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The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society

Volume 30, Issue 1 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Mainly on a clinical study of orthodontic approach - premature closure of skull sutures for chin face congenital anomalies -
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 1-6, 2018.

Japanese Article We challenge the space
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 7-10, 2018.

Japanese Article A treatment case of maxillary protrusion with ankylosis of the impacted upper right canine
角明美1), 加来真人1), 八島由佳2), 神谷貴志3), 谷本幸太郎1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 11-22, 2018.

Japanese Article Remarkable frame-related mandibular protrusion and example that treated orthognathic surgery and a prothesis for the albinism patients with the teeth lack a lot
石本和也1), 柳田剛志1), 川邉紀章2), 上岡寛2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 23-32, 2018.

Japanese Article One treatment case of a cleft palate with the CHARGE syndrome and the crowding with the top and bottom jawbone undergrowth
中尾裕子1), 麻川由起2), 高明善3), 伊達智美1), 堀江佳代1), 上田宏2), 谷本幸太郎2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 33-42, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical investigation of patients with congenital diseases at the clinic for department of orthodontics in Hiroshima University Hospital during the 10-years
矢野下真1), 廣瀬尚人2), 大西梓2), 山内優佳2), 谷本幸太郎2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 43-50, 2018.

Japanese Article An investigation of anomaly in number of the permanent teeth of cleft lip and cleft palate patients at Tokushima University Hospital
市原亜起1), 堀内信也2), 小笠原直子1), 森浩喜2), 天知良太2), 渡邉佳一郎2), 木内奈央2), 泰江章博2), 田中栄二2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 51-58, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinico-statistical survey for congenital missing of permanent teeth in orthodontic patients
小笠原直子1), 岩浅亮彦2), 堀内信也2), 市原亜起1), 泰江章博2), 川合暢彦2), 井澤俊2), 田中栄二2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 59-64, 2018.

English Article 「Molar Intrusion Using TADs : The Key Element in Correcting Vertical Excess with or without Open Bite」
Cheol-Ho Paik
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 66-66, 2018.

Japanese Article Symposium "comprehensive team approach for patients with cleft lip, cleft palate" plan purpose
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article 1. "Significance of the comprehensive team treatment in cleft lip, cleft palate treatment"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article 2. About "the efforts to the diagnosis using the fetal supersonic wave evidence of cleft lip, cleft palate and the latest supersonic wave apparatus"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article 3. "Logopedics - oral surgeon in the cleft palate in the future and - from the situation of the speech-language-hearing therapist"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article 4. "Treatment - maxillary bone front region bone elongation (MASDO) - of the cleft lip and palate case with the maxillary bone undergrowth"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article The homepage of the "news from the Japan Orthodontic Society" medical practitioner is point ... of the medical care advertisement guidelines revision in regulation subject in ... 2018, too
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article 1. Statistical investigation of the malformation teeth in patients with cleft lip, cleft palate
木村綾1), 國松亮1), 吉見友希1), 粟田哲也2), 柄秀美1), 阿部崇晴1), 谷本幸太郎2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 69-70, 2018.

Japanese Article 2. About the correlation of masseteric line activity and chin face frame form in patients with malocclusion
岡直毅1), 藤澤厚郎2), 中村政裕2), 川邉紀章1), 上岡寛1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 70-70, 2018.

Japanese Article 3. 2 cases of frame-related mandibular protrusion given upper lower jaw movement technique by division into two of Le Fort type I osteotomy combination
吉村宗之1), 泰江章博2), 白井愛実2), 七條なつ子2), 古谷昌裕3), 田中栄二2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 70-71, 2018.

Japanese Article 4. Normal value of 'spot' using Electropalatography (EPG) and the examination that is in palate form
高宮留美子1), 山地加奈1), 岡彰子1), 山本一郎2), 上里聡1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 71-71, 2018.

