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Peripheral Nerve

Volume 25, Issue 2 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Finish a chairperson greetings 25th peripheral nerve society arts and sciences meeting in Japan
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 155-156, 2014.

English Article A Translational Approach to Treating the Inherited eripheral Neuropathies
Michael E Shy
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 157-157, 2014.

English Article Foot Surgery in Charcot Marie Tooth Disease
Dishan Singh
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 158-158, 2014.

English Article Ultrasound, a New Frontier of Neuropathies : State of Nerve Involvement and Usefulness in Differential Diagnosis among Immune-related Hereditary Neuropathies
Luca Padua1),2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 159-160, 2014.

Japanese Article Reinstatement and control of operation of the peripheral nerve person with a disability
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 161-166, 2014.

Japanese Article About a new system to affect an intractable disease and childhood chronic specific illness
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 167-170, 2014.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy of the motor function rebuilding for 1 arms neurapraxia
堀内行雄1), 越智健介2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 171-175, 2014.

Japanese Article 2 Electrodiagnostic tests and indication for operation.
園生雅弘, 神谷久雄
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 176-181, 2014.

Japanese Article The function rebuilding for 3 radial nerve palsy, carpostosis
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 182-184, 2014.

Japanese Article Intractable shoulder, reconstruction for the elbow functional disorder that 4 peripheral neuropathy depends on
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 185-191, 2014.

Japanese Article 5 shoulders midline ulna, paralysis hand rebuilding of the radial nerve domain
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 192-193, 2014.

Japanese Article FES (functional electrical stimulation) for 6 paralysis lines
松永俊樹1), 島田洋一2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 194-195, 2014.

Japanese Article Molecular base - autonomy from the survival of 1 injury nerve to axon reproduction and non-autonomic -
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 196-199, 2014.

Japanese Article New signal transduction mechanism to control 2 neuropathic scoliosis pain
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 200-200, 2014.

Japanese Article Rupture and peripheral neuropathy of 3 blood nerve barriers
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 201-206, 2014.

Japanese Article Treatment of 4 hereditary neuropathy and the molecular mechanism
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 207-213, 2014.

Japanese Article 1 Analysis of peripheral nerve degeneration and regeneration mechanism using a cell line Schwann cells
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 214-218, 2014.

Japanese Article 2 Spinal cord regeneration and image evaluation using the iPS cells
藤吉兼浩1),2),3), 岡野栄之3), 戸山芳昭2), 中村雅也2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 219-219, 2014.

Japanese Article Peripheral nerve reproduction due to 3 iPS cells hybrids type person mechanic nerve
上村卓也1), 高松聖仁2), 池田幹則3), 横井卓哉1), 岡田充弘1), 中村博亮1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 220-225, 2014.

Japanese Article Neural regeneration by 4 revascularization
亀井直輔1),2), 大坪晋1), 宇治郷諭1), 蜂須賀晋1), 越智光夫1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 226-228, 2014.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy - present conditions and the prospects for convalescence improvement of 1 Guillain-Barre syndrome
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 229-232, 2014.

Japanese Article 2 immunity autonomic nerve neuropathy
小池春樹, 祖父江元
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 233-237, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of the T-cell chemokines receptor in 3 chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuritis (CIDP)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 238-242, 2014.

Japanese Article 4 CIDP: Typical CIDP and MADSAM
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 243-245, 2014.

Japanese Article Video diagnosis of 1 peripheral nervous diseases
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 246-247, 2014.

Japanese Article Brain plasticity after the intersection nerve transposition for patients with 2 brachial plexus injuries
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 248-252, 2014.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of 3 CIDP: Over "practice guidelines"
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 253-258, 2014.

Japanese Article 4 peripheral neuropathy and pain
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 259-262, 2014.

Japanese Article For a foundation stone - hands on lecture of the examination for 1 nerve conduction -
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 263-267, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination for 2 nerve conduction hands-on lecture
木村淳, 幸原伸夫
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 268-271, 2014.

