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Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi

Volume 5, Issue / 1995
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Treatment experience of shoulder joint dislocation thought to be caused by cerebral palsy shoulder retraction
河田典久*, 松尾隆*, 池田啓一*, 松下康正*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 1-5, 1995.

Japanese Article An example of the cerebral palsy hand with the radial head dislocation
窪田誠*, 神前智一*, 永野達雄*, 高柳慎八郎*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 6-9, 1995.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent posterior tibial muscle tendon elongation for the spastic paralysis that presented foot part varus deformity at a walk
花田弘文*, 井上敏生*, 緒方公介*, 中村宏*, 松下康正*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 10-13, 1995.

Japanese Article 3 cases that was given a posterior tibial muscle tendon separation shift operation for talipes equinovarus transformation
石谷栄一*, 佐竹孝之*, 中村英次郎*, 柳田晴久*, 城戸秀彦*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 14-16, 1995.

Japanese Article Applications of laser therapy (LLLT) for children with cerebral palsy
朝貝芳美*, 神戸治*, 大城俊夫**
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 17-20, 1995.

Japanese Article Application of laser therapy (LLLT) for the adult cerebral palsy case
朝貝芳美*, 神戸治*, 大城俊夫**
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 21-24, 1995.

Japanese Article Training report - under treatment - Dr.Gage (Minnesota Gillette children Hospital) of the cerebral palsy in the United States
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 25-29, 1995.

Japanese Article Where do the inner hamstrings stretch?
柳田晴久*, 佐竹孝之*, 中村英次郎*, 石谷栄一*, 城戸秀彦*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 30-32, 1995.

Japanese Article Complications in Bone Surgery for Cerebral Palsy
野村忠雄*, 林律子*, 西村一志*, 加畑多文*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 33-36, 1995.

Japanese Article An example of the spastic diplegia that performed varus osteotomy, acetabuloplasty, and produced the right chondromalacia patellae
岡安勤*, 南晋司*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 37-40, 1995.

Japanese Article One case that performed muscle release operation on the hip dislocation side, and caused a contralateral hip dislocation
矢田定明*, 美延幸保*, 大下舜治*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 41-44, 1995.

Japanese Article The foot part valgus deformity which occurred after Achilles tendon advance for the spastic talipes equinovarus of children with cerebral palsy
早川満*, 倉秀治*, 伊藤和生*, 佐々木鉄人**, 内山英一**
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 45-49, 1995.

Japanese Article Reflection of the tibialis posterior muscle front shift technique for the cerebral palsy talipes equinovarus transformation
伊部茂晴*, 難波健二*, 大山泰生*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 50-53, 1995.

Japanese Article Problems of the Grice Green method for valgus equinus in children with cerebral palsy
矢田定明*, 美延幸保*, 大下舜治*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 54-56, 1995.

Japanese Article Examination of the problem case that repeated the surgery of the cerebral palsy foot part
新井真*, 坂口亮*, 君塚葵*, 柳迫康夫*, 佐藤正幸*, 清滝信正*
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 5: 57-60, 1995.