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The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology

Volume 30, Issue 1 / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Greetings
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 2020.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient of the DIC judging from test value
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-1-S-2, 2020.

Japanese Article About the results of the workshop 1 "obstetric DIC score revision" multicenter study
森川守, 松永茂剛, 牧野真太郎, 竹田善治, 兵藤博信, 二井理文, 芹沢麻里子, 小林隆夫, 板倉敦夫, 安達知子
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-3-S-4, 2020.

Japanese Article Revision plan of the obstetric DIC score
板倉敦夫, 森川守, 牧野真太郎, 二井理文, 松永茂剛, 兵藤博信, 竹田善治, 安達知子, 小林隆夫
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-5-S-6, 2020.

Japanese Article A characteristic of the neonates DIC and the background
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-7-S-8, 2020.

Japanese Article The confusing condition of a patient of the neonates DIC and the differentiation method
小町詩織1), 砂田美希1), 鈴木真波1), 山下敦己3), 長江千愛2), 北東功1), 瀧正志3)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-9-S-10, 2020.

Japanese Article Questionary survey - in the present situation -9 states district of a diagnosis, the treatment about the neonates DIC
市川俊1), 荒木俊介1), 清水大輔1), 楠原浩一1), 白幡聡2), 落合正行3), 大賀正一3), 茨聡4)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-11-S-12, 2020.

Japanese Article What do read from anticoagulation - evidence of the neonates DIC; -
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-13-S-14, 2020.

Japanese Article Cancer-related thrombosis in the gynecologic domain
川口龍二, 小林浩
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-15-S-16, 2020.

Japanese Article To prevent OC, LEP preparation and status pulse thrombosis - early detection, becoming severe
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-17-S-18, 2020.

Japanese Article Hereditary thrombosis - epidemiology and etiology of neonates, treatment preferences ...
石村匡崇1), 落合正行1), 大賀正一2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-19-S-20, 2020.

Japanese Article The prospects of the liver transplant in hereditary protein C deficiency
石黒精1), 阪本靖介2), 福田晃也2), 末延聡一3), 笠原群生2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-21-S-22, 2020.

Japanese Article The systemic lupus erythematosus merger pregnancy
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-23-S-24, 2020.

Japanese Article The emergence of irregular antibody in the blood corpuscle differentiation and hemolytic anemia of newborn-related disease
大戸斉1), Kenneth E.Nollet1), 伊藤正一2), 桂木真司3), 安田広康4)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-25-S-26, 2020.

Japanese Article Congenital hemolytic anemia to meet in an obstetrics, neonates department: Recent topics
菅野仁1,2), 青木貴子1), 山本圭子1), 槍澤大樹1), 山本俊至2), 小倉浩美1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-27-S-27, 2020.

Japanese Article Thrombocytopenia of the mother and the child
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-29-S-30, 2020.

Japanese Article Molecular mechanisms involved in the progression of TAM to myeloid leukemia in children with Down syndrome
伊藤悦朗, 照井君典, 土岐力
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-31-S-32, 2020.

Japanese Article Based on natural history of adult congenital heart disease, instruction - this country for the young woman and European and American knowledge
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-33-S-34, 2020.

Japanese Article Point of view of antenatal care - anticoagulation management of Adult CHD needing anticoagulation
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-35-S-36, 2020.

Japanese Article Standard range of the C1 inhibitor in the late pregnancy
榎本尚助, 田中博明, 高倉翔, 真川祥一, 真木晋太郎, 二井理文, 田中佳世, 鳥谷部邦明, 桂木真司, 池田智明
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-37-S-38, 2020.

Japanese Article Supersonic wave Doppler analysis in the fetal placenta circulation evaluation - TADAFER II test with the administration of Tadalafil for FGR
真木晋太郎1), 田中博明1), 高倉翔1), 辻誠1), 二井理文1), 田中佳世1), 桂木真司1), 小谷友美3), 遠藤誠之4), 関沢明彦2), 木村正4), 池田智明1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-39-S-40, 2020.