Japanese Article Treatment of the peripheral nerve injury
柴田実, 松田健
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 272-278, 2014.

Japanese Article Nerve damage with 1 injection
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 279-279, 2014.

Japanese Article From 2 peripheral neuropathic pain to central dysfunctional pain
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 280-283, 2014.

Japanese Article An autoantibody and immunoglobulin IV therapy of 3 immune-mediated neuropathy
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 284-289, 2014.

Japanese Article 4 spasticity treatment that we want to know
池田巧, 沢田光思郎, 三上靖夫
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 290-298, 2014.

Japanese Article Measures of peripheral neuropathy with 1 anticancer agent
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 299-306, 2014.

Japanese Article New challenge ... from Up To Date - diagnosis of 2 diabetic neuropathy to treatment
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 307-310, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the ultrastructure study of the peripheral nerve lesion of the familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP ATTR Val30Met)
小池春樹, 高橋美江, 大山健, 橋本里奈, 川頭祐一, 飯島正博, 祖父江元
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 311-311, 2014.

Japanese Article Peripheral nerve pathology and skin pathology -1 report of APRA taxine deficiency
辻河高陽1), 両角佐織1), 安井敬三1), 長谷川康博1), 榊原代幸2), 古池保雄3), 小池春樹4), 祖父江元4)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 312-312, 2014.

Japanese Article Study of the formation mechanism of myelin outfoldings in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 4B1
村上龍文1), 西村広健2), 久徳弓子1), 砂田芳秀1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 313-313, 2014.

Japanese Article Comprehensive genetic screening of axon type Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
橋口昭大, 吉村明子, 樋口雄二郎, 中村友紀, 岡本裕嗣, 高嶋博
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 314-314, 2014.

Japanese Article Muscle potential change during an exercise of patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease problem
下井俊典1), 宮口琢磨2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 315-315, 2014.

Japanese Article Peripheral neuropathy of the POEMS syndrome: Examination by an examination of axon function, the sonography
三津間さつき, 三澤園子, 澁谷和幹, 関口縁, 岩井雄太, 渡辺慶介, 磯瀬沙希里, 大森茂樹, 別府美奈子, 桑原聡
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 316-316, 2014.

Japanese Article Intra-epidermal nerve fiber density in the POEMS syndrome
大山健, 橋本里奈, 高橋美江, 川頭祐一, 飯島正博, 小池春樹, 祖父江元
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 317-317, 2014.

Japanese Article Lenalidomide therapy for the POEMS syndrome of the thalidomide refractoriness
三澤園子, 三津間さつき, 渡辺慶介, 関口縁, 澁谷和幹, 岩井雄太, 磯瀬沙希里, 大森茂樹, 桑原聡
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 318-318, 2014.

Japanese Article Five cases of the Churg-Strauss syndrome with suspected lumbar vertebrae lesion
佐藤昌樹, 山本真一, 三上容司
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 319-319, 2014.

Japanese Article Clinicopathological comparison of neuropathy associated with microscopic polyangiitis and non-systemic vasculitis neuropathy
高橋美江, 小池春樹, 飯島正博, 大山健, 橋本里奈, 川頭祐一, 祖父江元
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 320-320, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination in peripheral nerve reproduction strategy - in vivo using the stem cell derived from fat
素輪善弘1), 岸田綱郎2), 井村徹也3), 松田修2), 西野健一1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 321-321, 2014.

Japanese Article Release the bFGF for the peripheral nerve injury; as compared with artificial nervous usefulness - autologous nerve ...
高木岳彦1), 木村祐2), 芝田晋介3), 岡野James洋尚4), 戸山芳昭5), 田畑泰彦6), 岡野栄之3), 持田讓治1), 中村雅也5)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 322-322, 2014.

Japanese Article Morphologic examination using the MRI for the reproduction after the human trigeminal nerve injury by artificial canalis spinalis PGA-C tube
照光真1), 瀬尾憲司1), 松澤等2), 稲田有史3,4), 中村達雄3), 茂野啓示3,5)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 323-323, 2014.

