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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
Volume 25, Issue / 2018
English Article Japanese Article
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When do you do it the 39th Japan pregnancy-induced hypertension society arts and sciences meeting "Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (HDP) ...? It is now! "Greetings 木村正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 1-1, 2018. |
SL. Hypertensive practice of the women whom a Japanese hypertensive society shows 楽木宏実 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 29-29, 2018. |
EL-1. Expectant mothers stroke 宮本享 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 30-30, 2018. |
EL-2. Abnormality of the whole body which consumes too much it, and occurs of the salt 西山成 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 31-31, 2018. |
S-2. The onset foresight of pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy, SGA, using the neovascularisation-related factor and small placenta 平嶋周子, 鈴木寛正, 高橋佳代, 大口昭英, 松原茂樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 36-36, 2018. |
S-3. Treatment, prophylactic intervention (Tadalafil, aspirin heparin) for the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 田中博明, 真木晋太郎, 古橋芙美, 池田智明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 37-37, 2018. |
S-4. Development of the new therapy of Preeclampsia: Pravastatin (pravastatin) 熊澤惠一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 38-38, 2018. |
WS-1. About association with the knowledge about the change that is the epigenetic of pathogenesis - placenta of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy through the excessive accumulation of adenosine with the placenta - 入山高行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 41-41, 2018. |
WS-2. Oxidative stress in the placenta of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 千草義継, 近藤英治, 川崎薫, 最上晴太, 万代昌紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 42-42, 2018. |
WS-3. Possibility ... of the future cardiovascular disturbance of children born to mother whom pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome developed in, the inspection of onset risk - DOHaD hypothesis of the metabolic syndrome and the participation of the epigenetics 牛田貴文 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 43-43, 2018. |
WS-4. Clinical study multicenter phase II study (TADAFER II) about the effectiveness with the transmother's body administration of Tadalafil for the in utero fetal growth failure and the safety 真木晋太郎1), 田中博明1), 古橋芙美1), 真川祥一1), 二井理文1), 金田倫子1), 田中佳世1), 仲村将光2), 小谷友美3), 遠藤誠之4), 関沢明彦2), 木村正4), 池田智明1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 44-44, 2018. |
WS-5. Exhaustive new therapeutic drug search (Drug Repositioning) based on the condition of a patient of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 味村和哉, 冨松拓治, 柿ヶ野藍子, 木村正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 45-45, 2018. |
ML1. PROGNOSIS Asia : A sub-analysis of the Japanese population from the PRediction of short-term Outcome in preGNant wOmen with Suspected preeclampsIa Study using the sFlt-1 / PlGF ratio Saito S1), Yamamoto T2), Ohkuchi A3), Minakami H4), Masuyama H5), Nagamatsu T6), Kumasawa K6,7), Yoshimatsu J8), Dietl A9), Grill S9), Hund M10) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 49-49, 2018. |
LS1. The onset foresight and the prevention of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy: Based on results of Prognosis Asia 大口昭英 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 50-50, 2018. |
LS2-2. Pay the attention to convalescence - particularly a pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome after the ovum offer for the patients background and the perinatal period of the pregnancy case; and - 安藤一道 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 52-52, 2018. |
