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The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology

Volume 23, Issue 1 / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Be led to the way to pediatrics and clot hemostasis studies
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-1-S-2, 2013.

Japanese Article Placental genetic manipulation and trial ... of manufacture and the treatment of applied - pregnancy-induced hypertension model mouse to fundamental researches
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-3-S-4, 2013.

Japanese Article Blood pressure of the pregnant woman, growth and (professional) renin receptor of children
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-5-S-6, 2013.

Japanese Article It is ... from the point of contact between mother children of insulin resistance in the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and inflammatory - placentation to the condition of a patient
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-7-S-8, 2013.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy for the adhesion placenta
佐道俊幸1),2), 大野木輝2), 成瀬勝彦1), 野口武俊1), 大井豪一1), 小林浩1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-9-S-10, 2013.

Japanese Article The handling of the cervical pregnancy
野平知良1), 中村浩2), 武市信3), 井坂恵一1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-11-S-12, 2013.

Japanese Article It is the handling of the uterus scar part pregnancy after a cesarean operation
牧野真太郎, 依藤崇志, 斉藤知見, 山本祐華, 竹田省
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-13-S-14, 2013.

Japanese Article Congenital ADAMTS13 deficiency: Perinatal management of patients with Upshaw-Schulman syndrome
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-15-S-16, 2013.

Japanese Article Congenital ADAMTS13 deficiency: Point of the diagnosis in the childhood of the Upshaw-Schulman syndrome
田邉さおり, 木村敏之
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-17-S-18, 2013.

Japanese Article Progress of etiology elucidation and the differential diagnosis of the congenital giant platelet symptom
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-19-S-20, 2013.

Japanese Article Perinatal management of hemophilia
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-21-S-21, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison between solidification fibrinolysis test value and platelet count at premature ablation of normally implanted placenta onset in our hospital case
小田智昭1), 伊藤敏谷1), 矢田大輔1), 窪田尚弘1), 鈴木康之1), 金山尚裕2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-23-S-24, 2013.

Japanese Article Look at the rear of the perinatal period bleeding;, mark examination - ergot alkaloid all cases administrated group, is the administrated group, a comparison in the inside the hospital midwifery group at necessary time
芹沢麻里子, 柏木唯衣, 岸本彩子, 大川直子, 平井久也, 松井浩之, 山下美和, 岡田喜親, 小林隆夫
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-25-S-26, 2013.

Japanese Article Multicenter study on usefulness of the human thrombomodulin preparation for the obstetric DIC patients
中林正雄1), 安達知子1), 竹田省2), 荻島大貴3), 野平知良4), 関博之5), 小林隆夫6), 金山尚裕7), 池ノ上克8), 道方香織9)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-27-S-28, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the endometrial cyst explosion that serum was dark brown
高橋詳史1), 渡辺尚1), 菅野佳之2), 葛西俊二2), 木村円1), 田中均1), 薄井里英3), 藤原寛行3), 松原茂樹3), 鈴木光明3)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-29-S-30, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the annexin A5 genetic polymorphism in patients with infertility
林裕子1), 佐々木秀文2), 西山毅3), 水谷栄太1), 北折珠央1), 尾崎康彦1), 鈴森伸宏1), 杉浦真弓1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-31-S-32, 2013.

Japanese Article Fondaparinux is effective in the VTE treatment of the gynecologic domain
吉岡範人, 朱丞華, 高橋由妃, 中川侑子, 近藤亜未, 横道憲幸, 吉田彩子, 大原樹, 戸澤晃子, 鈴木直
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-33-S-34, 2013.

Japanese Article Pregnant D-dimer: Singleton vs. multiple birth
荒木直人, 山田俊, 森川守, 河口哲, 西田竜太郎, 山田崇弘, 武田真光, 水上尚典
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-35-S-36, 2013.

Japanese Article Relations with the obstetric DIC score and blood coagulation system test value
瀬戸さち恵, 岡垣竜吾, 鈴木元晴, 板倉敦夫
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-37-S-38, 2013.

