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The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society

Volume 19, Issue 1 / 2007
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article New factors associated with sleep bruxism
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 1-7, 2007.

Japanese Article For the oral cavity function that is better than my clinical - -
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 9-13, 2007.

Japanese Article A study of postoperative stability after sagittal split ramus osteotomy using PLLA screw fixation in prognathic patients with mandible asymmetry. - posteroanterior cephalometric study -
KANEKO Kazuyuki1), OBA Yasuo1), UCHIDA Ryoko1), YASUE Akihiro1), SHIOYASONO Atsushi1), MORIYAMA Keiji2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 15-20, 2007.

Japanese Article Treatment case of the sleep apnoea syndrome in the orthodontic clinic
河底晴紀, 河底晴一
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 21-27, 2007.

Japanese Article 1 trial case of mandibular protrusion with the chin ectopia given upper lower jaw movement technique
内田玲子1), 谷本起穗1), 堀内信也1), 大庭康雄1), 森山啓司2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 29-36, 2007.

Japanese Article 1 treatment case of maxillary protrusion frame-related for the period of growth with 3 mandibular incisor losses
神谷貴志, 本田康文, 原田未絵, 丹根由起, 植木雅士, 北村玲子, 柳田珠美, 田中伸明, 田中栄二, 丹根一夫
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 37-45, 2007.

Japanese Article One treatment case of the treatment with orthodontic clinic for patients with maxillary protrusion with temporomandibular disorder
大熊暁, 米野潔, 田中伸明, 國松亮, Huang Yu-ching, 田中栄二, 丹根一夫
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 47-55, 2007.

Japanese Article One treatment case of adult patients with two kinds of angle II grade which conducted distal driving of the maxillary molar using Distal extension lingual arch
長谷川拓郎, 田中栄二, 渡辺峰朗, 末川洋平, 高橋拡史, 丹根一夫
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 57-65, 2007.

Japanese Article Development of a new white metal orthodontic appliance with a spattering method - Translational Research -
河田俊嗣, 河野信也, 加来真人, 大谷淳二, 本川雅英, 田井雅子, 柄なつみ, 當麻愉衣子, 丹根一夫
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 67-71, 2007.

Japanese Article Kazuharu omen case of the treatment with orthodontic clinic for the patients with the mental retardation
犬伏俊博, 田中栄二, 川合暢彦, 山野栄三, 花岡宏一, 渡邉峰朗, 丹根一夫
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 73-79, 2007.

English Article I [Orthodontic treatment of gummy smile by using mini-implants]
Tae-Woo Kim
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 82-82, 2007.

Japanese Article The II "thing that we learn teeth-straightening, and I just regard for 40 years"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 82-82, 2007.

Japanese Article "Treatment with orthodontic clinic - usefulness and problems - which used a mini-implant for an anchor"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 82-83, 2007.

Japanese Article 1. About the need of the intermaxillary activation after the chin corrective surgery by the mandibular ramus vertical osteotomy
鶴田仁史1), 宮本義洋2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 83-83, 2007.

Japanese Article 2. Association of a frontal view frame form and the jaw movement function of the chin face asymmetry case
橋本隆志1), 黒田晋吾1), 谷本裕子1), 山城隆1), 山本照子2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 83-84, 2007.

Japanese Article 3. 2 cases of the significant mandibular laterodeviation which performed upper lower jaw movement technique
花岡宏一1), 花岡宏1), 菅田辰海2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 84-84, 2007.

Japanese Article 4. Investigation about the injury history to the chin region of face in the patients of the Hiroshima University Hospital orthodontic clinic
川合暢彦1), 植木雅士1), 大谷淳二2), 本川雅英1), 當麻愉衣子1), 西美香1), 田中栄二2), 丹根一夫2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 84-85, 2007.

Japanese Article 5. Clinical investigation of patients with front tooth part open bite which we received in the past 5 years in the Hiroshima University Hospital orthodontic clinic
渡辺元気1), 高明善2), 田部英樹2), 上田宏2), 丹根一夫1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 85-85, 2007.

Japanese Article 6. The effect that tooth root and the proximity of the mini-screw give to the success rate of the screw
山田和代1), 黒田晋吾1), 出口徹1), Hee-Moon Kyung2), 山本照子3), 山城隆1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 85-86, 2007.

