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Peripheral Nerve

Volume 30, Issue 2 / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Finish the 30th Japan peripheral nerve society arts and sciences meeting
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 149-150, 2019.

Japanese Article From the experience of the treatment more than -600 case of the Erb palsy -
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 151-151, 2019.

Japanese Article The nervous disease that we must not operate for
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 152-152, 2019.

Japanese Article Can do it in Microneurography (nerve trunk inside dimensions)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 153-153, 2019.

Japanese Article Having been found to have it from characteristic - former direction multicenter clinical studies (iNPS-JAPAN) of the idiopathic anterior interosseous nerve paralysis and the idiopathic posterior interosseous nerve paralysis
越智健介1), 加藤博之2), 前・後骨間神経麻痺前向き多施設研究グループ(iNPS-JAPAN)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 154-154, 2019.

Japanese Article Having been found from surgery experience of the thoracic outlet syndrome
古島弘三, 堀内行雄, 伊藤恵康
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 155-155, 2019.

Japanese Article What is an integrated community care system? - Expectations of the Peripheral Neurology Society -
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 156-156, 2019.

Japanese Article Peripheral neuropathy to be found in job level
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 157-159, 2019.

Japanese Article Treatment of the old paresis of facial nerve with crosslink surgery of 1 hypoglossal nerve and facial nerve
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 160-160, 2019.

Japanese Article Network type nerve rebuilding - basics and clinical practice of 2 facial paralysis
古川洋志1), 七戸龍司2), 山本有平3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 161-162, 2019.

Japanese Article The facial nerve rebuilding using 3 loops type nerve graft
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 163-165, 2019.

Japanese Article About the development of the nerve Reconstruction Acts without the donor sacrifice as a substitute for 4 autologous nerve graft
清水史明, 上原幸, 呉偉民, 尹庸, 岩本直朗
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 166-168, 2019.

Japanese Article Neuro-vascular free muscle transfer for treatment of established facial palsy
多久嶋亮彦, 成田圭吾
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 169-171, 2019.

Japanese Article Modeling and control of 1 line skeletal system
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 172-172, 2019.

Japanese Article Intelligence system of the autonomy type robot for the automation of 2 fabric article operation
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 173-173, 2019.

Japanese Article Comparison - of usefulness - insertion nerve piece (Sliced nerve and Minced nerve) of an artificial nerve artificial nerve of 1 next generation and the nerve single insertion
楠原廣久, 末吉遊, 磯貝典孝
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 174-174, 2019.

Japanese Article For the artificial nervous treatment result improvement for 2 peripheral nerve injuries
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 175-176, 2019.

Japanese Article The peripheral nerve rebuilding using the nerve allogeneic 3 de-cells
中田美香1), 伊藤聰一郎2), 多田薫1), 中嶋宰大1), 松田匡司1), 土屋弘行1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 177-179, 2019.

Japanese Article The artificial nervous fundamental researches that added 4 DDS and iPS cells
上村卓也1),2), 高松聖仁2),3), 横井卓哉2), 斧出絵麻2), 新谷康介2), 岡田充弘2), 中村博亮2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 180-180, 2019.

Japanese Article Regeneration of peripheral nerve using RENERVE
岡本秀貴1), 平田仁2), 佐伯将臣2), 関谷勇人3), 田中健司4), 今谷潤也5), 渡邉健太郎6), 中村俊康7), 五谷寛之8), 大井宏之9), 中村蓼吾10), 川口洋平1), 遠藤浩二郎1), 上用祐士1), 岩田英敏1), 村上英樹1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 181-182, 2019.

Japanese Article Pathologic search of 1 diabetic neuropathy
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 183-185, 2019.

Japanese Article Carbohydrate metabolism change analysis of 2 metabolic syndrome loams and Schwann cell line IMS32 using the flux analyzer
八子英司, 三五一憲
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 186-188, 2019.

Japanese Article 3 diabetic neuropathy and chronic inflammation
真田充1),2), 漆谷真2), 松井真1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 189-193, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation and the prospects of a diagnosis, the form classification of 4 diabetic neuropathy
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 194-194, 2019.

Japanese Article New approach of clinical diagnosis, the rating system of 5 diabetic neuropathy
佐々木秀行1), 岸本祥平2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 195-199, 2019.

Japanese Article The way, the need of 1 existing diagnostic criteria and diagnostic criteria
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 200-202, 2019.

Japanese Article For the development of 2 carpal tunnel syndrome diagnostic criteria: Multicenter study
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 203-203, 2019.

Japanese Article About a diagnosis of 3 carpal tunnel syndrome from the situation of - hand surgeon
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 204-206, 2019.

Japanese Article It is progress in the Heisei about 1 Guillain-Barre syndrome
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 207-211, 2019.

