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Peripheral Nerve

Volume 29, Issue 2 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article After The 29th Annual Meeting of apanese Peripheral Nerve Society
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 135-136, 2018.

English Article Indications and Usefulness of Nerve Biopsy
Gerard Said
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 137-138, 2018.

Japanese Article Study of neurological diseases using iPS cells and genetically modified primates
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 139-139, 2018.

Japanese Article The present situation of brachial plexus palsy treatment
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 140-140, 2018.

English Article Pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies in CIDP
Bernd C. Kieseier
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 141-141, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical picture of autoantibody-positive CIDP and pathogenesis
緒方英紀, 山崎亮, 吉良潤一
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 142-146, 2018.

Japanese Article Autoimmune autonomic ganglion disorder (AAG)
中根俊成1),2), 安東由喜雄1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 147-147, 2018.

Japanese Article Pay your attention to / posterior interosseous nerve paralysis and Neuralgic Amyotrophy before peripheral neuropathy - idiopathy with "a constriction"
越智健介1),2), 加藤博之3), 堀内行雄4), 額田均2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 148-149, 2018.

Japanese Article The summary of the blood nerve barrier and the cytologic characteristic
清水文崇, 神田隆
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 150-151, 2018.

Japanese Article Immunologic neuropathy and hemoencephalic barrier (BNB)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 152-153, 2018.

Japanese Article Role of Blood Nerve Interface in peripheral neuropathy of the orthopedics domain
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 154-154, 2018.

Japanese Article How do restore rupture of blood nerve barrier (BNB); treatment strategy ... using in vitro BNB model with the BNB constitution cell line derived from ... humans?
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 155-155, 2018.

Japanese Article Peripheral nerve reproduction, neuropathic pain control by the inflammatory control through the lipid
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 156-156, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness - of analysis - Schwann cell line of the neural regeneration disorder with metabolic disorders
新見直子, 三五一憲
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 157-159, 2018.

Japanese Article Chronic phase cervical cord injury treatment using iPS cells
鈴木秀典1),2), Michael G. Fehlings2),3)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 160-165, 2018.

Japanese Article Peripheral nerve injury treatment that assumed de-neuromuscular disease a treatment target
栗本秀1), 大西哲朗1), 能登公俊2), 丹羽智史1), 佐伯将臣1), 徳武克浩1), 宮津優1), 澤田英良1), 三竹辰徳1), 浅野研一3), 中川泰伸1), 米田英正1), 石井久雄1), 岩月克之1), 山本美知郎1), 建部将広1), 平田仁1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 166-168, 2018.

Japanese Article It is ... mainly on a characteristic and rebuilding technique of problem of peripheral nerve injury treatment in the plastic surgery and fine-view - facial paralysis rebuilding
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 169-174, 2018.

Japanese Article The function rebuilding by the muscle grafting for the underachievement case after the brachial plexus injury reconstruction in the previous medicine
服部泰典, 土井一輝
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 175-175, 2018.

Japanese Article A summary of the neuralgic amyotrophy: Epidemiology, symptom, the condition of a patient
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 176-177, 2018.

Japanese Article Electrophysiological laboratory findings of the neuralgic amyotrophy
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 178-180, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination for image in the neuralgic amyotrophy
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 181-182, 2018.

Japanese Article Medical treatment approach
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 183-185, 2018.

Japanese Article Surgical treatment approach for before idiopathy, the posterior interosseous nerve paralysis
加藤博之1), 林正徳1), 小松雅俊1), 内山茂晴2), 越智健介3),4), 額田均4)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 186-186, 2018.

Japanese Article Neurophysiology of the pain
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 187-190, 2018.

Japanese Article Nerve pathology of the pain
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 191-194, 2018.

Japanese Article "Clinical practice of the pain" treatment (internal medicine)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 195-198, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of treatment for the pain of the carpal tunnel syndrome
岩月克之1), 寶珠山稔2), 吉田彬人3), 倉橋俊和4), 篠原孝明5), 平田仁1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 199-199, 2018.