Japanese Article Face cruciate three-pronged nerve transposition for the old trigeminal palsy
柴田貴志, 田代絢哉, 成島三長, 光嶋勲
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 324-324, 2014.

Japanese Article The rebuilding of the facial paralysis using the blood vessel pattern nerve valve with
田代絢亮, 柴田貴志, 播磨光宣, 成島三長, 光嶋勲
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 325-325, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of the neuralgic amyotrophy that we experienced by early 2014 from 1999
川村眞弓1), 石川奈々1), 坂本光弘1), 大野美樹1), 三野俊和2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 326-326, 2014.

Japanese Article Visualization of the brachial plexus in the CIDP patients and fixed-quantity analysis
石川等真1), 福井隆男1), 引地智加1), 小森雅子2), 島さゆり1), 植田晃広1), 村山和宏2), 木澤真努香1), 朝倉邦彦1), 外山宏2), 武藤多津郎1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 327-327, 2014.

Japanese Article Brachial plexus palsy after the thoracotomy by the sternal splitting incision
金谷耕平, 射場浩介, 山下敏彦
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 328-328, 2014.

Japanese Article Accessory nerve - suprascapular nerve shift by the backward approach in the brachial plexus palsy
内山茂晴, 林正徳, 植村一貴, 小松雅俊, 加藤博之
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 329-329, 2014.

Japanese Article Both upper extremities by the tight binding of the straw rope-prone nature compressive peripheral nerve
馬場正之, 冨樫直彦, 鈴木千恵子, 冨山誠彦
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 330-330, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination about the correlation of size and nerve conduction laboratory findings of median nerve, the ulnar nerve using the sonography in the CIDP patients and patients with diabetes
杉本太路1),2), 越智一秀1), 細見直永1), 上野弘貴1), 高橋哲也1), 郡山達男3), 松本昌泰1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 331-331, 2014.

Japanese Article Correlation of conduction block and peripheral nerve supersonic wave views in the common fibular nerve paralysis
塚本浩1),2), Giuseppe Granata4), Daniele Coraci4), Ilaria Paolasso4), Luca Padua3),4), 園生雅弘2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 332-332, 2014.

Japanese Article Diagnosis and follow-up by the ultrasonic inspection of the "Hourglass-like Constriction" in idiopathic before interosseous nerve palsy
中島祐子, 砂川融, 四宮陸雄, 越智光夫
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 333-333, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination ... using microhemodynamics - contrasting sonography in the median nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
本宮真1),2), 船越忠直1), 岩崎倫政1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 334-334, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the objective evaluation of the big finger course of a pitched ball by the sonography
名倉一成1), 金谷貴子1), 鷲見正敏1), 乾淳幸2), 美舩泰2), 国分毅2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 335-335, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of DLBCL which they presented with steroid-responsive recurrent polyneuropathy, and led to diagnostic confirmation by cauda equina biopsy
江面道典1), 西山修平1), 遠藤俊毅2), 菅野重範3), 小野紘彦1), 向井由幸1), 竪山真規1), 黒田宙1), 青木正志1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 336-336, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the common fibular nerve paralysis due to the pyogenic granuloma lesion
飯島準一1), 田尻康人1), 原由紀則1), 星川慎也2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 337-337, 2014.

Japanese Article Treatment experience of nerve sheath tumor in our department : Enucleation and postoperative neurological disorder
大野晋太郎, 有野浩司, 尼子雅敏, 山元浩治, 平原康文, 根本孝一
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 338-338, 2014.

Japanese Article Epineurium evidence of idiopathic median nerve palsy with the constriction of the funiculus
原友紀1), 落合直之2), 西浦康正3), 村井伸司1), 山崎正志1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 339-339, 2014.

Japanese Article Pathology image of "constriction" in the idiopathic posterior interosseous nerve paralysis
小松雅俊1), 山崎宏2), 林正徳1), 植村一貴1), 内山茂晴1), 池田修一3), 額田均4), 加藤博之1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 340-340, 2014.