Japanese Article 2 antineurofascin 155 antibody-positive chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis
緒方英紀, 山崎亮, 吉良潤一
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 212-216, 2019.

Japanese Article Progress of 3 CIDP: Through the 30, Heisei year
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 217-219, 2019.

Japanese Article About the echo of 1 peripheral nerve
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 220-221, 2019.

Japanese Article 2 composite topalgia syndrome (CRPS)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 222-224, 2019.

Japanese Article Generalization - of conservative therapy - 30, Heisei year for 3 carpal tunnel syndrome
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 225-225, 2019.

Japanese Article Pit fall in the examination of 1 routine peripheral nerve conduction (NCS, nerve conduction study)
大石知瑞子1), 園生雅弘2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 226-230, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination for nerve conduction of the 2-prone neuropathy
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 231-234, 2019.

Japanese Article An examination for 3 nerve conduction: Strangulated neuropathy
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 235-235, 2019.

Japanese Article The matrix control battle front that erases a pain, numbness
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 236-236, 2019.

Japanese Article The prospects to treatment in CIDP
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 237-240, 2019.

Japanese Article Fundamental researches for the new therapy development for the peripheral nerve injury
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 241-241, 2019.

Japanese Article From the viewpoint of prophylactic - medical care security of neurologic complications in skill in tumor vertebra complete removal (TES) -
川原範夫1), 川口真史1), 織田悠吾1), 清水義朗1), 富田勝郎2), 村上英樹2), 出村諭2), 土屋弘行2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 242-242, 2019.

Japanese Article Diabetic neuropathy: Up to date
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 243-243, 2019.

Japanese Article Point of the muscular disease diagnosis
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 244-244, 2019.

Japanese Article Function properties evaluation of the sense of touch mechanoreceptor by Modified single-fiber recording
曽根勝真弓1),2), 岩崎博1), 筒井俊二1), 谷口亘1), 山中学1), 山田宏1), Jianguo G.Gu2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 245-245, 2019.

Japanese Article Investigation of hyperalgesia-suppressing effect and HO-1-inducing ability of basic fibroblast growth factor-added collagen sheet on rat sciatic nerve injury model
向井務晃1), 内田健太郎2), 廣澤直也1), 志賀康浩1), 稲毛一秀1), 村上賢一3), 折田純久1), 宮城正行2), 井上玄2), 松浦佑介1), 國吉一樹1), 高相晶士2), 大鳥精司1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 246-246, 2019.

Japanese Article Study on artificial nerve sheath which we made by marrow mesenchyma system cells and allogeneic basement membrane transplant
田中寛樹, 赤木將男, 柿木良介
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 247-247, 2019.

Japanese Article Can the acquisition of the Robotic Microsurgery technology become the paradigm shift of the peripheral nerve surgical treatment? (the first report)
市原理司1), 林礼人1),2), 原章1), 丸山祐一郎3), 金子和夫4)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 248-248, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of iatrogenic peripheral nerve injury in our department of outpatient department
川野健一, 田尻康人, 原由紀則, 北優介, 飯島準一, 大城陽平
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 249-249, 2019.

Japanese Article About a difference of a department of finger tip in the diagnosis of the thenar muscular paralysis and the anti-standing position between finger pulp parts
太田壮一, 池口良輔, 野口貴志, 竹内久貴, 光澤定己, 松田秀一
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 250-250, 2019.

Japanese Article Search of the new biomarker of patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome that paid attention to a blood nerve barrier
清水文崇, 古賀道明, 藤井菜月美, 竹下幸男, 佐野泰照, 前田敏彦, 佐藤亮太, 神田隆
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 251-251, 2019.

Japanese Article Establishment of the antiplexin D1 antibody system of measurement by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
藤井敬之, 山崎亮, 宮地佑希野, 飯沼今日子, 吉良潤一
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 252-252, 2019.

Japanese Article The effect to neurologic symptoms of the eculizumab in Guillain-Barre syndrome: JET-GBS study additional analysis
三澤園子1), 桑原聡1), 関口縁1), 網野寛1), 水地智基1), 楠進2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 253-253, 2019.

Japanese Article About results of the autologous nerve graft using the stem cell (Adipose-derived stem cells: ADSC) seat derived from fat
中嶋宰大, 多田薫, 中田美香, 松田匡司, 土屋弘行
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 254-254, 2019.

Japanese Article Reinnervation of the proprioceptor of the skin by the dorsal root ganglion cells transplant in the rat after the peripheral neurectomy
浅野研一1), 中野智則2), 徳武克浩3), 石井久雄3), 西塚隆伸4), 大西哲朗3), 岩月克之3), 栗本秀3), 山本美知郎3), 建部将広3), 平田仁3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 255-255, 2019.

