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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
Volume 19, Issue / 2011
English Article Japanese Article
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We see the rear of the convalescence for patients background and the perinatal period of perinatal period or pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (PIH) that occurred in puerperium and examine a mark 首里英治, 安達知子, 鶴賀香弥, 竹田善治, 坂元秀樹, 中林正雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 3-6, 2011. |
The prospects of the Japanese pregnancy-induced hypertension society 江口勝人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 9-14, 2011. |
The present situation and problems of the anticoagulation in seriously ill PIH 杉村基 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 17-20, 2011. |
Knowledge obtained from the Preeclampsia model gene modification mouse 金崎啓造 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 23-30, 2011. |
CKD and hyperuricaemia 細谷龍男 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 33-38, 2011. |
Eclampsia, the present situation of the cerebrovascular disorder 渡辺員支 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 41-44, 2011. |
Perinatal period high blood pressure and eclampsia, cerebral hemorrhage 大野泰正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 45-48, 2011. |
24 hours free action bloody bowel discharge pressure, home blood pressure and cerebrovascular disorder 目時弘仁1), 大久保孝義2), 小原拓1), 阿久津好美1), 山本真実1), 石黒真美1), 櫻井香澄1), 岩間憲之1), 片桐未希子1), 菊谷昌浩1), 八木橋香津代3), 森滋3), 鈴木雅洲3), 栗山進一1), 八重樫伸生1), 今井潤1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 49-53, 2011. |
4. Systematic treatment judging from eclampsia, the blood pressure of the pregnancy-related stroke 中本收 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 54-62, 2011. |
Condition of a patient analysis of expectant mothers cerebral hemorrhage by the civil action decision and examination of decision contents 中井祐一郎, 張良実, 福家信二, 下屋浩一郎 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 63-64, 2011. |
Is the weight gain during pregnancy associated with the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset? 竹田善治, 安達知子, 坂元秀樹, 中林正雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 67-70, 2011. |
Nourishment management of the pregnant woman in pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and our country 伊東宏晃 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 71-74, 2011. |
Correspondence - for the trend of examination - these days of physique and the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome of recent expectant mothers and the extreme obesity 吉松淳1), 佐藤昌司2), 斎藤滋2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 75-79, 2011. |
Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and calcium metabolism 廣田憲二, 福田洋, 辺見貴至, 日高敦夫 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 80-83, 2011. |
Participation in pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset through the automatic fuzzy inhibition by soluble type end Glyn 中島彰俊, 島友子, 稲田貢三子, 塩崎有宏, 斎藤滋 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 87-88, 2011. |
Mother's body nutritional status and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, examination of the amino acid transport protein in the fetal undergrown placenta 愛甲悠希代1),2), 柴田英治1),2), David Askew2), 蜂須賀徹1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 91-92, 2011. |
Participation of PTX3 in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 芥川修, 長谷川瑛, 樋熊千夏, 西洋孝, 寺内文敏, 井坂恵一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 93-94, 2011. |
Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (PIH) during the pregnancy and associated: with the home blood pressure change BOSHI study 阿久津好美1), 目時弘仁1), 大久保孝義2), 小原拓1), 石黒真美1), 山本真実1), 櫻井香澄1), 藤井良美3), 立花郁雄3), 八木橋香津代3), 菊谷昌浩1), 森滋3), 鈴木雅洲3), 佐藤博1), 松原洋一1), 八重樫伸生1), 今井潤1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 95-96, 2011. |
Clinical analysis of the SLE merger pregnancy that developed pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 新垣精久, 正本仁, 青木陽一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 97-98, 2011. |
