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Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi

Volume 21, Issue / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About the directionality of <foreword> society
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 1-1, 2011.

Japanese Article Backward decompression fixation - using cervical spondylotic myelopathy - instrumentation associated with the athetoid type of cerebral palsy
川原範夫1, 出村諭2, 村上英樹2, 富田勝郎2
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 3-6, 2011.

Japanese Article Mid-term results of orthopaedic surgical treatment for dislocation and subluxation of the hip in patients with spastic palsy
松尾篤1), 菅野徹夫1), 松尾隆1), 占部憲2), 相川淳2), 岩瀬大2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 7-15, 2011.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the pelvic osteotomy for a cerebral palsy hip dislocation, subluxation
鳥越清之1, 福岡真二1, 石井武彰1, 城戸聡1, 松尾隆2
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 17-22, 2011.

Japanese Article Impact of hip dislocation on the rate of scoliosis in severely-retarded child.
岩島千鶴子1), 脇口恭生1), 高澤麻理絵1), 平井孝明1), 松波智郁1), 鈴木奈恵子1), 廣田とも子1), 本吉美和1), 岸本久美1), 町田治郎2), 上杉昌章2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 23-28, 2011.

Japanese Article Summary of 10 years of functional dorsal root amputation in our hospital - 1st report - - Relationship between GMFCS and cutting rate -
安里隆1), 粟国敦男2), 上原敏則2), 高良幸伸3), 當山潤3), 當山真弓3)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 29-31, 2011.

Japanese Article Corresponding - cervical vertebrae symptom to problems of the blue, the adulthood period, Osteoarthritis of the hip, hip dislocation -
池田啓一, 桑原公倫, 川上宏治, 水本圭彦
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 33-40, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the adults with cerebral palsy surgery case
徳山剛, 岩佐一彦, 川井豪
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 41-45, 2011.

Japanese Article Change of the healthy investigation gross exercise capacity of the adult cerebral paralysed
福岡真二, 盛島利文, 伊部茂晴, 朝貝芳美, 峰松康治, 栗田和洋, 岡安勤, 志村司, 中込直, 窪田秀明, 柳園賜一郎, 粟国敦男, 三島令子
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 47-62, 2011.

Japanese Article An investigation report of health in adults with cerebral palsy: Disorders of hip.
三島令子, 盛島利文, 伊部茂晴, 朝貝芳美, 峰松康治, 栗田和洋, 岡安勤, 志村司, 中込直, 窪田秀明, 福岡真二, 柳園賜一郎, 粟国敦男
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 63-70, 2011.

Japanese Article Health survey of the adult patients with cerebral palsy. Problems of cervical spine.
栗田和洋, 盛島利文, 伊部茂晴, 朝貝芳美, 峰松康治, 岡安勤, 志村司, 中込直, 福岡真二, 窪田秀明, 柳園賜一郎, 粟国敦男, 三島令子
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 71-77, 2011.

Japanese Article The factor which has an influence on the healthy survey health condition of the adult cerebral paralysed
三島令子, 盛島利文, 伊部茂晴, 朝貝芳美, 峰松康治, 栗田和洋, 岡安勤, 志村司, 中込直, 窪田秀明, 福岡真二, 柳園賜一郎, 粟国敦男
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 79-85, 2011.

Japanese Article One case of the athetoid type of cerebral palsy that presented a cervical cord disorder by the synovium cysts of the atlantoaxial joint
竹光正和, 五十嵐一峰, 名越慈人, 飯塚慎吾, 加藤裕幸, 金子慎二郎, 福田健太郎, 塩田匡宣, 町田正文, 臼井宏
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 87-90, 2011.

Japanese Article One patient who added cervical vertebrae rear fixation for athetoid type of cerebral palsy cervical myelopathy after orthopedic spastic control surgery (OSSCS)
武田真幸1), 窪田秀明1), 桶谷寛1), 劉斯允1), 浦野典子1), 松浦愛二2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 91-95, 2011.

Japanese Article One patient who was treated effectively with neck, shoulder region OSSCS for a persistence symptom after the bone-related surgery of the athetoid type of cerebral palsy cervical myelopathy
星野弘太郎, 中寺尚志
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 97-100, 2011.

Japanese Article Selective cervical spine rear surgery by the athetoid strength for the athetoid cervical myelopathy
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 101-107, 2011.

Japanese Article Long-term results out of one of the orthopedic selective spastic control surgery for cervical vertebrae of the athetoid type of cerebral palsy
石井武彰1), 福岡真二1), 鳥越清之1), 松尾隆2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 109-114, 2011.

Japanese Article Short-term results of hip joint orthopedic selective spastic control surgery (OSSCS) for children with cerebral palsy in our center
浦野典子1), 武田真幸1), 劉斯允1), 桶谷寛1), 窪田秀明1), 藤井敏男1), 松浦愛二2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 115-119, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience of the treatment with correction plaster cast for the talipes equinus of older children
岩佐一彦, 徳山剛, 川井豪
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 121-124, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of a pain part and the rehabilitation after the elongation of Achilles tendon for children with cerebral palsy, the person
楠本泰士1), 松尾隆2), 管野徹夫2), 松尾篤2), 西野展正1), 松尾沙弥香1), 高木健志1), 角佳代子1)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 125-129, 2011.

Japanese Article Patellar tendon shortening for crouch gait with patella alta in spastic diplegia.
森下公俊1), 峰松康治1), 野村忠雄2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 131-135, 2011.

Japanese Article Introduction of the thighbone varus osteotomy using the EBI(R)-MAC system wound external fixation device
落合達宏, 高橋祐子, 千本英一, 佐藤一望
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 137-140, 2011.

Japanese Article The experience that was given THA to patients with cerebral palsy of the middle and old age
橋口智光1, 松尾圭介1, 河野洋一1, 佐伯満1, 中村哲郎2, 神宮司誠也3
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 141-142, 2011.

Japanese Article Gait analysis evaluation before and after the botulinum therapy for the cerebral palsy hemiplegia patients
川野彰裕, 柳園賜一郎, 門内一郎, 勝嶌葉子
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 21: 143-144, 2011.