Japanese Article Peripheral nerve reproduction due to purification neural crest-like cells derived from human iPS cells
木村洋朗1), 佐藤和毅2), 名越慈人1), 鈴木拓1), 松村昇1), 岩本卓士1), 松本守雄1), 中村雅也1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 256-256, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of the peripheral nerve axis cylinder reproduction effect of different various Schwann cells of the degree of differentiation
遠藤健, 角家健, 鈴木智亮, 松井祐樹, 袁儒非, 山本康弘, 河村太介, 岩崎倫政
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 257-257, 2019.

Japanese Article The carbon nanotube promotes the neural regeneration by the rat sciatic nerve loss
兒玉祥1), 石川正和2), Marcio D.Lima3), Kanzan Inoue3), 安達伸生1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 258-258, 2019.

Japanese Article Cytological and molecular biological characteristics of repairable Schwann cells and the effect of promoting axonal regeneration
鈴木智亮, 角家健, 遠藤健, 岩崎倫政
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 259-259, 2019.

Japanese Article The effect that transcranial galvanism stimulation gives for sensory disturbance with the ischemia
砂川融, 車谷洋, 上田章雄
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 260-260, 2019.

Japanese Article Muscle fatigue properties of the unaffected side quadriceps femoris muscle in the chronic phase stroke hemiplegia patients using the surface electromyogram power spectrum analysis
梅本安則, 幸田剣, 上條義一郎, 田島文博
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 261-261, 2019.

Japanese Article Diagnosis of the carpal tunnel syndrome using the neuromagnetic field measurement by the elbow part median nerve stimulation
佐々木亨1), 川端茂徳2), 藤田浩司1), 星野優子2), 関原謙介2), 赤座実穂3), 足立善昭4), 渡部泰士1),5), 宮野由貴5), 佐藤慎司5), 三谷悠貴5), 金碩燦5), 大川淳1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 262-262, 2019.

Japanese Article Form change of the ulnar nerve by the increase of the elbow flexure angle in patients with elbow part pipe syndrome
松井雄一郎1), 堀江達則2), 河村太介1), 瓜田淳1), 西田睦3), 岩崎倫政1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 263-263, 2019.

Japanese Article Movement of the median nerve accompanied with the wrist palmar flexion motion
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 264-264, 2019.

Japanese Article Association between articular movement and disease severity of the carpal tunnel syndrome case
車谷洋1), 兒玉祥2), 上田章雄1), 安達伸生2), 砂川融1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 265-265, 2019.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the elbow part pipe syndrome of the self-defense official
伊佐治雅1), 尼子雅敏1),2), 中谷創1), 中村優1), 天野翔太1), 中村瑞穂1), 北田明良1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 266-266, 2019.

Japanese Article - that characteristic - age, an etiology according to the disease severity of the elbow part pipe syndrome surgery case, a surgery wait period are associated with disease severity deeply
大村威夫1), 小川高志1), 杉浦香織1), 岡林諒1), 荻原弘晃2), 宮城道人1), 澤田智一3), 松山幸弘1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 267-267, 2019.

Japanese Article Change over time of the sonography evidence after the operation of elbow part pipe syndrome
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 268-268, 2019.

Japanese Article Monitoring surgery in the operation in the elbow part pipe syndrome
鈴木重哉1), 阿部雅志1), 臼井要介2), 大村威夫3), 松山幸弘3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 269-269, 2019.

Japanese Article Clinical study of high ulnar nerve palsy at Struthers Arcade
田嶋光, 倉明彦
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 270-270, 2019.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the ulnar nerve muscular layer lower forward movement technique by the Dellon method
篠原孝明1), 能登公俊1), 平田仁2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 271-271, 2019.

Japanese Article proximal ulnar mononeuropathy in the young woman
神林隆道, 田中園子, 山本淳平, 神谷久雄, 北國圭一, 園生雅弘
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 272-272, 2019.

Japanese Article Clinical features of seven hereditary peripheral neuropathy due to the GARS mutation
橋口昭大, 吉村明子, 安藤匡宏, 樋口雄二郎, 中村友紀, 岡本裕嗣, 松浦英治, 高嶋博
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 273-273, 2019.

Japanese Article A study of the neurodegenerative mechanism of familial amyloid polyneuropathy TTR E61K: Examination of the neuronopathy
村上龍文1), 刀祢重信2), 三五一憲3), 高久静香3), 水口峰之4), 砂田芳秀1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 274-274, 2019.

Japanese Article About relations of inflammation in the diabetic neuropathy and the retrograde axon transport
遅野井祥1), 水上浩哉1), 佐々木崇矩1), 高橋和久1), 小笠原早織1), 三五一憲2), 山本靖彦3), 山本博3), 八木橋操六1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 275-275, 2019.

