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Journal of Constitutional Medicine

Volume 72, Issue 1 / 2010
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Study on constitution of Japanese diabetes
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 1-4, 2010.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the significance of the pathophysiology of the adiponectin course in the skeletal muscle
山内敏正, 門脇孝
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 5-9, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect and the rule factor which the high fat diet load in humans gives for lipid accumulation and the insulin resistance development in skeletal muscle cells
田村好史, 櫻井裕子, 竹野景海, 熊代尚紀, 弘世貴久, 綿田裕孝, 河盛隆造
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 10-12, 2010.

Japanese Article About an improvement effect of the insulin resistance with warm temperature and the current simultaneous applying therapy
荒木栄一1), 近藤龍也1), 佐々木一成1), 古賀(森野)沙緒里2), 甲斐広文2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 13-17, 2010.

Japanese Article Constitution of type I diabetes mellitus
池上博司, 能宗伸輔, 川畑由美子
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 18-25, 2010.

Japanese Article Diabetes and Genetics - Lessons from genetic syndromes associated with diabetes -
Masahiro Nishi
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 26-31, 2010.

Japanese Article Constitution and diabetes
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 32-32, 2010.

Japanese Article Constitution and hyperlipidemia
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 33-36, 2010.

Japanese Article Constitution and high blood pressure
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 37-40, 2010.

Japanese Article Constitution and atrial fibrillation
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 41-44, 2010.

Japanese Article COPD and constitution
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 45-50, 2010.

Japanese Article Functional role allotment of IRS-1, IRS-2 in sugar, the lipid metabolism of the liver
窪田直人, 窪田哲也, 門脇孝
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 51-57, 2010.

Japanese Article About the manufacture of the high adiponectin blood symptom transgenic mouse and an effect on life of the adiponectin
小田辺修一, 山田研太郎
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 58-61, 2010.

Japanese Article From molecules to a disease for fundamental researches and development of the basic therapy for clinical integration - diabetes -
山内敏正, 門脇孝
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 62-69, 2010.

Japanese Article Automatic fuzzy and type 2 diabetes constitution in beta cells of pancreas
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 70-73, 2010.

Japanese Article 2-1. Examination of the rating system of sleep disorder of patients with type 2 diabetes
西理宏1), 太田敬之2), 南條典子3), 古川安志2), 森明菜3), 尾嵜文3), 川村雅夫3), 古田浩人2), 佐々木秀行2), 三家登喜夫3), 南條輝志男2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 74-74, 2010.

Japanese Article 2-2. Association between characteristic and insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk factors of the body composition of patients with Japanese type 2 diabetes
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 74-75, 2010.

Japanese Article 2-3. Obesity and metabolic syndrome in general inhabitants
竹内真理1), 佐々木恵理子2), 内野英幸2), 村杉謙次2), 川久保清3), 井上修二4)1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 75-75, 2010.

Japanese Article 2-4. Association between serum bilirubin levels and diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes
遠藤久子, 古田浩人, 井畑淳子, 松野正平, 西理宏, 佐々木秀行, 南條輝志男
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 76-76, 2010.

Japanese Article 3-1. Usefulness of the molecular target treatment using the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor inhibitor for colon cancer
山本博幸1), 谷口博昭1), 足立靖1), 篠村恭久1), 鬼原彰2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 76-77, 2010.

Japanese Article 3-2. Molecular mechanism of a pancreatic islet compensation characteristics increase and the quantity of pancreatic islet IRS-2 adjustment in the rupture
大杉満, 窪田直人, 小林正稔, 笹子敬洋, 金子和真, 勝山修行, 植木浩二郎, 門脇孝
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 77-77, 2010.

Japanese Article 3-3. Potential frequency of the depression in patients with foreign going to hospital diabetes and clinical background
小河健一1), 井畑淳子2), 山崎浩2), 下村裕子2), 中野好夫2), 若崎久生2), 古田浩人2), 西理宏2), 佐々木秀行2), 南條輝志男2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 77-78, 2010.

Japanese Article 3-4. A characteristic and HbA1c level of the exercise of patients with diabetes custom
川村雅夫1), 佐々木秀行2), 下村裕子2), 中野好夫2), 若崎久生2), 古田浩人2), 西理宏1), 中尾大成2), 南條輝志男2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 72(1): 78-78, 2010.