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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
Volume 14, Issue / 2006
English Article Japanese Article
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Onset condition of a patient: of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome Participation of the placenta and the mother's body inflammatory response 工藤美樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 3-7, 2006. |
Kidney physiology and high blood pressure in the pregnancy 西慎一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 11-14, 2006. |
Examination about the expression of the PGI2 synthase (phospholipase A2, cyclooxygenase-2, PGI2 synthase) in the placental tissue of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 大川原正喜1), 関博之2), 松岡菊美2), 竹田省2), 橋本フミ惠1), 林秀徳1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 17-20, 2006. |
Relations with gestational thrombocytopenia / pregnancy-related antithrombin deficiency and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, HELLP syndrome and the acute fatty liver in pregnancy 森川守, 山田俊, 長和俊, 山田秀人, 水上尚典 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 23-26, 2006. |
Diseases 2 associated with the symposium pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome. HELLP syndrome and maternal circulation change 三宅秀彦, 川端伊久乃, 中井章人, 竹下俊行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 27-31, 2006. |
Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and convulsive disorder 大野泰正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 32-35, 2006. |
About pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and associated diseases - chronicity high blood pressure merger pregnancy and related conditions - 三宅良明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 36-38, 2006. |
About periodontal disease and perinatal convalescence - particularly pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and intrauterine growth retardation - 菊池朗, 笹原淳, 高桑好一, 田中憲一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 39-43, 2006. |
An uteroplacental circulation disorder and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 吉田敦, 北島百合子, 谷川輝美, 三浦清徳, 中山大介, 増崎英明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 44-48, 2006. |
Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome judging from T-cell immunity 塩崎有宏, 佐々木泰, 鈴木大輔, 酒井正利, 伊藤実香, 斎藤滋 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 51-55, 2006. |
Examination about the serum cytokine concentrations of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman 庄子忠宏1), 岩動ちず子1), 小山理恵1), 福島明宗1), 杉山徹1), 本田達也2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 56-59, 2006. |
Analysis about the histocompatibility antigen-based similarity between background - couples of the alloimmunity of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 高桑好一, 能仲太郎, 明石真美, 大木泉, 富田雅俊, 菊池朗, 田中憲一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 60-63, 2006. |
Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and antiphospholipid antibody 鈴木佳克, 山本珠生, 杉浦真弓 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 64-67, 2006. |
Clinical analysis of the collagenosis merger pregnancy that developed pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 正本仁, 大久保鋭子, 石底アキ, 佐久本薫, 青木陽一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 68-72, 2006. |
Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome judging from Th1/Th2 balance 齋藤滋 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 75-79, 2006. |
Trial to improvement of the vascular endothelium functional disorder in preeclampsia with L-arginine and the folic acid administration 山本珠生, 鈴木佳克, 鈴森伸宏, 種村光代, 杉浦真弓 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 83-84, 2006. |
Participation of vascular endothelium progenitor cells and the growth factor in the angioplasty in the early pregnancy placenta 阿部恵美子, 松原圭一, 松原裕子, 片山富博, 草薙康城, 伊藤昌春 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 85-86, 2006. |
Examination of the onset of PLGF under the hypoxia in human villus cells and GLUT3 control 西本文人, 峯川亮子, 坂田正博 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 87-88, 2006. |
Examination of the VEGF, PLGF, VEGF receptor (Flt-1) mRNA expression in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome placenta local site 山本範子, 中沢禎子, 久野宗一郎, 村瀬隆之, 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 89-90, 2006. |
It is observed the rat mesentery microcirculation during pregnancy 片山富博, 平塚美枝, 草薙康城, 伊藤昌春 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 91-92, 2006. |
Examination of the oxygen change of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome placenta by the near-infrared light spectrometry 河村隆一, 水主川純, 高荷理子, 木村聡, 杉村基, 金山尚裕 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 93-94, 2006. |
Association with Endothelial Progenitor Cell and the serum in a normal pregnant woman and patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 松原圭一1), 阿部恵美子2), 松原裕子2), 伊藤昌春2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 95-96, 2006. |
It is examined the production change of VEGF, sFlt1 with becoming it an endometrial anhistous membrane 吉松淳, 松本治伸, 古川雄一, 後藤清美, 福田淳一郎, 楢原久司 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 97-98, 2006. |
