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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
Volume 17, Issue / 2009
English Article Japanese Article
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White blood cell in the microcirculation of the PIH pregnant woman, molecular mechanism of the platelet change 片山富博, 伊藤昌春 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 3-7, 2009. |
Active oxygen and vascular endothelium function in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 渡辺員支 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 11-16, 2009. |
Nourishment management and epigenetic of the PIH pregnant woman 伊東宏晃 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 19-22, 2009. |
Diabetic nephropathy as Microinflammation 槇野博史 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 24-25, 2009. |
Problems of the hypertensive diagnosis 目時弘仁1), 大久保孝義1), 佐藤友里恵1), 佐々木彩乃1), 星川美奈子1), 川口麻衣子1), 阿久津好美1), 原梓1), 廣瀬卓男1), 小原拓1), 浅山敬1), 菊谷昌浩1), 八木橋香津代3), 八重樫伸生1), 岡村州博2), 松原洋一1), 森滋3), 鈴木雅洲3), 今井潤1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 29-32, 2009. |
About the significance of weight gain, edema 竹田善治, 安達知子, 坂元秀樹, 中山摂子, 中林正雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 33-36, 2009. |
Blood neovascularisation-related factor level - pregnancy-induced hypertension in the albuminuria of pregnancy, comparison with the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 平嶋周子, 大口昭英, 松原茂樹, 鈴木寛正, 高橋佳代, 鈴木光明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 37-42, 2009. |
Precision of the essential high blood pressure-based weighting type preeclampsia diagnosis 釣谷充弘2), 光田信明1), 塩田充2), 星合昊2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 43-46, 2009. |
Problems in the hypertensive merger pregnant handling 小野義久, 高木健次郎, 馬場一憲, 関博之 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 47-51, 2009. |
Significance of the arteria umbilicalis bloodstream in the in utero fetal growth failure 石井桂介, 松下充, 神農隆, 村越毅, 成瀬寛夫, 鳥居裕一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 55-58, 2009. |
Fetal cardiac activity evaluation by 3D/4D 金西賢治, 秦利之 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 59-61, 2009. |
Examination about the HELLP syndrome onset foresight by the mother's body hepatic blood flow evaluation using supersonic wave Doppler 川端伊久乃, 三宅秀彦, 大屋敦子, 朝倉啓文, 中井章人, 竹下俊行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 62-66, 2009. |
Evaluation (vital prognosis of children, relations with the neurologic convalescence) of arteria umbilicalis and the middle cerebral artery bloodstream in in utero fetal undergrown (IUGR) 上塘正人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 67-72, 2009. |
Mother's body renal artery and placental hemodynamics 関谷隆夫, 西澤春紀, 岡本治美, 松岡美杉, 小石プライヤ奏子, 多田伸, 宇田川康博 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 73-78, 2009. |
Hemodynamics of the mother's body ophthalmic artery in PIH 中塚幹也 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 79-82, 2009. |
Examination about a fact and the management of the perinatal period onset type pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 大野泰正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 85-90, 2009. |
Proposal of the severe high blood pressure as the mother's body cerebrovascular disorder risk factor and the parturient management guideline 中本收, 本久智賀, 松尾重樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 91-101, 2009. |
Significance, the condition of a patient of the antithrombin activity in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and the treatment 水上尚典, 森川守, 山田崇弘, 山田俊 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 105-109, 2009. |
A fact and significance of the sustained epidural analgesia delivery for the normal delivery 木村吉宏, 金重恵美子, 江口勝人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 113-119, 2009. |
Is it a good thing "we give birth small, and to greatly bring up?" 福岡秀興 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 127-130, 2009. |
How does the delivery of Japan turn out now? 中林正雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 138-143, 2009. |
The expression of neurotrophy factor with the human placenta and receptor and fetal growth and participation in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 藤田浩平, 巽啓司, 近藤英治, 最上晴太, 藤井剛, 角井和代, 小西郁生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 147-150, 2009. |
... which iNOS derived from examination - father about the interior of the womb programming of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome is involved in program establishment, and abnormality of the T cell control-related for the onset is associated with 高橋秀憲, 大川敏明, 藤森敬也, 佐藤章 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 151-154, 2009. |
Basic clinical examination of the improvement effect of folic acid and L-arginine on vascular endothelium functional disorder of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 山本珠生, 鈴木佳克*, 伊藤猛雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 157-162, 2009. |