Blood pressure ambulatory during pregnancy in primipara, the multigravida and home blood pressure change: BOSHI study 石黒真美1), 小原拓1), 目時弘仁1), 大久保孝義1),2), 山本真実1), 阿久津好美1), 櫻井香澄1), 岩間憲之1), 片桐未希子1), 八木橋香津代3), 鈴木雅洲3), 八重樫伸生1), 栗山進一1), 今井潤1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 99-100, 2011. |
We affect the active oxygen concentrations of mother children in the tardive pregnancy-induced hypertension pregnant woman and placental oxidative DNA if premature 岩崎愛, 渡辺員支, 森稔高, 木村千晴, 篠原康一, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 101-102, 2011. |
Trial of the placental function evaluation by the measurement of the fetal side placental ischemia domain 内田雄三, 須波玲, 薬袋牧子, 永井聖一郎, 寺本勝寛 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 103-104, 2011. |
Change: of the blood-pressure value with the home blood pressure multiple times measurement of the pregnant woman Multicenter study 大口昭英1), 大丸貴子1), 高橋佳代1), 三木明徳2), 板倉敦夫2), 高木耕一郎3), 竹田善治4), 鈴木佳克5),6), 白崎修7), 桑原光巨7), 松原茂樹1), 鈴木光明1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 105-106, 2011. |
Association between frequency and assays: three times consecutive blood pressure of the white robe effect in the normal pregnant woman Multicenter study 大丸貴子1), 大口昭英1), 高橋佳代1), 三木明徳2), 板倉敦夫2), 高木耕一郎3), 竹田善治4), 鈴木佳克5),6), 白崎修7), 桑原光巨7), 松原茂樹1), 鈴木光明1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 107-108, 2011. |
Examination of 13 eclampsia that presented PRES 岡田真由美, 花田美沙, 山口恭平, 伴千尋, 高橋明日香, 廣渡芙紀, 芳川修久, 向麻利, 横田夏子, 寺西佳枝, 諸井博明, 高橋典子, 安藤寿夫, 河井通泰 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 109-110, 2011. |
Examination of placental leucine aminopeptidase (P-LAP) in pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and the twin pregnancy and the water metabolism 小山貴弘, 山田俊, 小島崇史, 石川聡司, 武田真光, 西田竜太郎, 山田崇弘, 森川守, 長和俊, 水上尚典 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 111-112, 2011. |
Example that liver function was abnormal for pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, and was complicated with disorder of lipid metabolism, and presented fetal cardiac rate monitoring abnormality 風本真希, 渡邉征雄, 錢瓊毓, 山田美貴, 五十嵐稔枝, 鈴木純一, 秋山邦久 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 113-115, 2011. |
Prospective analysis of arteries TIFFness and the uterine artery wave pattern combination for the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset foresight 金山智子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 116-117, 2011. |
One case of the eclampsia in labor which occurred in a row in RCVS (Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome) 岸上靖幸, 近藤真哉, 古株哲也, 邨瀬智彦, 宮崎のどか, 原田統子, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 118-120, 2011. |
Examination about the production source of the active oxygen which is produced in pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant women, and is enhanced 木村千晴, 渡辺員支, 岩崎愛, 森稔高, 篠原康一, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 121-122, 2011. |
2 SLE merger pregnant cases that renal failure was aggravated during pregnancy 吉良尚子, 西田欣広, 石井照和, 弓削彰利, 西田正和, 川野由紀枝, 楢原久司 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 123-125, 2011. |
One case of the hypertensive arteriolosclerosis that developed premature ablation of normally implanted placenta 古株哲也, 近藤真哉, 邨瀬智彦, 宮崎のどか, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 126-127, 2011. |
An example of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome that complicated panpituitary insufficiency, HELLP syndrome, cerebral hemorrhage 佐藤歩美, 杉田匡聡, 小島美奈子, 上野山麻水, 近藤一成, 喜多川亮, 佐藤奈加子, 忠内薫, 角田肇 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 128-129, 2011. |
Setting multicenter study of the standard range of the pregnant woman home blood pressure 佐藤加寿子1), 三木明徳1), 西林学1), 大丸貴子2), 大口昭英2), 高木耕一郎3), 竹田善治4), 鈴木佳克5), 板倉敦夫6), 石原理6) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 130-131, 2011. |
