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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
Volume 15, Issue / 2007
English Article Japanese Article
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Guidelines on management, treatment of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (tentative plan) 佐藤和雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 3-6, 2007. |
The condition of a patient and treatment: of 1 essential high blood pressure Recent way of thinking 檜垣實男 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 9-12, 2007. |
Approach from hypertensive medical fine-view - metabolic syndrome Rick domino of 2 this century 伊藤裕 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 15-17, 2007. |
Pluralistic analysis of protease in the hypoxia environment / high adiponectin environment of placenta villus cells and the cytokine production 成瀬勝彦, 大野木輝, 吉田昭三, 坂田麻理子, 佐道俊幸, 北中孝司, 小林浩 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 21-24, 2007. |
The effect that fetal mother's body hypoprotein nourishment load gives for gravid uterus circulation 武者由佳1), 宮川美帆1), 大辻希樹2), 伊藤茂1), 竹田省1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 25-27, 2007. |
Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and weight control 竹田善治, 安達知子, 中山摂子, 坂元秀樹, 中林正雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 31-34, 2007. |
Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and nourishment management lipid peroxide 篠原康一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 35-38, 2007. |
About nourishment management of PIH and PIH with nourishment management obesity and the carbohydrate metabolism abnormality 杉山隆, 村林奈緒, 梅川孝, 神元有紀, 杉原拓, 佐川典正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 39-42, 2007. |
Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and electrolyte change 山崎峰夫 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 43-46, 2007. |
Examination of the renal function evaluation parameter in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 吉松淳, 福田淳一郎, 松本治伸, 吉良尚子, 石井照和, 楢原久司 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 49-52, 2007. |
Fetal control of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 松原裕子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 53-56, 2007. |
Management of the children born from the PIH pregnant woman 梶原眞人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 57-59, 2007. |
Embryotroph of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome judging from a geriatric diseases fetal onset theory 福岡秀興 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 60-63, 2007. |
Association with image fixed-quantity analysis and the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor expression of the human placental supersonic wave real-time pulsatile bloodstream domain 小山理恵, 林理紗, 高田杏奈, 岩動ちず子, 杉山徹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 67-70, 2007. |
Examination of the PLGF expression control under the hypoxia in human choriocarcinoma cells 西本文人1), 峯川亮子1), 三宅麻子1), 岡本陽子2), 磯部晶3), 武田卓1), 山本敏也3), 坂田正博1), 木村正1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 73-74, 2007. |
Making of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy model animal using the sFlt-1 expression adenovirus vector in the mouse 鈴木寛正1), 大口昭英1), 松原茂樹1), 渋谷正史2), 村上雅人2), 佐藤靖史3), 鈴木光明1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 75-76, 2007. |
The TIMP3 gene introduction to the mouse uterus raises blood pressure in early pregnancy 張慶, 筒井建紀, 熊澤恵一, 田畑知沙, 渡辺宜信, 根來英典, 朝野久美子, 荻田和秀, 木村正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 77-78, 2007. |
Examination of the eclamptic case in our hospital 木瀬康人, 林藍子, 東真規子, 米田佳代, 島津美紀, 渡辺宜信, 中辻友希, 増原完治, 信永敏克 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 79-80, 2007. |
About an association between cause and postnatal development of IUGR 田中利隆, 伊藤茂, 依藤崇志, 西原沙織, 宮川美帆, 牧野真太郎, 武者由佳, 薪田も恵, 米本寿志, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 81-82, 2007. |
Examination about the proteinuria screening precision evaluation in the pregnant woman medical examination 牧原夏子, 山崎峰夫, 森田宏紀, 北尾敬祐, 松岡正造, 小原範之, 丸尾猛 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 83-84, 2007. |
Vascular proliferation factor in the complications pregnancy 芝崎智子, 松田秀雄, 古谷健一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 85-86, 2007. |