Japanese Article Comparison about the usefulness of the POCT (point of care testing) apparatus in the obstetric massive bleeding
中村永信1), 松永茂剛2), 三澤将大1), 江良澄子1), 赤堀太一2), 矢部慎一郎1), 小野義久1), 長井智則2), 高井泰2), 菊池昭彦1), 齋藤正博1), 馬場一憲1), 関博之1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-41-S-42, 2020.

Japanese Article National epidemiologic survey of the neonatal herpes simplex infection in this country
園田素史1), 石村匡崇1),3), 市山正子2), 藤吉順子3), 井上普介3), 落合正行1),3), 大賀正一1),3)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-43-S-44, 2020.

Japanese Article An example of placenta tumor which needed fetal blood transfusion
岩端秀之, 岩端由里子, 本間千夏, 倉崎昭子, 五十嵐豪, 近藤春裕, 長谷川潤一, 鈴木直
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-45-S-46, 2020.

Japanese Article It is two patients of Late preterm infant who had the iron-deficiency anemia for infancy
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-47-S-48, 2020.

English Article Standard erythroferrone levels in very low birth weight infants during the neonatal period
ニナ レンハルトヴァ1), 安岡和昭1), 井上普介1), 藤吉順子1), 澤野徹1), 是松辰哉1), 渡部貴秀1), 落合正行2), 大賀正一1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-49-S-50, 2020.

Japanese Article The in-hospital division manual revision of criteria for use of food additives and the blood products of the potassium adsorption filter to small capacity preparation
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-51-S-52, 2020.

Japanese Article Experienced it in our hospital; can give birth and is examined 30 venous thromboembolism of women of the age
後藤夏美1), 大橋昌尚1), 冨森馨予1), 明野慶子1), 古川誠志2), 鮫島浩2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-53-S-53, 2020.

Japanese Article The neonates lupus which was aggravated by an acquired cytomegalovirus infection
山本俊亮1), 石村匡崇1), 多久佳祐1,2), 矢田裕太郎1), 江口克秀1), 松岡若利1), 白石暁1), 井上普介1), 落合正行1), 大賀正一1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-55-S-56, 2020.

Japanese Article Significance of the early diagnosis of the primary immunodeficiency disease in fetuses, the newborn period
江口克秀1), 石村匡崇1), 坂井淳彦2), 是松辰哉1), 矢田裕太郎1), 園田素史1), 白石暁1), 城戸咲2), 井上普介1), 落合正行1), 加藤聖子2), 大賀正一1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-57-S-58, 2020.

Japanese Article An example of the HELLP syndrome that occurred after two days of childbed
小高紗季1), 桂木真司2), 若林慧美里1), 小林奈津子1), 辻誠1), 徳山智和1), 東理映子1), 南元人3), 竹内茂人1), 菅谷健1), 高倉哲司1), 池田智明2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-59-S-60, 2020.

Japanese Article Clinical course of the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta with the intra-uterine death that tried a vaginal birth
田口裕樹, 佐藤由佳, 蜂須賀信孝, 坂井淳彦, 城戸咲, 日高庸博, 藤田恭之, 加藤聖子
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-61-S-62, 2020.

Japanese Article Examination about the evaluation of the new placental insufficiency by the minute supersonic wave Doppler method
古谷菜摘1), 長谷川潤一1), 本間千夏1), 岩端秀之1), 土居正知2), 小池淳樹2), 鈴木直1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-63-S-64, 2020.

Japanese Article Identification technique of the hypofibrinogenemia in TEG6s
三澤将大1), 松永茂剛2), 助川幸1), 中村永信1), 増子寛子1), 高井泰2), 菊池昭彦1), 齋藤正博1), 照井克生3), 馬場一憲1), 関博之1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-65-S-66, 2020.

Japanese Article Comparison between cerebrovascular disorder and mortality among expectant mothers in heart, the aorta disease and non-pregnant women
桂木真司1), 長谷川潤一2), 田中博明1), 関沢明彦3), 吉松淳4), 金山尚裕5), 中田雅彦6), 村越毅7), 石渡勇8), 池田智明1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-67-S-68, 2020.