Example that produced premature ablation of normally implanted placenta in albuminuria of pregnancy without the high blood pressure 佐野力哉, 中井祐一郎, 張良美, 潮田至央, 石田強, 郭翔志, 福家信二, 前田岳史, 中村隆文, 下屋浩一郎 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 132-133, 2011. |
Analysis - from difference - Nissan girl DB with pregnancy-induced hypertension and the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy in the singleton case which we read from the viewpoint of mother's body background, neonates convalescence 塩崎有宏1), 松田義雄2), 佐藤昌司3), 齋藤滋1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 134-136, 2011. |
Examination of the expression of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signal activity and amino acid transport protein in the placenta 柴田英治1),2), 愛甲悠希代1),2), David Askew2), 菅礼子2), 川本俊弘2),3), 蜂須賀徹1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 137-138, 2011. |
Bloodstream analysis in the myometrium of the IUGR pregnant woman 柴田健雄, 早稲田智夫, 閨谷奈津子, 山口直孝, 牧野田知 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 139-140, 2011. |
One case of the premature pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome that repeated an antepartum eclampsia attack, and suffered from cesarean operation aftercare 城道久, 松井美佳, 南條佐輝子, 山本円, 小林彩, 谷崎優子, 松岡俊英, 太田奈美, 北野玲, 馬淵泰士, 矢田千枝, 八木重孝, 岩橋正明, 南佐和子, 井箟一彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 141-142, 2011. |
Examination about the blood pressure fluctuation at eclamptic onset in two eclampsia 鈴木佳克, 田中千晴, 坪井文菜, 加藤智子, 若山伸行, 関宏一郎, 西川尚実, 三輪美佐, 六鹿正文, 柴田金光, 山本珠生* Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 143-144, 2011. |
Nephritis SLE merger pregnant one case that suffered from treatment 平久進也, 葉宜慧, 小嶋伸恵, 前澤陽子, 園山綾子, 陌間亮一, 谷村憲司, 森田宏紀, 山崎峰夫, 山田秀人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 145-147, 2011. |
Partial hydatid mole merger pregnant one case that resulted in severe high blood pressure, proteinuria, pulmonary oedema for pregnancy 19 weeks 竹村京子1), 米澤理可1), 米田徳子1), 塩崎有宏1), 津留明彦2), 齋藤滋1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 148-150, 2011. |
4 cases indicating the tardive cerebrovascular spasm in eclampsia 田坂玲子, 中本收, 本久智賀, 三田育子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 151-153, 2011. |
The case that presented with bloodstream abnormality of the arteria umbilicalis, and caused IUFD 立石聖子, 東島愛, 長谷川ゆり, 吉田敦, 吉村秀一郎, 増崎英明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 154-155, 2011. |
Examination of the PIH case in artificial premature birth pregnancy 28 weeks or less 谷村憲司, 小嶋伸恵, 前澤陽子, 園山綾子, 平久進也, 陌間亮一, 森田宏紀, 山崎峰夫, 山田秀人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 156-158, 2011. |
Analysis of the expression of oxidation LDL receptor in the placenta and the regulatory mechanism 千草義継, 巽啓司, 西村史朋, 藤田浩平, 近藤英治, 小西郁生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 159-160, 2011. |
Examination of the case that developed premature ablation of normally implanted placenta for hypertensive merger pregnancy, pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 築山尚史, 吉田敦, 吉村秀一郎, 増崎英明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 161-162, 2011. |
Thrombin increases soluble type Fms tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) production of outer cell mass cells out of the villus 永井美和子, 甲賀かをり Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 163-164, 2011. |
Placental ischemia and intra-uterine death by the fetal hypoxia and fetal growth failure that we diagnosed, one case of the premature mild pregnancy-induced hypertension 永井立平, 林和俊 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 165-166, 2011. |
The present situation of our hospital of the premature pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 中川美生, 林周作, 渡辺正洋, 嶋田真弓, 山本亮, 川口晴菜, 村田将春, 笹原淳, 日高庸博, 石井桂介, 光田信明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 167-168, 2011. |
Examination about the lipid metabolism out of the at delivery umbilical blood in the premature infant born than pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 中島義之, 田代英史, 和田真沙美, 千葉純子, 草西多香子, 諸岡雅子, 都築陽欧子, 本田能久, 坂井昌人, 正岡直樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 169-170, 2011. |