Japanese Article Function surgical approach for the neuropathic pain
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 200-200, 2018.

Japanese Article Than the experience as pro-neuromodulation in the person of disorder working problem ... disorder working company industrial physician ...
田島文博1),2), 荒川英樹3), 梶原文子4)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 201-207, 2018.

Japanese Article Foundation stone of the examination for nerve conduction
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 208-212, 2018.

Japanese Article An examination for nerve conduction: Practice
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 213-217, 2018.

Japanese Article An examination for nerve conduction: A flow and pit fall to a diagnosis
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 218-220, 2018.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and new IVIg therapy of CIDP
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 221-223, 2018.

Japanese Article Differential diagnosis and therapy of carpal tunnel syndrome (TTR-FAP: Hereditary ATTR amyloidosis)
山下太郎1),2), 植田光晴1), 安東由喜雄1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 224-231, 2018.

Japanese Article Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and Guillain-Barre syndrome
川本未知, 石井淳子, 吉村元, 藤原悟, 幸原伸夫
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 232-234, 2018.

Japanese Article The new treatment prospects of Guillain-Barre syndrome
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 235-235, 2018.

Japanese Article It is ... including the latest topic of condition of a patient and treatment - CIDP of the neuropathy judging from ultrastructure
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 236-241, 2018.

Japanese Article It is ... for a model in beginning - PNH of the complement control therapy
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 242-242, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the therapy of a convalescence prediction of Guillain-Barre syndrome and the intractable case
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 243-243, 2018.

Japanese Article Differential diagnosis with cervical spondylosis and peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 244-247, 2018.

Japanese Article You find CIDP, and how do you give medical care in peripheral neuropathy?
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 248-251, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that estradiol gives to the flexor tendon synovium in the carpal tunnel of patients with postmenopausal idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome
山中芳亮, 目貫邦隆, 田島貴文, 岡田祥明, 善家雄吉, 酒井昭典
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 252-252, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the peripheral nerve axis cylinder reproduction effect of different various Schwann cells of the degree of differentiation
遠藤健, 角家健, 永野裕介, 河村大介, 岩崎倫政
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 253-253, 2018.

Japanese Article Long-term results of the chemotherapy in the POEMS syndrome: How do you decide completion of treatment?
水地智基, 三澤園子, 関口縁, 澁谷和幹, 網野寛, 常山篤子, 鈴木陽一, 桑原聡
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 254-254, 2018.

Japanese Article The identification of the index to detect antiNF155 antibody-positive CIDP efficiently: Analysis results by the national survey based on conditional diagnosis standard plan
緒方英紀1), 山崎亮1), 松下拓也1), 海田賢一2), 松井真3), 桑原聡4), 楠進5), 吉良潤一1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 255-255, 2018.

Japanese Article Background factor of the T-cell contribution and immunogenetics in antineurofascin155 antibody-positive CIDP of immunity
山崎亮1), 緒方英紀1), 張旭1), 町田明2), 森本展年3), 海田賢一4), 増田曜章5), 安東由喜雄5), 桑原基6), 楠進6), 吉良潤一1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 256-256, 2018.

Japanese Article Participation of the VEGF signal in the blood nerve barrier rupture of the chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuritis
前田敏彦, 西原秀昭, 清水文崇, 佐野康照, 竹下幸男, 藤川晋, 神田隆
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 257-257, 2018.

Japanese Article Multicenter clinical studies (iNPS-JAPAN) survey facing front of the idiopathic anterior interosseous nerve paralysis and the idiopathic posterior interosseous nerve paralysis: Characteristic of the outrider ache
越智健介1),2), 加藤博之1),3), 前・後骨間神経麻痺前向き多施設研究グループ(iNPS-JAPAN)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 258-258, 2018.