Change: of fibrinogen, FDPs before and after the delivery of gestational thrombocytopenia and gestational antithrombin deficiency, D-dimer, hematocrit and the uric acid level Comparison with the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 森川守, 山田俊, 山田崇弘, 島田茂樹, 山田秀人, 水上尚典 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 87-88, 2007. |
Examination about a blood vessel inflammatory marker, the soluble adhesion factor and wall function in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 森稔高, 篠原康一, 渡辺員支, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 89-90, 2007. |
About the usefulness as the foresight marker of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome of the mRNA derived from the placenta out of the maternal plasma 藤東猶也, 谷川美穂, 兵頭麻希, 坂下知久, 三好博史, 藤原久也, 工藤美樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 91-92, 2007. |
About the abnormal appearance ratio of the solubule endoglin level in the setting of the normal range of serum soluble endoglin in the pregnant woman and the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy pregnant woman 平嶋周子, 大口昭英, 鈴木寛正, 松原茂樹, 鈴木光明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 93-94, 2007. |
About soluble endoglin in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 村瀬隆之, 市川剛, 青木洋一, 久野宗一郎, 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 95-96, 2007. |
Fundi views in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and parturient outcome 川端伊久乃, 中井章人, 大屋敦子, 横田明重, 竹下俊行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 97-98, 2007. |
Change of interleukin-6 out of the amniotic fluid of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman 相馬良一1), 田中躍2), 五來逸雄2), 提坂敏昭2), 林雅敏2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 99-100, 2007. |
Evaluation - after - pregnant woman serum PlGF normal range reset that the evaluation foresees the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy onset subtly at both indexes same time of a serum PlGF level, the uterine artery blood flow rate wave pattern for second pregnancy trimester 大口昭英, 平嶋周子, 鈴木寛正, 松原茂樹, 鈴木光明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 101-102, 2007. |
Examination of serum meta Japanese spaniel concentrations in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 吉良尚子, 吉松淳, 古川雄一, 福田淳一郎, 松本治伸, 楢原久司 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 103-104, 2007. |
Effect on PlGF production derived from choriocarcinoma cells of the antiphospholipid antibody-positive serum 久野宗一郎, 中沢禎子, 市川剛, 村瀬隆之, 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 105-106, 2007. |
Effect of vascular endothelium progenitor cells and the growth factor in the placental blood canalization 阿部恵美子, 松原圭一, 松原裕子, 片山富博, 草薙康城, 伊藤昌春 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 107-108, 2007. |
Effect on increase of the vascular endothelium progenitor cells by nucleated red cells derived from patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome umbilical blood 松原圭一1), 阿部恵美子2), 松原裕子2), 兵頭慎治2), 伊藤昌春2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 109-110, 2007. |
A platelet and vascular endothelium function in the Preeclampsia patients 鈴木佳克, 山本珠生, 小島和寿, 村上勇 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 111-112, 2007. |
Examination about the complication of pregnancy in women with childhood onset nemaline myopathy diabetes 杉原拓, 杉山隆, 梅川孝, 神元有紀, 佐川典正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 113-114, 2007. |
About the white robe effect in the hypertensive pregnant woman, frequency and a developmental mechanism of the white robe high blood pressure 三宅良明, 大西美也子, 早川康仁, 松川尚久, 菊池淳, 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 115-116, 2007. |
Clinical examination about the participation of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome in 38 premature ablation of normally implanted placenta 大野木輝, 重富洋志, 成瀬勝彦, 野口武俊, 吉田昭三, 坂田麻理子, 佐道俊幸, 北中孝司, 大井豪一, 小林浩 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 117-118, 2007. |
The mother's body complications after the elective treatment of the HP type pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy are associated with more than diastolic blood pressure 110mmHg. 中本收, 岡田伊津子, 笠井真理, 本久智賀, 福益博, 松尾重樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 119-120, 2007. |