EARLY PREDICTION OF PREECLAMPSIA AND ITS PREVENTION WITH ASPIRIN」 Daniel Rolnik Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 53-53, 2018. |
SS-1. Example that eculizumab succeeded for the complement-related HUS that occurred after delivery 山口真 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 54-54, 2018. |
SS-2. Foundations of complement 若宮伸隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 55-55, 2018. |
SS-3. A disease concept and diagnosis of aHUS 丸山彰一 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 56-56, 2018. |
The point-of-care mother's body cardiovascular procedure echo hands which is made in the obstetricians is on 神谷千津子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 57-57, 2018. |
J-1. Study on podocyte urine in pregnant women and nephrin urine 翟天玥 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 61-61, 2018. |
J-3. It is ... for individualization of search - FGR merger antenatal care of the biomarker of the PE onset foresight of the average between gestation periods in the FGR merger pregnancy 南條佐輝子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 62-62, 2018. |
About home blood pressure usefulness for pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome early detection (multicenter study) 渡辺員支, 鈴木佳克, 山本珠生, 斉藤拓也, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 63-63, 2018. |
1. ISSHP briefing session 熊谷麻子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 64-64, 2018. |
2. The pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome sees the rear that intended for - public inhabitants increasing a risk of the chronic kidney disease; mark examination - 大石舞香, 田中幹二 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 65-65, 2018. |
3. Participate in ISSHP2018 岸本かおり Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 66-66, 2018. |
4. Cardiogenic and Non-cardiogenic Acute Pulmonary Edema in Hypertensive Disorder in Pregnancy 長尾健 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 67-67, 2018. |
5. Examination of the effectiveness of genetically-modified thrombomodulin α for the obstetric DIC 山田拓馬 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 68-68, 2018. |
SP-1. Primary care algorithm of the perinatal first aid in PC3 (P C-CUBE) 中尾彰太 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 69-69, 2018. |
SP-3. To zero "the perinatal death that we can prevent" 篠塚健 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 71-71, 2018. |
SP-4. Of the correspondence of the obstetric emergency disease concerning pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (HDP) using the PC3 algorithm, actually 森實真由美 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 72-72, 2018. |
G-01. The magnesium deficiency interacts with genetic catechol-o-methyltransferase imperfection and may bring about an eclampsia-like symptom 熊谷麻子1,2), 板倉敦夫1), 竹田省1), 古家大祐2), 金崎啓造2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 73-73, 2018. |
G-02. The nicotinamide improves kidney, the pregnancy convalescence in the pregnancy SLE mouse 大江佑治1), 伊丸岡健太2), 伏間智史2), 堰本晃代2), 佐藤恵美子2,3), 菅原準一1), 佐藤博2,3), 伊藤貞嘉3), 高橋信行2,3) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 73-73, 2018. |
G-03. The making of the pregnancy with advanced maternal age (AMA) model mouse and new change of the pregnancy-induced hypertension-related biomarker in the AMA 古谷毅一郎1), 熊澤惠一2), 中村仁美1), 木村正1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 74-74, 2018. |
G-04. Search study of the mother's body blood biomarker in the fetal heart failure 三好剛一1,3), 細田洋司1), 吉松淳2), 池田智明3), 南野直人4) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 74-74, 2018. |
G-05. Treatment with Tadalafil multicenter randomized clinical trial (MIE2 study) for the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 古橋芙美1), 田中博明1), 真川祥一1), 真木晋太郎1), 田中佳世1), 小谷友美2), 遠藤誠之3), 関沢明彦4), 木村正3), 池田智明1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 75-75, 2018. |