Japanese Article Glucosamine brings about peripheral neuropathy of the diabetic neuropathy resemblance
水上浩哉1), 小笠原早織1), 三五一憲2), 坪井堅太郎1), 稲葉渉1), 鎌田耕輔1), 八木橋操六1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 341-341, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of the immortalization Schwann cell line which we established than an aldose reductase gene defect mouse
三五一憲1), 塚本雅美1),3), 新見直子1), 水上浩哉4), 八木橋操六4), 宇都宮一典3), 渡部和彦2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 342-342, 2014.

Japanese Article An expression instruction of galectin-3 in the diabetic neuropathy and participation in condition of a patient: Examination using rat immortalization Schwann cell line IFRS1
塚本雅美1),2), 三五一憲2), 新見直子2), 渡部和彦3), 宇都宮一典1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 343-343, 2014.

Japanese Article Neural regeneration promotion effect of GLP-1 receptor agonist exendin-4 on rat crush injury nerve damage
山元浩治1), 尼子雅敏1), 土原豊一2), 額田均3),4), 有野浩司1), 中谷創1), 大野晋太郎1), 平原康文1), 根本孝一1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 344-344, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the artificial nervous usefulness that transplanted an autologous marrow mesenchyma system stem cell in the PLA/PCL pipe including the blood vessel stem: Dog ulnar nerve 30mm loss model
貝澤幸俊1), 柿木良介2), 池口良輔1), 太田壯一1), 野口貴志1), 織田宏基1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 345-345, 2014.

Japanese Article Development of a cuttlefish nociception experimental model and the ganglion block procedure
成島三長1), 光嶋勲1), 桜井泰憲2), 鷲津正夫3), 近藤健二4)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 346-346, 2014.

Japanese Article The bronchial asthma model mouse produces microglial activation and allodynia
山崎亮1), 王氷2), 津田誠3), 城戸瑞穂4), 井上和秀3), 吉良潤一2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 347-347, 2014.

Japanese Article Hemoencephalic barrier, comparison of the gene expression of blood nerve barrier constitution endothelial cells
安部真彰, 佐野泰照, 西原秀昭, 大石真莉子, 佐野宏徳, 清水文崇, 前田敏彦, 神田隆
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 348-348, 2014.

Japanese Article The ion channel around the Ranvier's node part in the antiMAG antibody-positive neuropathy, distribution of the adhesion molecule are abnormal
川頭祐一, 高橋美江, 大山健, 橋本里奈, 飯島正博, 小池春樹, 祖父江元
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 349-349, 2014.

Japanese Article IgM anti-glycolipid antibody of whether useful in the diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome?
古賀道明1), 高橋正樹2), 神田隆1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 350-350, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of clinical features of the Guillain-Barre syndrome with autonomic nervous system disorders and the antiglucide and lipid antibody
高崎寛1), 海田賢一1), 森口幸太1), 桑原基2), 楠進2), 尾上祐行1), 池脇克則1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 351-351, 2014.

Japanese Article Facial paralysis in Guillain-Barre syndrome
関口縁, 三澤園子, 澁谷和幹, 三津間さつき, 岩井雄太, 渡辺慶介, 磯瀬沙希里, 大森茂樹, 桑原聡
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 352-352, 2014.

Japanese Article Correspondence with the clinical form and sural nerve pathological finding of CIDP
岡伸幸1), 鵜沼恒夫1), 重松一生1), 川崎照晃2), 杉山博3), 高橋良輔4)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 353-353, 2014.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of CIDP characterized by the severe neurologic thickening
飯島正博1), 両角佐織2), 高橋美江1), 大山健1), 川頭祐一1), 小池春樹1), 祖父江元1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 354-354, 2014.

Japanese Article Carpal tunnel syndrome not to be outstanding of the distal latency extension
長谷川修1), 奈良典子1), 花田守2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 355-355, 2014.

