecessary long-term indwelling catheter withdrawal security in a regular urologic absent institution; making of - urethral catheters withdrawal pass and success-related factor analysis -
青木芳隆1), 三谷陽香2), 水野孝映2), 内方ゆかり2), 木村知行3), 横山修1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 31-31, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. The problem that we were able to see from fact-finding and there of the urination management in the terminal phase of patients with old cancer
宮田康好, 神田滋, 松尾朋博, 大庭康司郎, 酒井英樹
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 31-31, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Examination of the urination disorder in the progressive supranuclear palsy
舘野冬樹1), 榊原隆次1), 相羽洋介1), 露崎洋平1), 岸雅彦1), 矢野仁2), 高橋修3), 杉山恵3)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 32-32, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. The slight skin irritation by somaplane operates spinal cord opioid system; of the bladder reflex ascending; and inhibit a bladder reflex by attenuating lower line characteristics transmission at spinal cord
堀田晴美, 渡辺信博
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 32-32, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Increase movement with the paper underwear for the independence excretion promotion and effect inspection to psychologic aspect
青山史絵, 山元ひろみ, 高橋仁美, 川上祐介
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 33-33, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Efforts to night paper diaper exchange reduction of "relief" based on the urination actual situation of the paper diaper user
田中淳一郎, 戸田温樹, 小檜山央子, 池田あゆみ, 増谷憲司
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 33-33, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Than problems - questionary survey of the excretion care of the family with patients with dementia ...
森田昌1), 山口昌子2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 34-34, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. For improvement by the current state of urinary incontinence and intervention of administrative care prevention business "save muscle classroom" participant
小澤恵美1), 本田哲三1), 大西忠輔1), 山口浩史1), 松原智文2), 上野智美2), 小山貴志3)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 34-34, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Challenges to the end-of-life care from home care of prostate cancer patients to think from [Death Conference]
山下哲1), 佐藤文恵2), 三村睦3)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 35-35, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Analysis ... of the presentation of the results of the study in trend - 3 society of the many types of job collaborative investigation in the urination care
田巻康弘1), 山口昌子2), 北廣和江3), 桑原早智子4), 田中悦子5), 横山剛志6), 青木芳隆7)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 35-35, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Administrative efforts for the excretion care improvement in the super-aged society
種子田美穂子1),2), 吉澤恵美1), 新村耕二1), 佐川光俊2), 今丸満美2), 西村かおる2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 36-36, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Examination about the urinalysis in the Tokyo communication hospital clinical survey
能勢頼人1), 宮川仁平1), 遠藤圭織1), 佐藤俊和1), 鈴木基文1), 田島惇1), 久次米公誠2), 小林照明2),3), 坂口正高3), 本間之夫4)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 36-36, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Care factor (1) associated with the nocturia incontinence of the need of nursing care elderly people in the institution
小平めぐみ1), 藤尾祐子2), 古川和稔3), 柴野壮史4), 高橋容子4), 竹内孝仁1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 37-37, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Change (2) of the urinary incontinence of running of the ambulant need of nursing care elderly people in the institution
小平めぐみ1), 藤尾祐子2), 古川和稔3), 柴野壮史4), 高橋容子4), 竹内孝仁1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 37-37, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Fact-finding (the first report) of the urinary incontinence reaching the clothing during going to bed
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 38-38, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Fact-finding (the second report) of the urinary incontinence reaching the clothing during going to bed
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 38-38, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Evaluation ... of a device and the use of the examination - incontinence rate measurement of the disease severity judging method of the urinary incontinence
江上直美1), 升田実千枝2), 中村小源太3), 吉澤孝彦3), 加藤義晴3), 全並賢二3), 西川源也3), 梶川圭史3), 金尾健人3), 住友誠3)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 39-39, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Comparison of urethra internal pressure measurements and the abdominal pressure lower urine leakage pressure measurements in the case with suspected stress urinary incontinence
柴田千晴1), 加賀勘家1), 布施美樹3), 猪瀬智哉4), 中村優子5), 内山智之1), 及川信次2), 菱沼昭2), 山西友典1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 39-39, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Examination of the inflammatory improvement effect through estrogen receptor β in the rat prostatitis model
溝口晋輔1), 森健一1), 佐藤文憲1), 吉村直樹2), 三股浩光1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 40-40, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. As a result of nocturia questionnaire in the civic open lecture
山口昌子1), 田中悦子1), 上田朋宏1),2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 40-40, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. The examination that utilized Frequency-volume chart (FVC) about the quality of the sleep in the nocturia
夏目修1), 桑田真臣2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 41-41, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Observational study about the nocturia improvement effect of the continuous positive airway pressure therapy for patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
宮里実, 芦刈明日香, 大城琢磨, 斎藤誠一
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 41-41, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Examination of the usefulness of the daytime lower limbs elasticity stockings wearing for the nocturia with the oedema lower limb of elderly people
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 42-42, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. About one-day pelvic organ prolapse surgery - preoperation and a quality of life change to be carried out by infusion anesthesia combination local anesthesia by TFS (Tissue Fixation System) the second-year after an operation -
関口由紀1), 金城真実1), 前田佳子1), 中村綾子1), 畔越陽子1), 榎本香織1), 藤崎章子1), 矢尾正祐2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 42-42, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Is it different in floor of the pelvis training effect in the ring presence or absence of patients with pelvic organ prolapse?