G-06. The introduction of the strict blood pressure management until pregnancy 16 weeks improves perinatal convalescence in the hypertensive merger pregnancy 植田彰彦, 中北麦, 千草義継, 谷洋彦, 最上晴太, 近藤英治, 万代昌紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 75-75, 2018. |
O-01. One case that women conveyed for convulsions, disturbance of consciousness were non-consultation, serious case pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy, eclampsia 藤野佐保, 兵藤博信, 岩瀬小春, 竹田津史野, 中里紀彦, 齋藤悦子, 岩佐加波, 須江英子, 彦坂慈子, 今田信哉, 久具宏司 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 79-79, 2018. |
O-02. An example of eclampsia that caused respiratory arrest by overdose of magnesium sulfate 町村栄聡, 北井俊大, 折出唯志, 山本幸代, 本多秀峰, 宇田元, 磯部晶, 増原完治, 信永敏克 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 79-79, 2018. |
O-03. Clinical picture of the reversible white matter of occipital lobe encephalopathy (PRES) 7 case that we managed in our hospital 小西菜普子, 三杉卓也, 末包智紀, 中井建策, 植村遼, 高瀬亜紀, 芦村恵, 横井夏子, 羽室明洋, 中野朱美, 橘大介, 古山将康 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 80-80, 2018. |
O-04. The rise in perinatal diastolic blood pressure is associated with the affinitas of the frontal lobe cerebral function 中畑克俊1), 堂西倫弘2), 城道久3), 井箟一彦3), 金桶吉起2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 80-80, 2018. |
O-05. One case of the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta which was sFlt-1/PlGF high level in early pregnancy 山田拓馬1,2), 柴田崇弘1), 森尾明浩1), 上野琢史1), 竹田健彦1), 宇野枢1), 田野翔1), 鈴木徹平1), 原田統子1), 岸上靖幸1), 干場勉2), 小口秀紀1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 81-81, 2018. |
O-06. About 10 cases of the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta who had the fetal death 河田真由子, 味村和哉, 三宅達也, 柿ヶ野藍子, 瀧内剛, 松崎慎哉, 遠藤誠之, 冨松拓治, 木村正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 81-81, 2018. |
O-07. Examination of the effectiveness of genetically-modified thrombomodulin α for the obstetric DIC in patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 竹田健彦, 柴田崇宏, 森尾明浩, 上野琢史, 宇野枢, 田野翔, 鈴木徹平, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 82-82, 2018. |
O-08. Examination about the association between obstetric DIC and antithrombin activity 宇野枢, 柴田崇弘, 森尾明浩, 上野琢史, 山田拓馬, 竹田健彦, 田野翔, 鈴木徹平, 原田統子, 岸上靖幸, 小口秀紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 82-82, 2018. |
O-09. We look at the rear about the perinatal convalescence of the pregnant woman who had the HELLP syndrome and study a mark 中井葉子1), 中村永信1), 見上由紀子1), 江良澄子1), 小野義久1), 松永茂剛2), 高井泰2), 斎藤正博1), 馬場一憲1), 関博之1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 83-83, 2018. |
O-10. Three cases of the periviable HELLP syndrome that was able to extend a gestational period by Mississippi protocol strange law 中北麦, 植田彰彦, 千草義継, 谷洋彦, 最上晴太, 近藤英治, 万代昌紀 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 83-83, 2018. |
O-11. One case of the HELLP syndrome discovered by an on admission blood test 高田笑, 山田董董, 佐伯吉彦, 大阪康宏, 坂本人一, 柴田健雄, 藤田智子, 高木弘明, 高倉正博, 笹川寿之 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 84-84, 2018. |
O-12. An example of the acute fatty liver in pregnancy that DIC and hepatic dysfunction were prolonged 蜂須賀正紘, 猿渡万里子, 泉りりこ, 甲斐翔太朗, 中野嵩大, 城戸咲, 日高庸博, 加藤聖子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 84-84, 2018. |
O-13. Hypertensive merger pregnant one case that they presented with HELLP syndrome after a miscarriage by the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta, and led to renal failure by thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) 中村千栄, 辻江智子, 城戸絵里奈, 中島伶奈, 鶴長香南子, 渡邊佑子, 高橋良子, 池田佳代, 吉田晋, 塩路光徳, 高橋佳世子, 脇本昭憲 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 85-85, 2018. |
O-14. One patient whom TMA developed in after the urgent cesarean section 助川幸1), 松永茂剛2), 中井葉子1), 黒瀬喜子2), 成田達哉1), 江良澄子1), 小野義久1), 関博之1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 85-85, 2018. |
