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Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry

Volume 1, Issue / 1998
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Send it to importance "mind history of medicine study" of the mental history of medicine study in foreword Japan foundation of a periodical
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 8-9, 1998.

Japanese Article Place to aim at of the mental history of medicine study
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 11-14, 1998.

Japanese Article Some problems on examining history of psychiatric practice of Japan
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 15-20, 1998.

Japanese Article Sunrise of psychiatry, Psychiatry Why was born
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 21-21, 1998.

Japanese Article Archeology of the psychotherapy
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 22-28, 1998.

Japanese Article From interchange between the modern psychiatry and change in quality theory Germany and France
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 29-35, 1998.

Japanese Article 100 years of Kraepelin pre-in the German psychiatrical birth 19th century
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 36-45, 1998.

Japanese Article From a viewpoint of patients with psychiatrical formation in the U.K., an institution, the university medicine
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 46-53, 1998.

Japanese Article A-1. About the establishment process of the insane view in the classic period Greece
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 54-54, 1998.

Japanese Article A-2. History of the occidentalism medicine to see for the history of the suicide study
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 54-55, 1998.

Japanese Article Skywarrior. A melancholia concept and the outskirts
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 55-55, 1998.

Japanese Article A-4. Read the [sick of Nietzsche of unsolved] (P.D. Volz)
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 55-55, 1998.

Japanese Article A-5. The contribution of Berrios G.E. in psychiatry history
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 55-56, 1998.

Japanese Article A-6. One side of the problem over "psychiatrical birth," J. Chr. Around "Psychiaterie" (1808) of Reil
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 56-56, 1998.

Japanese Article A-7. "Is symptomatic"; history of concept of the mental disease, The examination that "it was sympathetic" and saw from a concept of the mental disease
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 56-57, 1998.

Japanese Article A-8. Comparison between Jiri Prochaska and ganglion sketching of Charles Bell
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 57-57, 1998.

Japanese Article A-9. Until the electroencephalographic discovery of humans of Hans Berger is found in the life
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 57-57, 1998.

Japanese Article B-1. About a late theory of Pierre Janet and today's story theory
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 57-58, 1998.

Japanese Article B-2. Puberty and insanity in 19th century Europe
酒井明夫, 黒澤美枝, 大塚耕太郎
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 58-58, 1998.

Japanese Article B-3. Background of "the dream analysis" in Europe, Around Piers The Plowman
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 58-59, 1998.

Japanese Article B-4. The personality formation theory that we saw than history of ancient Japanese thought
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 59-59, 1998.

Japanese Article B-5. S. in the mental history of medicine Science and outlook on of Freud religion
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 59-59, 1998.

Japanese Article B-6. Psychotherapy of doctor Imaizumi Genyu of the Edo period
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 59-59, 1998.

Japanese Article B-7. The treatment example that the mental disorder that is in the latter half of the Edo era is suspected in
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 59-60, 1998.

Japanese Article B-8. History of psychiatric care (1) of the Showa
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 60-60, 1998.

Japanese Article Valve of about the preservation of the document or the collecting garbage
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 61-64, 1998.

Japanese Article "The first psychiatrist Society for the History of Economic Thought" Note
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 1: 67-68, 1998.