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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
Volume 24, Issue / 2017
English Article Japanese Article
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It is ... greetings from - Kaku, Magara to the times of the globalization for 70 years of the 38th Japan pregnancy-induced hypertension society general meeting, academic lecture pregnancy-induced hypertension study 片渕秀隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 3-3, 2017. |
SL. Evidence of the cardiovascular disease in Japan 小川久雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 36-37, 2017. |
EL-I. Epidemiologic studies about the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 目時弘仁 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 38-38, 2017. |
EL-II. The placenta pathology of the pregnancy high blood pressure 南口早智子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 39-39, 2017. |
PL. Academism of disease concept and Michitaka Kaku of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome to change 片渕秀隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 40-41, 2017. |
OP. Etiology, some historic topics about the condition of a patient study 吉村寿博 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 42-42, 2017. |
S-1. A diagnosis and treatment of the endocrine high blood pressure at pregnancy 成瀬光栄, 立木美香, 馬越洋宜, 田上哲也 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 43-43, 2017. |
S-2. The condition of a patient analysis of the HELLP syndrome 松本雅則 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 44-44, 2017. |
S-3. HELLP syndrome, AFLP which occur in the pregnant woman of fatty acid beta-oxidation abnormality symptom fetuses 山口清次 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 45-45, 2017. |
The effect that Kumamoto earthquake gave to the perinatal domain 坂口勲 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 46-46, 2017. |
"A large-scale natural disaster and obstetric complications:" Venous thromboembolism (economy-class syndrome) 榛沢和彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 47-47, 2017. |
The preparation of the parturient institution learning from the Great East Japan Earthquake 八木橋香津代 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 48-48, 2017. |
The shock that the Great East Japan Earthquake gave for perinatal medical care of Miyagi 菅原準一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 49-49, 2017. |
WS-I-1. Sex differences of the body growth until 3 years old of children born than a mother's body with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 光井崇, 谷和祐, 牧尉太, 江口武志, 玉田祥子, 衛藤英理子, 早田桂, 増山寿 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 50-50, 2017. |
WS-I-2. Convalescence of pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and children 田仲健一1, 岩井正憲1, 三渕浩1, 山口宗影2, 大場隆2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 51-51, 2017. |
WS-I-3. Examination about the long-term nerve development convalescence of the very low birth weight infant born from the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (HDP) mother in our hospital 山本将功, 茨聡, 前出喜信, 石原千詠, 武藤充, 内藤喜樹, 山本剛士, 平川英司, 早坂格, 大橋宏史, 高山達, 小町詩織, 木部匡哉, 栗本朋典, 谷口貴之 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 52-52, 2017. |
WS-I-4. The long-term nerve development convalescence of the children born from the case with the mother's body impaired renal function is poor for premature pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 草開妙1, 米田哲1, 福田香織1, 米田徳子1, 塩崎有宏1, 川崎裕香子2, 牧本優美2, 吉田丈俊2, 齋藤滋1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 53-53, 2017. |
WS-II-1. Epidemiological examination of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome judging from the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology perinatal period registration database 佐藤昌司 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 54-54, 2017. |
WS-II-2. A limit and the prospects of epidemiologic studies of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome in the eco-till investigation 西郡秀和 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 55-55, 2017. |
WS-II-3. To the individualization prevention, medical care of birth three generations cohort - perinatal disease led by expectant mothers - 菅原準一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 56-56, 2017. |
