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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
Volume 28, Issue / 2022
English Article Japanese Article
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Pregnancy-induced hypertension association greetings to join together to the 42nd Japan pregnancy-induced hypertension association arts and sciences meeting next generation 市原敦弘 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 1-1, 2022. |
CL. The pregnancy and (professional) renin receptor 市原淳弘 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 24-24, 2022. |
SL1-1. Result of practice guideline 2021 of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and future problems 渡辺員支 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 26-26, 2022. |
SL1-2. About a policy of the making for the practice guideline 2026 (provisionally) making of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 松原圭一1), 田中幹二2), 味村和哉3), 川端伊久乃4), 鈴木寛正5), 市原淳弘6) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 27-27, 2022. |
SL2. To allow you to take unlicensed drug, adaptation outside medicine with high need in the medical care? 村島温子1), 三戸麻子2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 28-28, 2022. |
SL3. Primary aldosteronism and the pregnancy: We think about optimal practice in the real world 高橋克敏 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 29-29, 2022. |
EL-1. Diet management of women with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 瀧本秀美 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 31-31, 2022. |
EL-2. Maternity sports and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 川端伊久乃 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 32-32, 2022. |
S1-1. After transplanting an internal organ ... about the pregnancy, childbirth after the kidney transplantation; than the pregnancy, childbirth guidelines ... 剣持敬1), 肥沼幸2), 村島温子2), 江川裕人3) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 34-34, 2022. |
S1-2. Perinatal management pregnant after the kidney transplantation 水主川純 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 35-35, 2022. |
S1-3. The current situation of the pregnancy childbirth after the kidney transplantation in Japan 中川由紀1), 小笠大起1), 毎熊将行2), 鈴木祐介2), 堀江重郎1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 36-36, 2022. |
S2-1. A characteristic of the cerebrovascular disorder associated with the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and future measures 桂木真司1), 石渡勇2), 関沢明彦3), 中田雅彦4), 村越毅5), 吉松淳6) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 37-37, 2022. |
S2-2. To reduce maternal death due to peripartum cardiomyopathy and the cardiovascular disturbance? 神谷千津子 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 38-38, 2022. |
S2-3. Solidification hemostatic function abnormality and maternal death associated with the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 照井克生 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 39-39, 2022. |
WS-1. Construction of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome history female long-term follow-up plan 大石舞香1), 田中幹二2), 飯野香理3), 伊東麻美2), 横山良仁3), 石原佳奈4) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 41-41, 2022. |
WS-2. About the after giving birth follow-up of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy pregnant woman with proteinuria 斉藤拓也, 渡辺員支, 岡本知士, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 42-42, 2022. |
WS-3. Comprehensive after giving birth care - interchange conception care ... of pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome incidence women 三戸麻子1,2), 荒田尚子2), 村島温子2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 43-43, 2022. |
WS-4. Examination about patients with hypertension with a history of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome in our hospital 木田可奈子, 市原淳弘 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 44-44, 2022. |
J-01. HMGA1 is involved in the functional expression of extravillous trophoblast cells through the WNT system 内倉友香, 松原圭一, 松原裕子, 杉山隆 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 46-46, 2022. |