Pay attention to the vascular endothelium disorder in the slight impaired glucose tolerance pregnant woman and oxidative stress with vascular resistance - hyperglycemia of the uterine artery and association of the adipocytokine; and - 篠原康一1), 濱田史昌2), 永井立平2), 池上信夫2), 深谷孝夫2), 渡辺員支3), 若槻明彦3) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 99-100, 2006. |
Change of macrophage colony-stimulating factor out of the amniotic fluid of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman 相馬良一1), 林雅敏2), 五來逸雄2), 提坂敏昭2), 黄海文昌1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 101-102, 2006. |
Examination of OX40L out of the pregnant woman serum in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 吉良尚子, 吉松淳, 松本治伸, 古川雄一, 後藤清美, 福田淳一郎, 楢原久司 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 103-104, 2006. |
Analysis - about similarity, estrangement characteristics of the examination - HLA-DQ antigen system about the HLA antigen system between pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome mother children 能仲太郎, 明石真美, 大木泉, 菊池朗, 高桑好一, 田中憲一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 105-106, 2006. |
About frequency of blood pressure in the pregnancy-induced hypertension condition of a patient, dorsal position of the heart rate and sedentary comparison - Orthostatic hypotension (OH) - 三宅良明, 松川高久, 菊池淳, 早川康仁, 高木健次郎, 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 107-107, 2006. |
Examination (the second report) about the cardio ankle vascular index in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 吉田純1), 杉山隆2), 佐川典正2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 108-109, 2006. |
Examination of pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome fundi views in our hospital 川端伊久乃, 三宅秀彦, 横田明重, 中井章人, 竹下俊行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 110-111, 2006. |
It is: after delivery in a characteristic and the course of the high blood pressure Examination by 24 hours sphygmomanometer (ABPM) 土田桂蔵1), 小林真紀子2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 112-113, 2006. |
Examination about the clinical significance of the albuminuria of pregnancy serious case 竹田善治, 安達知子, 坂井昌人, 中山摂子, 川名有紀子, 瀧澤慎, 檜垣博, 山下真紀子, 中林正雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 114-115, 2006. |
A wait plan and mother's body complications in the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy HP type case 中本收, 山本浩子, 張良実, 中村博昭, 福益博, 松尾重樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 116-117, 2006. |
Examination of the usefulness of Nifedipine for the pregnancy-induced hypertension case 富田雅俊, 竹山智, 笹原淳, 西野幸治, 山田京子, 田村希, 石井桂介, 菊池朗, 高桑好一, 田中憲一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 118-119, 2006. |
Ultrasound images analyses in human placental blood flow and structure at early middle pregnancy Rie Oyama, Anna Takada, Ayako Iwane, Chizuko Ishurugi, Tadahiro Shyoji, Toru Sugiyama Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 120-121, 2006. |
An example of Preeclampsia which occurred in a row for disturbance of consciousness 関谷龍一郎, 坂野伸弥, 鈴木史朗, 田村圭浩, 岸上靖幸, 森脇崇之, 三輪忠人, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 122-123, 2006. |
One case of the twin pregnancy that caused eclampsia in labor 桑間直志, 小幡宏昭, 藤間博幸, 高橋裕 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 124-125, 2006. |
MRI of the eclampsia puerperalis 2 case, pictorial evaluation by the MRA 田丸俊輔, 板倉敦夫, 伊藤百合子, 加村和雄, 菊地真理子, 西林学, 三木明徳, 大澤洋之, 石原理 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 126-127, 2006. |
Example that visual field disorders developed late in childbed, and followed the normal course the pregnancy at delivery on the next time 笠井真理, 橘大介, 月岡美穂, 松本万紀子, 山枡誠一, 中井祐一郎, 石河修 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 128-129, 2006. |
An example of pregnancy 30 weeks when eclampsia and the HELLP syndrome that presented Reversivle posterior leukoencephalopathy developed at the same time 丸山真由子, 吉田幸洋 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 130-131, 2006. |
Example that presented PIH after Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) developed 杉原拓, 杉山隆, 梅川孝, 神元有紀, 佐川典正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 132-133, 2006. |
Title: The von Recklinghausen disease merger pregnancy which repeated early onset severe pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 三好剛一, 中郷賢二郎, 赤木武文 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 134-136, 2006. |
2 cases that developed post partum HELLP syndrome 田村正毅, 菖蒲川紀久子, 土谷美和, 柳瀬徹, 倉林工 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 137-138, 2006. |
APS/SLE merger pregnant one case that led to loss of eyesight from the left central retinal vein occlusion after five times of abortus habitualis 閨谷奈津子, 桑原崇, 早稲田智夫, 富澤英樹, 井浦俊彦, 牧野田知 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 139-139, 2006. |
Saireito, low-dose aspirin for the typical antiphospholipid syndrome case, adrenal cortical steroid hormone combination therapy 明石真美1), 能仲太郎1), 夏目学浩2), 大木泉1), 横尾朋和1), 田村希1), 石井桂介1), 富田雅俊1), 菊池朗1), 高桑好一1), 田中憲一1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 140-141, 2006. |
Two cases of a pulmonary oedema and the severe pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy that presented a large quantity of ascitic fluid 高柳健史, 松下宏, 五十嵐裕一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 142-143, 2006. |
One case of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome that resulted in bilateral retinal detachment 田村希, 菊池朗, 能仲太郎, 高桑好一, 田中憲一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 14: 144-145, 2006. |