Japanese Article Effects of metabolic syndrome in women with carpal tunnel syndrome
大茂壽久1), 酒井昭典2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 276-276, 2019.

Japanese Article Evaluation of thenar muscle atrophy and the M wave by the sonography in the carpal tunnel syndrome surgery case
名倉一成1), 金谷貴子2), 原田義文2), 乾淳幸3), 美舩泰3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 277-277, 2019.

Japanese Article Electrophysiological examination of carpal tunnel syndrome surgery case 203 moves
萩原祐介1),2), 稲田有史1),2),3), 森本茂4), 諸井慶七郎5), 中村達雄3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 278-278, 2019.

Japanese Article Problems in developing guidelines for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and proposals for new CTS group classification
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 279-280, 2019.

Japanese Article The nerve grafting with the blood vessel pattern using the ICG angiography: Evaluation of the range made nourishment to the superficial circumflex iliac artery deep branch in the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
山本匠, 布施佑馬, 坂井勇仁, 十九浦礼子
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 281-281, 2019.

Japanese Article Comparison - before and after examination - echo introduction of the echo guide bottom nerve block in the arms surgery
石河恵1), 高松聖仁2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 282-282, 2019.

Japanese Article We can undergo the bone operations of the distal culf beyond by a nerve block
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 283-283, 2019.

Japanese Article Effect of treatment of the peripheral nerve high mud release for the neuropathic pain
乾淳幸, 美舩泰, 西本華子, 黒澤堯, 山裏耕平, 向原伸太郎, 吉川智也, 黒田良祐
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 284-284, 2019.

Japanese Article Study on safety of the platelet-rich plasma therapy in the peripheral nerve surgical repair
原友紀, 井汲彰, 吉岡友和, 菅谷久, 谷口悠, 岡野英里子, 新井規仁, 金森章浩, 山崎正志
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 285-285, 2019.

Japanese Article Differences between ATTR-FAP and DADS type CIDP with electrophysiological demyelination views
大橋信彦1), 小平農1), 森田洋2), 関島良樹1),3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 286-286, 2019.

Japanese Article Usefulness of tibial nerve SEP in the lumbar spinal canal stenosis diagnosis: Comparison with NCS including the F wave
松倉清司1), 大石知瑞子2), 神谷久雄1), 宮地洋輔1), 千葉隆司1), 古川裕一1), 濱田雄一1), 北國圭一1), 畑中裕己1), 園生雅弘1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 287-287, 2019.

Japanese Article Clinical and electrophysiological characteristic due to the underlying disease of the vasculitis-related neuropathy
小林正樹, 竹内恵, 鈴木美紀, 北川一夫
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 288-288, 2019.

Japanese Article Electrophysiological characteristic of Alcoholic neuropathy
畑中裕己, 内田雄大, 桑原碧, 松倉清司, 古川裕一, 濱田雄一, 山本淳平, 神林隆道, 神谷久雄, 宮地洋輔, 千葉隆司, 北國圭一, 園生雅弘
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 289-289, 2019.

Japanese Article Repetition F wave in the carpal tunnel syndrome
蜂須賀明子1), 山中芳亮2), 酒井昭典2), 佐伯覚1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 290-290, 2019.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the neuroprotection effect through the removal by the peripheral blood macrophage of the misfold protein accumulating to the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis model mouse peripheral nerve
白石渉, 山崎亮, 小早川優子, 吉良潤一
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 291-291, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of the protection of zonisamide for dorsal root ganglion neuron and Schwann cells
三五一憲, 高久静香
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 292-292, 2019.

Japanese Article The suspensibility for the fibroblasts in the carpal tunnel of patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome and difference in diachronic drug effect of the water-soluble steroid
山中芳亮, 田島貴文, 目貫邦隆, 岡田祥明, 小杉健二, 善家雄吉, 酒井昭典
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 293-293, 2019.

Japanese Article Optimization and mechanism elucidation of the - administration concentrations that Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) promotes peripheral nerve reproduction through Schwann cells
素輪善弘1), 岸田綱郎2), 冨田興一3), 松田修2), 沼尻敏明1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 294-294, 2019.

Japanese Article The methylcobalamin promotes Akt phosphorylation in the macrophage and relieves inflammation after the peripheral nerve injury
岩橋徹, 田中啓之, 佐柳潤一, 平井幸雄, 岡久仁洋, 村瀬剛, 吉川秀樹
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 295-295, 2019.

Japanese Article A change and axon reproduction effect of the space-time interval after the peripheral nerve injury of the M2 macrophage
松居祐樹1), 角家健1), 永野裕介2), 遠藤健1), Alaa Terkawi1), 岩崎倫政1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 296-296, 2019.