Japanese Article The carpal tunnel internal pressure level influences disease severity in preoperation in the carpal tunnel syndrome; or - endogenous rest position carpal tunnel internal pressure and distal motor nerves latency -
吉田綾1), 奥津一郎2), 浜中一輝2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 356-356, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the electrophysiological change after the carpal tunnel liberation technique for the severe carpal tunnel syndrome
土田真嗣, 藤原浩芳, 小田良, 牧之段淳, 森崎真介, 浅田麻樹, 勝見泰和, 久保俊一
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 357-357, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the recovery curve of the somatosensory induction brain response in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
岩月克之1), 中野智則1), 石井久雄1), 倉橋俊和1), 水島秀幸1), 栗本秀1), 山本美知郎1), 平田仁1), 寳珠山稔2), 吉田彬人3), 篠原孝明4), 上村純一5), 平山正昭6)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 358-358, 2014.

Japanese Article Clinical features of the carpal tunnel syndrome in the elderly aged 75 or over 75 years or older
加藤直樹, 福本恵三, 菅野百合, 小平聡, 久能隼人, 酒井伸英
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 359-359, 2014.

Japanese Article Small experience of the big finger conflict reconstruction (the tree forest method) using palmaris longus muscle tendon - extensor pollicis brevis muscle tendon transfer
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 360-360, 2014.

Japanese Article Case of the carpal tunnel syndrome due to the neoplastic occupation lesion
池田和夫1), 納村直希1), 多田薫2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 361-361, 2014.

Japanese Article About usefulness of the second lumbrical interosseous muscle strange law
児玉三彦1), 高橋修2), 正門由久1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 362-362, 2014.

Japanese Article MRI image evidence of elbow part ulnar nerve disorder
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 363-363, 2014.

Japanese Article Estimate of the effect of treatment of CRPS by the Functional MRI
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 364-364, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the phrenic nerve M wave by the clinical form of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
成川真也, 杉本恒平, 吉田典史, 三井隆男, 深浦彦彰, 野村恭一
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 365-365, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the electromyogram study of muscle fatigue recovery properties of the CMT patients by three kinds of isokinetic exercise load problem
宮口琢磨1), 下井俊典2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 366-366, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the physique difference in prepuberty children and young adults men and women using the surface electromyogram frequency power spectrum analysis
西村行秀1), 中村健1), 荒川英樹1), 石田和也1), 幸田剣2), 坂野元彦1), 田島文博1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 367-367, 2014.

Japanese Article Multicenter clinical studies (iNPS-JAPAN) facing front of the idiopathic anterior interosseous nerve paralysis and the idiopathic posterior interosseous nerve paralysis: The second report
越智健介, 加藤博之, 前・後骨間神経麻痺前向き多施設研究グループ
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 368-368, 2014.

Japanese Article Patients background of 404 elbow part pipe syndrome, the elbow part condition of a patient, breakdown of the paralysis disease severity
佐藤信隆1), 大北弦樹1), 内山茂晴2), 松井雄一郎3), 若林良明4), 石井宣一4), 国吉一樹5), 平地一彦6), 波呂浩孝1), 加藤博之2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 369-369, 2014.

Japanese Article Comparison - with the treatment result - nerve decompression group of the snacks movement rebuilding by the tendon transfer for the severeness elbow part pipe syndrome
森澤妥1), 高山真一郎2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 370-370, 2014.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of tarsal tunnel syndrome
國保倫子1), 金景成1), 井須豊彦2), 森本大二郎3), 小林士郎1), 森田明夫3)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 371-371, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinical picture of the peroneal nerve disorder
岩本直高1), 井須豊彦1), 千葉泰弘1), 金景成2), 森本大二郎3), 池田拓磨1), 山崎和義1), 磯部正則1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 372-372, 2014.

Japanese Article Nerve pathological finding in the superior clunial nerve low back pain failure case regarded as a cause
千葉泰弘1), 清水潤2), 井須豊彦1), 岩本直高1), 金景成3), 森本大二郎4), 池田拓磨1), 山崎和義1), 磯部正則1), 井上聖啓5)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 373-373, 2014.

