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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
Volume 18, Issue / 2010
English Article Japanese Article
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Changes in Serum Cystatin C and its Usefulness for Evaluation of the Renal Function during Pregnancy. Teiji ITOH1), Kazunari KONDO2), Yuko INOUE3) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 3-8, 2010. |
Mechanism of the protein urine onset 高橋昌里 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 11-14, 2010. |
Nourishment of the pregnant woman 杉山隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 17-23, 2010. |
Participation in pregnancy high blood pressure of the vascular endothelium growth factor VEGF signal system 渋谷正史 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 27-33, 2010. |
Neovascularisation-related factor and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset risk: Forward study 大口昭英1),2), 平嶋周子2), 高橋佳代2), 鈴木寛正2), 松原茂樹2), 松田義雄3), 鈴木光明2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 37-45, 2010. |
Participation of an angiogenesis factor and the adipocytokine in condition of a patient of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 増山寿, 平松祐司 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 46-49, 2010. |
Soluble Fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase-1 (sFlt-1, sVEGFR1) and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 甲賀かをり, 大須賀穣, 武谷雄二 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 50-53, 2010. |
Participation in angiogenic factor of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy serum and antiangiogenic factor 市川剛, 浅沼亜紀, 青木洋一, 中沢禎子, 久野宗一郎, 村瀬隆之, 千島史尚, 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 54-57, 2010. |
About renal biopsy views and a long term prognosis of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 吉田一浩, 飯野則昭, 成田一衛 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 61-66, 2010. |
Morbid significance - of the diagnosis tentative "albuminuria of pregnancy" during proteinuria and pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy - pregnancy 森川守, 山田俊, 山田崇弘, 赤石理奈, 小山貴弘, 武田真光, 西田竜太郎, 荒木直人, 長和俊, 水上尚典 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 67-71, 2010. |
Examination about the difference in condition of a patient with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and the albuminuria of pregnancy judging from vascular endothelial cells disorder mechanism 月森清巳 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 72-76, 2010. |
Significance of the proteinuria disease severity in the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy serious case condition of a patient 田坂玲子, 中本收, 三田育子, 本久智賀, 田中和東, 松尾重樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 77-83, 2010. |
Examination about the protease production of early pregnancy villus cells in the hypoxia culture and the change of the permeation ability 大野木輝, 成瀬勝彦, 野口武俊, 佐道俊幸, 北中孝司, 大井豪一, 小林浩 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 87-90, 2010. |
The effect that the uterine artery both sides notches onset and an average blood pressure level of the second pregnancy trimester give subsequent neovascularisation-related factor level, the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy onset 平嶋周子1), 大口昭英1),2), 高橋佳代1), 鈴木寛正1), 松原茂樹1), 松田義雄3), 鈴木光明1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 91-95, 2010. |
Elucidation of the pathophysiological significance of the placenta (professional) renin receptor in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 成田達哉1), 市原淳弘2), 迫田万里代2), 三戸麻子2), 木内謙一郎2), 伊藤裕2), 斉藤正博1), 高井泰1), 高木健次郎1), 馬場一憲1), 関博之1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 99-102, 2010. |
SLE merger pregnant outcome, obstetric abnormality and PIH 天野真理子, 園山綾子, 平久進也, 谷村憲司, 森實真由美, 森田宏紀, 山崎峰夫, 山田秀人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 105-108, 2010. |