Japanese Article The effect that the nonuse of the long-term affected side way gives ability for exercise image of patients with all type brachial plexus palsy
伊達翔太1), 車谷洋1), 上田章雄1),2), 吉村学1), 土手章史1), 石井陽介1), 林淳二2), 砂川融1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 297-297, 2019.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the science views of the surgery case for the thoracic outlet syndrome
伊藤雄也, 古島弘三, 岡田恭彰, 草野寛, 船越忠直, 堀内行雄, 伊藤恵康
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 298-298, 2019.

Japanese Article Nerve mobilization experience for a violin player who was unable to perform due to thorax exit syndrome
阿部幸一郎1), 加藤直樹2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 299-299, 2019.

Japanese Article 3 cases of the true neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome that was operated on, and was under the medical treatment
向原伸太郎1), 乾淳幸1), 美舩泰1), 西本華子1), 片岡武史1), 黒澤堯1), 山裏耕平1), 吉川智也1), 関口兼司2), 黒田良祐1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 300-300, 2019.

Japanese Article After the operation of the endoscopic assist poorness operation for thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) comparison - of results - sports and the non-sports case
草野寛, 古島弘三, 船越忠直, 伊藤雄也, 岡田恭彰, 堀内行雄, 伊藤恵康
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 301-301, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the ultrasonographic index as a surrogate marker in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A
小島雄太1), 能登祐一1), 辻有希子1), 森井芙貴子1), 滋賀健介2), 水野敏樹1), 中川正法3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 302-302, 2019.

Japanese Article We follow in the course of the Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) illness
長谷川修1), 奈良典子2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 303-303, 2019.

Japanese Article Convalescence of the sciatic nerve disorder at the buttocks
山本真一1), 三上容司2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 304-304, 2019.

Japanese Article The change of the diabetic neuropathy during 15 years
長谷川修1), 奈良典子2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 305-305, 2019.

Japanese Article It is long-term results after the operation of the elbow part pipe syndrome
米原周吾, 尼子雅敏, 藤巻亮二, 近藤晋哉, 山田真央, 伊佐治雅, 有野浩司, 根本孝一, 千葉一裕
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 306-306, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination record of four elbow part meatoplasty which passed more than 15 years
田尻和八, 柳下信一, 中西宏之, 石井孝佳, 金山智之
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 307-307, 2019.

Japanese Article Snacks movement reconstructive long-term results by the single-stage tendon transfer for the severeness elbow part pipe syndrome
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 308-308, 2019.

Japanese Article About the long-term course sighting of the cervical brachial plexus part nerve tumor
田尻康人, 原由紀則, 北優介, 星川慎弥, 川野健一
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 309-309, 2019.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination about the significance of the ANCA in EGPA
仁紫了爾1), 深見祐樹1), 池田昇平1), 高橋美江1), 大山健1), 川頭祐一1), 飯島正博1), 小池春樹1), 勝野雅央1), 祖父江元1),2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 310-310, 2019.

Japanese Article Clinical features of antiCV2/CRMP5 antibody-positive peripheral neuropathy which we measured in our hospital
内堀歩, 大石知瑞子, 千葉厚郎
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 311-311, 2019.

Japanese Article The autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation improves neurologic symptoms of the POEMS syndrome
水地智基, 三澤園子, 関口縁, 澁谷和幹, 網野寛, 鈴木陽一, 常山篤子, 中村圭吾, 桑原聡
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 312-312, 2019.

Japanese Article Function reconstruction of the arms paralysis due to the acute diastolic myelitis
土井一輝, 服部泰典, 坂本相哲, 林洸太
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 313-313, 2019.

Japanese Article Anti-side obturator nerve, thigh nerve transposition to femoral nerve palsy due to the acute diastolic myelitis
土井一輝, 服部泰典, 坂本相哲, 林洸太
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 314-314, 2019.

Japanese Article Six cases of suspected C8 disorder
原章1),3), 市原理司1),3), 鈴木雅生1),3), 林礼人1),2), 丸山祐一郎3), 金子和夫4)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 315-315, 2019.

Japanese Article Clinical features of patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy to be treated effectively with transvenous immunoglobulin therapy
深見祐樹1), 飯島正博1),2), 仁紫了爾1), 小池春樹1), 勝野雅央1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 316-316, 2019.

Japanese Article Difference of the demyelination distribution by the clinical form of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
澁谷和幹, 常山篤子, 三澤園子, 関口縁, 網野寛, 鈴木陽一, 水地智基, 中村圭吾, 桑原聡
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 317-317, 2019.

Japanese Article Peripheral neuropathy by the handling of the vibration tool
大成圭子1), 池上和範2), 白坂泰樹2), 安藤肇2), 菅野良介2), 野澤弘樹2), 道井聡史2), 大神明2), 足立弘明1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 318-318, 2019.

