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The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society

Volume 34, Issue 1 / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article New lingual SWA results in a change for orthodontic therapy
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 1-12, 2022.

Japanese Article Children's oral function development from the perspective of an orthodontist - Evidence-based observations on the acquisition of eating function during the weaning period -
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 13-24, 2022.

Japanese Article Criteria for selection and stability of the orthognathic surgery in the orthodontic anchor screw era
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 25-30, 2022.

Japanese Article Orthodontic treatment with temporary anchorage devices for the patient with crowding occurred after serial extraction in childhood
廣瀬尚人, 大西梓, 矢野下真, 山内優佳, 西山沙由理, 久保尚毅, 北大樹, 松永萌, 谷本幸太郎
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 31-38, 2022.

Japanese Article A treatment case of facial asymmetry in which two-jaw surgery was performed for a patient with jaw deformity with temporomandibular joint disorders
角明美, 神谷貴志, 神谷亜里
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 39-52, 2022.

Japanese Article The best treatment case of odontogenic maxillary protrusion that autografted the mandibular premolar for the upper incisor which presented severeness root resorption by the canine burrow
重田南, 渡邉佳一郎, 森浩喜, 田中栄二
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 53-64, 2022.

Japanese Article One patient who received orthognathic surgery for patients with osteogenesis imperfecta with frame-related mandibular protrusion and dentinogenesis imperfecta
小松真実1), 麻川由起1), 廣瀬尚人1), 壷井英里2), 中谷文香2), 國松亮1), 谷本幸太郎1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 65-74, 2022.

Japanese Article Association with a characteristic and the traction advisability of the dental CB-CT image of the burrow mandibular molar judging from the course prognosis of the treatment with orthodontic clinic
高橋史子1), 日浅雅博2), 堀内信也2), 田中栄二1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 75-82, 2022.

Japanese Article The symposium "II grade surgical thing that we study from the long-term course of the case with the advance of the lower jaw"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 84-84, 2022.

Japanese Article 1. "The treatment summary of the frame-related II grade case with the mandibular bone forward movement technique in the Tokushima University Hospital orthodontic clinic"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 84-84, 2022.

Japanese Article 2. "Learning from the course for the long term of the frame-related II grade case given orthognathic surgery with the mandibular bone forward movement technique in the Okayama University Hospital orthodontic clinic"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 84-85, 2022.

Japanese Article 3. "Change and factor after the operation in the long-term course of mandibular retraction type maxillary protrusion given mandibular bone forward movement technique"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 85-85, 2022.

Japanese Article 4. "Retention long-term about the stability of the II grade surgery case ... for a short term and unstable factor -"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 85-85, 2022.

Japanese Article 5. "How you obtain stability invention and problems - in - chin corrective surgery after the operation of the II grade mandibular retraction case"
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 85-86, 2022.

Japanese Article 6. "It is the same as technique of mandibular protrusion, and is it good? "
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 86-86, 2022.

Japanese Article From "the Japan Orthodontic Society to the acquisition, the specialist in news" authorization aiming at update, the leader a specialist in - authorization newly update application, an attending physician newly for the understanding of the update application system -
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 87-87, 2022.

Japanese Article 1. Consideration about the criteria for selection of the bonding method in the treatment with orthodontic clinic
谷崎沙織1), 河野加奈1), 村上隆2), 井澤俊1), 川邉紀章2), 藤澤厚郎2), 星島光博2), 上岡寛1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 87-88, 2022.

Japanese Article 2. Clinical examination of the orthognathic surgery for frame-related maxillary protrusion in the Hiroshima University Hospital orthodontic clinic for the past 30 years
坂田修三1), 麻川由起2), 吉見友希1), 大西梓1), 中野綾菜1), 池田和隆1), 力武航大1), 谷本幸太郎2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 88-88, 2022.

Japanese Article 3. Identification of the determinant necessary for a prediction of the feasible mandibular molar distal driving
中上絵美子1), 渡邉佳一郎2), 天真寛文2), 吉永薫1), 松木佑太2), 日浅雅博2), 堀内信也2), 田中栄二2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 88-89, 2022.