新垣達也, 石井桂介, 松下充, 神農隆, 村越毅, 成瀬寛夫, 鳥居裕一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 109-110, 2010. |
Identification of the microRNA associated with the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and localized analysis in the placental tissue 石橋宰1), 石川源2), 倉品隆平2), 大口昭英3), 泉章夫3), 松原茂樹3), 米山剛一2), 朝倉啓文2), 竹下俊行2), 瀧澤俊広1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 111-112, 2010. |
Usefulness in a change change and the renal function evaluation of the perinatal serum cystatin C level 伊藤禎司1), 近藤一成2), 井上裕子2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 113-114, 2010. |
One patient whom HELLP syndrome developed in for the ITP merger pregnancy 今村亜紗子, 城大空, 福田雅史, 吉田敦, 平木宏一, 増崎英明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 115-116, 2010. |
Examination of metabolism properties using the metabolic loam analysis in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman 大関健治, 高橋秀憲, 藤森敬也 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 117-118, 2010. |
2 cases that a convulsive seizure, an unconsciousness attack developed at delivery, and showed an epilepsy wave by electroencephalogram 大谷清香1), 松下充1), 石井桂介1), 北代祐三1), 神農隆1), 村越毅1), 成瀬寛夫1), 鳥居裕一1), 藤本礼尚2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 119-121, 2010. |
The pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome sudden onset, examination of the usefulness of the home hemodynamometry for the diagnosis foresight of the perinatal period onset type high blood pressure 大野泰正1), 寺内幹雄1), 森川重彦2), 石川薫3) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 122-123, 2010. |
It is one patient who had the cardiogenic pulmonary edema for pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 小口秀紀, 宮崎のどか, 長谷川育子, 伊尾紳吾, 大塚祐基, 古株哲也, 邨瀬智彦, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 124-125, 2010. |
antithrombin activity decrease in the twin pregnancy and examination of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset 尾崎理恵, 牧野真太郎, 斎藤知見, 依藤崇志, 田中利隆, 杉村基, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 126-127, 2010. |
Examination of placental leucine aminopeptidase (PLAP) in pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and the twin pregnancy and the water metabolism 小山貴弘, 山田俊, 古田伊都子, 吉井一樹, 赤石理奈, 武田真光, 西田竜太郎, 荒木直人, 山田崇弘, 森川守, 櫻木範明, 水上尚典 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 128-129, 2010. |
Using the biomicroscope nonpregnant and circulatory the pregnancy rat uterus; observe 片山富博, 上松和彦, 片山博子, 伊藤昌春 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 130-131, 2010. |
Recurrent placental abruption 神谷まひる, 嶋田真弓, 川口晴菜, 山本亮, 岸本聡子, 中山聡一朗, 清水彰子, 倉橋克典, 林周作, 楠本裕紀, 光田信明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 132-133, 2010. |
Two cases of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy that children were proved to be trisomy 13 after birth 川北哲也, 平吹信弥, 篠倉千早, 佐々木博正, 干場勉, 朝本明弘 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 134-135, 2010. |
In vitro scratch wound restoration of immortalization cell line (TCL-1) derived from human villus cells with heparin 菅直子, 杉村基, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 136-137, 2010. |
Severe pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, one case of the HELLP syndrome that eclamptic attack developed at home, and led to maternal death 熊坂諒大, 田中幹二, 船水文乃, 山本善光, 福井淳史, 尾崎浩士, 水沼英樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 138-139, 2010. |
Examination of CAVI in the pregnant woman 小谷友美1), 早川博生2), 炭竈誠二1), 廣中昌恵1), 津田弘之1), 渡部百合子1), 服部由香1), 真野由紀雄1), 吉川史隆1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 140-141, 2010. |
Association between early pregnancy hematocrit (Ht) and home blood pressure change: in the normal pregnancy BOSHI study 佐々木彩乃1), 目時弘仁1), 大久保孝義2), 佐藤友里恵1), 星川美奈子1), 阿久津好美1), 白石彩1), 八木橋香津代3), 櫻井香澄1), 小原拓1), 菊谷昌浩1), 松原洋一1), 森滋3), 鈴木雅洲3), 佐藤博1), 八重樫伸生1), 今井潤1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 142-143, 2010. |