Japanese Article The problems in the existing disease severity classification by the examination for nerve conduction of the carpal tunnel syndrome: The carpal tunnel syndrome "may not affect the sensory nerve predominance"
宮地洋輔1), 大石知瑞子1), 溝井令一1), 田中章景2), 園生雅弘1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 259-259, 2018.

Japanese Article Long-term results of partial ulnar nerve translocation for upper brachial plexus injury - elbow flexion muscular strength and patient subjective evaluation of subjective function over 10 years -
永野裕介, 河村太介, 松井雄一郎, 岩崎倫政
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 260-260, 2018.

Japanese Article TTR amyloid deposition and lipid metabolism in femor carpal tunnel syndrome
大茂壽久1), 酒井昭典2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 261-261, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of ischemia-related posterior tibial nerve paresis that presented Painful leg and moving toes
稲田有史1),2),3), 萩原祐介1),3), 諸井慶七郎4), 森本茂5), 中村達雄2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 262-262, 2018.

Japanese Article An affection ratio and an associated factor of the carpal tunnel syndrome in 50-89 years old: From the Obuse study cohort
橋本瞬1), 林正徳1), 岩川紘子1), 内山茂晴2), 加藤博之1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 263-263, 2018.

Japanese Article Disease severity diagnosis of the carpal tunnel syndrome using MR neurography
山田真央1), 尼子雅敏1), 藤巻亮二1), 伊佐治雅1), 近藤晋哉1), 有野浩司2), 千葉一裕1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 264-264, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the differentiation in the case that it became the introduction on the suspicion of cervical vertebrae disease, but surgery of the carpal tunnel syndrome was effective
赤堀圭一1), 奥野誠之1), 藤田章啓2), 林原雅子1), 谷島伸二1), 永島英樹1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 265-265, 2018.

Japanese Article We predict convalescence after an operation using Pain Vision in the carpal tunnel syndrome surgery patients
林悠太1), 砂川融2), 中島祐子3), 四宮陸雄1), 兒玉祥1), 徳本真矢1), 安達伸生1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 266-266, 2018.

Japanese Article Questionary survey after the carpal tunnel open technique in the idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome
畑中大介1), 林正徳2), 橋本瞬2), 岩川紘子2), 内山茂晴3), 加藤博之2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 267-267, 2018.

Japanese Article Role of the steroid injection for the carpal tunnel syndrome
四宮陸雄1), 砂川融2), 中島祐子1), 兒玉祥1), 林悠太1), 徳本真矢1), 安達伸生1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 268-268, 2018.

Japanese Article Big finger conflict reconstruction for the severe carpal tunnel syndrome
大谷和裕1), 西地晴彦2), 柿木良介2), 赤木將男2), 冨山貴司3), 田中寛樹4)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 269-269, 2018.

Japanese Article How is a many several times recurrence case treated after dialysis carpal tunnel syndrome technique? - Median nerve skin lower transposition -
吉田綾1),2), 奥津一郎2), 浜中一輝2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 270-270, 2018.

Japanese Article Elbow part pipe syndrome by the sports dyskinesia
坪川直人, 成澤弘子, 牧裕
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 271-271, 2018.

Japanese Article Echogram and the ulnar nerve cross section by the MRI are useful for a diagnosis of the elbow part pipe syndrome
寺山恭史1),2), 加藤博之3), 岩倉菜穂子1), 内山茂晴3), 岡崎賢1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 272-272, 2018.

Japanese Article Study on effect that strangulated peripheral neuropathy and lumbar vertebrae outskirts disease give to patients quality of life
國保倫子1), 金景成1), 井須豊彦2), 岩本直高3), 森本大二郎4), 喜多村孝雄4), 森田明夫4)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 273-274, 2018.