Japanese Article 4. Effect of the cortical bone thickness on initial stability of the anchor screw for the teeth-straightening
坂巻拓馬1), 渡邉佳一郎2), 岩浅亮彦2), 金秀河3), 田中栄二2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 89-89, 2022.

Japanese Article 1. Examination about the U-turn during the retention period in patients with deformity of jaw using the 3D dentition model
阿部崇晴1), 伊藤翔太1), 泉野尋1), 吉見友希1), 角伊三武2), 平野恒陽3), 谷本幸太郎2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 90-90, 2022.

Japanese Article 2. Fact-finding of temporomandibular disorder in patients with malocclusion that came to the Tokushima University Hospital orthodontic clinic
大瀧大地1), 赤松沙友里1), 後藤田茉子1), 花輪茂己2), 田中茉里子2), 佐藤博子3), 田中栄二3)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 90-91, 2022.

Japanese Article 3. Treatment with orthodontic clinic in the Chugoku, Shikoku district is the intensive degree of the insurance applied medical institution
古森紘基1), 加藤ゆい2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 91-91, 2022.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the pharynx change that is in the respiratory tract form before and after the chin corrective surgery in the frame-related II grade surgery case
真岡謙介1), 岡下慎太郎1), 近藤俊2), 谷口千由紀1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 91-92, 2022.

Japanese Article 1. Orthodontic therapy for the micrognathia with the progressive mandibular condyle absorption
岡下慎太郎1), 真岡謙介1), 近藤俊2), 谷口千由紀1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 92-92, 2022.

Japanese Article 2. Frame-related II grade surgery case (2 cases) with the gummy smile
岡下慎太郎1), 真岡謙介1), 近藤俊2), 谷口千由紀1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 93-93, 2022.

Japanese Article 3. Example that was improved by orthognathic surgery using a surgical denture for a case of frame-related mandibular protrusion with the loss of the molar part occlusion contact
竹本史子1), 星島光博1), 森谷徳文2), 飯田征二2), 井澤俊1), 上岡寛1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 93-94, 2022.

Japanese Article 4. Crowding case - long-term retention sighting - given fenestration traction for maxillary burrow cuspid
岩浅亮彦1), 比嘉佳基2), 中上絵美子2), 清水宗1), 中村竜也3), 藤原慎視4), 堀内信也1), 田中栄二1)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 94-94, 2022.

Japanese Article 5. Mandibular bone retreat case with the factor that occlusion given mandibular bone forward movement technique is complex
中西泰之1), 植田紘貴2), 中村政裕2), 上岡寛2)
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 94-95, 2022.

Japanese Article 6. Inexpensive stent for erecting it manufactures an anchor screw for the teeth-straightening
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 95-95, 2022.

Japanese Article 1. Frame-related II grade case with the maxillary right canine low degree buccoversion
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 95-95, 2022.

Japanese Article 2. Frame-related maxillary protrusion case with the maxillary front tooth labioclination and upper lower jaw front tooth part crowding
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 95-96, 2022.

Japanese Article 3. It is a front tooth part open bite case with the cross bite in a front tooth part and the molar tooth part
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 96-96, 2022.

Japanese Article 4. Angle I grade maxillary protrusion case with excessive overjet
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 96-97, 2022.

Japanese Article 5. Angle Class II case with the crowding
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 97-97, 2022.

Japanese Article 6. Frame-related III grade front tooth part crowding case
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 97-98, 2022.

Japanese Article 7. Crowding case with the Angle Class II deep overbite
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 98-98, 2022.

Japanese Article 8. Angle Class II crowding case
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 98-98, 2022.

Japanese Article 9. skeletal Class II maxillary protrusion case with the scissors bite of the second molar
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 99-99, 2022.

Japanese Article 10. Angle Class I crowding case with the upper lower jaw front tooth labioclination
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 99-99, 2022.

Japanese Article 11. Front tooth part crowding and frame-related III grade malocclusion case with the maxillary right second premolar burrow
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 99-100, 2022.

Japanese Article 12. Angle I grade malocclusion case with the upper lower jaw front tooth part crowding
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 100-100, 2022.

Japanese Article 13. Angle Class I crowding case
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 100-100, 2022.

Japanese Article 14. Unilateral Angle II grade case with the labioclination of the upper lower jaw front tooth
The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society 34(1): 100-101, 2022.