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The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology

Volume 12, Issue 1 / 2002
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article Aquaporin Water Channels - From Atomic Structure to Clinical Medicine
Peter Agre, Masato Yasui, Landon S.King
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-1-S-2, 2002.

Japanese Article The use of the stem cell derived from umbilical blood
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-3-S-4, 2002.

Japanese Article Pit fall of mother and children in the perinatal transfusion
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-5-S-6, 2002.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems (from the obstetric domain) with the transfusion in the perinatal period
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-7-S-8, 2002.

Japanese Article Problem: with the transfusion in the perinatal period About blood products in particular
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-9-S-10, 2002.

Japanese Article Guidelines on neonates transfusion and the commentary
白川嘉継, 白幡聡
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-11-S-12, 2002.

Japanese Article Does trans-placental hemorrhage increase the risk of blood transfusion for women?
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-13-S-14, 2002.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the autotransfusion in the obstetric domain
田中幸子, 山内英明*, 藤原恵一, 河野一郎
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-15-S-16, 2002.

Japanese Article Autotransfusion in the obstetrics and gynecology department domain
山田隆司1), 森浩志1), 植木實2), 笠松源3)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-17-S-18, 2002.

Japanese Article The current status and issue of autologous cord blood transfusion in neonates.
高橋幸博*1), 川口千晴*1), 森川肇*2), 藤村吉博*3), 吉岡章*4)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-19-S-20, 2002.

Japanese Article Cord blood harvesting for autologous transfusion in surgical neonate with sacrococcygeal teratoma
細野茂春1), 岡田知雄1), 高橋滋1), 原田研介1), 池田太郎2), 福澤正洋2), 山本樹生3), 麦島秀雄4)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-21-S-22, 2002.

Japanese Article A role and problems (neonates domain) of the cytokine as a substitute for the transfusion
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-23-S-24, 2002.

Japanese Article The present conditions and pit hall of the blood component therapy
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-25-S-26, 2002.

Japanese Article One pregnancy case of the congenital factor XII deficiency
中西功1), 今吉雄三3), 和栗雅子1), 宮下義博1), 大平裕己2), 末原則幸2), 中山雅弘3), 藤田富雄1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-27-S-28, 2002.

Japanese Article Change of the index of the uterine artery bloodstream of the native antithrombin III drop symptom merger pregnant woman 2 case and the blood clotting study
板倉称, 杉村基, 小菅陽子, 竹内康高, 平井久也, 須床和恵, 小林隆夫, 金山尚裕
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-29-S-30, 2002.

Japanese Article Genetic polymorphism (46 C/T) of blood clotting factor XII and the coagulation activity and repetition early loss
飯沼由朗, 杉浦真弓, 牧野亜衣子, 鈴森伸宏, 片野衣江, 尾崎康彦, 鈴森薫
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-31-S-32, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the autoantibody for factor XII in patients with factor XII slow-up infertility
盧丹, 杉俊隆, 井面昭文, 内田能安, 勝沼潤子, 岩崎克彦, 牧野恒久
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-33-S-34, 2002.

Japanese Article Change of fusibility Shin decane 1 out of the pregnant woman blood
山口昌俊, 丸山るり子, 永井公洋, 池ノ上克
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-35-S-36, 2002.

Japanese Article The protein C deficiency merger pregnancy with a history of the deep vein thrombosis
高橋千春, 堤明裕, 石野陽代, 依岡寛和, 生田明子, 大崎尚, 安田勝彦, 神崎秀陽, 木下洋
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-37-S-38, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the asymptomatic pulmonary embolism diagnosed by the arterial oxygen saturation measurement with the pulse oximeter
斉藤理恵, 三雲美穂1), 村岡光恵, 高木耕一郎, 黒島淳子, 太田博明1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-39-S-40, 2002.

Japanese Article About the risk of a drop and the thrombosis of protein S in the third pregnancy trimester
堀永宏史, 大塚博光, 会沢芳樹, 荻原哲夫, 北條めぐみ, 橋本洋子, 石塚文平
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-41-S-42, 2002.