Japanese Article New irregular antibody for red blood cell high incidence antigen KANNO detected in Japanese pregnant women well
大戸斉, 川畑絹代
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-39-S-40, 2013.

Japanese Article Essential thrombocythaemia merger pregnant two cases that we experienced in our hospital
山田諭1), 菊地範彦1), 石川香織1), 小原久典1), 高津亜希子1), 大平哲史1), 金井誠2), 塩沢丹里1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-41-S-42, 2013.

Japanese Article The tardive anemia merger MN blood type incompatible countryman case that was able to observe the change of antiM antibody titers
北野裕之1), 木田綾子1), 南部早和1), 今西洋介1), 中田裕也1), 上野康尚1), 久保実1), 小坂恵2), 上野朱美2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-43-S-44, 2013.

Japanese Article Effect of the IgG2 type antiB antibody cross reactivity antiA, B antibody in the fetal erythroblastosis that it was thought to be caused by
沢田健, 玉置一智, 小島泰子, 岩下洋一1), 石田智子1), 蓮沼秀和1), 荒川航太1), 大戸斉2), 安田広康2), 斎藤俊一2), 川畑絹代2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-45-S-46, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of blood products at the exchange blood transfusion of neonates
片岡美香1), 西田幸世2), 松本雅則2), 藤村吉博2), 高田穂波1), 清水良純1), 倉本智津子1), 内池敬男1), 内田優美子3), 林環3), 釜本智之3), 村上志保3), 矢追博章3), 小池奈月3), 新居育世3), 西久保敏也3), 川口千晴4), 高橋幸博3)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-47-S-48, 2013.

Japanese Article A comparative study of neonatal respiratory failure in placental previa
吉川香代, 臼倉幸宏, 細野茂春, 岡田知雄, 高橋滋, 麦島秀雄
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): S-49-S-50, 2013.

Japanese Article Greetings
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the presence or absence of thrombophilia in the severe case of the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta
深津真弓, 村山敬彦, 増子寛子, 江良澄子, 齋木美恵, 見上由紀子, 小野義久, 松村英祥, 高井泰, 齋藤正博, 馬場一憲, 関博之
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 2-3, 2013.

Japanese Article Premature ablation of normally implanted placenta case ... with examination - intra-uterine death about the bleeding predictor
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 4-5, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience of the collection-style autotransfusion for the adhesion placenta in our hospital
森川守1), 山田崇弘1), 長和俊1), 水上尚典1), 金内優典2), 櫻木範明2), 金山尚裕3)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 6-7, 2013.

Japanese Article Two cases that was treated effectively with genetically-modified active form blood clotting factor VII preparation for the childbed massive bleeding that it was hard to stop bleeding of
佐藤史朗, 小幡新太郎, 計良和範, 塙真輔, 西方紀子, 清水久美子, 杉田達哉, 田中圭, 上杉健哲
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 8-9, 2013.

Japanese Article Present conditions - of examination - transfusion and the thrombosis prophylaxis of the massive bleeding case at vaginal delivery in our hospital
西嶌優子, 安達知子, 中林靖, 首里英治, 桧垣博, 竹内沢子, 砂川空広, 川名有紀子, 竹田善治, 中山摂子, 坂元秀樹, 岡井崇, 中林正雄
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 10-11, 2013.

Japanese Article The usefulness of preoperative autologous blood donation
森川守, 山田崇弘, 山田俊, 長和俊, 水上尚典
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 12-12, 2013.

Japanese Article One case that suddenly led to DIC after miscarriage measures for the intra-uterine death
栗原康, 橘大介, 山本浩子, 寺田裕之, 古山将康, 石河修
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 14-15, 2013.

Japanese Article About a DIC 2 case using the recombinant thrombomodulin preparation
朝永千春1), 荒牧聡1), 荒木俊介1), 柴田英治2), 吉村和晃2), 蜂須賀徹2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 16-17, 2013.