Attitude survey of the Nara throughout the prefecture obstetrician for the stroke of the pregnant woman 成瀬勝彦1),3), 山田修一2), 野口武俊1), 鈴木佳克3), 中瀬裕之2), 小林浩1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 173-174, 2011. |
Participation in AGEs/RAGE system and inflammation in normal pregnancy and the pregnancy-induced hypertension pregnant woman 成瀬勝彦, 野口武俊, 常見泰平, 大野木輝, 小山恵美, 小池奈月, 金山清二, 佐道俊幸, 大井豪一, 小林浩 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 175-176, 2011. |
Examination of serum cystatin C and the cysteine protease in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 長谷川瑛, 芥川修, 高江洲陽太郎, 伊東宏絵, 寺内文敏, 井坂惠一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 177-179, 2011. |
One case of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome that they presented with visual disturbance in puerperium, and a cerebral vascular lesion remained in after symptom improvement 花田光紗, 岡田真由美, 浅井千尋, 高橋明日香, 山口恭平, 廣渡芙紀, 向麻利, 芳川修久, 寺西佳枝, 諸井博明, 横田夏子, 高橋典子, 若原靖典, 安藤寿夫, 河井通泰 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 180-181, 2011. |
An example of the asymptomatic phaeochromocytoma which had the onset for high blood pressure during cesarean section, and led to maternal death 林和俊, 永井立平 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 182-183, 2011. |
Examination of the soluble Fms tyrosine kinase (Flt) 1 expression by the migration instruction in the human immortalization villus cell line 平井千裕, 杉村基, 菅直子, 依藤崇志, 輿石太郎, 牧野真太郎, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 184-185, 2011. |
The PlGF, sFlt-1, MTF-1, HO-1 mRNA expression in the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy placenta and the correlation 前林亜紀, 小林祐介, 加藤恵理奈, 東裕福, 久野宗一郎, 村瀬隆之, 鈴木真美, 山本樹生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 186-187, 2011. |
Examination about the post partum course in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 見上由紀子, 板谷雪子, 小野義久, 松村英祥, 斉藤正博, 高木健次郎, 馬場一憲, 関博之 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 188-189, 2011. |
Change multicenter study of the home blood pressure of the pregnant woman whom PIH developed in 三木明徳1), 佐藤加寿子1), 西林学1), 大丸貴子2), 大口昭英2), 高木耕一郎3), 竹田善治4), 鈴木佳克5), 板倉敦夫6), 石原理6) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 190-191, 2011. |
3 cases of RPLS complicated with HELLP syndrome 森瑛子, 佐藤杏月, 深見武彦, 朝倉啓文, 竹下俊行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 192-193, 2011. |
Are the vascular endothelium functional disorder in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman and the oxidative stress present after the non-pregnancy? 森稔高, 渡辺員支, 木村千晴, 岩崎愛, 篠原康一, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 194-195, 2011. |
New pregnant woman cerebral circulation monitor Ling's method using the near-infrared light time resolved spectroscopy 山崎香織, 鈴木一有, 内田季之, 伊東宏晃, 杉原一廣, 金山尚裕 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 196-197, 2011. |
Characteristic change of the vascular endothelium function in placentation imperfection with the L-NAME administration and the uterine artery 山本珠生1), 鈴木佳克2), 伊藤猛雄1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 198-199, 2011. |
Examination about the onset style of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome case with the fetal growth failure in our hospital 山本円, 南佐和子, 八木重孝, 南條佐輝子, 松井美佳, 小林彩, 谷崎優子, 城道久, 松岡俊英, 太田菜美, 北野玲, 馬渕泰士, 矢田千枝, 岩橋正明, 井箟一彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 200-201, 2011. |
Association between salt intake and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset: in early pregnancy BOSHI study 山本真実1), 小原拓1), 目時弘仁1), 大久保孝義2), 石黒真美1), 阿久津好美1), 櫻井香澄1), 片桐未希子1), 岩間憲之1), 八木橋香津3), 鈴木雅洲3), 栗山進一1), 八重樫伸生1), 今井潤1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 202-203, 2011. |
One case who had the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome premature for fetal trisomy 13 syndrome 渡辺正洋, 林周作, 中川美生, 嶋田真弓, 山本亮, 川口晴菜, 村田将春, 笹原淳, 日高庸博, 石井桂介, 光田信明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 204-205, 2011. |
Foreword 増崎英明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 19: 305-306, 2011. |