Depression mechanism in the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy of the nicotinamide 伏間智史 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 57-57, 2017. |
G-1. Examination by the third generation allied cohort study of mother's body birth weight and the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 和形麻衣子1, 土屋菜歩1, 中谷直樹1, 目時弘仁1, 寳澤篤1, 栗山進一1, 八重樫伸生2, 菅原準一1,2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 58-58, 2017. |
G-2. The mother's body serum PlGF, sFlt-1, sEng, sFLT-1/PlGF ratio of the second pregnancy trimester in the FGR merger pregnancy is useful for a foresight of the subsequent PE onset presence 南條佐輝子1,2, 島佳奈子2, 八幡環1, 溝口美佳1, 山本円1, 城道久1, 曽和正憲2, 村垣泰光3, 南佐和子1, 井箟一彦1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 58-58, 2017. |
G-3. Comparison of sFlt-1, PlGF, according to the onset week number of pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy and sFlt-1/PlGF 鈴木寛正, 平嶋周子, 永山志穂, 高橋宏典, 松原茂樹, 大口昭英 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 59-59, 2017. |
G-4. The COMT imperfection brings about voltage up hypersensitiveness for angiotensin II 植木典和, 板倉敦夫, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 59-59, 2017. |
G-5. The sFlt-1 overexpression eNOS loss mouse develops severe liver damage and thrombocytopenia 大江佑治1,2, 伏間智史3, 佐藤恵美子3,4, 佐藤博3,4, 菅原準一1, 伊藤貞嘉4, 高橋信行3,4 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 60-60, 2017. |
G-6. In the placenta outer cell mass cells, the (professional) renin receptor is involved in energy-producing stabilization under the hypoxia 須田睦士1, 谷田部淳一1, 谷田部緑1, 遣田美貴2, 市原淳弘1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 60-60, 2017. |
LS-I. Role ... of the echography in the obstetrics and gynecology department clinical practice particularly recent knowledge ... about the supersonic wave Doppler method 吉田幸洋 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 62-62, 2017. |
LS-II. The way of reading in consideration of computerization and the condition of a patient of the fetal cardiotocograph 池田智明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 63-63, 2017. |
LS-III. Abortive management 中井章人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 64-64, 2017. |
LS-IV. Esprit of the sophrology 森本紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 65-65, 2017. |
O-01. Development of pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy ontology (PEO) which structured a disease concept 水野聖士1, 西郡秀和2, 和形麻衣子2, 斎藤昌利2, 菅原準一1,2, 田中博1, 八重樫伸生1,2, 荻島創一1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 68-68, 2017. |
O-02. The onset foresight of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy to occur within four weeks by 3 step approach, Start cohort study and cohort study of testing it 平嶋周子, 大口昭英, 高橋佳代, 鈴木寛正, 高橋宏典, 永山志穂, 小古山学, 松原茂樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 68-68, 2017. |
O-03. Relations of an antithrombin activity level at pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy onset and the extension between gestation periods 森川守 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 69-69, 2017. |
O-04. The chronic kidney disease (CKD) disease severity classification reflects perinatal convalescence 横田美帆, 桑田知之, 入江佑子, 牛嶋順子, 近澤研郎, 佐々木重胤, 堀内功, 高木健次郎 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 69-69, 2017. |
O-05. Convalescence of the weighting type pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome: We look at the multicenter rear and analyze a mark 味村和哉1, 林周作2, 奥野健太郎3, 谷口友基子4, 前中隆秀5, 遠藤誠之1, 木村正1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 70-70, 2017. |
O-06. Perinatal background and characteristic of the placenta pathological finding that we saw according to the onset time of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 仲村将光, 大場智洋, 新垣達也, 瀧田寛子, 徳中真由美, 後藤未奈子, 小出馨子, 松岡隆, 関沢明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 70-70, 2017. |
O-07. Examination of the usefulness of the fetal middle cerebral artery maximal blood flow rate 吉本理沙, 小野村仁美, 上野琢史, 清水一紀, 中尾一貴, 八重樫悠, 山田拓馬, 竹田健彦, 宇野枢, 田野翔, 鵜飼真由, 鈴木徹平, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 71-71, 2017. |