Japanese Article Antithrombin deficiency merger pregnant two cases which followed a different clinical course
秋山瑞紀, 兵藤博信, 岩瀬純, 赤枝俊, 矢野阿壽加, 小野健太郎, 原田寛子, 北野理絵, 堀井真理子, 真島実, 彦坂慈子, 秋谷文, 堀内洋子, 林良宣, 齊藤理恵, 塩田恭子, 樋田一英, 山中美智子, 百枝幹雄
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 18-19, 2013.

Japanese Article The malignant lymphoma merger pregnancy that resulted in metastases to placenta
中村春樹1), 重富洋志1), 今中聖悟1), 定光あゆみ1), 重光愛子1), 赤坂珠理晃1), 常見泰平1), 成瀬勝彦1), 大井豪一1), 小林浩1), 長谷川淳2), 笠井孝彦3)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 20-21, 2013.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the thrombosis that occurred during pregnancy
兵藤博信, 赤枝俊, 岩瀬純, 矢野阿壽加, 秋山瑞紀, 原田寛子, 山本健太郎, 北野理絵, 堀井真理子, 真島実, 彦坂慈子, 秋谷文, 堀内洋子, 林良宣, 酒見智子, 齊藤理恵, 樋田一英, 塩田恭子, 山中美智子, 百枝幹雄
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 22-23, 2013.

Japanese Article Blood clotting function screening test of the normal neonate using the simple type prothrombin time measuring assembly
飯嶋重雄1), 大石彰1), 馬場徹2), 中島信一2), 関井克行2), 平出拓也2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 24-25, 2013.

Japanese Article protein C, protein S for pediatric hereditary thrombosis screening and antithrombin activity level
市山正子1), 大賀正一2), 松永友佳1), 金城唯宗1), 落合正行1), 堀田多恵子3), 浦田美秩代3), 古賀結3), 西村美香3), 康東天3), 原寿郎1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 26-27, 2013.

Japanese Article Dominant genotypic congenital thrombocytopenia that we were able to identify with delivery, 2 families of the integrin αIIbβ3 (GPIIb/IIIa) mutation
小林良行1), 唐川修平1), 早川誠一1), 大野令央義1), 金井昭教2), 中村和洋1), 松井啓隆2), 稲葉俊哉2), 小林正夫1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 28-29, 2013.

Japanese Article Two cases of gemini children of the neonates same kind immune thrombocytopenia due to antiHLA antigens
峰研治, 關谷真一郎, 平林雅人, 中島純一, 黒柳裕一, 辻章志, 大橋敦, 野田幸弘, 中野崇秀, 河崎裕英, 木下洋, 金子一成
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 30-31, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the alloimmunity-related neonates thrombocytopenia purpura who gave first-born child a diagnosis of neonatal thrombocytopenia by antiHPA-4b, and observed the change of mother's body antibody titers on second-born child delivery, and were born by a planned cesarean operation
中村利彦1), 榊原菜々, 吉岡寿朗
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 32-33, 2013.

Japanese Article ITP merger pregnant one case in acknowledgment of fetal intracranial hemorrhage
杉浦友美, 三谷穣, 鈴木宏美, 金野潤, 嶋田悦子, 小川正樹, 牧野康男, 松田義雄, 松井英雄
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 34-35, 2013.

Japanese Article Premature infant of the fetomaternal transfusion syndrome with the severe suspended animation
前田創1), 今村孝1), 菅野潔2), 大関健治2), 河村真3), 池崎福治4), 金彰午2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 36-37, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of giant Congenital hemangioma of the liver which we excised surgically
慶野大1), 長江千愛1), 村田俊輔1), 中野茉莉恵1), 攪上詩織1), 足利朋子1), 山下敦己2), 有馬正貴1), 伊東祐順1), 吉馴亮子1), 木下明俊1), 吉尾博之1), 瀧正志2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 23(1): 38-39, 2013.