Japanese Article Influence of fingers on peripheral nerves by changing bath
西村誠次1), 多田薫2), 中嶋宰大2), 中田美香2), 松田匡司2), 池田和夫3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 319-319, 2019.

Japanese Article It is the association of patients with the pain with carpal tunnel syndrome and the somatotopic space perception disorder outside an innervation domain
吉田彬人1),2),3), 岩月克之3), 寶珠山稔4), 栗本秀3), 建部将広3), 山本美知郎3), 石井久雄3), 米田英正3), 中川泰伸3), 西川貴久子2), 松井泰之2), 富田紗依子2), 青山祐介2), 下瀬愛絵2), 平田仁3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 320-320, 2019.

Japanese Article About the long term prognosis of the complaints of lower limbs accompanied with the sampling of the sural nerve
多田薫, 中田美香, 松田匡司, 山内大輔, 池田和夫, 土屋弘行
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 321-321, 2019.

Japanese Article Supporting diagnosis of the thoracic outlet syndrome using the supersonic wave
岡田恭彰1), 古島弘三1), 井上彰2), 伊藤雄也1), 草野寛1), 船越忠直1), 堀内行雄1), 伊藤恵康1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 322-323, 2019.

Japanese Article Comparison - with classification - supersonic wave image views of the neurovascular bundle position relations using the sonography apparatus in the thoracic outlet syndrome and the endoscopic views in the operation
古島弘三, 草野寛, 船越忠直, 伊藤雄也, 岡田恭彰, 堀内行雄, 伊藤恵康
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 324-324, 2019.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the examination of gene locus subclavian arteriography for the thoracic outlet syndrome
土田真嗣1), 藤原浩芳1),2), 遠山将吾1),3), 小原将人1), 小田良1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 325-325, 2019.

Japanese Article About a position-affiliated classification of the neurovascular bundle in the thoracic outlet syndrome from the observation at - endoscope lower first rib resection -
古島弘三, 草野寛, 船越忠直, 伊藤雄也, 岡田恭彰, 堀内行雄, 伊藤恵康
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 326-326, 2019.

Japanese Article An examination for nerve conduction of Guillain-Barre syndrome: Characteristic of the each standard
関口縁, 三澤園子, 中村圭吾, 常山篤子, 鈴木陽一, 水地智基, 網野寛, 別府美奈子, 澁谷和幹, 桑原聡
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 327-327, 2019.

Japanese Article Erasmus modified GBS Outcome Scale Clinical features of Guillain-Barré syndrome with prognosis changing from good at admission to poor at 7 days
王子聡1), 山元正臣1), 杉本恒平1), 石塚慶太1), 成川真也1), 吉田典史1), 三井隆男2), 野村恭一1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 328-328, 2019.

Japanese Article Subclinical facial paralysis and blink reflex in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuritis and Guillain-Barre syndrome
石塚慶太1), 成川真也1), 山元正臣1), 杉本恒平1), 吉田典史1), 王子聡1), 三井隆男2), 深浦彦彰1), 野村恭一1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 329-329, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of the examination of phrenic nerve conduction of Guillain-Barre syndrome and the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in acknowledgment of a respiratory muscle disorder
成川真也1), 石塚慶太1), 杉本恒平1), 吉田典史1), 王子聡1), 三井隆男2), 深浦彦彰1), 野村恭一1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 330-330, 2019.

Japanese Article Clinical picture and the condition of a patient in the Fisher's syndrome: Precedent infection prescribes it
古賀道明1), 岸雅彦2), 福迫俊弘3), 生田尚美4), 加藤幹元5), 神田隆1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 331-331, 2019.

Japanese Article Summary of CIDP-J
池田昇平1),3), 深見祐樹1), 仁紫了爾1), 川頭祐一1), 飯島正博1), 小池春樹1), 楠進4), 勝野雅央1), 祖父江元1),2), CIDP-Jコンソーシアム
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 332-332, 2019.

Japanese Article Change over time of the skeletal muscle in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis (CIDP)
大山健1),2), 渡邊麻希2), 野崎康伸2), 横井孝政2), 岩井克成2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 333-333, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination about the cranial nerve hypertrophy in the orbit in antineurofascin 155 antibody-positive CIDP
緒方英紀1), 山崎亮2), 吉良潤一2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 334-334, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation of the immunoglobulin IV therapy of the chronic inflammatory demyelinating multiple root neuropathy patients in our hospital outpatient department
桑原基, 吉川恵輔, 森川みゆき, 稲田莉乃, 寒川真, 平野牧人, 楠進
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 335-335, 2019.

Japanese Article The incidence of median nerve high rank divergence and relations with the carpal tunnel syndrome
山中清孝, 日高典昭
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 336-336, 2019.