Japanese Article 1. Fact-finding of patients with Okayama University Hospital cleft lip to be able to put in the past 3 years, cleft palate general treatment center consultation
国富陽介1,3), 植田紘貴2,3), 中西泰之2,3), 片岡伴記2,3), 村上隆1,3), 上岡寛2,3)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 72-72, 2018.

Japanese Article 2. Differential diagnosis of the ankylosis molar good-prognosis after a surgical subluxation with the panoramic X-ray photogram
高橋史子1), 日浅雅博1), 堀内信也1), 誉田栄一2), 田中栄二1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 72-73, 2018.

Japanese Article 3. A lateral cephalo image for the morphologic change of the pharynx respiratory tract by the mandibular bone retrodisplacement technique and CT image evaluation
岩井宏次1), 上田宏1), 松村優2), Cynthia Concepcion1), 三浦紗由美1), 長崎信一3), 谷本幸太郎1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 73-73, 2018.

Japanese Article 4. Fact-finding about the oral myofunctional therapy for the orthodontic clinic patients by the dental hygienist
武川香織1), 岩浅亮彦2), 三井なおみ2), 国田智成3), 松木優承3), 山本貴志3), 齊藤早紀1), 川合暢彦2), 田中栄二2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 73-74, 2018.

Japanese Article 5. Clinical statistics investigation (the second report) about the association of root resorption and the host factor with the treatment with orthodontic clinic
中谷文香1), 麻川由起1), 國松亮2), 伊達智美2), 中尾裕子2), 高野真実1), 谷本幸太郎1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 74-75, 2018.

Japanese Article 6. Chin oral cavity function evaluation of the frame-related mandibular prognathism patients who conducted orthognathic surgery and correction alone
渡邊正彦1), 川合暢彦2), 白井愛実2), 七條なつ子2), 三井なおみ2), 泰江章博2), 田中栄二2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 75-75, 2018.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the 1q partially overlapping syndrome: Characteristic of this disorder including overall status
小泉祐真1), 沖田紗季1), 阿部崇晴2), 吉見友希2), 粟田哲也1), 柄優至1), 中島健吾2), 角伊三武1), 伊藤翔太1), 曽浩紀1), 中野綾菜1), 谷本幸太郎1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article 2. An example of the holoprosencephaly with dyspnea
岡真代1), 岡健治1), 小林一夫2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article 3. An example of patients with left side cleft lip, cleft palate that consistency including maxillary bone front traction and the maxillary bone front region bone elongation (MASDO), mandibular ramus vertical osteotomy treated for maxillary remarkable undergrowth
小田垣直弥1,4), 星島光博2,4), 柳田剛志3), 上岡寛2,4)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 77-77, 2018.

Japanese Article 4. Crowding case with the wing-like twisting of the maxillary central incisor
森仁志1), 森浩喜2), 塩屋園玲子2), 渡邉佳一郎2), 堀内信也2), 田中栄二2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 77-78, 2018.

Japanese Article 5. The unilateral cleft lip, cleft palate case that replanted the maxillary left inversion burrow central incisor, and camouflaged, and was treated
中村政裕1,4), 松田祐典1,4), 片岡伴記1,4), 本城正2), 上岡寛3,4)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 78-78, 2018.

Japanese Article 1. Frame-related maxillary protrusion case with the front tooth part crowding
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 79-79, 2018.

Japanese Article 2. Crowding case with the inborn character lack of maxillary right and mandibular both second premolars
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 79-79, 2018.

Japanese Article 3. Skeletal Class I, Angle Class I crowding case
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 79-80, 2018.

Japanese Article 4. Angle I grade case with scissors bite and the mandibular front tooth part crowding
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 80-80, 2018.

Japanese Article 5. Frame-related III grade malocclusion case with the upper lower jaw front tooth part crowding
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 80-81, 2018.

Japanese Article 6. Skeletal Class II case with the crowding
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 30(1): 81-81, 2018.