O-15. One case of the unrepresentativeness haemolytic uraemic syndrome that occurred with obstetric critical bleeding 丸山洋二郎, 牧野真太郎, 小熊響子, 瀬山理惠, 保田歩, 篠原三津子, 李香蘭, 竹田純, 鈴木敏史, 板倉敦夫 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 86-86, 2018. |
O-16. Examination of the complement-related factor in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 根木玲子1,2), 中西篤史2), 小西妙2), 堀内縁2), 吉松淳2), 宮田敏行3), 井上徳光4), 若宮伸隆5) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 86-86, 2018. |
O-17. Change of the fetal bloodstream with the betamethasone administration before birth in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome case 三浦麻世, 牛田貴文, 青木智英子, 水谷輝之, 丹羽優莉, 館明日香, 野元正崇, 飯谷友佳子, 伊藤由美子, 森山佳則, 今井健史, 中野知子, 小谷友美, 吉川史隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 87-87, 2018. |
O-18. Examination of the long-term physical neurologic effect of the premature infant born to mother whom pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome developed in 牛田貴文1), 城所博之2), 小谷友美1), 早川昌弘3), 吉川史隆1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 87-87, 2018. |
O-19. Does the mother's body convalescence worsen by a merger of mother's body convalescence - fetuses growth failure of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy with the fetal growth failure? - 中西研太郎, 金川武司, 川口晴菜, 山本亮, 笹原淳, 岡本陽子, 光田信明, 石井桂介 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 88-88, 2018. |
O-20. Examination about the effect that the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome using the multi-level model gives for fetal growth 篠原諭史1), 奥田靖彦1), 平田修司1), 鈴木孝太2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 88-88, 2018. |
O-21. Examination about the oxytocin cancellation at the induced labor in the FGR case 祝小百合, 味村和哉, 柿ヶ野藍子, 遠藤誠之, 冨松拓治, 木村正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 89-89, 2018. |
O-22. Decision of the parturient time using Contraction stress test (CST) in in utero fetal undergrown (FGR) 田中博明, 古橋芙美, 真川祥一, 真木晋太郎, 二井理文, 田中佳世, 鳥谷部邦明, 池田智明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 89-89, 2018. |
O-23. Three examination that were Quattro-positive experimentally, and developed preeclampsia 岡田愛子, 味村和哉, 谷口茉利子, 祝小百合, 川西陽子, 小和貴雄, 柿ヶ野藍子, 遠藤誠之, 冨松拓治, 木村正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 90-90, 2018. |
O-24. Hydrocephalus, an example of the severe pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy, childbed HELLP syndrome with the fetal growth failure 小和貴雄, 味村和哉, 谷口茉利子, 川西洋子, 祝小百合, 岡田愛子, 柿ヶ野藍子, 遠藤誠之, 冨松拓治, 木村正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 90-90, 2018. |
O-25. Examination of the clinical course of the mother's body of 11 Mirror syndrome 染谷真行, 川口晴菜, 石井桂介, 山本亮, 金川武司, 光田信明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 91-91, 2018. |
O-26. It is an example who had the HELLP syndrome in Breus' mole 船内雅史, 古谷毅一郎, 川西陽子, 三宅達也, 中塚えりか, 柿ヶ野藍子, 松崎慎哉, 味村和哉, 遠藤誠之, 富松拓治, 木村正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 91-91, 2018. |
O-27. An example of the monochorionic diamnionic twins which pregnancy 14 weeks produced the fetal death of both children by twin to twin transfusion syndrome, and occurred in a row in a mother's body in preeclampsia 藤井達也, 永松健, 高橋ゆう子, 橋本彩子, 熊澤恵一, 瀬山貴博, 中山敏男, 入山高行, 大須賀穣, 藤井知行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 92-92, 2018. |
O-28. Association between chest X-ray examination and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset in the twin pregnancy of the pregnancy third trimester 八木一暢, 川口晴菜, 石井桂介, 池田真規子, 中西研太郎, 山本亮, 笹原敦, 林周作, 光田信明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 92-92, 2018. |
O-29. Examination about the effect on diagnosis of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome by the change of a definition, the classification of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 眞山学徳, 山口正博, 細川亜美, 中川絹子, 馬詰武, 千葉健太郎, 河口哲, 森川守, 渡利英道 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 93-93, 2018. |