O-08. Examination about the respiratory disorder of the premature infant born than the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome merger mother's body in our institution 本岡千聡, 山口宗影, 高石清美, 本田智子, 宮原陽, 大場隆, 片渕秀隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 71-71, 2017. |
O-09. Examination about the effect that pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome gives to the long term prognosis of children with fetal growth failure 佐藤翔1, 見上由起子2, 江良澄子2, 小野義久2, 高井泰1, 齋藤正博1, 馬場一憲2, 関博之2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 72-72, 2017. |
O-10. Long term prognosis of the premature infant in the premature pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 村岡純輔, 大橋昌尚, 鮫島浩 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 72-72, 2017. |
O-11. Examination of the mouse system in the RUPP PE model and the technique 堰本晃代1,2, 伏間智史2, 大江佑治3, 佐藤恵美子1,2, 伊藤貞嘉1, 佐藤博1,2, 高橋信行1,2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 73-73, 2017. |
O-12. Examination of the effect on postpartum long-term circulation, metabolism in the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy rat model and epigenetics 牛田貴文, 小谷友美, 吉川史隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 73-73, 2017. |
O-13. Development of the new systemic lupus erythematosus merger pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy model mouse 大江佑治1,2, 伊丸岡健太3, 伏間智史3, 佐藤恵美子3,4, 佐藤博3,4, 菅原準一1, 伊藤貞嘉4, 高橋信行3,4 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 74-74, 2017. |
O-14. Usefulness and problem of sFlt-1/PlGF as the early screening 田野翔, 小野村仁美, 吉本理沙, 上野琢史, 清水一紀, 中尾一貴, 八重樫悠, 山田拓馬, 竹田健彦, 宇野枢, 鵜飼真由, 鈴木徹平, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 74-74, 2017. |
O-15. uncoupling phenomenon with the vascular endothelium NO synthase is involved in the condition of a patient formation of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 山本珠生, 鈴木佳克, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 75-75, 2017. |
O-16. Blood pressure in the chronic hypertensive merger pregnancy, a change and the pregnancy delivery outcome of the protein urine 川口晴菜, 石井桂介, 武藤はる香, 金川武司, 光田信明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 75-75, 2017. |
O-17. Examination of the usefulness of the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta diagnosis score in patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 里見裕之1,2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 76-76, 2017. |
O-18. Factor associated with the abnormality obstetric in the antiphospholipid syndrome merger pregnancy 出口雅士1, 杉浦真弓2, 森川守3, 藤田太輔4, 三木明徳5, 牧野真太郎6, 山田秀人1, 村島温子7 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 76-76, 2017. |
O-19. Examination of the effectiveness of genetically-modified thrombomodulin α for the DIC by the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta 鈴木徹平, 田野翔, 山田拓馬, 竹田健彦, 宇野枢, 鵜飼真由, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 77-77, 2017. |
O-20. Analysis about maternal death and the death evasion rate due to the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome in this country 桂木真司1, 田中博明2, 大里和宏2, 関沢明彦3, 金山尚裕4, 中田雅彦5, 仲村将光3, 長谷川潤一6, 田中佳世2, 村越毅7, 吉松淳8, 石渡勇9, 池田智明2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 77-77, 2017. |
O-21. How should there be the student lecture of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome? 田中幹二, 大石舞香, 伊東麻美 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 78-78, 2017. |
O-22. The onset of the severe high blood pressure associated with a maternal age and the pregnancy 井手本尚子, 中本收, 臼井淳子, 公森摩耶, 安部倫太郎, 井上基, 松木厚, 松木貴子, 西本幸代, 田原三枝, 田中和東, 中村博昭 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 78-78, 2017. |
O-23. Severe high blood pressure and mother's body complications associated with the pregnancy 井手本尚子, 中本收, 臼井淳子, 公森摩耶, 安部倫太郎, 井上基, 松木厚, 松木貴子, 西本幸代, 田原三枝, 田中和東, 中村博昭 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 79-79, 2017. |
O-24. The outcome of the pregnant woman who presented with severe high blood pressure during pregnancy and examination of the risk factor 稲富絢子, 川口晴菜, 武藤はる香, 金川武司, 石井桂介, 光田信明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 79-79, 2017. |
O-25. It is examined the predictive screening in early pregnancy of the onset in a pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome early stage 夫律子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 80-80, 2017. |