Japanese Article It is ... in arms descent rank using examination - brachial plexus contrasting Dynamic 3DCT of the rib chain gap in patients with thoracic outlet syndrome with the symptom
高松聖仁1), 川端確1), 阿波康成1), 曽我部祐輔1), 森本友紀子1), 石河恵1), 斧出絵麻2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 275-276, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of the axillary nerve tear without the dislocation of shoulder injured by American football
川野健一, 田尻康人, 原由紀則, 北優介, 大城陽平, 飯島準一
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 277-277, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effectiveness of the basic fibroblast growth factor for the traumatic peripheral nerve injury
有泉高晴1), 山崎梓1), 越智健介2), 堀田亮太郎3), 穴澤卯圭2), 八木橋操六3), 額田均3), 柴原孝彦1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 278-278, 2018.

Japanese Article Natural history of the atraumatic radial nerve palsy
太田壮一, 池口良輔, 淘江宏文, 竹内久貴, 光澤定己, 松田秀一
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 279-279, 2018.

Japanese Article The measurement of the skin sympathetic nerve function for patients with cervical cord injury
中田朋紀1), 上條義一郎1), 西村行秀2), 田島博文1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 280-280, 2018.

Japanese Article Fundamental researches of the blood vessel pattern nerve grafting belonging to
吉田周平, 光嶋勲
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 281-281, 2018.

Japanese Article Study on artificial nerve sheath which we made by marrow mesenchyma system cells and allogeneic basement membrane transplant
田中寛樹, 柿木良介, 大谷和裕, 赤木將男
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 282-282, 2018.

Japanese Article Experimental study - by treatment - rat neuroma of amputation stump model of the painful neuroma of amputation stump using the artificial nerve
斧出絵麻1), 上村卓也1),2), 新谷康介1), 横井卓哉1), 岡田充弘1), 高松聖仁1),3), 中村博亮1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 283-283, 2018.

Japanese Article The methylcobalamin-containing local controlled release nano fiber sheet promotes neural regeneration after the neural regeneration instruction tube transplant for the rat sciatic nerve loss model
佐柳潤一, 田中啓之, 岩橋徹
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 284-284, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the transplant effects from fibroblasts to the peripheral nerve injury part of the Schwann cells which we switched
素輪善弘1), 岸田綱郎2), 冨田興一3), 山本健太4), 沼尻敏明1), 松田修2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 285-285, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the peripheral neuropathy degree to be found in patients with diabetes
長谷川修, 奈良典子
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 286-286, 2018.

Japanese Article Usefulness - in setting - diabetic neuropathy diagnosis of the normal value of the sural nerve conduction parameter that we measured in DPNCheck(R) of Japanese people
平康雄大1), 榊原友美子1), 大石博晃2), 岸本祥平3), 栗栖清悟3), 小河健一4), 佐々木秀行5), 廣西昌也3), 赤水尚史6)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 287-287, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the convalescence of seriously ill TIND (diabetes treatment inducibility neuropathy)
出口尚寿1),2), 有村愛子1), 山神大1), 吉村道由2), 中村友紀2), 高嶋博2), 西尾善彦1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 288-288, 2018.

Japanese Article Inhibition of xanthine oxidoreductase improves diabetic neuropathy
高橋和久1),2), 遅野井祥1), 小笠原早織1), 八木橋操六1), 水上浩哉1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 289-289, 2018.

Japanese Article Somatosensory evoked potential in the Vitamin B12 deficiency neuropathy
畑中裕己, 神谷久雄, 神林隆道, 宮地洋輔, 園生雅弘
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 290-290, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of Facial onset sensory motor neuronopathy (FOSMN) which occurred for dysgeusia
沼波仁1), 小平農1), 吉田邦広2), 関島良樹1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 291-291, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of posterior tibial nerve paresis by the unprecedented source who presented with lower limbs CRPS symptom
萩原祐介1),3), 稲田有史1),2),3), 諸井慶七郎4), 森本茂5), 中村達雄2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 292-292, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the digital nerve glomangioma
篠原孝明, 能登公俊
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 293-293, 2018.