O-30. Effect by the change of the diagnostic criteria of Preeclampsia in this country 小畑聡一朗1), 栃尾梓1), 星野亜紗子1), 進藤亮輔1), 青木茂1), 宮城悦子2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 93-93, 2018. |
O-31. Development of the phenotyping algorithm for the condition of a patient classification of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (HDP) patients 水野聖士1), 和形麻衣子2), 永家聖1), 田宮元1), 栗山進一1), 八重樫伸生2), 菅原準一1), 荻島創一1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 94-94, 2018. |
O-32. An example of the premature pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy that aggravation of the mother's body organ derangement preceded 川端伊久乃, 永田怜子, 佐藤陽一, 鈴木正人, 鈴木志帆, 阿部結貴, 水主川純, 小川正樹 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 94-94, 2018. |
O-33. Examination about the mother's body organ derangement associated with the severe high blood pressure 井上基, 中本収, 小松摩耶, 松木厚, 松木貴子, 片山浩子, 田原三枝, 西本幸代, 中村博昭 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 95-95, 2018. |
O-34. We evaluate epidemiologic studies about the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome of our country in the world with the number of the English article publications 森川守 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 95-95, 2018. |
O-35. Measures to the current situation and a decrease in maternal death by Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy in this country 桂木真司1), 関沢明彦2), 石渡勇3), 池田智明4) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 96-96, 2018. |
O-36. The parturient outcome with under pregnancy 26 weeks and summary of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy which became which we experienced in our hospital 松木貴子, 中本収, 井上基, 下地香乃子, 小松摩耶, 松木厚, 山本浩子, 田原理恵, 中村博昭 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 96-96, 2018. |
O-37. One patient whom we became pregnant after the surgical repair of the ventricular septal defect, and HDP and heart failure developed in 彦坂慈子, 兵藤博信, 竹田津史野, 藤野佐保, 中里紀彦, 斎藤悦子, 岩佐加波, 久具宏司 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 97-97, 2018. |
O-38. Possibility of brain natriuretic peptide as biomarker predicting elevated blood pressure during pregnancy in the hypertensive merger pregnancy 中西篤史, 吉松淳, 田路明彦, 月永理恵, 松坂優, 水野祐紀子, 澤田雅美, 塩野入規, 小西妙, 堀内縁, 釣谷充弘, 神谷千津子, 岩永直子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 97-97, 2018. |
O-39. One case of the pregnancy with advanced maternal age of the subarachnoid hemorrhage history high blood pressure merger that developed weighting type pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 柏崎奏絵, 村岡光恵, 古川由理, 立花康成, 上野麻理子, 堀部悠, 一戸晶元, 橋本和法, 長野浩明, 高木耕一郎 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 98-98, 2018. |
O-40. Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and Basedow disease merger pregnant example which it was hard to differentiate 萩本真理奈, 櫻木俊秀, 柴田英治, 荒牧聡, 森博士, 網本頌子, 吉野潔 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 98-98, 2018. |
O-41. Examination about the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset in the ovum offer pregnancy in our hospital 伴田美佳, 古谷毅一郎, 瀧内剛, 高橋直子, 三宅達也, 松崎慎哉, 味村和哉, 遠藤誠之, 木村正 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 99-99, 2018. |
O-42. An example of the twin pregnancy that thrombocytopenia preceded, and developed the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy that had difficulty in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and differentiation 亀井裕史1,2), 張良実1), 坂口仁美1,2), 谷口翠1,2), 小林まりあ1,2), 大井友香子1,2), 前田通秀1,2), 涌井菜央1,2), 藤城亜貴子1), 繁田直哉1), 前中隆秀1), 坪内弘明1), 鹿戸佳代子1), 荻田和秀1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 99-99, 2018. |
O-44. Examination about the perinatal course of the essential thrombocythaemia merger pregnancy 吉村早織1), 小寺千聡1), 齋藤文誉1), 大場隆1), 米村雄士2,3), 片渕秀隆1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 100-100, 2018. |