O-26. PE in the blood pressure of patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome out of the consulting room and examination of the difference of the GH 鈴木佳克, 山本珠生, 渡辺員支, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 80-80, 2017. |
O-27. Examination of the usefulness of the arteriosclerosis index in the prediction of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 栃原かおり, 山口宗影, 値賀さくら, 柴崎聡, 大場隆, 片渕秀隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 81-81, 2017. |
O-28. Extraction of examination and the diagnosis administrative problems of the eclampsia 18 case that we experienced in our hospital 服部渉1, 加藤紀子1, 白石佳孝1, 大堀友記子1, 加賀美帆1, 小川舞1, 安田裕香1, 伊藤聡1, 佐々木裕子1, 波々伯部隆紀1, 大脇太郎1, 丸山万理子1, 林和正1, 茶谷順也1, 山室理1, 大野泰正2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 81-81, 2017. |
O-29. Examination and perinatal stroke care unit establishment summary of nine expectant mothers strokes that we experienced in our hospital 大堀友記子1, 加藤紀子1, 白石佳孝1, 服部渉1, 加賀美帆1, 小川舞1, 安田裕香1, 伊藤聡1, 佐々木裕子1, 波々伯部隆紀1, 大脇太郎1, 丸山万理子1, 林和正1, 茶谷順也1, 山室理1, 大野泰正2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 82-82, 2017. |
O-30. Difference, characteristic - of mother's body brain tissue oxygen saturation - pregnancy-induced hypertension and the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome case 鈴木一有, 内田季之, 伊東宏晃, 金山尚裕 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 82-82, 2017. |
O-31. Eclampsia in all Aichi parturient institutions, expectant mothers stroke, research about the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome management 大野泰正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 83-83, 2017. |
O-32. Examination of 23 eclamptic attack that we experienced in our hospital 甲木聡, 岡田真由美, 尾瀬武志, 窪川芽衣, 嶋谷拓真, 植草良輔, 國島温志, 長尾有佳里, 藤田啓, 矢吹淳司, 北見和久, 河合要介, 高野みずき, 梅村康太, 安藤寿夫, 河井通泰 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 83-83, 2017. |
O-33. It is four patients who had Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) for eclamptic attack 倉品隆平, 桑原慶充, 米澤美令, 大内望, 市川智子, 澤倫太郎, 竹下俊行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 84-84, 2017. |
P-01. Examination of the future renal function of pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome history women 大石舞香1, 田中幹二2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 85-85, 2017. |
P-02. Examination of the pregnancy-induced hypertension frequency according to the BMI in the super advanced age pregnant woman our hospital 40 years old or older 岡田真由美, 尾瀬武志, 窪川芽衣, 嶋谷拓真, 植草良輔, 國島温志, 甲木聡, 長尾有佳里, 藤田啓, 矢吹淳司, 北見和久, 高野みずき, 河合要介, 梅村康太, 安藤寿夫, 河井通泰 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 85-85, 2017. |
P-03. Presence or absence of management before pregnancy and examination about the hypertensive merger pregnant perinatal convalescence 森下みどり, 前川有香, 手石方康宏, 日下秀人, 前田眞 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 86-86, 2017. |
P-04. Comparison between examination - pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy and mother and the child outcome - of the pregnancy high blood pressure of the premature pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome in our hospital 和泉紀子, 安達知子, 竹田善治, 首里英治, 大井理恵, 矢部慎一郎, 川名有紀子, 山下隆博, 岡井崇, 中林正雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 86-86, 2017. |
P-05. Prognostic examination of four severe pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome that developed in under pregnancy 22 weeks 菊地範彦1, 安藤大史1, 山田諭1, 布施谷千穂1, 大平哲史1, 金井誠2, 塩沢丹里1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 87-87, 2017. |
P-06. The pregnancy delivery outcome of the protein urine-positive and negative weighting type pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy in the hypertensive merger pregnancy 中西沙由理1, 長嶋亜巳2, 青木茂1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 87-87, 2017. |
P-07. Examination about the effectiveness of the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor (Tadalafil) administration for the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 真木晋太郎, 田中博明, 辻誠, 波多野芙美, 真川祥一, 久保倫子, 二井理文, 田中佳世, 梅川孝, 大里和広, 神元有紀, 池田智明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 88-88, 2017. |