Japanese Article The immunoglobulin G derived from patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome disrupts a blood nerve barrier
清水文崇, 古賀道明, 藤井菜月美, 竹下幸男, 佐野泰照, 前田敏彦, 神田隆
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 294-294, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the lymphocyte subset in the Guillain-Barre syndrome
杉本恒平1), 成川真也1), 石塚慶太1), 宮内敦生1), 吉田典史1), 王子聡1), 三井隆男2), 深浦彦彰1), 野村恭一1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 295-295, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the GD1a/GT1a complex antibody singularity-positive pure motor type Guillain-Barre syndrome: Examination of the interaction between case report and GD1a/GT1a molecules
千葉厚郎, 白鳥嵩之, 内堀歩, 綾野水樹, 中島昌典, 大石知瑞子, 市川弥生子
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 296-296, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison of the phrenic nerve M wave of Fisher syndrome and the FS/GBS overlap syn-drome
成川真也1), 石塚慶太1), 杉本恒平1), 宮内敦生1), 吉田典史1), 王子聡1), 三井隆男2), 深浦彦彰1), 野村恭一1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 297-297, 2018.

Japanese Article Look at association between antiglucide and lipid antibody and convalescence and convalescence prediction tool - rear in Guillain-Barre syndrome of this country; a mark multicenter study
山岸裕子1), 桑原基1), 寒川真1), 鈴木秀和2), Japanese GBS study group3), 楠進1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 298-298, 2018.

Japanese Article Association with the short-term convalescence of hypoalbuminemia and disease severity, the motor function in Guillain-Barre syndrome
王子聡1), 杉本恒平1), 宮内敦生1), 石塚慶太1), 成川真也1), 吉田典史1), 三井隆男2), 深浦彦彰1), 野村恭一1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 299-299, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical and serologic analysis of IVIg-resistant CIDP
松井太郎1),2), 桑原基1), 楠進1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 300-300, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison of the picture with antiparanode in CIDP with the membranous nephropathy, antipodocyte antibody and anticontactin1 antibody-positive CIDP
橋本侑1), 緒方英紀2), 山崎亮2), 張旭2), 笹栗毅和3), 立石貴久1), 秋山真一4), 丸山彰一4), 吉良潤一2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 301-301, 2018.

Japanese Article Nerve terminals axon excitability evaluation of the chronic inflammatory demyelinating frequent occurrence root neuropathy
網野寛, 澁谷和幹, 三澤園子, 関口縁, 水地智基, 常山篤子, 鈴木陽一, 桑原聡
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 302-302, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the many nests characteristics exercise neuropathy that the neurologic swelling of the median nerve upper arm part in the nerve sonography was useful in a diagnosis
関口兼司, 岡山公宣, 渡部俊介, 野田佳克
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 303-303, 2018.

Japanese Article Electrophysiological pit fall of CIDP and ATTR-FAP which can be interpreted mistakenly
大橋信彦1), 小平農1), 森田洋2), 関島良樹1),3)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 304-304, 2018.

Japanese Article Condition of a patient analysis of peripheral neuropathy in the iatrogenic transthyretin amyloid neuropathy
増田曜章1), 植田光晴1), 三隅洋平1), 野村隼也1), 園田優衣2), 山下太郎1), 大林光念2), 安東由喜雄1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 305-305, 2018.

Japanese Article A study of the neurodegenerative mechanism of familial amyloid polyneuropathy TTR E61K: Examination of the amyloid agglutinability
村上龍文1), 刀祢重信2), 三五一憲3), 渡部和彦4), 水口峰之5), 砂田芳秀1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 306-306, 2018.

Japanese Article Actual situation elucidation of the familial amyloid polyneuropathy based on a national epidemiologic survey
植田光晴1), 関島良樹2), 三隅洋平1), 増田曜章1), 矢崎正英3), 小池春樹4), 山田正仁5), 山下太郎1), 安東由喜雄1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 307-307, 2018.

Japanese Article COA7 is a new cause gene of the axon type neuropathy with the cerebellum ataxia
樋口雄二郎1), 橋口昭大1), 袁軍輝1), 吉村明子1), 岡本裕嗣1), 松浦英治1), 上田健博2), 石浦浩之3), 三井純3), 戸田達史2),3), 辻省次3), 高嶋博1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 308-308, 2018.