重田美和, 増田洋子, 関口由紀, 畔越陽子, 藤崎章子, 榎本香織, 坂田綾子, 前田佳子, 金城真実
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 43-43, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. One case that we provided physical therapy for the urinary incontinence patients, and an early response was got from
中川翔太1), 中原王寿2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 43-43, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Try introduction of the stretch for the palliation of muscular pain after an operation in the pelvic organ prolapse surgery in - preoperation; and -
梅田富子1), 唐牛大吾2), 持田淳一3), 高橋悟3)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 44-44, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. It is ... using the psychology change of the patients repeating self catheterization after thought ... technique with patients facing PVP, the crisis model of the corn for the purpose of the self catheterization secession
間宮可奈恵, 高地舞, 藤竹真弓, 藤川暢子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 44-44, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Does the recurrence of the renal carcinoma have a poor prognosis as elderly patients?
岡根谷利一, 池田勝臣, 阪口和滋, 黒澤和宏, 田畑真梨子, 高橋真太朗, 浦上慎司
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 45-45, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Experience of cryogenic surgery for patients with old renal carcinoma
本郷文弥1), 納谷佳男1), 大石正勝1), 上田崇1), 中西弘之1), 中村晃和1), 鴨井和実1), 沖原宏治1), 一条祐輔2), 山田恵2), 三木恒治1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 45-45, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. An effect of a little cisplatin combination radiotherapy on invasive bladder cancer of the elderly aged 75 or over and examination of the tolerability
鶴田大, 成田伸太郎, 井上高光, 齋藤満, 秋濱晋, 土谷順彦, 羽渕友則
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 46-46, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Treatment result of the Carboplatin-based chemotherapy for the progressive bladder cancer of elderly people
米山高弘, 飛澤悠葵, 米山徹, 今井篤, 畠山真吾, 橋本安弘, 古家琢也, 大山力
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 46-46, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. The low dose phosphoric acid S Tom Japanese spaniel + low dose steroid combination therapy as the re-challenge therapy for the castration-resistant prostate cancer of elderly people is the effectiveness and safe examination
安藤忠助1), 瀬治山伸也2), 菅朋子2), 秦聡孝1), 森健一1), 住野泰弘1), 野村威雄1), 佐藤文憲1), 三股浩光1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 47-47, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Examination about the effect that age gives for a change of the metabolism with prostate cancer hormonal therapies
三塚浩二1), 喜屋武淳2), 佐藤友紀2), 折笠一彦3), 宮里実4), 青木大志5), 栫井成彦6), 福士泰夫7), 浪間孝重8), 荒井陽一1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 47-47, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. It is examination ... by the nursing support method at dietary intake investigation - dietary intake drop of the advanced age patients who received GC therapy
嵩優子, 古井亜沙美, 古野ひろこ, 手束深雪, 藤川暢子, 志賀健一郎, 武井実根雄, 古賀寛史, 山口秋人
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 48-48, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Painful factorial experiments of the patients who received encapsulated sealed radioactive source treatment for prostate cancer
杉林麻衣, 山本梨紗子, 林亮佑, 坂口晴巳, 木村智葉, 木村和美
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 48-48, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Examination about the infection prophylaxis effect by the combination of CMZ and LVFX in the transrectal prostate biopsy of the high-risk patients
重村克巳, 田中一志, 村蒔基次, 三宅秀明, 荒川創一, 藤澤正人
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 49-49, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Antimicrobial in the Tokyo seaside hospital-sensitive surveillance - UTIs -
大川瑞穂1), 井門祐一郎1), 柚木隆寛1), 斎藤忠則1), 苅部寛人3), 勝田誠3), 長井直人3), 高草木伸子3), 新妻隆広3), 高橋悟2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 49-49, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. About combined effect of the Choreitogoshimotsuto for postmenopausal female cystitis
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 50-50, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. The actual situation of the cystostomy in the elderly people urinary retention patients
林泰樹, 香久山裕史, 花島文成, 坂本博史, 矢澤聡, 中平洋子, 矢内原仁, 朝倉博孝
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 51-51, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Therapeutic effect of Mirabegron with a focus on the elderly in our hospital
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 51-51, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Combination therapy of Mirabegron and solifenacin with a focus on later-stage elderly
