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Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry

Volume 3, Issue / 2000
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Prefatory note. The history of words, the power of words
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 6-7, 2000.

Japanese Article The uterus as the ZOON creature
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 9-14, 2000.

Japanese Article Intellect and morbid pathos in psychiatry theory of Galenus (pathe) : Introduction
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 15-21, 2000.

Japanese Article During a personal etiology and a natural etiology
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 22-26, 2000.

Japanese Article Psychiatrical etiology in the Edo era
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 27-33, 2000.

Japanese Article A change in quality theory and the theory of evolution
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 34-39, 2000.

Japanese Article Establishment and development of the automatism
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 40-43, 2000.

Japanese Article Reason (logos) and emotions (pathos)
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 44-48, 2000.

Japanese Article The decline of Heroic Treatment in 1-1 19th century England
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 49-49, 2000.

Japanese Article Priority claim about the face scapulohumeral type (Landouzy-Dejerine type) muscular dystrophy of 1-2 Wilhelm Erb
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 49-50, 2000.

Japanese Article traitement moral of 1-3 Pussin, Medical treatment of the heart
高内茂, 湖海正尋, 守田嘉男
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 50-50, 2000.

Japanese Article One discussion about the history of the 1-4 music auditory hallucination study
武内克也, 酒井明夫, 黒澤美枝, 大塚耕太郎, 星克仁, 佐藤克恵
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 50-51, 2000.

Japanese Article "Operationalism" in the 1-5 psychiatry, So-called; "is operational"; history of concept of the diagnostic criteria
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 51-52, 2000.

Japanese Article A 1-6 body image concept and schizophrenia
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 52-52, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-7 Geel study (1), We follow international interest in Geel in the 19th to the 20th century
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 52-53, 2000.

Japanese Article A life and thought of the 1-8 curl bread lamb
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 53-53, 2000.

Japanese Article In 1-9 style of recollection, the life review study history (1), Viewpoint of the narrative study
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 53-54, 2000.

Japanese Article Insane view and etiology in the 1-10 east, The source and contemporary significance
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 54-55, 2000.

Japanese Article Pilgrimage as healing in the 1-11 Islam mysticism
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 55-56, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-1 medical translation and reception in Greece, Psychiatrical (1) of Middle Ages Arab Islam
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 56-57, 2000.

Japanese Article Establishment, the Hellenism of the 2-2 hospital and Christian encounter, Psychiatrical (2) of Middle Ages Arab Islam
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 57-57, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-3 Tiji Kyusai [psychiatric basic] (1911) : Psychiatric manual of all Chinese classics
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 57-58, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-4 About the history of the Ainu of imu research : As one of the flow of cultural psychiatry in Japan
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 58-58, 2000.

Japanese Article About the treatment of the 2-5 mental patient who is in the latter half of the Edo era (3), Than a part of old person knowledge all affairs clip
桑原治雄, 板原和子
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 59-59, 2000.

Japanese Article People of initial psychoanalytical introduction in the 2-6 our country, 1
三好暁光, 新宮一成
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 59-59, 2000.

Japanese Article Debate over the sterilization law in Japan before 2-7
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 60-60, 2000.

Japanese Article Attend at a mental history of medicine country symposium (International Symposium History of Psychiatry on the Threshold to the 21st Century - Two Millennia of Psychiatry in West and East)
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 64-65, 2000.

Japanese Article Description of nerve mental 3 society combination meet report in Europe
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 65-66, 2000.

Japanese Article The third psychiatry historical society Note
Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry 3: 67-68, 2000.