Japanese Article The patent ductus arteriosus produces hemolytic jaundice of newborn with the thrombocytopenia for Upshaw-Schulman syndrome
高橋幸博1),2), 藤村吉博1),6), Lammle B2), 田邉さおり3), 酒井和哉6), 木村敏之3), 小亀浩市4), 宮田敏行4), 谷口繁樹5), 松本雅則6)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-69-S-70, 2020.

Japanese Article One case that Eltrombopag was effective for the intractable idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura merger pregnancy
奥村真侑, 三杉卓也, 中井建策, 末包智紀, 植村遼, 札場恵, 高瀬亜紀, 田原三枝, 羽室明洋, 中野朱美, 橘大介, 古山将康
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-71-S-72, 2020.

Japanese Article An example of the syndrome to fall who had the neonates same kind immune thrombocytopenia due to the antiHLA-A31+B61 antibody
嶋恵理子1), 郷勇人1), 柏原祥曜1), 宮崎恭平1), 知識美奈1), 前田創1), 清水裕美1), 小笠原啓1), 今村孝2), 佐藤真紀1), 大戸斉3)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-73-S-74, 2020.

Japanese Article 1 case 2 pregnancy of the expectant mothers who followed a different clinical course in the fetal fetal erythroblastosis by antiM
福田善久1), 常盤夏子1), 安部朋子1), 島貴史2), 野口雄史2), 市山正子2), 漢信彦2), 金城唯宗2), 高畑靖2), 北代祐三3), 住江正大3), 中並尚幸3), 月森清巳3), 石村匡崇4,5), 内村大祐6), 宮崎孔6), 安田広康7)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-75-S-76, 2020.

Japanese Article Neonates case of the mother children Gaucher disease type 2 which accepted thrombocytopenia together
蛯原郷, 松下悠紀, 桐野万起子, 神野俊介, 高野由紀子, 曳野俊治, 佐藤和夫
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-77-S-78, 2020.

Japanese Article Disseminated intravascular coagulation - APTT associated with neonatal asphyxia and the hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and pre-rear -
高橋幸博1),2), 内田優美子2), 釜本智之2), 中川隆志2), 利根川仁2), 西本瑛里2), 谷有貴2), 豊川富子2), 川口千晴3), 山口直子4), 岡本貴史4), 西久保敏也2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-79-S-80, 2020.

Japanese Article The expression of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 inhibition prevents chronic lung disease by the highly-concentrated oxygenation
西久保敏也1), 辰巳公平2), 高林葉子1), 釜本智之1), 中川隆志1), 嶋緑倫3)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-81-S-82, 2020.

Japanese Article A pancytopenia and splenomegaly merger pregnant example
菅井里穂, 佐藤杏奈, 加藤梨奈, 大科恭子, 石井純麗, 篠原三津子, 高橋雅也, 竹田純, 牧野真太郎, 板倉敦夫
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-83-S-84, 2020.

Japanese Article Examination of the protein S deficiency merger pregnancy in our hospital
楠本紗羅, 重富典子, 長谷川ゆり, 本石翔, 大橋和明, 永田愛, 三浦清徳
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-85-S-86, 2020.

Japanese Article Congenital antithrombin deficiency merger pregnant three cases
二井理文, 榎本尚助, 高倉翔, 真木晋太郎, 田中佳世, 吉田健太, 鳥谷部邦明, 田中博明, 桂木真司, 池田智明
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-87-S-88, 2020.

Japanese Article Congenital antithrombin deficiency merger pregnant management guideline plan
森川守1), 家子正裕2),3), 長和俊1), 渡利英道1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): S-89-S-90, 2020.

Japanese Article One month children case of the familial hemophagocytic syndrome type 2 that we were able to save by early treatment after birth
森脇太郎1), 富澤大輔2), 大隅朋生2), 内山徹3), 松本公一2), 石黒精1)2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 1-2, 2020.

Japanese Article The 1 year old girls with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome case that developed acute promyelocytic leukemia
太原鉄平1), 太田栄治2), 熊谷拓哉1), 野村優子1), 廣瀬伸一1)2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 3-4, 2020.

Japanese Article A case of fetomaternal hemorrhage probably caused by external version
加藤麻耶, 桂木真司, 綿重直樹, 榎本紗也子, 二井理文, 吉田健太, 田中佳世, 鳥谷部邦明, 田中博明, 池田智明
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 5-6, 2020.