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 52-52, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Study on judgment call and coping for the urinary incontinence of middle-age women resident in an area
佐々木露葉1),2), 大嶋伸雄3), 小内友紀子4)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 52-52, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. The effect that individual urination care gives for sleep and the activity of elderly women with dementia
溝口晶子, 佐藤和子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 53-53, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. As care for dermatopathy by the urinary leakage from nephrostomy management - both sides nephrostomy using the Pouching by the ostomy appliance and the uraroma -
立崎恵美子1), 三浦克紀2), 古野剛史2), 関晴夫2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 53-53, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. Questionary survey for the usability of the intermission-type balloon catheter
塚田修1), 塚田学1), 赤池秀子1), 深沢範子1), 仲佐昭彦2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 54-54, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. Attempt of the ramified microglia administration for sleep disorder in the short term hospital admission patients
影山藍子1), 佐々木克己2), 渡辺豊彦2), 江原伸2), 有吉勇一2), 山本満寿美3), 宗宮昌子4), 池田牧江1), 尾堂広如1), 竹嶋加奈子5)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 54-54, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Comparison - of the CLSS score of the floor of the pelvis line LUTS - enforcement, non-enforcement group of local inhabitants doing gymnastics
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 55-55, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. It is ... from the situation of relation ... physical therapist to elderly people urinary incontinence prevention business in Kitakyushu-shi
吉田遊子1), 神崎良子1), 中藤佳絵1), 橋元隆1), 久保かおり2), 佐野志郎2), 西井久枝3), 松本哲朗2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 55-55, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Night excretion for the fall risk reduction of elderly patients and the night excretion of the elderly patients that a fall is risky because of analysis (the second report) nocturia of the sleep state and sleep
正源寺美穂1), 北村和子2), 中田晴美2), 湯野智香子2), 松本智里3), 泉キヨ子4), 高田大輔4), 平松知子5)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 56-56, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Osmotic pressure of lesson - contrast media from the experience of the serious contrast media shock case, shock Bosmin intramuscular injection, contrast nephropathy -
石井泰憲1), 江口賀恵1), 池澤純子1), 渡邊愛1), 榎本晶子1), 橋本はずき1), 慎武2), 石井元3), 田嶋健一4), 向山佳宏4)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 56-56, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Repair only urologic foreign testing, measures explanation paper; is ... towards efforts ... outpatient department easy for you to a revision
竹本美保, 佐藤文恵, 永田和子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 57-57, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Sarcopenia in the elderly urologic patients
中川徹, 金谷淳志, 田口慧, 新美文彩, 松本明彦, 宮嵜英世, 藤村哲也, 福原浩, 久米春喜, 本間之夫
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 57-57, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. The effect that difference in most moving passage stimulation for the perineum skin domain of the anesthesia rat gives to the urination shrinkage
飯村佳織1),2), 宮崎彰吾2),3), 渡邉信博2), 堀田晴美2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 58-58, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. The bladder tamponade of women has many patients with old cystitis
土橋一成1), 牧野雄樹1), 江村正博1), 清水洋祐1), 金丸聰淳1), 伊藤哲之1), 井口亮2), 野口哲哉2), 佐々木美晴2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 58-58, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Underlying disease of the urinary retention of women judging from hollow dynamics
中村春香1), 榊原隆次2), 杉山恵1), 高橋修1), 矢野仁3), 舘野冬樹2), 岸雅彦2), 露崎洋平2), 東丸貴信1), 鈴木啓悦3)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 59-59, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. An example of the many systems atrophy symptom that a merger of vesicoureteral reflux became clear in video hollow dynamics
猪瀬智哉1), 内山智之2),3), 柴田千晴2),4), 加賀勘家2),5), 中村優子2),6), 美濃和紀子7), 小黒清1), 釜井隆男5), 平田幸一3), 山西友典2),5), 楫靖1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 59-59, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. The present conditions of anticholinergic drug and β 3 agonist combination therapy for the elderly people mistake activity bladder patients in our hospital
橘田岳也, 三井貴彦, 菅野由岐子, 千葉博基, 守屋仁彦, 篠原信雄
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 60-60, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. About the effect of the Mirabegron on new elderly men mistake activity bladder patients
松尾朋博, 計屋知彰, 大庭康司郎, 竹原浩介, 望月保志, 宮田康好, 酒井英樹