O-45. One case of the pregnancy spontaneous after the dialysis introduction in the ninth year in second-born child, the hypertensive merger pregnancy that obtained a newborn baby 杉原弥香1), 齋藤渉1), 中井祐一郎1), 春名克祐2), 佐々木環2), 柏原直樹2), 下屋浩一郎1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 101-101, 2018. |
O-46. Renal failure merger pregnancy four cases that needed maintenance dialysis 今福仁美, 谷村憲司, 笹川勇樹, 上中美月, 白川得朗, 島岡昌生, 森實真由美, 山田秀人 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 101-101, 2018. |
O-47. Characteristic of the pregnant blood pressure course in patients with renovascular hypertension treated with angioplasty, bypass operation 谷田部緑, 木村しほり, 高野倫嘉, 山下薫, 関康史, 吉田尚弘, 木田可奈子, 佐々木信和, 谷田部淳一, 渡辺大輔, 森本聡, 市原淳弘 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 102-102, 2018. |
O-48. Factor before pregnancy associated with primary disease exacerbation during pregnancy in the SLE merger pregnancy and the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome merger 城戸咲, 日高庸博, 甲斐翔太朗, 中野嵩大, 坂井淳彦, 蜂須賀正紘, 加藤聖子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 102-102, 2018. |
O-49. One patient whom primary aldosteronism developed in after the hypertensive merger pregnancy 久米川綾, 野口智子, 岩橋尚幸, 南條佐輝子, 溝口美佳, 太田菜美, 八木重孝, 南佐和子, 井箟一彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 103-103, 2018. |
O-50. Pseudo hypoaldosteronism type 2 merger pregnant example that developed weighting type pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 小寺千聡, 高石清美, 大場隆, 片渕秀隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 103-103, 2018. |
O-51. Examination about the use of pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy prophylactic objective bias pilin case in our hospital 中村涼, 早田憲司, 奥野健太郎, 松元香揚子, 小泉花織, 鈴木陽介, 村上淳子, 八木茉莉, 手向麻衣 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 104-104, 2018. |
O-52. Examination about the next time pregnancy of the pregnancy-induced hypertension symptom frequent occurrence case that we managed in our hospital 永橋裕子, 前川有香, 大阪優, 柏原優花, 山口恭平, 大里和広 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 104-104, 2018. |
O-53. Examination about 24 hours free action bloody bowel discharge pressure (ABPM) until pregnancy 20 weeks and the perinatal convalescence 水野祐紀子, 岩永直子, 釣谷充弘, 神谷千津子, 堀内縁, 中西篤史, 塩野入規, 小西妙, 澤田雅美, 松坂優, 月永理恵, 田路明彦, 根木玲子, 吉松淳 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 105-105, 2018. |
O-54. Examination about the onset prediction of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome using the noninvasive arteriosclerosis index 岸本かおり, 山口宗影, 大場隆, 片渕秀隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 105-105, 2018. |
O-55. Postoperative infusion management using the noninvasive cardiac output monitor for patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 松坂優1), 岩永直子1), 釣谷充弘1), 神谷千津子1), 堀内縁1), 中西篤史1), 澤田雅美1), 塩野入規1), 小西妙1), 水野祐紀子1), 月永理恵1), 田路明彦1), 根木玲子1,2), 吉松淳1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 106-106, 2018. |
O-56. Examination of the home hemodynamometry with the home sphygmomanometer-adaptive in the night in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 鈴木佳克, 山本珠生, 渡辺員支, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 106-106, 2018. |
O-57. The protein urine, creatinine relative height level in the cesarean operation case of Preeclampsia becomes the risk of the acute renal failure onset 鮫島大輝, 竹田善治, 山下隆博, 安達知子, 中林正雄 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 107-107, 2018. |
O-58. Characteristic of complications associated with the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome in the twin pregnancy who had the albuminuria of pregnancy 城道久, 山本亮, 石井桂介, 池田真規子, 八木一暢, 中西研太郎, 川口晴菜, 笹原淳, 林周作, 光田信明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 107-107, 2018. |