Japanese Article A case of CMTX 1 with IVIg successful
青木怜佳1), 国分則人1), 駒ヶ嶺朋子1), 永島隆秀1),2), 舩越慶1), 平田幸一1), 橋口昭大3), 高嶋博3)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 309-309, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical electrophysiological characteristic of peripheral neuropathy in AR-SACS
橋口昭大, 吉村明子, 樋口雄二郎, 中村友紀, 岡本裕嗣, 松浦英治, 高嶋博
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 310-310, 2018.

Japanese Article Early diagnosis by the evoked response of the Bickerstaff brain-stem encephalitis
神谷久雄1), 塚本浩2), 畑中裕己1), 園生雅弘1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 311-311, 2018.

Japanese Article Neuropathic algetic quantification by the selective sense of pain stimulation-induced brain potential in the epidermis
磯瀬沙希里1),2), 大森茂樹2), 渡辺慶介2), 関口縁2), 別府美奈子2), 網野寛2), 水地智基2), 渋谷和幹2), 三澤園子2), 桑原聡2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 312-312, 2018.

Japanese Article Distribution evaluation of fasciculation by the line sonography of the many nests characteristics exercise neuropathy
辻有希子1), 小島雄太1), 能登祐一1), 滋賀健介2), 中川正法3), 水野敏樹1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 313-313, 2018.

Japanese Article Median nerve activity magnetic field measurement after the digital nerve stimulation in the carpal tunnel syndrome
佐々木亨1), 川端茂徳2), 藤田浩司1), 星野優子2), 関原謙介2), 赤座実穂3), 尾崎勇4), 足立善昭5), 渡部泰士1),6), 長谷川由貴6), 佐藤慎司6), 三谷悠貴6), 大川淳1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 314-314, 2018.

Japanese Article Surgical treatment of CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) using the blood vessel pattern tissue grafting belonging to
吉田周平, 光嶋勲
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 315-315, 2018.

Japanese Article One patient who conducted the detachment between the funiculus for a constriction of the radial nerve truncus
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 316-316, 2018.

Japanese Article One case that used the nerve transposition by nerve graft and the anterior interosseous nerve edge side suture together for a high rank ulnar nerve loss
澤田智一1), 佐野倫生1), 大村威夫2), 松山幸弘2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 317-317, 2018.

Japanese Article Vascular disorder - that ANCA was associated with the tissue disorder which clinicopathologic examination - acidophile of 81 acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis was associated with
仁紫了爾1), 池田昇平1), 川頭祐一1), 飯島正博1), 小池春樹1), 勝野雅央1), 祖父江元1),2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 318-318, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the neuropathy with the ANCA-related vasculitis in acknowledgment of serum IgG4 high level
冨田稔1), 森悠1), 赤塚和寛1), 伊藤瑞規1), 服部直樹1), 加藤誓子2), 水野伸宏3), 小池春樹4)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 319-319, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis that accepted eosinophil leukocytic infiltrate in a pericycle
竹内啓喜1), 鵜沼恒夫1), 重松一生1), 川村和之1), 岡伸幸1), 酒井茂樹2), 川崎照晃3)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 320-320, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of the neuropathy with the Sjogren's syndrome
小阪崇幸, 向野晃弘, 中根俊成, 安東由喜雄
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 321-321, 2018.