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 60-60, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. About the effect of the Mirabegron on new elderly women mistake activity bladder patients
浅井昭宏, 松尾朋博, 計屋知彰, 大庭康司郎, 竹原浩介, 望月保志, 宮田康好, 酒井英樹
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 61-61, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Use experience of oxybutynin hydrochloride percutaneous absorption type preparation (NEOXY TAPE (R)) in the elderly
鈴木孝尚, 大塚篤史, 松下雄登, 本山大輔, 杉山貴之, 永田仁夫, 古瀬洋, 大園誠一郎
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 61-61, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Treatment result of the kidney ureter total extraction for upper urinary tract epithelial cancer in elderly people 75 years or older
松本吉弘1), 尾張拓也1), 山本与毅1), 豊島優多1), 中濱智則1), 高田聡1), 大山信雄2), 百瀬均1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 62-62, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Examination about the urothelial carcinoma case 80 years or older
伊藤香織, 関戸哲利, 渡邊昌太郎, 金野紅, 新津靖雄, 澤田喜友, 竹内康晴, 黒田加奈美
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 62-62, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Correspondence in our hospital for patients with super old (85 years old or older) urinary tract malignant tumor
菅本隆雄, 尾木伸輔
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 63-63, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the laparoscopic kidney ureter malignant tumor surgery for elderly people in our hospital
持田淳一, 伊藤亜希子, 村田保貴, 芦苅大作, 大日方大亮, 松井強, 佐藤克彦, 山中弥太郎, 山口健哉, 高橋悟
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 63-63, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Treatment intervention factor in the PSA surveillance therapy
武田宗万1), 中野洋二郎1), 成田英生1), 高井峻2), 松尾一成2), 金田淑枝1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 64-64, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. We correspond to super elderly people castration-resistant prostate cancer and are experienced the treatment with next anticancer agent
前田佳子, 羽田圭佑, 橋本恭伸
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 64-64, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Treatment result of light choice-style prostatic transpiration technique (PVP) in the elderly aged 75 or over
井上勝己, 岡清貴, 林睦雄
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 65-65, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. It is the experience using the Aki Shichi nib for the metastatic focus of renal cell carcinoma
藤井久美子1), 近藤秀明2), 原本順規2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 65-65, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Report ... about randomness two assignment controlled trial - side effect by the crossover method of β 3 agonist and the anticholinergic drug in the hyperactivity bladder patients of women
鳥本一匡1), 松下千枝2), 山田篤3), 後藤大輔3), 松本吉弘4), 仲川嘉紀5), 渡辺秀次6), 三馬省二7), 藤本清秀1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 66-66, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. About usefulness of the medication assessment sheet introduction in the medication management of the inpatient
揚村雄介, 宮嵜英世, 毛利王海, 梅野安希
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 66-66, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Effect of the testosterone replacement therapy on patients with LOH syndrome with the nocturia
重原一慶1), 中川朋美1), 坂本次郎1), 宮城徹1), 中嶋孝夫1), 島村正喜2), 杉本和宏3), 高栄哲4), 小中弘之5), 並木幹夫5)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 67-67, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Fact-finding of the aging men hypogonadism syndrome in Iwakicho, Hirosaki-shi
今井篤1), 畠山真吾1), 米山高弘1), 橋本安弘1), 古家琢也1), 大山力1), 澤田かほり2), 高橋一平2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 67-67, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Examination of the urgent drainage enforcement case for the obstructive pyelonephritis of elderly people in our hospital
堀場優樹, 辻知英, 澤田康弘, 森紳太郎
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 68-68, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Examination of the obstructive pyelonephritis associated with the calculus in elderly people 80 years or older
雄谷剛士, 冨岡厚志, 飯田孝太, 丸山良夫
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 68-68, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Examination of the pyelonephritis (obstructive pyelonephritis) with the urinary obstruction of elderly people of the poor PS
篠原雅岳1), 喜馬啓介1), 米田龍生2), 坂宗久1), 平尾佳彦1), 藤本清秀2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 69-69, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Case study of the hemorrhagic cystitis in our hospital
近藤秀明, 原本順規
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 69-69, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. A is hale and hearty, and compare tendency investigation - constipation group and the non-constipation group of the person with constipation to be able to put; and ...