J-02. The HDP follow-up foreign current situation in our hospital 大石舞香1), 伊東麻美2), 田中幹二2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 46-46, 2022. |
PRR. Elucidation of the condition of a patient significance in the placentation imperfection of endoplasmic reticulum chaperone - calreticulin 岩橋尚幸 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 47-47, 2022. |
G-01. The embryo intracerebral development of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy model mouse of inflammatory sthenia and higher brain function disorder of the birth pup 加藤喜久1), 入山高行1), 古田島浩子2), 矢野絵里子1), 佐山晴亮1), 市瀬茉里1), 稲岡直子1), 瀬山貴博1), 佐藤敦志3), 佐久間啓4), 萩野洋子2), 利光正岳1), 熊澤恵一1), 永松健1), 池田和隆2), 大須賀穣1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 48-48, 2022. |
G-02. Simvastatin is strong, and it can become the fast-acting pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy therapeutic drug 稲葉慶1), 熊澤惠一1), 宮武里沙1), 神田昌子1), 藤井達也1), 佐山晴亮1), 瀬山貴博1), 入山高行1), 永松健1), 木戸屋浩康2,3), 藤井知行1,4), 大須賀穣1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 48-48, 2022. |
G-03. Elucidation of the pathogenesis of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy by the organ association between placenta - mother's body through the exosome 橋本彩子1,2,3), 入山高行1), 志村日向子2), 正古悠一2,4), 佐伯春美5), 林大久生5), 川口万太郎2), 宮武理沙1), 永松健1), 大須賀穣1), 星野歩子2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 49-49, 2022. |
G-04. Influence to the next generation due to cardiovascular procedure, the metabolism of children due to the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy and the pregnancy 牛田貴文, 小谷友美, 梶山広明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 49-49, 2022. |
G-05. About a change of a myocardial tissue property and the cardiac activity in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 二井理文1), 石田正樹2), 真川祥一1), 高倉翔1), 真木晋太郎1), 田中佳世1), 田中博明1), 神谷千津子3), 佐久間肇2), 池田智明1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 50-50, 2022. |
G-06. Association of proteinuria excretion mechanism of the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy and glycocalyx, podocyte, renal tubular disorder and the albumin urine excretion 斉藤拓也1), 渡辺員支2), 岡本知士2), 若槻明彦2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 50-50, 2022. |
G-07. Index of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome onset prophylactic new weight control 田野翔1), 小谷友美1), 牛田貴文1), 飯谷友佳子1), 吉原雅人1), 今井健史1), 山下守2), 岸上靖幸3), 小口秀紀3), 梶山広明1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 51-51, 2022. |
O-01. We change the aminopeptidase Class A and are developed the pregnancy high blood pressure therapeutic drug with the protein 津本彩乃1), 増尾友佑1), 山口有紀子1), 酒井克也2), 今村龍2), 水谷栄介3), 牛田貴文3), 小谷友美3), 梶山広明3), 松本邦夫2), 水谷栄彦4), 加藤将夫1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 53-53, 2022. |
O-02. Examination of choriotoxicity caused by Chloroquine (autophagy inhibitor) used in pregnant women with SLE 古田惇, 山田清貴, 吉田美保子, 山木明美, 島友子, 米田哲, 中島彰俊 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 53-53, 2022. |
O-03. The endoplasmic reticulum stress-related calreticulin membrane shift acts as eat-me signal with cellular outer cell mass cells 西岡香穂1), 岩橋尚幸1), 南條佐輝子1), 池崎みどり2), 西辻和親2), 井原義人2), 井箟一彦1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 54-54, 2022. |
O-04. Nicotine affects the proteome within the chorionic cell-derived exosome 久保絢音1), 松原圭一2), 杉山隆3) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 54-54, 2022. |
O-05. One case of the article womb pregnancy that showed gestational transient hyperthyroidism 武部沙耶, 山下薫, 佐山貴範, 斎藤史子, 関康史, 木田可奈子, 渡辺大輔, 森本聡, 市原淳弘 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 55-55, 2022. |
O-06. 3 intractable Takayasu's arteritis merger pregnant cases that continuously administered antiIL-6 receptor antibody tocilizumab 小永井奈緒1), 神谷千津子1), 小川紋奈1), 手向麻衣1), 月村英利子1), 澤田雅美1), 中西篤史1), 柿ヶ野藍子1), 岩永直子1), 金川武司1), 衛藤聡2), 西田欣広2), 中岡良和3), 吉松淳1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 55-55, 2022. |
O-07. An example of the renovascular hypertension detected with stillbirth 佐山貴範1), 山下薫2), 武部沙耶2), 伊上優子2), 斎藤史子2), 渡邊智2), 関康史2), 木田可奈子2), 渡辺大輔2), 森本聡2), 市原淳弘2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 56-56, 2022. |