Japanese Article An evaluation of the in vivo peripheral nerve reproduction using the diffusion tensor method: Comparison with a histologic change and the motor function recovery
山崎哲朗, 小田良, 藤原浩芳, 土田真嗣, 森崎真介, 勝見泰和, 久保俊一
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 374-374, 2014.

Japanese Article For realization of the sense feed-back system in consideration of utility of the use of somatosensory feedback - artificial arm of the artificial arm with the many points wave transducer array -
高木岳彦1),2), 望月大二郎3), 中村達弘3), 加藤龍4), 関敦仁2), 持田讓治1), 横井浩史3), 高山真一郎2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 375-375, 2014.

Japanese Article Study on cold of tarsal tunnel syndrome using the lower limbs blood flow study
國保倫子1), 金景成1), 井須豊彦2), 小林士郎1), 森田明夫3)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 376-376, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect to the central circulation adjustment function in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of angiotensin - (1-12) and angiotensin II
荒川英樹1), 中村健1), 西村行秀1), 石田和也1), 幸田剣2), 坂野元彦1), 田島文博1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 377-377, 2014.

Japanese Article Change of CMAP by the anode excitation
花田守1), 相良佑斗1), 末田英志郎1), 長谷川修2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 378-378, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis ... of the electromyogram study in attempt - rising movement of the use for the robot suit HAL (R) welfare for the many nests characteristics exercise neuropathy patients
高橋孝多1), 近藤正樹1),2), 奥田求己1), 瀬尾和弥1), 武澤信夫2),3), 堀井基行1),4), 久保俊一1),4), 水野敏樹2), 中川正法5),6)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 379-379, 2014.

Japanese Article Relevance study of the electrophysiological severity and Hand20 in carpal tunnel syndrome
武藤光弘1),2), 川本友也1),2), 北嶋翔1), 木野義武1), 花村浩克1), 近藤拓也2), 竹河誠3), 石井久雄4), 山本美知郎4)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 380-380, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of CIDP which accepted the sudden symptom aggravation of the Fisher syndrome state with influenza infection
両角佐織1), 安井敬三1), 長谷川康博1), 橋本里奈2), 祖父江元3)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 381-381, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the intractable chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis who had the Crohn's disease that intermittent immune adsorption therapy was effective as maintenance treatment
西山修平, 竪山真規, 黒澤和大, 長谷川隆文, 黒田宙, 青木正志
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 382-382, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of hyperplastic peripheral neuropathy that repeated localized neuropathy
駒ヶ嶺朋子, 国分則人, 岡村穏, 藤田裕明, 永島隆秀, 平田幸一
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 383-383, 2014.

Japanese Article One example of a non-typical Guillain-Barre syndrome, which the exhibit outside the eye muscle paralysis, sphere paralysis on both sides Adie pupil was the main symptom
冨田稔1), 中井博美2), 山本真理1), 宇佐美恵子1), 服部直樹1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 384-384, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the Guillain-Barre syndrome secondary to the cytomegalovirus infection after the kidney transplantation
伊藤達哉1), 伊藤大輔2), 辻河高陽1), 両角佐織1), 後藤憲彦3), 安井敬三1), 長谷川康博1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 385-385, 2014.

Japanese Article 1 case of Autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy (AAG) with the nasal sinus cancer
本多由美1), 山下哲司1), 三隅洋平1), 井上泰輝1), 大林光念2), 森麗1), 渡邉聖樹1), 安東由喜雄1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 386-386, 2014.

Japanese Article IgM antiGM2 antibody-positive iterative alternate peripheral facial paralysis
武井藍, 牧美充, 森山宏遠, 荒田仁, 松浦英治, 平野隆城, 高嶋博
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 387-387, 2014.