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 70-70, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Examination about the single life elderly people in the urologic inpatient
山本与毅, 尾張拓也, 中濱智則, 豊島優多, 高田聡, 松本吉弘, 百瀬均
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 70-70, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. Than the factor -1 experience that live together, and lives to care at home for elderly people with dementia -
根本由美子1),2), 金沢幸子1),2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 71-71, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Examination about the introduction of the intermittent withdrawing of urine for elderly people 75 years or older
山本恭代1), 森英恭1), 香川純一郎1), 山口邦久1), 福森知治1), 高橋正幸1), 金山博臣1), 木村千栄子2), 宮瀬昌子2), 岩佐京子2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 71-71, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. The present conditions and problem of the intermittent self catheterization of elderly people in our outpatient department
川根敏子, 大橋伸江, 川口由佳, 菅谷典子, 越川敬子, 田中ひとみ, 鈴木孝尚, 永田仁夫, 大塚篤史, 大園誠一郎
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 72-72, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Examination of CIC introduction in our hospital and the patients who are hard to continue
金澤幸子, 吉田健, 根本由美子, 芳賀美保
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 72-72, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Problems from an attitude survey about urination care, the support in being at home to the local inclusion care that we were able to see
冨森こずえ1), 榎本ヤチヱ2), 夏目修3), 加藤久和4)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 73-73, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Efforts for the standardization of the care for the bladder irritation during the bladder indwelling catheter custody
石川美紗子, 岡村美穂, 山見美央, 上之園沙希, 藤井聡美
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 73-73, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Two cases that cranberry (CBJ) was effective for frequent catheter obstruction
坂井健彦, 宮富良穂, 永倉一武, 正井基之, 吉田豊彦
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 74-74, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Change ... with night, once voided volume and urinary flow rate - aging in the daytime
上別府豊治1), 片山祐一1), 杉江悟1), 月野浩昌1), 分田裕順1), 賀本敏行1), 村岡敬介2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 74-74, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. It is an effect of the nizatidine on lower digestive tract motion on Parkinson's disease
榊原隆次1), 土井啓員2), 舘野冬樹1), 岸雅彦1), 露崎洋平1), 相羽陽介1), 矢野仁3), 高橋修4), 杉山恵4), 中村春香4)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 75-75, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Practice of remove diaper : Intervention study in Fukuoka elderly excretion Improvement Committee
武井実根雄1), 関成人1), 山口秋人1), 宮崎良春1), 西千浪2), 泉かおり2), 石田弥生2), 服部文忠2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 75-75, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. 3 example - of adaptation and evaluation - intervention six days programs from paper to an example of the assessment care protocol to make cloth underwear
入田貴子1), 内田陽子2), 西本祐也3), 河端裕美4), 高橋陽子4)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 76-76, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. 11 example - of practice and evaluation - intervention five days program of the assessment care protocol to make cloth underwear from paper for a short term
西本祐也1), 内田陽子2), 入田貴子3), 河端裕美4), 高橋陽子4)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 76-76, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. The present conditions and problems of the self catheterization instruction in our hospital
中村優子1), 篠原真咲1), 久保のり子1), 内山智之2),3), 加賀勘家2),4), 柴田千晴2),5), 美濃和紀子6), 猪瀬智哉7), 豊田早苗1), 山西友典2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 77-77, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. Efforts to the urinary calculus prevention using the lemon fruit juice
篠原弘樹, 曽我部恵, 刈谷有紀子, 古味あゆみ, 田中芙美子, 北島彰子, 北島清彰
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 77-77, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Treatment result the second-year after one-day stress urinary incontinence surgery - operation at the clinic by TFS (Tissue Fixation Syetem) and Quality of Life
中村綾子1), 関口由紀1), 前田佳子1), 金城真実1), 畔越陽子1), 榎本香織1), 藤崎章子1), 矢尾正祐2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 78-78, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Efforts of the brochure making for the pessary self putting on and taking off management for the pelvic organ prolapse patients
大嶽麻沙美, 清水由紀子, 北條裕紀恵, 村瀬愛子, 馬場智子, 甲賀典子, 中島美佐子, 金城真実, 藤崎章子, 嘉村康邦
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 78-78, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Preoperative uneasiness and question in the pelvic organ prolapse patients whom we were able to know on the telephone in preoperation