Japanese Article Example that deep vein thrombosis developed in pregnancy 12 weeks and was delivered by lower vena cava filter insertion and managed
三箇島睦実1), 安達知子1), 岡野浩哉1), 梅崎泉1), 橋口和生1),2), 松田義雄1), 太田博明1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-43-S-44, 2002.

Japanese Article Effects of colony-stimulating factors on the production of platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase by human decidual macrophages.
楢原久司, 嶺真一郎, 河野康志, 吉松淳, 穴井孝信, 宮川勇生
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-45-S-46, 2002.

Japanese Article Pregnancy in a Patient of Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia (type I) with Antiplatelet Antibodies
岡田英孝1),2), 永田文江2), 生田明子2), 依岡寛和2), 北村直行3), 木下洋3), 岸本裕司4), 神崎秀陽2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-47-S-48, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the allogeneic immune thrombocytopenia case due to the HPA-5b antibody
芥川修1), 赤枝朋嘉1), 糸数功1), 磯和男1), 柳下正人1), 鈴木良知1), 高山雅臣1), 西川康2), 高見剛2), 武井章人2), 宮島祐2), 星加明徳2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-49-S-50, 2002.

Japanese Article Problems of the perinatal management of the thrombocytopenic blood disorder merger pregnant woman who became clear by percutaneous umbilical cord drawing blood
松田秀雄, 古谷健一, 川上裕一, 斉藤恵子, 高橋宏典, 菊池義公
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-51-S-52, 2002.

Japanese Article Change of Platelet Hemostatic Capacity (PHC) and Fibrinolytic Inhibitor over the next mechanism of the delivery
鈴木重統1), 林義夫1), 松野一彦2), 森山隆則2), 伊藤久美子2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-53-S-54, 2002.

Japanese Article A case of Feto-maternal transfusion syndrome eccurred in twin pregnancy
田村直顕, 定方久延, 稲垣誠, 鈴木康之
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-55-S-56, 2002.

Japanese Article Effect of the fetal blood transfusion on blood type incompatibility due to the antiJra antibody
高橋宏典, 松田秀雄, 川上裕一, 佐々木直樹, 古谷健一, 菊池義公
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-57-S-57, 2002.

Japanese Article Exchange blood transfusion using the blood component preparation for the very low birth weight infant
塙坂八重1), 高橋幸博1), 川口千晴1), 延原一郎1), 安川久吉1), 濱田国章1), 岡田典子1), 吉岡章1), 西田幸世2), 藤村吉博2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-58-S-59, 2002.

Japanese Article Management of the pregnancy, the parturient case who had the paradoxical brain embolism
安達知子, 橋口和生, 堤由紀子*, 松田義雄, 太田博明
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-60-S-61, 2002.

Japanese Article A case of acute myelocytic leukemia in pregnancy
須波玲1), 柳光章2), 中村和人2), 小林洋子1), 深田幸仁1), 平田修司1), 星和彦1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-62-S-63, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the synchronism double cancer (cervical cancer, lung cancer) which developed a malignant tumor-related hemophagocytic syndrome
岸田蓄子, 澤口啓造, 三輪啓志*, 野口靖之, 藤田将, 野口昌良
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-64-S-65, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination about the early or threatened labour management in our hospital
田中教文, 松林滋, 今城雅彦, 林谷誠治
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-66-S-67, 2002.

Japanese Article Analysis of antibody production ability in the umbilical blood and the T-cell signal transduction mechanism
田中滋己1), 澤田博文1), 盆野元紀1), 山本初実1), 河井和夫1), 多喜紀雄1), 駒田美弘2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-68-S-69, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the CD45 isoform of neonates T lymphocytes in the neonates lupus
溝部直樹1),2), 杉田完爾2), 小寺浩司1),2), 内藤敦2), 丹哲士1),2), 星合美奈子2), 手塚徹3), 中澤眞平2), 深田幸仁4), 星和彦4)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-70-S-71, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination - second report - about the isoimmune reactions between mother's body - fetuses due to the pregnancy and the acquired tolerance phenomenon
石橋直尚1), 杉山誠治1), 有賀裕道1), 石井勉1), 氏家二郎1), 鈴木仁1), 大戸斉2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 12(1): S-72-S-73, 2002.