Japanese Article 7. Application to the orthodontic clinic clinical practice of the implant which we erected in in the palatal plus and external oblique ridge part
菊崎真由, 渡辺八十夫
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 86-86, 2007.

Japanese Article 8. Positional relations of before and after of facial profile and the lower jaw liked by a Japanese
黒田晋吾1), 安藤涼子1), 山田和代1), 山本照子2), 山城隆1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 86-87, 2007.

Japanese Article 9. Examination about the test movement at the non-contact type three dimensions face measurement
塩屋園敦1), 大庭康雄1), 金子和之1), 森山啓司2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 87-87, 2007.

Japanese Article 1. 1 treatment case of Treacher-Collins' syndrome
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 87-88, 2007.

Japanese Article 2. About usefulness of the dental X-rays CT in the intraoral examination
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 88-88, 2007.

Japanese Article 3. One case of unilateral cleft lip and palate given ilium transplant and tooth transplantation in the alveolar cleft part
竹内みちる1), 田中栄二1), 菊崎真由2), 谷本幸太郎1), 丹根一夫1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 88-89, 2007.

Japanese Article 4. Dental discussion about snoring, the sleep apnoea syndrome
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 89-89, 2007.

Japanese Article 5. 1 case of frame-related mandibular protrusion with the remarkable open bite given upper lower jaw movement technique
谷本起穗1), 大庭康雄1), 森山啓司2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 89-89, 2007.

Japanese Article 6. About usefulness of a front tooth part inclined bite plane and the state habit instruction to a prognathous case with the retreat of the functional lower jaw
小川聖美, 小川晴也
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 89-90, 2007.

Japanese Article 7. Kazuharu omen case of the spaced arch case with the enamel hypoplasia
藤原慎視1), 堀内信也1), 井澤俊1), 辻けい子1), 森山啓司2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 90-90, 2007.

Japanese Article 8. The lower jaw forward movement mandibular retraction case which conducted maxillary premolar tooth extraction postoperatively, and was treated
高橋巧1), 大庭康雄1), 森山啓司2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 90-91, 2007.

Japanese Article 9. One case that showed the remodeling-like change of the mandibular condyle after the orthognathic surgery that combined mandibular ramus sagittal plane division technique with mandibular ramus vertical osteotomy
井澤俊1), 堀内信也1), 辻けい子1), 藤原慎視1), 大庭康雄1), 森山啓司2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 91-91, 2007.

Japanese Article 10. One case that was given rapid orthodontic therapy (AOO)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 91-92, 2007.

Japanese Article 1. Eye tooth burrow case
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 92-92, 2007.

Japanese Article 2. Angle II grade crowding case with a history of the mandibular adamantine epithelioma curettage technique
冨田優子1), 高橋巧1), 大庭康雄1), 森山啓司2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 92-93, 2007.

Japanese Article 3. Prognathous non-extraction case of the period of growth
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 93-93, 2007.

Japanese Article 4. The mandibular deviation to the right case that was given upper lower jaw movement technique
花岡宏, 花岡宏一
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 93-94, 2007.

Japanese Article 5. The mandibular deviation to the left case that was given upper lower jaw movement technique
花岡宏, 花岡宏一
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 94-94, 2007.

Japanese Article 6. The adult open bite case that showed frame-related improvement associated with a change of the tongue rank
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 94-95, 2007.

Japanese Article 1. Bimaxillary protrusion case with the crowding
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 95-95, 2007.

Japanese Article 2. Angle II grade case with the crowding
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 95-95, 2007.

Japanese Article 3. Crowding case with the burrow of the right eye tooth
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 95-96, 2007.

Japanese Article 4. Prognathous case
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 96-96, 2007.

Japanese Article 5. Crowding case
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 96-97, 2007.

Japanese Article 6. Frame-related mandibular protrusion case with the unilateral molar cross bite
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 97-97, 2007.

Japanese Article 7. Prognathous case with the right maxillary central incisor buccoversion
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 97-97, 2007.

Japanese Article 8. Prognathous case with the upper lower jaw front tooth part crowding treated with non-tooth extraction
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 19(1): 97-98, 2007.