About the effect that environment, growth in fetuses, the infancy of a pregnant woman and the partner gives for the PIH onset than the analysis of - maternity record book record - 佐藤加寿子, 三木明徳, 難波聡, 西林学, 梶原健, 岡垣竜吾, 板倉敦夫, 石原理 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 144-145, 2010. |
Degree of corpulence before birth weight of the pregnant woman and pregnancy and pregnant home blood pressure change: BOSHI study 佐藤友里恵1), 目時弘仁1), 大久保孝義1),2), 佐々木彩乃1), 星川美奈子1), 阿久津好美1), 白石彩1), 八木橋香津代3), 櫻井香澄1), 小原拓1), 菊谷昌浩1), 松原洋一1), 森滋3), 鈴木雅洲3), 佐藤博1), 八重樫伸生1), 今井潤1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 146-147, 2010. |
Comparison between normal pregnancy and mother's body blood apelin concentrations in the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 澤田君恵1), 三宅良明1), 濱田樹理2), 石田純治2), 深水昭吉2), 山本樹生1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 148-150, 2010. |
Examination of 13 eclampsia that occurred in our hospital 白銀恵, 里見操緒, 平泉良枝, 三宅秀彦, 鈴木俊治 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 151-152, 2010. |
Pregnant woman cerebral circulation monitoring using the far-red time resolved spectroscopy 鈴木一有1), 平井久也1), 内田季之1), 伊東宏晃1), 金山尚裕1), 大前悦子2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 153-154, 2010. |
田坂玲子, 中本收, 三田育子, 本久智賀, 田中和東, 松尾重樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 155-156, 2010. |
1 case of the severe pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome who had premature ablation of normally implanted placenta, HELLP syndrome and eclampsia 鶴賀香弥, 安達知子, 川名有紀子, 竹田善治, 中山摂子, 坂元秀樹, 中林正雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 157-158, 2010. |
An example of emperor incised wound part hematoma which was able to observe antiXa activity over time 利岡あゆみ, 牧野真太郎, 岡部瞳, 依藤崇志, 輿石太郎, 田中利隆, 杉村基, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 159-161, 2010. |
In physiological oxygen concentrations in early pregnancy, the automatic fuzzy loss induces EVT cell infiltration imperfection, and TNF α, transforming growth factor-beta make permeation imperfection increase more 中島彰俊, 山中美樹子, 斎藤滋 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 162-163, 2010. |
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) / haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) with the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta 野口唯, 島田博美, 間瀬有里, 深見武彦, 松島隆, 土居大祐, 可世木久幸, 朝倉啓文, 竹下俊行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 164-165, 2010. |
Examination about the parturient method of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 野平知良, 清水巴菜, 小野寺高幹, 岡部一裕 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 166-167, 2010. |
Onset prediction of the peripartum cardiomyopathy by the heart sonography 長谷川育子, 宮崎のどか, 伊尾紳吾, 大塚祐基, 古株哲也, 邨瀬智彦, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 168-170, 2010. |
We look at the rear about the perinatal convalescence of the hypertensive merger pregnancy 35 case in our hospital and examine a mark 平久進也, 山崎峰夫, 森實真由美, 谷村憲司, 天野真理子, 園山綾子, 牧原夏子, 森田宏紀, 山田秀人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 171-172, 2010. |
Participation of natural killer cell Natural Cytotoxicity Receptor and natural killer cell-producing cytokine in pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset 福井淳史, 福原理恵, 木村秀崇, 山本善光, 田中幹二, 尾崎浩士, 水沼英樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 173-174, 2010. |
It is ... mainly on presence of active oxygen concentrations and placental oxidative DNA mother children disorder - FGR in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman 藤牧愛, 渡辺員支, 森稔高, 木村千晴, 篠原康一, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 175-176, 2010. |