O-08. A case of a pregnant woman with primary hyperaldosteronism who safely gave birth with the addition of esaxerenone 佐野央, 山下薫, 佐山貴範, 武部沙耶, 伊上優子, 平田清貴, 渡邊智, 関康史, 木田可奈子, 渡辺大輔, 森本聡, 市原淳弘 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 56-56, 2022. |
O-09. An example of the thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura that led to fetal death after the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio abnormality high level 栗木あかね, 徳中真由美, 出嶋弥広, 明樂一隆, 村田亘, 向井勇貴, 瀧田寛子, 山下有加, 新垣達也, 濱田尚子, 小出馨子, 松岡隆, 関沢明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 57-57, 2022. |
O-10. The pain of the adenomyosis of the uterus during pregnancy is associated with the development of pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 佐山晴亮1,2), 入山高行2), 橋本彩子2), 熊澤惠一2), 永松健2), 大須賀穣2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 57-57, 2022. |
O-11. Relations with oxidative stress and the vascular endothelium glycocalyx disorder in the pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 岡本知士, 渡辺員支, 斎藤拓也, 岩崎愛, 若槻明彦 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 58-58, 2022. |
O-12. The effect that a high estrogen effect before the pregnancy gives to a rat endometrium in the late pregnancy and the womb child 原田裕香子, 西村友宏, 野口幸希 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 58-58, 2022. |
O-13. Mouse embryo shift of the Ergo thionein through OCTN1 中村綾音1), 西村友宏1), 石本尚大2), 野口幸希1), 加藤将夫2), 登美斉俊1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 59-59, 2022. |
O-14. (professional) renin receptor expression analysis in the uterus return current pressure drop model rat 須田睦士, 森本聡, 市原淳弘 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 59-59, 2022. |
O-15. Production of ET-1 through the prorenin receptor in the placenta of the sFlt-1 administration mouse 三島桜子, 光井崇, 谷和祐, 大羽輝, 三苫智裕, 大平安希子, 牧尉太, 桐野智江, 衛藤英理子, 早田桂, 増山寿 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 60-60, 2022. |
O-16. One case of atypical preeclampsia without the underlying disease that showed high blood pressure and organ derangement in pregnancy 16 weeks 長尾健, 井上桃子, 松本夏生, 毛利心, 鶴岡佑斗, 江島瑠李子, 大久保春菜, 永江世佳, 長谷川瑛洋, 伊藤由紀, 高橋健, 宮美智子, 佐村修, 岡本愛光 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 60-60, 2022. |
O-17. A case of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome in which plasma exchange was effective 齋藤佑真, 近藤恵美, 関亦真生, 田尻亮祐, 金城泰幸, 柴田英治, 吉野潔 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 61-61, 2022. |
O-18. Can you differentiate the HELLP syndrome from non-fixed form haemolytic uraemic syndrome in puerperium of the acute renal failure concurrence? 小川淳, 川端伊久乃, 西垣諒, 大和田桃子, 加藤雅彦, 米澤美令, 大内望, 市川智子, 桑原慶充, 鈴木俊治 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 61-61, 2022. |
O-19. An example of the TMA which presented severe high blood pressure, extensive proteinuria, cardiac tamponade before pregnancy 20 weeks 田伏真理1), 中西篤史2), 小川紋奈2), 手向麻衣3), 柿ヶ野藍子2), 神谷千津子2), 岩永直子2), 吉松淳2), 有里哲哉4) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 62-62, 2022. |
O-20. Clinical features of the perinatal thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) of our hospital 長岡可楠子1), 宮川英子1), 阿部早和子1), 河野千慧1), 羅ことい1), 鈴木智2), 三戸麻子1), 金子佳代子1), 小澤伸晃3), 左合治彦3), 荒田尚子1), 村島温子1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 62-62, 2022. |
O-21. Investigation of severe Preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome that needed plasma exchange and artificial dialysis 小松伶奈1), 味村和哉1), 町村栄総1), 涌井菜央1), 松山達也2), 川西陽子1), 中村仁美1), 遠藤誠之1), 冨松拓治3), 木村正1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 63-63, 2022. |
O-22. One patient who went home for COVID-19 season, and died because of cerebral hemorrhage due to the HELLP syndrome 千葉仁美, 三上智香, 小山文望恵, 石原佳奈, 平川八大, 三浦理絵, 尾崎浩士 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 63-63, 2022. |
O-23. One case of the COVID-19 merger pregnant woman that HELLP syndrome was aggravated rapidly 川中みなみ1), 山口宗影1), 三上芳喜2), 齋藤文誉1), 瀬尾優太朗1), 小寺千聡1), 相良昭仁1), 大場隆1), 近藤英治1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 64-64, 2022. |