三輪幸1),4), 野村昌良2), 三輪好生2), 平川倫恵2), 清水幸子2),3)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 79-79, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the TVM surgery for elderly women 80 years or older
上野悟, 中川朋美, 浦田聡子, 成本一隆, 北川育秀, 並木幹夫
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 79-79, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Using nursing support - long time urine change data recorder (lily phosphorus) and an urination check table for the incontinence prevention to the patients whom urinary incontinence occurs in by a stroke -
須藤緑1), 油川圭太1), 増渕有記1), 中村優子1), 森川純子1), 内山智之2), 山西友典2), 平田幸一3)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 80-80, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Training method to supplement the floor of the pelvis line exercises of men
影山慎二1), 近藤厚生2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 80-80, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Examination about TUL for super elderly people
吉岡貴史1),2), 清水俊博1), 村尾航1), 大槻英男1), 上原慎也1), 松本英亜1), 藤尾幸司1), 藤尾圭2), 那須保友2), 公文裕巳2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 81-81, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Invention of the self-care for the women who underwent own urination type bladder substitution ostomy
田中悦子1), 石井啓一2), 上川禎則2), 杉本俊門2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 81-81, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Construction of the self-care instruction of the hand-and-foot syndrome prevention
冨永リエ1), 國重美保1), 中原祐子1), 梶取尚世1), 平田知子1), 安養寺美会子1), 高橋良輔2), 立神勝則2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 82-82, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Attempt of the total care postoperative in the preoperation of patients with invasive bladder cancer aiming at quality of life maintenance
高谷千皓1), 井上麻寿美1), 辻舞1), 森川さおり1), 下川久仁子1), 田口由美1), 山田由美1), 近藤秀明2), 原本順規2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 82-82, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Look back on instruction to patient after the Tissue Fixation System (TFS) surgery
増田洋子, 重田美和, 関口由紀
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 83-83, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Consciousness, fact-finding about the water to drink of elderly people undergoing urologic surgery
長峰えりな, 中山明純, 浅井優花, 小澤沙耶
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 83-83, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. It is ... for the burden reduction of development - bladder function evaluation of the automatic urination recording system with the news function
御所脇秀子1), 大橋一男1), 仁木佳文1), 岩坪暎二2), 志方弘子2), 永沼真由美2), 北川光恵2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 84-84, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. It is ... from the results of the questionnaire of development - bladder function evaluation of the automatic urination recording system with the news function
山下穣1), 岩坪暎二1), 志方弘子1), 永沼真由美1), 北川光恵1), 大橋一男2), 御所脇秀子2), 仁木佳文2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 84-84, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Inspection ... of development - bladder function evaluation of the automatic urination recording system with the news function
岩坪暎二1), 志方弘子1), 永沼真由美1), 北川光恵1), 大橋一男2), 御所脇秀子2), 仁木佳文2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 85-85, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. From the questionary survey to consideration - participant of the urination care basics class -
横山剛志1), 野尻佳克2), 吉田正貴2), 藤井美保子1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 85-85, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Qualitative study on uneasiness to the excretion at disaster in the person with cervical cord injury and measures
高橋競, 北村弥生
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 86-86, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. About the cause of patients with new bone fracture in the local government Hospital
鈴木孝尚1), 大塚篤史1), 松下雄登1), 本山大輔1), 杉山貴之1), 永田仁夫1), 古瀬洋1), 大園誠一郎1), 村田英之2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 86-86, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Clinical examination of the bladder total extraction in elderly people
上田修史, 山崎真理, 土肥洋一郎, 北村悠樹, 佐倉雄馬, 林田有史, 平間裕美, 常森寛行, 杉元幹史, 筧善行
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 87-87, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Examination of the invasive bladder cancer in our hospital 80 years or older
武内在雄, 塩田真己, 立神勝則, 猪口淳一, 清島圭二郎, 横溝晃, 内藤誠二
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 87-87, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Clinical examination of the bladder cancer case 85 years or older
加山恵美奈, 菊地栄次, 早川望, 松本一宏, 小坂威雄, 水野隆一, 宮嶋哲, 大家基嗣
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 88-88, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Clinical statistics of patients with old bladder cancer
大岩裕子, 山崎智也, 藤田竜二, 津島知靖