Japanese Article Peripheral neuropathy by the handling of the vibration tool
大成圭子1), 池上和範2), 白坂泰樹2), 安藤肇2), 菅野良介2), 野澤弘樹2), 大神明2), 足立弘明1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 322-322, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of a malignant lymphoma and peripheral neuropathy
鈴木美紀, 竹内恵, 小林正樹, 北川一夫
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 323-323, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of intravascular lymphoma who had the peripheral nerve lesion with the onion valve formation
深見祐樹1),3), 萩田淳一郎2), 丹羽央佳1), 仁紫了爾3), 小池春樹3), 勝野雅央3)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 324-324, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of the CIDP which showed AMNS pattern and antiMAG antibody-positive neuropathy
田中信一郎1), 古賀道明2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 325-325, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinicopathology according to the form in CIDP
池田昇平1),3), 仁紫了爾1), 川頭祐一1), 飯島正博1), 小池春樹1), 勝野雅央1), 祖父江元1),2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 326-326, 2018.

Japanese Article Immunoglobulin maintenance therapy in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis (CIDP)
大山健, 渡邊麻希, 野崎康伸, 岩井克成
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 327-327, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of multifocal acquired demyelinating sensory and motor neuropathy (MADSAM) in acknowledgment of trigeminal significant lump-formed hypertrophy
桑原基, 山下翔子, 柳本諭志, 岡崎真央, 楠進
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 328-328, 2018.

Japanese Article Women with aplastic anemia case who had the demyelinating polyneuritis chronic inflammatory all over the course in 60s
安部真彰1), 清水文崇2), 前田敏彦2), 尾本雅俊2), 神田隆2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 329-329, 2018.

Japanese Article 57 years old woman of the many nests characteristics neuropathy which have the onset with fever, and are relieved with alleviation of fever
堀内碧1), 山崎啓史1), 中川慶一1), 和田大司1), 角谷彰子1), 角谷真人1), 平賢一郎2), 清水潤2), 池脇克則1), 海田賢一1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 330-330, 2018.

Japanese Article Ca2+-dependent nature antiganglioside antibody in the Seronegative Guillain-Barre syndrome
内堀歩, 千葉厚郎
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 331-331, 2018.

Japanese Article Example that was regarded as Marginal facial diplegia and paresthesias
齋藤和幸, 久保寺隆行, 和田義明
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 332-332, 2018.

Japanese Article Guillain-Barre syndrome, Fisher's syndrome and chlamydophila pneumonia
古賀道明, 小笠原惇一, 川井元晴, 神田隆
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 333-333, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison between Guillain-Barre syndrome and blink reflex in the Fisher's syndrome
石塚慶太1), 成川真也1), 杉本恒平1), 宮内敦生1), 吉田典史1), 王子聡1), 三井隆男2), 深浦彦彰1), 野村恭一1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 334-334, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of sensory Guillain-Barre Syndrome where sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) disappeared early in the onset
渡部俊介, 野田佳克, 関口兼司
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 335-335, 2018.

Japanese Article Example that autonomic sensory neuropathy developed against a backdrop of impaired renal function, and caused Guillain-Barre syndrome-like muscle weakness subsequently
佐木山裕史, 遠藤卓行, 井上貴美子, 豊岡圭子, 藤村晴俊
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 336-336, 2018.

Japanese Article We disentangle sural nerve and are examined the distance between paraconstriction ring parts of the specimen
佐藤亮太, 尾本雅俊, 古賀道明, 神田隆
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 337-337, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of C5, C6, the C7 myomere rule using the cervical spondylosis-related radiculopathy of the root single by MRI and the diagnosed case
古川裕一1), 宮地洋輔1), 角谷彰子2), 千葉隆司1), 園生雅弘1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 338-338, 2018.

Japanese Article May it be said that the diabetic neuropathy with the numbness has severe neuropathy?
鈴木千恵子, 今智矢, 船水章央, 上野達哉, 羽賀理恵, 西嶌春生, 新井陽, 布村仁一, 馬場正之, 冨山誠彦
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 339-339, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of the diabetic nerve plexus crisis failure
喜多也寸志, 清水洋孝
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 340-340, 2018.

Japanese Article The swing of the breast cancer Patient 1 case who worked on the peripheral neuropathy prevention returns
奥山博美, 杉野可那子
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 341-341, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect of the spinal nerves stimulation therapy on posttraumatic arms neuropathy pain
大岩彩乃1), 関口昌之2), 坂本典昭1), 高松諒2), 佐藤暢一1), 落合亮一1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 342-342, 2018.