P-08. Examination about differentiation and the convalescence of high blood pressure, the white robe high blood pressure using 24 hours free action lower hemodynamometry (ABPM) 木村あずさ, 高橋英幹, 入江佑子, 牛嶋順子, 佐々木重胤, 堀内功, 桑田知之, 高木健次郎 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 88-88, 2017. |
P-09. Chronological order life log analysis for the onset prediction of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 山内隆史1,2, 越智大介1,2, 恒元淑希1, 和形麻衣子2,3, 原田祐希2, 山下理宇2, 田邉修2, 八重樫伸生2,3, 檜山聡1, 長崎正朗2, 菅原準一2,3 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 89-89, 2017. |
P-10. The treatment of women with infertility of the protein S drop and obstetric abnormality 内山美穂子, 出口雅士, 谷村憲司, 森實真由美, 蝦名康彦, 山田秀人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 89-89, 2017. |
P-11. Obstetric abnormal risk factor in the systemic lupus erythematosus merger pregnancy 窪田詩乃, 出口雅士, 前澤陽子, 谷村憲司, 森實真由美, 山田秀人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 90-90, 2017. |
P-12. Increase of the development of preeclampsia in the adenomyosis of the uterus merger pregnancy 橋本彩子1,2, 入山高行1, 中山敏男1, 永松健1, 大須賀穣1, 藤井知行1, 宮内彰人2, 西井修3 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 90-90, 2017. |
P-13. Hypertensive merger pregnant convalescence and examination of the preeclampsia onset risk 酒寄詩織, 竹田純, 牧野真太郎, 北村絵里, 李香蘭, 松村優子, 鈴木敏史, 丸山洋二郎, 板倉敦夫, 竹田省 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 91-91, 2017. |
P-14. Examination of the post-operative haemorrhage in the cesarean section of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 辻本直哉, 兵藤博信, 新田慧, 竹谷有生, 藤野佐保, 中里紀彦, 齋藤実穂, 須江英子, 齋藤悦子, 船倉翠, 砂川空広, 久具宏司 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 91-91, 2017. |
P-15. Clinical examination of ten HELLP syndrome that occurred in puerperium 佐藤智紀, 新田愼, 河上祥一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 92-92, 2017. |
P-16. Examination of the HELLP syndrome 6 case 後藤夏美1, 土井宏太郎1, 大橋昌尚2, 肥後貴史3, 鮫島浩1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 92-92, 2017. |
P-17. Usefulness of sFlt-1/PlGF in the tardive pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 山田拓馬, 小野村仁美, 吉本理沙, 上野琢史, 清水一紀, 中尾一貴, 八重樫悠, 竹田健彦, 宇野枢, 田野翔, 鵜飼真由, 鈴木徹平, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 93-93, 2017. |
P-18. The Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure (RUPP) model rat gets salt sensitivity in after giving birth 松浦託1, 篠原啓介1, 筒井裕之1, 廣岡良隆2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 93-93, 2017. |
P-19. Examination of PRES 13 in our hospital 窪川芽衣, 岡田真由美, 尾瀬武志, 嶋谷拓真, 植草良輔, 國島温志, 甲木聡, 長尾有佳里, 藤田啓, 矢吹淳司, 北見和久, 河合要介, 高野みずき, 梅村康太, 安藤寿夫, 河井通泰 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 94-94, 2017. |
P-20. About effect to give the pregnancy convalescence of echocardiography views in the chronic hypertensive merger pregnancy 中西篤史, 神谷千津子, 村山結美, 中島文香, 月永理恵, 澤田雅美, 塩野入規, 小西妙, 堀内縁, 三好剛一, 釣谷充弘, 岩永直子, 根木玲子, 吉松淳 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 94-94, 2017. |
P-21. Change of the uterine artery bloodstream with the Tadalafil administration 真川祥一, 田中博明, 辻誠, 波多野芙美, 大里和広, 梅川孝, 神元有紀, 池田智明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 95-95, 2017. |
P-22. About association of hypoproteinemia and the oxidative stress in the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy pregnant woman and the vascular endothelium functional disorder 斉藤拓也, 渡辺員支, 福江千晴, 吉田敦美, 岩崎愛, 大脇佑樹, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 95-95, 2017. |
P-23. Examination about the angiopathic difference in pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy and the pregnancy-induced hypertension 大脇佑樹, 渡辺員支, 斉藤拓也, 福江千晴, 岩崎愛, 吉田敦美, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 96-96, 2017. |
P-24. The multiplex measurement of the mother's body serum protein during Tadalafil internal use in the fetal undergrown treatment 川嶋章弘1, 大場智洋1, 仲村将光1, 久保倫子2, 梅川孝2, 池田智明2, 関沢明彦1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 96-96, 2017. |
P-25. Examination about a wave pattern level and umbilical cord arterial blood pH of the fetal cardiotocograph in the tardive pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman 寺脇奈緒子, 田中教文, 工藤美樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 97-97, 2017. |
P-26. Short-term convalescence of the neonates born from the mother who took medicine, and gave Tadalafil for fetal growth failure 辻誠, 波多野芙美, 真川祥一, 真木晋太郎, 久保倫子, 二井理文, 田中佳世, 田中博明, 梅川孝, 大里和広, 神元有紀, 池田智明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 97-97, 2017. |