Japanese Article An example of the congenital cytomegalovirus infection that neutropenia was found at birth, but G-CSF was effective
生田寿彦, 仲宗根瑠花, 阿部真也, 芦名満理子, 藤岡一路
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 19-20, 2020.

Japanese Article 2 cases that hemophagocytic lymph histiocytosis from the herpes simplex virus infection that we experienced in our institution was diagnosed
鈴木真波1), 砂田美希1), 森剛史2), 小町詩織1), 置塩英美2), 北東功1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 21-22, 2020.

Japanese Article The very low birth weight infant case who had a diagnosis of Hoyeraal-hreidarsson syndrome for infancy
藤本洋輔1), 安岡和昭1)3), 木村献1), 市村卓也2), 井上裕文2), 高橋一雅1), 長谷川俊史1)2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 23-24, 2020.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the premature ablation of normally implanted placenta which occurred at delivery
竹田善治, 安達知子, 古屋仁美, 山下隆博, 中林正雄
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 33-34, 2020.

Japanese Article Is a return of blood reuse with the obstetric small medical institution possible?
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 35-36, 2020.

Japanese Article One case of high heartbeat-related heart failure and vessels-related tumor who had the Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon
福田淳奈1), 慶野大1), 櫻井由香里1), 宮川直将1), 横須賀とも子1), 岩崎史記1), 浜之上聡1), 西田剛士2), 下風朋章2), 馬場直子3), 後藤裕明1)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 37-38, 2020.

Japanese Article One case of the premature infant that we were born from an immune thrombocytopenia merger mother's body, and thrombocytopenia was prolonged
平川潤, 川瀬真弓, 田中健太郎, 伊藤琢磨, 押田康一, 清水大輔, 市川俊, 荒木俊介, 本田裕子, 楠原浩一
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 39-40, 2020.

Japanese Article A mother's body platelet count is one case of the neonatal thrombocytopenia born from the ITP merger pregnant woman of the normalcy
砂田美希, 小町詩織, 鈴木真波, 北東功
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 41-42, 2020.

Japanese Article One patient who had a diagnosis of Jacobsen syndrome from ventricular septal defect and thrombocytopenia without specific countenance being outstanding
神田里湖, 清水大輔, 荒木俊介, 川瀬真弓, 菅秀太郎, 市川俊, 楠原浩一
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 43-44, 2020.

Japanese Article One case of the right parietal lobe bleeding that we detected by perinatal supersonic wave screening
仲宗根瑠花, 阿部真也, 芦名満理子, 生田寿彦, 藤岡一路
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 45-46, 2020.

Japanese Article An example of the very low birth weight infant with the hypozincaemia that bleeding from cecal fistula was prolonged prior to cutaneous symptom improved by zinc administration
阿部真也, 仲宗根瑠花, 芦名満理子, 生田寿彦, 藤岡一路
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 47-48, 2020.

Japanese Article Extremely-low-birth-weight infants case of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) that exchange blood transfusion was effective
細矢薫子, 小笠原啓, 郷勇人, 前田亮, 柏原祥曜, 羽田謙太郎, 宮崎恭平, 前田創, 知識美奈, 清水裕美, 佐藤真紀, 桃井伸緒, 細矢光亮
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 49-50, 2020.

Japanese Article The systemic lupus erythematosus merger pregnancy that led to secondary thrombotic microangiopathy for second pregnancy trimester
新田慧, 兵藤博信, 岩佐加波, 今田信哉, 久具宏司
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 53-54, 2020.

Japanese Article Amniotomy with epidural analgesia in labor is the risk of postpartum massive hemorrhage
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 60-68, 2020.

Japanese Article Evaluation of diagnostic utility of the guideline of diagnosis and clinical management for neonatal DIC, 2016 - Comparison of the new criteria with two previous criterias.
Shiori KOMACHI1), Chiai NAGAE2), Atsuki YAMASHITA2), Yujun ITO3), Isamu HOKUTO1), Masashi TAKI2)
The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology 30(1): 70-80, 2020.