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Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi

Volume 17, Issue / 2007
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Surgical workshop of the cerebral palsy from <foreword> this in Japan
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 1-2, 2007.

Japanese Article Introduction of the orthopedic selective spastic control surgery
福岡真二1), 武田真幸1), 寺原幹雄1), 松尾隆2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 3-13, 2007.

Japanese Article Orthopedic selective spastic control surgery for a shoulder, the elbow of patients with spastic paralysis
寺原幹雄1), 福岡真二1), 武田真幸1), 松尾隆2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 15-19, 2007.

Japanese Article Results of the orthopedic selective spastic control surgery for the arms
小島洋文1), 神前智一2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 21-25, 2007.

Japanese Article Orthopaedic surgical treatment for upper extremity of spasticity.
池田啓一1), 川上宏治1), 水本圭彦1), 山口浩司1), 桑原公倫1), 古閑博明2), 山鹿眞紀夫2), 田中智香2), 齊藤智子2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 27-30, 2007.

Japanese Article Selective muscle release on the upper extranity among multi-articular and combined treatlnent of orthopedic selective spasticity-control surgery for cerebral palsy
菅野徹夫1), 松尾隆1), 渋谷啓1), 木盛健雄2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 31-34, 2007.

Japanese Article Consideration about the adaptation of the arms selective spastic control surgery in the cerebral palsy
野村忠雄1), 峰松康治2), 伊井定雄2), 櫻吉啓介3), 池渕香瑞美3), 村田淳4)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 35-36, 2007.

Japanese Article Cervical myelopathy - radiographic characteristic - due to the athetoid type of cerebral palsy that can support by a cervical spine vertebral arch osteotomy
大谷晃司, 菊地臣一, 紺野慎一, 矢吹省司
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 37-39, 2007.

Japanese Article Effect of treatment - of cervicodynia - type A botulinal toxin after the fixation for the cervical myelopathy associated with the athetoid type of cerebral palsy
大谷晃司, 菊地臣一
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 41-43, 2007.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the surgery treatment in the cervical myelopathy of patients with athetoid type of cerebral palsy
小池敦子, 森山明夫, 望月達夫
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 45-47, 2007.

Japanese Article Effect of botulinum toxin treatment on cerebral palsy scoliosis
山川晴吾, 高橋義仁, 三宮奈穂
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 49-49, 2007.

Japanese Article Two cases of the spastic paralysis that was thought to be exacerbated by hormone replacement treatment
栗田和洋, 岡川敏郎
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 51-54, 2007.

Japanese Article One case of both hip joints anterior dislocation
柴田徹, 松山元昭, 御勢真一
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 55-58, 2007.

Japanese Article Hip joint neighborhood muscle release operation for children with spasticity type diplegia
渋谷啓, 松尾隆, 菅野徹夫
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 59-63, 2007.

Japanese Article Examination of the muscle release operation results for the cerebral palsy hip dislocation
小倉広康, 徳山剛, 岩佐一彦
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 65-68, 2007.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the hip joint around the children with period of growth cerebral palsy muscle release operation alone surgery for a hip dislocation, subluxation
櫻吉啓介1), 池渕香瑞美1), 西村一志2), 野村忠雄3)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 69-71, 2007.

Japanese Article Two cases of congenital dislocation of the hip with cerebral palsy.
古谷晋, 伊部茂晴
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 73-78, 2007.

Japanese Article Of the physical therapy for a sense of fear after the hip surgery, actually
前田伸也, 吉田勇一, 椋野あけみ, 桶谷寛, 劉斯允, 松浦愛二, 窪田秀明
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 79-81, 2007.

Japanese Article Middle results of the treatment of the outlook on lower limbs blood for the cerebral palsy case GMFCS level III or more
中寺尚志, 木原清
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 83-85, 2007.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment for the extreme lower limbs wrong position found in children with severe quadriplegia
共田義秀, 二見徹, 片岡浩之, 太田英吾, 尾木祐子
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 87-87, 2007.

Japanese Article The both hands operation of wheelchair for the girl with left hemiplegy
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 89-91, 2007.

Japanese Article About the change of the surgery case in children with cerebral palsy
吉田寿子, 緑川正人, 鈴木菊三, 早坂千都香, 矢内美千代, 武田浩一郎
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 93-95, 2007.

Japanese Article Treatment result for the talipes equinus transformation of the spasticity type diplegia by the correction plaster cast method and the hemiplegia
須田英明, 落合達宏, 高橋祐子, 佐藤一望, 諸根彬
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 17: 97-100, 2007.