Japanese Article Clinical picture of the carpal tunnel syndrome 4 case of the median nerve recurrent branch (exercise branch) flexor retinaculum penetration type
吉田綾1),2), 奥津一郎2), 浜中一輝2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 337-337, 2019.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the Camitz strange law which made a pulley to Yokote root ligament of the radialis for the severe carpal tunnel syndrome of the elderly aged 75 or over
加藤直樹, 小池智之
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 338-338, 2019.

Japanese Article Tendency of the case that needed surgery medical treatment for an iatrogenic peripheral nerve injury
小川高志, 大村威夫, 杉浦香織, 松山幸弘
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 339-339, 2019.

Japanese Article It is the reproduction treatment long term prognosis in the living body for the CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome) severe case after the radius fracture
稲田有史1),2),3), 萩原祐介1),2), 森本茂4), 諸井慶七郎5), 中村達雄3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 340-340, 2019.

Japanese Article Medium-term results and time-course echo assessment of nerve regeneration guide tube for painful old nerve injury
頭川峰志, 長田龍介
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 341-341, 2019.

Japanese Article A series of GD1a/GA1 complex antibody-positive acute fulminant form Guillain-Barre syndrome 4 case which occurred in the same period, the area
杉本恒平1), 成川真也1), 山元正臣1), 石塚慶太1), 吉田典史1), 王子聡1), 三井隆男2), 深浦彦彰1), 海田賢一3), 野村恭一1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 342-342, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of running of the antiganglioside antibody titers in the recurrent Guillain-Barre syndrome
北大路隆正1), 辻有希子1), 能登祐一1), 滋賀健介2), 中川正法3), 水野敏樹1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 343-343, 2019.

Japanese Article An example of the vasculitis-related neuropathy that the bloodstream in the nerve by high-resolution Power doppler imaging disappeared after the treatment
渡部俊介, 森本耕平, 野田佳克, 関口兼司, 松本理器
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 344-344, 2019.

Japanese Article Ganglion in the ulnar nerve treated with ulnar nerve skin lower forward movement technique
栗本秀, 澤田英良, 佐伯将臣, 徳武克浩, 三竹辰徳, 大山慎太郎, 米田英正, 中川泰伸, 石井久雄, 岩月克之, 山本美知郎, 建部将広, 平田仁
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 345-345, 2019.

Japanese Article Two cases that a big finger became impossible of conflict after the endoscopic carpal tunnel release
上甲厳雄1), 内山茂晴2), 鴨居史樹2), 田中学2), 春日和夫2), 加藤博之2),3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 346-346, 2019.

Japanese Article 1 case that responded to spinal cord stimulation therapy for chronic intractable pain of composite topalgia syndrome (CRPS) type II
立山真吾1), 田中信彦1), 宇野武司1), 北岡祐美2), 高橋章大2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 347-347, 2019.

Japanese Article Two cases of the common fibular nerve paralysis associated with the knee joint composition ligament injury
澤田智一1), 大村威夫2), 松山幸弘2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 348-348, 2019.

Japanese Article One case that we observed long-term after the childhood humeral supracondylar fracture postoperative median nerve tear stitch
本田宗一郎, 山内大輔
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 349-349, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the posterior interosseous nerve singularity tear complicated with forearms cut wound
菅沼省吾1),2), 多田薫2), 高田宗知1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 350-350, 2019.

Japanese Article Two cases of the median nerve palsy associated with the crush injury
松田匡司, 多田薫, 中嶋宰大, 中田美香, 土屋弘行
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 351-351, 2019.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent free sural nerve transplant for a wrist part median nerve injury
大野木宏洋1), 久保田雅仁1), 舩橋伸司2), 五十棲秀幸2), 岡本秀貴3)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 352-352, 2019.

Japanese Article Based on the fundamental researches results in one - rat neuroma of amputation stump model of the digital nerve painful neuroma of amputation stump treated with the capping due to the artificial nerve -
斧出絵麻1), 上村卓也1),2), 横井卓哉1), 岡田充弘1), 中村博亮1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 353-353, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the premature infant Erb palsy that occurred by a cesarean operation
杉浦香織1), 大村威夫1), 小川高志1), 荻原弘晃2), 松山幸弘1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 354-354, 2019.

Japanese Article An example of the traumatic brachial plexus palsy of the children with the air bag
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 355-355, 2019.

Japanese Article The examination in exercise, the system sensory area reconstruction course when the CC7 edge side joined a transplant nerve for C7, 8, Th1 drawing injury for all type paralyses nerve damage case: Chase of 18 years 9 months
柴田実1), 畠野義郎2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 356-356, 2019.