Example that subcapsular hemorrhage of liver was detected for HELLP syndrome in childbed and we performed transcatheter arterial embolization and saved 藤山史恵1), 藤田太輔1), 田吹邦雄1), 川辺紗智子1), 加藤壮介1), 湯口裕子1), 荘園ヘキ子1), 山下能毅1), 亀谷英輝1), 大道正英1), 山本和宏2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 177-179, 2010. |
Associated: of the blood pressure change during the gestational period of a blood-pressure value and the daughter during the gestational period of mother BOSHI study 星川美奈子1), 目時弘仁1), 大久保考義1),2), 佐藤友里恵1), 佐々木彩乃1), 阿久津好美1), 白石彩1), 八木橋香津代3), 櫻井香澄1), 小原拓1), 菊谷昌浩1), 松原洋一1), 森滋3), 鈴木雅洲3), 佐藤博1), 八重樫信生1), 今井潤1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 180-181, 2010. |
Effect on PlGF, MTF-1 mRNA expression of pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy patient serum from choriocarcinoma cells 前林亜紀, 加藤恵理奈, 澤田君恵, 中村晃和, 林忠佑, 村瀬隆之, 久野宗一郎, 宮川康司, 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 182-183, 2010. |
Two patients whom severe pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome developed in in pregnancy 21 weeks 増子寛子, 高木健次郎, 成田達也, 神谷恵理, 村山敬彦, 高井泰, 齋藤正博, 馬場一憲, 関博之 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 184-186, 2010. |
One patient whom obstetrical DIC, pulmonary oedema, hepatic infarction developed in HELLP syndrome for premature severe pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy postoperatively 丸野由美香, 天野真理子, 日外祐理, 園山綾子, 平久進也, 谷村憲司, 森實真由美, 森田宏紀, 山崎峰夫, 山田秀人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 187-188, 2010. |
One case that self-hemodynamometry at the home was effective for early detection of the pregnancy-induced hypertension 三木明徳, 佐藤加寿子, 西林学, 難波聡, 梶原健, 岡垣竜吾, 板倉敦夫, 石原理 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 189-190, 2010. |
Onset prediction of eclampsia by the head MRI 宮崎のどか, 長谷川育子, 伊尾紳吾, 大塚祐基, 古株哲也, 邨瀬智彦, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 191-192, 2010. |
Blood pressure change: of the average between gestation periods BOSHI study 目時弘仁1), 大久保孝義1),2), 佐藤友里恵1), 佐々木彩乃1), 星川美奈子1), 阿久津好美1), 白石彩1), 八木橋香津代3), 櫻井香澄1), 小原拓1), 菊谷昌浩1), 伊藤潔1), 松原洋一1), 森滋3), 鈴木雅洲3), 佐藤博1), 八重樫伸生1), 今井潤1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 193-194, 2010. |
Association of the adipocytokine in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman and the weight gain during pregnancy 森稔高, 渡辺員支, 木村千晴, 藤牧愛, 篠原康一, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 195-196, 2010. |
Phaeochromocytoma merger pregnant one case that resulted in perinatal period high blood pressure 山岸絵美1), 三宅秀彦1), 中井晶子2), 桑原知仁1), 林昌子1), 川端伊久乃1), 大屋敦子1), 中井章人1), 竹下俊行1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 197-198, 2010. |
Study of the vascular endothelium dysfunction to be found in a placentation dyschondroplasia animal with the L-NAME administration 山本珠生1), 鈴木佳克2), 伊藤猛雄1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 199-200, 2010. |
Examination of the expression of CD34-positive cells in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome placental tissue 李香蘭, 杉村基, 菅直子, 斎藤知見, 依藤崇志, 輿石太郎, 牧野真太郎, 田中利隆, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 201-202, 2010. |
Bloodstream analysis in the myometrium of the IUGR pregnant woman 早稲田智夫, 富澤英樹, 高木弘明, 藤井亮太, 笹川寿之, 牧野田知 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 203-204, 2010. |
Foreword 牧野田知 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 293-293, 2010. |
A chief director assumption of office greetings searching the old wound newly 江口勝人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 294-295, 2010. |
In the chief director retirement 佐藤和雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 296-297, 2010. |
Description of The XVII ISSHP World Congress, Melbourne, Australia participation travelogue 中本收 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 298-299, 2010. |
Finish the 31st Japan pregnancy-induced hypertension congress 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 18: 300-300, 2010. |