P-27. Example that we were conveyed as pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, and the Basedow disease merger pregnancy was diagnosed 嶋谷拓真1, 岡田真由美1, 尾瀬武志1, 植草良輔1, 國島温志1, 松尾聖子1, 甲木聡1, 長尾有佳里1, 藤田啓1, 矢吹淳司1, 北見和久1, 高野みずき1, 河合要介1, 梅村康太2, 安藤寿夫3, 河井通泰1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 98-98, 2017. |
P-28. An idiopathic sick sinus syndrome merger pregnant example diagnosed with the pregnancy 川端伊久乃1, 山田舞夕1, 加藤雅彦1, 稲垣智子1, 伊藤友希2, 清田裕美2, 深見武彦1, 松島隆1, 米山剛一1, 竹下俊行1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 98-98, 2017. |
P-29. One case of the histiocytic intervillous space flame with the pregnancy-induced hypertension 柳井広之, 谷口香 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 99-99, 2017. |
P-30. An example of the puerperium convulsive seizure with suspected Lidocain poisoning by the epidural anaesthesia delivery that racked its brains about differentiation with the eclamptic attack 柴崎聡, 山口宗影, 本岡千聡, 高石清美, 本田智子, 宮原陽, 大場隆, 片渕秀隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 99-99, 2017. |
P-31. One case that presented HELLP syndrome, hyperkalemia, eclamptic attack and cerebral hemorrhage 栗原康1, 植村遼2, 林雅美2, 高瀬亜紀2, 横井夏子2, 片山浩子2, 羽室明洋2, 三杉卓也2, 橘大介2, 古山将康2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 100-100, 2017. |
P-32. Two cases of the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta with the intra-uterine death that genetically-modified thrombomodulin α was useful 小野村仁美, 吉本理沙, 上野琢史, 清水一紀, 中尾一貴, 八重樫悠, 山田拓馬, 竹田健彦, 宇野枢, 田野翔, 鵜飼真由, 鈴木徹平, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 100-100, 2017. |
P-33. One case of the protein S deficiency pregnancy where a side effect of the anticoagulation strongly appeared with the condition of a patient aggravation of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 淵直樹1, 濱口大輔1, 吉田敦1, 金内優典2, 三浦清徳1, 増崎英明1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 101-101, 2017. |
P-34. One case of the clinical amniotic fluid embolism that showed the uterus swelling in contrasting CT 落合大吾, 佐藤佑, 秋葉洋平, 松本直, 宮越敬, 丸山哲夫, 田中守 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 101-101, 2017. |
P-35. Example that caused an unconsciousness attack using nitroglycerine at a cesarean operation of the severe pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 大門篤史, 藤田太輔, 布出実沙, 岡本敦子, 永易洋子, 佐野匠, 鈴木裕介, 寺井義人, 大道正英 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 102-102, 2017. |
P-36. It is one patient who had the transfusion syndrome between mother children for pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy in pregnancy 27 weeks 飯村直子, 堀澤信, 牧瑛子, 山本かおり, 村中愛, 本藤徹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 102-102, 2017. |
H-1. Placental pathologic findings associated with the weighting type pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 佐藤勇一郎1, 前川和也1, 浅田祐士郎1, 大橋昌尚2, 牧洋平2, 鮫島浩2 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 103-103, 2017. |
H-2. Mesenchymal dysplastic placental one case 井上尚実1, 溝口千春1, 石井照和1, 西田正和1, 西田欣広1, 荒金茂樹2, 駄阿勉2, 楢原久司1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 103-103, 2017. |
H-3. Polyhydramnios, Heavy for Dates, placental angioma who had the fetal heart failure 熊谷祐作1, 濱田裕貴2, 岩間憲之4, 佐藤直実3, 星合哲郎1, 斎藤昌利1, 西郡秀和1, 菅原準一1, 八重樫伸生1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 104-104, 2017. |
H-4. Comparison of the placenta pathology of Cushing's syndrome merger pregnancy two cases that followed the different pregnancy outcome 梅宮槙樹1, 千草義継1, 近藤英治1, 上田優輔1, 河原俊介1, 最上晴太1, 南口早智子2, 万代昌紀1 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 104-104, 2017. |
H-5. An example of the premature severe form pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome in acknowledgment of the placenta hypertrophy which was specific by sonography 浦郷康平, 近藤恵美, 黒川裕介, 川上浩介, 河村京子, 徳田諭道, 川越秀洋, 牟田満, 大蔵尚文 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 105-105, 2017. |
H-6. An example of the intra-uterine death that the transient marrow abnormality hyperplasia of fetuses was suggested by the umbilical cord, the placenta histopathological examination 楠木槙, 山口宗影, 本田智子, 本田律生, 大場隆, 片渕秀隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 24: 105-105, 2017. |