Effect on soluble endoglin production from the choriocarcinoma cells of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome patient serum 青木洋一, 市川剛, 村瀬隆之, 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 165-166, 2009. |
One patient whom eclamptic attack was caused after delivery with normal blood pressure, and HELLP syndrome developed in 浅沼亜紀, 青木理恵, 宮川康司, 松浦眞彦, 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 167-168, 2009. |
Study on placental vasculature change in the pregnancy high blood pressure model mouse 石田純治1),2), 古屋充子3), 稲葉早希1), 粕谷善俊4), 木村定雄4), 根守良一5), 深水昭吉1),2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 169-170, 2009. |
About the effect that pregnancy delivery to repeat gives for SLE 伊藤史子, 三好潤也, 福田潤一郎, 坂口勲, 大場隆, 片渕秀隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 171-172, 2009. |
Postmenopausal ovum offer pregnant example that presented pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and gestational diabetes 伊藤真友子, 西澤春紀, 高橋ゆみ, 木下孝一, 石井梨沙, 関谷隆夫, 多田伸, 宇田川康博 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 173-174, 2009. |
An example of the venous thromboembolic subarachnoid hemorrhage that had difficulty in eclampsia in labor and differentiation 今井幸, 杉村基, 斎藤知見, 宮川美帆, 牧野真太郎, 太田篤之, 田中利隆, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 175-177, 2009. |
Does the assisted reproductive technology (ART) influence pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome convalescence? 岩崎奈央1),2), 三宅秀彦1),2), 里見操緒1), 川端伊久乃2), 関口敦子2), 鈴木俊治1), 中井章人2), 竹下俊行2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 178-179, 2009. |
Possibility of the presence of the sFlt1/PlGF ratio level level number-specific for gestational ages for the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy onset in a week 大口昭英, 平嶋周子, 鈴木寛正, 高橋佳代, 松原茂樹, 鈴木光明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 180-181, 2009. |
Cytokine-producing profile in the villus cells hypoxia culture supernatant derived from the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy placenta 大野木輝, 成瀬勝彦, 佐道俊幸, 野口武俊, 吉澤順子, 重富洋志, 山田嘉彦, 北中孝司, 大井豪一, 小林浩 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 182-183, 2009. |
One case of the HELLP syndrome that antithrombin III activity decreased before the onset remarkably 小口秀紀, 邨瀬智彦, 宮崎のどか, 長谷川育子, 坂野伸弥, 田中和東, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 184-185, 2009. |
Association between insulin resistance and hypotension: of the second pregnancy trimester of the normal blood pressure pregnant woman BOSHI study 川口麻衣子1), 目時弘仁1), 大久保孝義1), 佐々木彩乃1), 星川美奈子1), 阿久津好美1), 八木橋香津代3), 原梓1), 廣瀬卓男1), 小原拓1), 浅山敬1), 菊谷昌浩1), 松原洋一1), 八重樫伸生1), 岡村州博2), 森滋3), 鈴木雅洲3), 今井潤1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 186-187, 2009. |
Examination of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset risk in antithrombin activity rate of decline and the twin pregnancy 齋藤知見, 杉村基, 牧野真太郎, 太田篤之, 田中利隆, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 188-189, 2009. |
Experience of three childbed cardiomyopathy 佐藤杏月, 柿栖睦実, 野口唯, 米沢美玲, 倉品隆平, 深見武彦, 土居大祐, 可世木久幸, 朝倉啓文, 竹下俊行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 190-191, 2009. |
BMI before pregnancy and pregnant home blood pressure change: BOSHI study 佐藤友里恵1), 目時弘仁1), 大久保孝義1), 川口麻衣子1), 阿久津好美1), 佐々木彩乃1), 星川美奈子1), 八木橋香津代2), 原梓1), 廣瀬卓男1), 小原拓1), 浅山敬1), 菊谷昌浩1), 松原洋一1), 八重樫伸生1), 岡村州博3), 森滋2), 鈴木雅洲2), 今井潤1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 192-193, 2009. |
Examination about the HELLP syndrome 24 case in our center 鮫島浩輝, 高木健次郎, 松永茂剛, 小野義久, 松村英祥, 村山敬彦, 齊藤正博, 馬場一憲, 関博之 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 194-196, 2009. |
In vitro scratch wound restoration of immortalization cell line (TCL-1) derived from human villus cells with heparin 菅直子, 杉村基, 李香蘭, 興石太郎, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 197-198, 2009. |
Effect on blood NO with the angiogenesis factor administration in the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy mouse model by the sFlt-1 overexpression 鈴木寛正1), 大口昭英1), 松原茂樹1), 渋谷正史2), 村上雅人2), 佐藤靖史3), 鈴木光明1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 199-200, 2009. |
Cardiac activity evaluation using the Tei index of IUGR fetuses due to pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 多田克彦1), 宮木康成2), 小平雄一1), 塚原沙耶1), 今福紀章1), 立石洋子1), 高田雅代1), 中西美恵1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 201-202, 2009. |
One case that SLE developed exacerbation, weighting type pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy during pregnancy, and stopped the pregnancy in pregnancy 27 weeks 立石聖子, 吉田敦, 三浦清徳, 中山大介, 増崎英明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 203-204, 2009. |
Evaluation of the placenta bloodstream by the PIH merger pregnancy with FGR by the 3D power Doppler method 田中宏和1), 野口純子1),2), 秦幸吉2), 秦利之1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 205-206, 2009. |
About the usefulness as the predictor of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy onset of the white-cell count in early pregnancy 張良実1), 石田剛1), 潮田至央1), 潮田まり子1), 中井祐一郎1), 中村隆文1), 勝山博信2), 下屋浩一郎1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 207-208, 2009. |