Japanese Article One example was the merger of the subacute sensory neuropathies in lung squamous cell carcinoma
井汲一尋1), 安藤哲朗1), 川上治1), 杉浦真1), 加藤博子1), 加藤隼康1), 横井克典1), 都築雨佳1), 川頭祐一2), 祖父江元2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 388-388, 2014.

Japanese Article An example of the painful neuropathy without the sense ataxia with the Sjogren syndrome
横井克典, 安藤哲朗, 川上治, 杉浦真, 加藤博子, 加藤隼康, 井汲一尋, 都築雨佳, 原田陽平
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 389-389, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of 2 cases of the GVHD-related neuropathy
吉村道由, 平松有, 中村友紀, 荒田仁, 松浦英治, 高嶋博
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 390-390, 2014.

Japanese Article An example of the sarcoidosis that presented distal four extremities and precordial dysesthesia
芦田真士, 永金義成, 牧野雅弘, 友永慶, 蒔田直輝, 山本康正
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 391-391, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the nerve sarcoidosis that occurred by a husky voice
小阪崇幸1), 山根宏美2), 筒井順一郎3), 上村尚樹4), 浅尾千秋5), 村山寿彦6), 渡邊哲也1), 幸崎弥之助1), 田北智裕1), 俵哲1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 392-392, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the frequent occurrence mononeuritis that occurred in a row for frequent eosinophilic pneumonia, and was complicated with a hypereosinophilic syndrome
北薗久雄1), 野本信篤1), 山岸亨2), 大原関利章3), 藤岡俊樹1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 393-393, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the ANCA-related vasculitis that immunoglobulin large quantities IV therapy (IVIg) succeeded for peripheral neuropathy
宇佐美恵子1), 山本真理1), 冨田稔1), 服部直樹1), 橋本里奈2), 祖父江元2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 394-394, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the chronic progressive pure sensory neuropathy
野倉一也1), 加子哲治1), 巨椋義蔵1), 東文香1), 田原美喜1), 山本絋子2), 古閑寛3)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 395-395, 2014.

Japanese Article An example of the many nests characteristics exercise neuropathy which had the onset during infliximab administration, and suffered from treatment
沼宗一郎, 小泉崇, 能登祐一, 笠井高士, 水野敏樹
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 396-396, 2014.

Japanese Article Histopathological examination of the intracutaneous nerve of the patients reporting the pain of four extremities after uterine cervix cancer vaccination
木下朋実, 阿部隆太, 日根野晃代, 池田修一
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 397-397, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of peripheral neuropathy with the hypersensitivity vasculitis with the amino acid-based weed killer glyphosate potassium salt
川頭祐一, 川畑和也, 高橋美江, 大山健, 橋本里奈, 飯島正博, 小池春樹, 祖父江元
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 398-398, 2014.

Japanese Article It is an example of the Ramsay Hunt syndrome who had eye movement disorders without herpes zoster ophthalmicus
齋藤和幸, 融衆太, 宮下彰子, 小林高義
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 399-399, 2014.

Japanese Article The electrophysiological course in the 50 years old woman of Facial onset sensory and motor neuropathy (FOSMN)
吉田典史, 三井隆男, 成川真也, 深浦彦彰, 野村恭一
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 400-400, 2014.

Japanese Article Steroid-responsive myelopathy and one patient who had demyelinating peripheral neuropathy who repeat a recurrence
山本敦史1), 今井啓輔1), 濱中正嗣1), 山田丈弘1), 山崎英一1), 傳和眞1), 辻有希子2), 水野敏樹2), 岡伸幸3)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 401-401, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the bilateral idiopathic anterior interosseous nerve paralysis
橋本瞬1), 伊坪敏郎1), 山崎宏1), 小松雅俊2), 植村一貴2), 林正徳2), 内山茂晴2), 加藤博之2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 402-402, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the drop finger regarded as a merger of the cervical spinal column stenosis and posterior interosseous nerve paralysis
村井伸司1), 原友紀1), 西浦康正2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 403-403, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of Quadrilateral space syndrome which developed in a high school volleyball player
山下泰司, 普天間朝上, 金城政樹, 堀切健士, 大久保宏貴, 金谷文則
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 404-404, 2014.