Japanese Article About effect of treatment of Neurotropin (R) for the mouse sciatic nerve chronicity pressure model
岩橋徹, 佐柳潤一, 田中啓之
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 343-343, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison of the phoshodiesterase inhibition effect in the experimental autoimmune neuritis
藤岡俊樹1),2), 木原英雄1),2), 内孝文1),2), 久手堅司1), 萩原渉1), 紺野晋吾1),2), 井上雅史1),2), 布施彰久2), 松嶋茉莉2), 松本美幸2), 今村友美2), 村田眞由美2), 杉本英樹1),2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 344-344, 2018.

Japanese Article Nerve cryopreservation - development second report - by Cells alive system(R) (CAS) of the optimal freeze program
橋本智久, 佐野和史, 大関覚
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 345-345, 2018.

Japanese Article Evaluation ... by experience - supersonic wave of the medial cutaneous nerve of forearm disorder by the upper arm part central veins port
阿部理奈1), 冨山陽介2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 346-346, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of CMAP of pronator quadratus muscle and the flexor hallucis longus muscle after the distal radius fracture plated
高井一志1), 松永徹也1), 谷栄了1), 三村知之1), 阿達啓介2), 長谷川修3)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 347-347, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of the brachial plexus schwannoma that an elbow part ulnar nerve disorder was diagnosed and followed up
澁谷純一郎, 佐竹寛史, 高木理彰
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 348-348, 2018.

Japanese Article Experience of a shoulder, the elbow function rebuilding by the nerve transposition for the injury before brachial plexus season and latissimus dorsi muscle shift technique
上妻隆太郎1), 佐野宏徳2), 田中信一郎2), 栗山龍太郎1), 伊原公一郎1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 349-349, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of the neurapraxia with the elbow part tumor-related lesion
山本真一1), 三上容司2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 350-350, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the iatrogenic accessory nerve injury
近藤晋哉1), 尼子雅敏1), 根本孝一2), 有野浩司3), 藤巻亮二1), 伊佐治雅1), 山田真央1), 米原周吾1), 千葉一裕1)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 351-351, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination about the posterior interosseous nerve paralysis in our hospital and the similar disease
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 352-352, 2018.

Japanese Article An example of the common fibular nerve tear complicated with knee composition ligament injury
松田匡司, 多田薫, 山本大樹, 中嶋宰大, 中田美香, 中瀬順介, 土屋弘行
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 353-353, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the high rank paralysis of ulnar nerve caused by the adhesion in the upper arm part
森崎真介1),2), 土田真嗣2), 小田良2), 藤原浩芳2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 354-354, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of the median nerve high rank divergence that we suspected forearms median nerve part injury and operated for
山中清孝, 日高典昭
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 355-355, 2018.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of multiple schwannoma
伊原公一郎1), 峯孝友1), 河村洋行1), 栗山龍太郎1), 富永康弘1), 上妻隆太郎1), 村上知之2), 今城靖明3)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 356-356, 2018.

Japanese Article One case of fibrolipomatous hamartoma which occurred in a digital nerve
中田美香, 多田薫, 山本大樹, 中嶋宰大, 松田匡司, 土屋弘行
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 357-357, 2018.

Japanese Article About six clinical picture that cervical vertebrae symptom-related amyotrophy of the distal type was diagnosed
多田薫, 山本大樹, 中嶋宰大, 中田美香, 松田匡司, 加藤仁志, 横川文彬, 土屋弘行
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 358-358, 2018.

Japanese Article Two cases of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease which accepted improvement of the gait disturbance by HAL(R)
橋本里奈1), 榊原聡子1), 見城昌邦1), 横川ゆき1), 片山泰司1), 齋藤由扶子1), 饗場郁子1), 犬飼晃1), 山田隆司2)
Peripheral Nerve 29(2): 359-359, 2018.