The gestational transient thyrotoxicosis that occurred for second pregnancy trimester 永吉裕三子1), 内野貴久子1), 三好潤也1), 大場隆1), 片渕秀隆1), 水流添覚2), 荒木栄一2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 121-122, 2007. |
Pregnant one patient who had history of high blood pressure and IUGR, and obtained Kenji after treatment of the subclinical Cushing syndrome 高石清美1), 三好潤也1), 内野貴久子1), 大場隆1), 片渕秀隆1), 宮村信博2), 荒木栄一2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 123-124, 2007. |
One case of the Th2 type pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy where proteinuria persisted for a long term 塩崎有宏, 橋本佳子, 米田徳子, 立松美樹子, 伊奈志帆美, 稲坂淳, 若杉聡美, 米田哲, 斎藤滋 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 125-126, 2007. |
An example of the severe pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy that required post partum renal dialysis 蔵本昭孝, 堀之内崇士, 加藤裕之, 下村直也, 大島雅恵, 林龍之介, 堀大蔵, 嘉村敏治 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 127-128, 2007. |
An example of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome childbed cardiomyopathy that urgently occurred after cesarean section 小口秀紀1), 邨瀬智彦1), 坂野伸弥1), 関谷龍一郎1), 田中和東1), 岸上靖幸1), 岩瀬三紀2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 129-130, 2007. |
Convalescence of the perinatal period onset high blood pressure and examination of the onset background 大野泰正1), 大野義彦1), 森川重彦2), 河井通泰3), 玉腰浩司4), 吉川史隆4) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 131-132, 2007. |
About new administration after the eclamptic attack through ventilator administration - emergency cesarean section case using Dexmedetomidine - 林嘉彦1), 野田洋一2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 133-134, 2007. |
Examination of 2 cases that presented RPLS with the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 富澤英樹, 井上弘一, 篠倉千早, 早稲田智夫, 藤井亮太, 牧野田知 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 135-136, 2007. |
An example of the HELLP syndrome that presented Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome 五日市美奈, 富田雅俊, 笹原淳, 生野寿史, 菊池朗, 高桑好一, 田中憲一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 137-138, 2007. |
An example of the childbed HELLP syndrome 山地亜希, 山地沙知, 小幡新太郎, 杉田達哉, 田中圭, 上杉健哲 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 139-140, 2007. |
Two cases of the severe HELLP syndrome that occurred after delivery and one case of TTP which occurred with the pregnancy 越智博, 森美妃, 月岡美喜, 小塚良哲, 立石洋子, 矢野真理, 矢野直樹, 近藤裕司, 野田清史 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 141-142, 2007. |
SLE merger pregnant example that aggravated it, and developed partial HELLP syndrome before delivery during pregnancy acute SLE 森崎慎太郎, 吉田敦, 松本加奈子, 三浦清徳, 中山大介, 増崎英明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 143-144, 2007. |
One patient whom DIC developed in after an operation of hepatic dysfunction similar to HELLP syndrome 水田裕久, 米田聡美, 平野仁嗣, 河元洋, 豊田進司, 井谷嘉男, 平岡克忠 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 145-146, 2007. |
One case that HELLP syndrome developed in pregnancy 34 weeks, and became peripartum cardiomyopathy after a cesarean operation 菊地範彦, 芦田敬, 長田亮介, 大平哲史, 金井誠, 小西郁生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 147-148, 2007. |
One case that developed brain bleeding for severe pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy (HP-LO), HELLP syndrome 本久智賀, 山本浩子, 中村博昭, 中本收, 松尾重樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 149-150, 2007. |
An example of Preeclampsia which developed cortical blindness 坂野伸弥1), 関谷龍一郎1), 田中和東1), 岸上靖幸1), 原田統子1), 小口秀紀1), 伊藤泰広2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 151-152, 2007. |
Three cases of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome that developed a retina lesion in puerperium 吉田純, 石井賢治, 斉藤恵子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 153-154, 2007. |
3 cases of the antiphospholipid antibody-positive pregnant woman whom pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome developed in during the antithrombotic therapy enforcement 里見操緒, 稲川智子, 峯克也, 桑原慶充, 石川源, 磯崎太一, 澤倫太郎, 明楽重夫, 竹下俊行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 155-156, 2007. |
Foreword 佐藤章 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 15: 233-233, 2007. |