Japanese Article One case that produced bilateral peroneal nerve palsy by repetition of the squatting position rank work
加藤祥代, 藤掛彰史, 桑原千秋, 丹羽淳一, 道勇学
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 405-405, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the hallux proper plantar digital nerves disorder
中村一仁, 岡田由実子, 村田高穂
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 406-406, 2014.

Japanese Article Significance of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle (EDB) atrophy in the diagnosis of the diabetes polyneuropathy
栗栖清悟1), 小河健一1), 佐々木秀行1), 山根木美香1), 中西一郎1), 若崎久生2), 古田浩人2), 西理宏2), 有田幹雄1), 南條輝志男3), 赤水尚史2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 407-407, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination - by evaluation - sural nerve stimulation of diabetic peripheral neuropathy by the sensory nerve action potential comparative method
片山雅史1), 寺本靖之2), 岩永書朋2), 西村康平2), 松永薫2), 中西亮二2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 408-408, 2014.

Japanese Article Can you distinguish the carpal tunnel syndrome from diabetic frequent occurrence neuropathy by sensory nerve conduction of the palm beyond?
伊藤英一1), 園生雅弘2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 409-409, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of diabetes that developed Sensory CIDP
喜多也寸志, 清水洋孝
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 410-410, 2014.

Japanese Article The course of the neuralgic amyotrophy of 5 years
野本信篤, 北薗久雄, 藤岡俊樹
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 411-411, 2014.

Japanese Article From the questionary survey for trend - mastery of skills hand surgeon of the tendon transfer surgery for the peripheral nerve paralysis
日高典昭1), 福田誠1), 金城養典2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 412-412, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT disease) type 4C
大道卓摩1), 安田怜1), 結城奈津子1), 樋口雄二郎2), 高嶋博2), 吉岡亮3)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 413-413, 2014.

Japanese Article 22 years old woman case of Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A that presented central demyelination
小林絵礼奈, 齋藤麻美, 遠藤雅直, 上田直久, 田中章景
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 414-414, 2014.

Japanese Article 1 case of the X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1 which presented with a transient central nerve disorder, and accepted a cerebral white matter lesion of the right and left asymmetry
加納崇裕, 佐藤和則, 廣谷真, 矢部一郎, 佐々木秀直
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 415-415, 2014.

Japanese Article Comparison ... with example - POEMS syndrome of the blood vessel immunoblast-related T-cell lymphoma which had the onset for peripheral neuropathy and edema of four extremities
日根野晃代, 木下朋実, 東城加奈, 関島良樹, 池田修一
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 416-416, 2014.

Japanese Article Exercise, sensory nerve axon properties in patients with type I diabetes mellitus
磯瀬沙希里1), 三澤園子2), 澁谷和幹2), 関口縁2), 別府美奈子2), 三津間さつき2), 岩井雄太2), 渡辺慶介2), 桑原聡2)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 417-417, 2014.

Japanese Article 2 cases of axon excitatory acute motor conduction block neuropathy which we measured
辻有希子1), 能登祐一1), 滋賀健介2), 水野敏樹1), 中川正法3)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 418-418, 2014.

Japanese Article Electrophysiological evaluation of the motor tract of the muscle of the upper limbs atrophy due to the lower motor disorder that is lower than cervical cord anterior horn for the cervical vertebrae symptom-related amyotrophy
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 419-419, 2014.

Japanese Article Nerve blood flow measurement using the ICG fluorescence method in the peripheral nerve strangulation characteristics disorder severe case
岡田充弘1), 池田幹則2), 横井卓哉1), 上村卓也1), 中村博亮1)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 420-420, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination about repetition F wave and the disease severity of poliomyelitis affected subjects
蜂須賀明子1), 小森哲夫2), 松嶋康之1), 蜂須賀研二1,3)
Peripheral Nerve 25(2): 421-421, 2014.