Japanese Article One case that performed a nerve transposition for the proximal type cervical spondylosis-related amyotrophy of elderly people, and obtained good results
清水隆昌1), 面川庄平2), 長谷川英雄1), 田中康仁1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 357-357, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the thoracic outlet syndrome that recurred after the first costectomy in the 40th year
高松聖仁, 川端確, 曽我部祐輔, 森本友紀子
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 358-358, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of crisis CIDP which conducted an examination for diachronic nerve conduction
川嶋亜矢子1), 前田健太1), 遠藤昂駿1), 三上秀光1), 竪山真規2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 359-359, 2019.

Japanese Article 77 years old man case of CIDP which caused myelopathy by nerve root hypertrophy
佐藤亮太, 前田敏彦, 尾本雅俊, 古賀道明, 川井元晴, 神田隆
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 360-360, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the Fisher syndrome which presented facial paralysis in late onset
佐藤萌美, 森悠, 赤塚和寛, 冨田稔, 伊藤瑞規, 服部直樹
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 361-361, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the Fisher syndrome that occurred late in childbed
水野幸奈, 佐藤萌美, 森悠, 赤塚和寛, 冨田稔, 伊藤瑞規, 服部直樹
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 362-362, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the ALS who had the demyelinating neuropathy
水原亮1), 木村正志1), 結城奈津子1), 吉岡亮2), 竹内啓喜3), 岡伸幸4)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 363-363, 2019.

Japanese Article Men with 77 years old case of the axon type neuropathy which accepted mutation by the gene reexamination after the course in HSPB1 more than onset 20 years
古屋佑一郎1), 堀内碧1), 松井太郎1), 山崎啓史1), 高崎寛1), 橋口昭大2), 高嶋博2), 池脇克則1), 海田賢一1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 364-364, 2019.

Japanese Article Amyloid neuropathy due to AH amyloidosis
春日一希1), 高曽根健1), 大橋信彦1), 加藤修明1), 関島良樹1),2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 365-365, 2019.

Japanese Article An example of the antimyelin-associated glycoprotein antibody association neuropathy with the primary macrocryglobulinemia that administration was effective alone of fludarabine
鈴木陽一1), 澁谷和幹1), 三澤園子1), 関口縁1), 水地智基1), 常山篤子1), 中村圭吾1), 狩野裕樹1), 大和田千佳子2), 桑原聡1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 366-366, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the POEMS syndrome diagnosed during treatment of the SLE
矢野鉄人, 小林正樹, 戸田晋央, 白井優香, 鈴木美紀, 竹内恵, 北川一夫
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 367-367, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of severe Guillain-Barre syndrome that led to walk independence by long-term rehabilitation and harness therapy
村井昂太, 梅本安則, 田島文博
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 368-368, 2019.

Japanese Article Agree for skin hardening; and a 61 years old man case of the eosinophilic fasciitis with peripheral neuropathy
星野優美1), 佐藤充人1),2), 阿部隆太1), 近藤恭史1), 宮崎大吾1), 加藤修明1), 関島良樹1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 369-369, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the anterior interosseous nerve paralysis given nerve graft to a "constriction" part
長谷川和重1), 宮坂芳典1), 八田卓久2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 370-370, 2019.

Japanese Article One case that suffers from treatment after the primary operation for the carpal tunnel syndrome after 20 years
佐竹寛史, 澁谷純一郎, 高木理彰
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 371-371, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome by the mucopolysaccharidosis type II
奥野誠之1), 赤堀圭一2), 林原雅子1), 永島英樹1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 372-372, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the young woman who assumed carpal tunnel syndrome by the systemic amyloidosis associated with the multiple myeloma presenting symptoms
長田義憲1), 岩倉菜穂子2), 寺山恭史1), 高築義仁2), 矢吹明子2), 佐々木理多1), 岡崎賢2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 373-373, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the schwannoma that occurred to an inherent digital nerve of the department of melody out of the finger
鈴木修身, 増田哲夫
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 374-374, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the Guyon pipe syndrome due to the ganglion in the ulnar nerve
大中敬子1), 大久保宏貴1), 仲宗根素子1), 金城政樹1), 西田康太郎1), 金谷文則2)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 375-375, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the elbow part pipe syndrome due to the ganglion in the ulnar nerve with suspected onset intraarticular from an image of pathology
澁谷純一郎1),2), 佐竹寛史1), 高木理彰1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 376-376, 2019.

Japanese Article An example of the ulnar nerve deep branch disorder with the exception of the ulnar nerve deep branch
森本友紀子, 曽我部祐輔, 川端確, 高松聖仁
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 377-377, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the both elbows part pipe syndrome which developed in a young female athlete
市原理司1), 林礼人1),2), 原章1)
Peripheral Nerve 30(2): 378-378, 2019.