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 88-88, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Examination of the depressive symptom onset risk factor after the bladder complete removal urinary diversion of the old bladder cancer case
東武昇平, 野口満, 藏田彩, 魚住二郎
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 89-89, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Clinical examination of the laparoscopic total prostatectomy to elderly people in our hospital
榊田裕士, 田上憲一郎, 杉山豊, 河野吉昭, 江藤正俊
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 89-89, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. It is urine collection, one video hollow dynamics evidence of uterine myoma that we showed improvement in the urination function by surgery
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 90-90, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. It is ... about a review of the urination assistance of examination - midnight time zone of the night excretion care in the care health center for the elderly
花房幸雄1), 角光一郎1), 寺戸仁幸1), 山下剛志1), 谷口辰朗1), 岡田修治1), 河本久美子1), 中下英之助1), 小田貢2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 90-90, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. The actual situation of the bowel movement situation and the bowel movement care in the care health center for the elderly
上山真美1), 福原礼子2), 萩原裕子3), 鳥村美雪3)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 91-91, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Efforts to appropriate enforcement of clean intermittent withdrawing of urine (CIC)
鎌田千浪1), 阿部陽平2), 山内理恵1), 藤澤聡美1), 小野坂奈津代1), 山下智麻1), 岡添誉2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 91-91, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Does the bladder capacity at urinary retention discovery become the predictor of the withdrawing of urine secession?
野尻佳克, 大菅陽子, 永田卓士, 吉田正貴
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 92-92, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Movement of the root of a tail tip makes a help at floor of the pelvis line exercises instruction; or examination ... using ... functional cine MRI
藤崎章子1), 本郷祥子1), 高澤直子1), 重田美和2), 北條裕紀恵3), 大嶽麻沙美3), 村瀬愛子3), 鈴木直子3), 金城真実1), 嘉村康邦1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 92-92, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Attempt to spread floor of the pelvis line exercises in an area
大河原節子1), 宮城恵里子2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 93-93, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. It is fact-finding of the floor of the pelvis line exercises instruction to the patients after prostatic complete removal technique
竹田鮎美, 有馬陽子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 93-93, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. About the elderly people fact-finding of the "urinary incontinence prevention classroom for women" in Kitakyushu-shi participant
神崎良子1), 吉田遊子1), 中藤佳絵1), 橋元隆1), 久保かおり2), 佐野志郎2), 西井久枝3), 松本哲朗2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 94-94, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Examination of the effect to give to bone mineral density, a hematopoietic function and lipid metabolism of patients with prostatic hyperplasia old dutasteride
森健一1), 溝口晋輔1), 野村威雄2), 安藤忠助1), 佐藤文憲1), 三股浩光1)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 94-94, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Catheter management instruction to the elderly people who did nephrostomy
阿部定人1), 木皿あゆみ1), 長谷部早紀1), 泰多賀子1), 阿部愛1), 菊地湖1), 馬場清美1), 酒井フミエ1), 浪間孝重2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 95-95, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Factor associated with the suit of the feeling like to urine of special elderly nursing home entrance elderly people
中村五月, 陶山啓子, 小岡亜希子, 田中久美子
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 95-95, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. The actual situation and problem of the urination disorder of the area inhabitants who participated in the health class
宮城恵里子1), 大河原節子2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 96-96, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Examination ... of the way of the learning by the many types of job to think about from care - seminar questionnaire to support ... comfortable excretion even if we suffer from dementia
日比野綾香1), 佐藤文恵1), 伊神敬人1), 柴崎章子1), 高橋義孝2), 高木久治3), 林まち子3), 奥山恵理子4), 櫻井知世4)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 96-96, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. About the improvement of ADL and the urination symptom judging from the cognitive function in rehabilitation patients
日和将貴1), 影山美奈枝1), 井上勝己2), 高村幸枝3), 前田沙希3), 塚田直美3), 住田恵理3), 舟橋美幸3), 櫻井里実3), 伊藤香菜子3)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 97-97, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. Elderly people with dementia excretion care management consultation manual course of the development and result
佐藤和佳子1), 坂川奈央2)
Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) 28: 97-97, 2015.