Of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome in the civil action decision of this country is arrested and is examined the one 中井祐一郎 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 209-210, 2009. |
One case of the mother's body control weighting type pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy that presented neonates DIC though it was good and was planned partus caesareus 永井立平, 京谷琢治, 池上信夫, 深谷孝夫 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 211-212, 2009. |
Improvement effect of the AT1 signal inhibition on heart remodeling of the pregnancy-induced hypertension mouse 中村匠子1),2), 石田純治1),2), 坂入旭1), 本城花織1), 稲葉早希1), 杉山文博3), 八神健一3), 深水昭吉1),2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 213-214, 2009. |
Expression of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A2 in the placenta of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 西澤春紀, 稲垣文香, 岡本治美, 鳥居裕, 小石プライヤ奏子, 関谷隆夫, 多田伸, 宇田川康博 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 215-216, 2009. |
Examination ... by the optimal depression level - mother children side effect in the seriously ill pregnancy high blood pressure 野平知良, 清水巴菜, 小野寺高幹, 岡部一裕 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 217-218, 2009. |
One case of eclampsia that the head MRI five hours ago was normal 長谷川育子, 邨瀬智彦, 宮崎のどか, 坂野伸弥, 田中和東, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 219-220, 2009. |
Change of TNF - α out of the amniotic fluid in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and sTNF-R1 levels 濱田佳伸, 林雅敏 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 221-223, 2009. |
Effect on soluble endoglin production from the placenta villus of the patients with antiphospholipid syndrome IgG 久野宗一郎, 山本樹生, 市川剛, 中村晃和, 浅沼亜紀, 青木洋一, 佐々木重胤, 村瀬隆之 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 224-225, 2009. |
Examination of the childbed HELLP syndrome in our hospital 福山麻美, 田中幹二, 飯野香理, 山本善光, 尾崎浩士, 水沼英樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 226-227, 2009. |
About convalescence of the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta with the high blood pressure 古川誠志1), 鮫島浩1), 池ノ上克1), 永井義雄2), 大橋昌尚2), 甲斐克秀2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 228-229, 2009. |
Examination of the PIH case with IUGR which we managed in our hospital 前川有香, 前田眞, 小林良成, 日下秀人, 澤木泰人, 吉村公一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 230-231, 2009. |
Making of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome model mouse using CD40L 松原圭一, 松原裕子, 伊藤昌春 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 232-233, 2009. |
Than development situation of pregnancy and childbirth lying in woman disturbance of consciousness in Saitama and future problem - questionary survey - 三木明徳1), 板倉敦夫1), 難波聡1), 西林学1), 岡垣竜吾1), 石原理1), 照井克生2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 234-235, 2009. |
Association between indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and oxidative stress in the placenta of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman 宮村浩徳, 西澤春紀, 南元人, 松岡美杉, 小石プライヤ奏子, 関谷隆夫, 多田伸, 宇田川康博 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 236-237, 2009. |
Examination about the diagnosis of the HELLP syndrome in our(DM) department 村上優子, 吉田敦, 三浦清徳, 中山大介, 増崎英明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 238-239, 2009. |
The reactive oxygen species which Xanthine oxidase produces induce apoptosis of the cell line derived from human immortalization villus cells (EVT) out of the villus 村田将春1), 福嶋恒太郎1), 関博之2), 竹田省3), 和氣徳夫1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 240-241, 2009. |
Is premature; hypoxanthine - uric acid metabolism and the active oxygen in the tardive pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman 森稔高, 渡辺員支, 篠原康一, 藤牧愛, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 242-243, 2009. |
Discussion about the RPLS3 case which we experienced in senior Popes 山中薫, 吉松淳*, 菅幸恵, 玉田将, 岩宮正, 加藤壮介, 神谷千津子, 桂木真司, 上田恵子, 根木玲子, 池田智明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 244-245, 2009. |
Examination of pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and the pregnancy-related cerebrovascular disorder 吉松淳*, 山中薫, 菅幸恵, 玉田将, 岩宮正, 加藤壮介, 神谷千鶴子, 桂木真司, 上田恵子, 根木玲子, 池田智明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 246-247, 2009. |
Bloodstream analysis in the myometrium of the mild pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman 早稲田智夫, 富澤英樹, 高木弘明, 藤井亮太, 牧野田知 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 248-249, 2009. |
Foreword 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 337-337, 2009. |
Finish the 30th Japan pregnancy-induced hypertension congress 江口勝人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 338-338, 2009. |
Approach in commemoration of the step of the Japanese pregnancy-induced hypertension society and a future fine-view -30 anniversary; and - 江口勝人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 17: 339-354, 2009. |