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Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi

Volume 23, Issue / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Impression of <foreword> 29th
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 1-2, 2013.

Japanese Article Acetabular roof turn osteotomy (RAO) of childhood - puberty
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 3-11, 2013.

Japanese Article Hip dislocation, subluxation of children with cerebral palsy that we followed up only in an abduction brace
岩佐一彦, 徳山剛, 齊藤満
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 13-16, 2013.

Japanese Article Two cases that added fibularis brevis muscle tendon elongation and fibularis tertius muscle tendon bits to normal orthopedic selective spastic control for extensive pes valgus of the cerebral palsy
北野牧子1), 寺原幹雄1), 松尾篤1), 松尾隆1), 菅野徹夫2), 相川淳3), 岩瀬大3)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 17-21, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the tenodesis by the Achilles' tendon part shift for the remarkable talipes equinus transformation
小崎慶介, 中村純人, 田中洋平, 中島雅之輔
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 23-26, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical results of orthopaedic selective spasticity-control surgery for the knee with cerebral palsy.
富永冬樹1), 福岡真二1), 鳥越清之1), 武田真幸2), 松尾隆3)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 27-32, 2013.

Japanese Article Of the human trunk muscle release operation for various human trunk strain, transformation in the cerebral palsy, actually
松尾篤1), 北野牧子1), 松尾隆1), 相川淳2), 岩瀬大2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 33-38, 2013.

Japanese Article Combination of medium-term results - pedicle of vertebral arch screw and lateral mass of atlas screws law ... of the decompression fixation between the cervical vertebrae multi-chinquapin for the athetoid type of cerebral palsy cervical myelopathy
森山明夫1), 廣岡敦子1), 伊藤英人2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 39-44, 2013.

Japanese Article 1 case that obtained a diagnosis of the ankle bone synostosis after the orthopedic selective spastic control surgery to spastic talipes equinovarus
武田真幸, 浦野典子, 窪田秀明, 桶谷寛, 和田晃房, 藤井敏男
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 45-49, 2013.

Japanese Article Complications of the talipes equinus correction for patients with cerebral palsy
柴田徹, 御勢真一, 長坂真生子
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 51-56, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the athetoid type of cerebral palsy that measures for the hip joint flexion contracture were insufficient
徳山剛, 岩佐一彦, 齊藤満
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 57-63, 2013.

Japanese Article An example of the paralytic hip dislocation having difficulty with reposition
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 65-66, 2013.

Japanese Article Neglected subluxation of the hip in spastic diplegia. A report of two patients.
福岡真二, 鳥越清之, 富永冬樹
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 67-72, 2013.

Japanese Article The cases considered to have caused subdislocation or dislocation of the hip due to reproduction of the all cutted hamstrings.
池田啓一1), 寺原幹雄1), 川上宏治1), 桑原公倫1), 水本圭彦1), 原田正孝1), 古閑博明2), 山鹿眞紀夫2), 田中智香2), 齊藤智子2), 坂本公宣3)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 73-79, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience of the acetabuloplasty for a hip joint subluxation, the dislocation of children with cerebral palsy
粟國敦男, 金城健, 上原敏則
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 81-88, 2013.

Japanese Article About the long-term results of the acetabulum ball spherical osteotomy for paralytic hip dislocation, subluxation with the acetabular dysplasia
川野彰裕1), 帖佐悦男2), 長鶴義隆2), 柳園賜一郎1), 門内一郎1)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 89-93, 2013.

Japanese Article Four cases of the acetabulum movement technique for a cerebral palsy hip dislocation, subluxation
鳥越清之1), 福岡真二1), 富永冬樹1), 久保祐介1), 松尾隆2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 95-100, 2013.

Japanese Article Orthopedic selective spastic control surgery for the cerebral palsy hip dislocation, bloody plastic surgery, change of the acetabular roof after the thighbone detorsion adduction shortening osteotomy combination reposition
寺原幹雄1), 松尾篤1), 北野牧子1), 菅野徹夫1), 松尾隆1), 相川淳1), 岩瀬大1)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 101-107, 2013.

English Article The Method of Soft-Tissue Release around the Hip and Knee in Cerebral Palsy
Shohei Matsubayashi1), Kunihiko Okano1), Yoshikazu Ninomiya1), Kazumasa Yamaguchi1), Toshiyuki Tsurumoto2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 109-113, 2013.

Japanese Article One long-term course that resulted in grit necrosis after the thighbone detorsion varus osteotomy
三島令子1), 鳥井智太郎1), 後藤英司2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 115-119, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the paralytic hip dislocation with the grit transformation
水野稚香, 落合達宏, 高橋祐子, 千本英一, 佐藤一望
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 121-124, 2013.

Japanese Article Attempt ... of measurement - fixed-quantity evaluation of the hip joint power using the three-dimensional measurement
岩瀬大1), 相川淳1), 東山礼治1), 松尾篤2), 北野牧子2), 橋本裕美子3), 熨斗繁雄3), 楠本泰士3), 菅野徹夫4), 高相晶士1), 松尾隆2)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 125-130, 2013.

Japanese Article About a measurement of the moment quantity of the power to work when quantitative measurement - human trunk of the moment (torque) of the power to act on joint of the standpoint walk period of the person turns on a hip joint -
松尾隆1), 松尾篤1), 北野牧子1), 熨斗繁雄2), 高木健志2), 相川淳3), 岩瀬大3), 高相晶士3), 菅野徹夫4)
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 131-140, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the orthopedic selective spastic control postoperative gait evaluation
坂本真一, 豊田平介, 山本紘靖, 工藤考紀, 田中麻香, 神前智一
Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi 23: 141-144, 2013.