O-24. One case that caused a rapid fibrinogen drop due to pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, and led to DIC 柏崎咲絵, 水主川純, 阿部怜, 輿水敬, 矢野眞木, 松田望帆, 山口暁子, 千ヶ崎一代, 山岡結香, 鈴木正人, 渡辺智之, 鈴木崇, 正岡直樹, 田畑務 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 64-64, 2022. |
O-25. One case that suffered from management of the aggravation of the hypertensive merger pregnancy 鈴木僚1), 本多容子1), 中尾真大1), 井澤美穂1), 堀内縁1), 前田佳紀1), 川端伊久乃2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 65-65, 2022. |
O-26. An example of the pregnancy weighting type pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome that was passing, and resulted in putamen bleeding 川島皓雄1), 栗原康2), 中本江美2), 藤東温子2), 吉田智弘2), 小西菜普子2), 末光千春2), 瀬尾尚美2), 福田恵梨子2), 田原三枝2), 羽室明洋2), 三杉卓也2), 中野朱美2), 橘大介2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 65-65, 2022. |
O-27. Do you contribute to the cerebrovascular disease that pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome developed for the perinatal period? 清水元治1), 牧野佑子1), 江良澄子1), 赤堀太一2), 矢部慎一郎1), 松永茂剛2), 長井智則2), 斎藤正博1), 菊池昭彦1), 高井泰2), 関博之2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 66-66, 2022. |
O-28. Importance of the strict blood pressure management in early pregnancy in the hypertensive merger pregnancy 植田彰彦1), 長谷川雅明2), 松村謙臣3), 佐藤浩4), 小阪謙三5), 安彦郁6), 吉岡信也7), 吉田隆昭8), 巽啓司9), 樋口壽宏10), 藤田浩平11), 佐々木聖子12), 後藤真樹13), 高井浩志14), 千草義継1), 最上晴太1), 佐川典正15), 万代昌紀1), 近藤英治16) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 66-66, 2022. |
O-29. The onset foresight model construction of preterm preelampsia using mother's body information in early pregnancy 鈴木寛正1), 大口昭英1), 松原圭一2), 渡辺員支3), 斉藤拓也3), 小田英之4), 小畑聡一朗5), 近藤真也6), 野田清史7), 三好潤也8), 池ノ上学9), 野見山亮10), 関博之11), 助川幸11), 市古哲12), 安藤大史13), 布施谷千穂13), 下村卓也14), 鈴木りか15), 味村和哉16), 安日一郎17), 福田雅史17), 原澄子18), 倉科隆平19), 塩崎有宏20), 松原茂樹1), 齋藤滋20) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 67-67, 2022. |
O-30. The transient high blood pressure in early pregnancy is a risk factor of the onset or the premature pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy for premature infancy 平嶋周子, 大口昭英, 高橋佳代, 永山志穂, 小古山学, 鈴木寛正, 堀江健司, 薄井里英, 高橋宏典, 藤原寛行 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 67-67, 2022. |
O-31. Examination of the associated factor of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome in the twin pregnancy after pregnancy 36 weeks 山本亮, 城玲央奈, 林周作, 石井桂介 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 68-68, 2022. |
O-32. Examination of the protein urine/creatinine ratio and the clinical course in the tardive pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy 荒木左諭1), 布村晴香1), 才津義亮1), 結城浩良1), 八十島邦昭1), 日高隆雄1), 中島彰俊2) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 68-68, 2022. |
O-33. About usefulness of sFlt-1, PlGF in the differential diagnosis of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 高倉翔, 田中博明, 玉石雄也, 榎本尚助, 真川祥一, 真木晋太郎, 二井理文, 田中佳世, 鳥谷部邦明, 池田智明 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 69-69, 2022. |
O-34. The effect that pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy onset time gives in neonates, the placenta cacogenesis and mother's body poor prognosis 大口昭英1), 鈴木寛正1), 松原圭一2), 渡辺員支3), 斉藤拓也3), 小田英之4), 小畑聡一朗5), 近藤真也6), 野田清史7), 三好潤也8), 池ノ上学9), 野見山亮10), 関博之11), 助川幸11), 市古哲12), 安藤大史13), 布施谷千穂13), 下村卓也14), 鈴木りか15), 味村和哉16), 安日一郎17), 福田雅史17), 原澄子18), 倉科隆平19), 塩崎有宏20), 松原茂樹1), 齋藤滋20) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 69-69, 2022. |
O-35. Relations of the fetal undergrown presence and mother's body outcome at pregnancy-induced hypertension nephropathy diagnosis 秋葉直也1), 入山高行1), 粕谷美律1), 藤井達也1), 久保田佳穂里1), 利光正岳1), 佐山晴亮1), 瀬山貴博1), 熊澤惠一1), 永松健1), 藤井知行2), 大須賀穣1) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 70-70, 2022. |
O-36. Examination of the effect on body mass index factor at 3 years old in the children born from the mother with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome 光井崇, 三島桜子, 谷和祐, 増山寿 Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 70-70, 2022. |
O-37. The situation investigation for long term prognosis improvement of pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome history women 松本純子1), 松原圭一2), 杉山隆3), 崎山貴代4) Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 28: 71-71, 2022. |