O-59. The effect that the protein urine excretion in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome pregnant woman gives for blood Alb concentrations and vascular endothelium function 斉藤拓也, 渡辺員支, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 108-108, 2018. |
O-60. Time to aggravation from the onset of the premature pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and relations of sFlt-1 鳥谷部邦明, 永橋裕子, 田中博明, 古橋芙美, 真川祥一, 真木晋太郎, 金田倫子, 二井理文, 田中佳世, 田中博明, 神元有紀, 池田智明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 108-108, 2018. |
O-61. Association between drinking and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome risk of the average between gestation periods 岩間憲之1), 田中宏典1), 目時弘仁2,3,4), 西郡秀和1,3), 水野聖士4), 高橋史郎5), 渡邉善1), 齋藤昌利1), 櫻井香澄3), 石黒真美3,4), 小原拓3,4), 龍田希3), 西島維知子4), 杉山隆6), 藤原幾磨3), 栗山進一3,4,7), 有馬隆博3), 仲井邦彦3), 八重樫伸生1,3,4) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 109-109, 2018. |
O-63. Understanding of the pregnancy-induced hypertension embryo IUGR condition of a patient by the gene expression profiling 石田純治1), 中島実咲2), 金俊達1), 陸偉哲3), 深水昭吉1,2,3) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 110-110, 2018. |
O-64. Examination of the abortion rate for a repetition miscarriage, the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy model mouse using vascular endothelium progenitor cells-like cells derived from an embryonic stem cell 大門篤史1,2), 友田紀一郎2), 布出実紗1), 村山結美1), 佐野匠1), 藤田太輔1), 寺井義人1), 朝日道雄2), 大道正英1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 110-110, 2018. |
O-66. Study of the vascular endothelium dysfunction to be found in a placentation imperfection model animal with the L-NAME administration 山本珠生, 鈴木佳克, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 111-111, 2018. |
O-67. Effect of the sodium nitrate (NaNO3) administration in the eNOS loss mouse 堰本晃代1,2), 成田由紀1), 佐藤恵美子1,2), 佐藤博1,2), 伊藤貞嘉2), 高橋信行1,2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 112-112, 2018. |
O-68. Elucidation of the mechanism that acylcarnitine increases in sFlt-1 overexpression pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy model by the meta rag mixture 佐藤恵美子1,3), 金子茉那美1), 津國由佳子1), 伏間智史1), 三枝大輔2), 堰本晃代1,3), 伊藤貞嘉3), 佐藤博1,3), 高橋信行1,3) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 112-112, 2018. |
O-69. Production of EG-VEGF and MMPs in human villus cell line HTR-8/SVneo under the hypoxia condition 谷和祐, 大平安希子, 牧尉太, 江口武志, 玉田祥子, 光井崇, 衛藤英理子, 早田桂, 増山寿 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 113-113, 2018. |
O-70. The automatic fuzzy inhibition by the Atg4B strong expression is a characteristic of the FGR merger serious case pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy that there is not for an FGR singularity case 草開妙1), 中島彰俊1), 青木藍子1), 藤田尚信2), 吉森保3), 齋藤滋1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 113-113, 2018. |
O-71. Study of the effect that a change of the uteroplacental circulation gives for a placental function and fetal growth 森博士1), 柴田英治2), 荒牧聡1), 櫻木俊秀2), 網本頌子2), 吉野潔2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 114-114, 2018. |
O-72. The placenta bloodstream evaluation by the 3D power Doppler method in the placenta of the normal pregnancy and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and study on placenta structure 櫻木俊秀, 柴田英治, 萩本真理奈, 藤本茂樹, 樋上翔太, 網本頌子, 森博士, 荒牧聡, 吉野潔 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 114-114, 2018. |
O-73. The krona retea and number of anhistous membrane effector control-related T cell are different from the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy of humans in a fetal chromosome normalcy miscarriage case 津田さやか1), Zhang Xiaoxin1), 浜名洋2), 島友子1), 牛島明美1), 津田桂1), 村口篤3), 岸裕幸3), 齋藤滋1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 115-115, 2018. |
O-74. Participation of RAGE in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset 赤坂珠理晃1), 成瀬勝彦2), 常見泰平1), 竹田善紀1), 中村春樹1), 市川麻祐子1), 吉元千陽1), 佐道俊幸1), 小林浩1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25: 115-115, 2018. |