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Journal of Constitutional Medicine

Volume 74, Issue 1 / 2012
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The previous history, the present and the future conditions of physical exercise for the diabetic patients
Tomoko Uno1), Yuzo Sato2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 1-6, 2012.

Japanese Article The present conditions and the problem of Japanese life-style related diseases to undergo a complete change: Hisayama-machi study
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 7-14, 2012.

Japanese Article Participation in macrophage increase instruction effect and arteriosclerosis extension through NADPH oxidase
木下博之, 松村剛, 福田一起, 石井規夫, 瀬ノ口隆文, 本島寛之, 西川武志, 荒木栄一
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 15-15, 2012.

Japanese Article The vascular endothelial cells insulin signal disorder brings about an insulin-dependent sugar uptake disorder of the skeletal muscle
窪田直人, 門脇孝
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 16-19, 2012.

Japanese Article Tcf712 of beta cells of pancreas plays an important role in quantity of beta cells of pancreas maintenance
高本偉碩1), 窪田直人1), 小畑淳史1), 熊谷勝義1), 窪田哲也2), 北村忠弘3), 植木浩二郎1), 門脇孝1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 20-20, 2012.

Japanese Article Pharmacological intervention for type 2 diabetes - aiming at preservation of β cell function
Kumiko Hamano
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 21-27, 2012.

Japanese Article Basic theory for personalized medicine realization
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 29-29, 2012.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the personalized medicine of diabetes
安田和基, 平本正樹, 南茂隆生, 宇田川陽秀
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 30-34, 2012.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the personalized medicine in cancer and the future prospects
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 35-40, 2012.

Japanese Article Medical ethics for realizing "Personalized Medicine"
Yoshimitsu Fukushima
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 41-45, 2012.

Japanese Article Preventive Strategy for Cardiovascular Disease : Findings from comparative studies between Japanese, Japanese Americans and Caucasians.
Tomonori Okamura
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 46-52, 2012.

Japanese Article The cancer prevention, the treatment strategy which 2 personal genome analysis brings
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 53-53, 2012.

Japanese Article Treatment of Diabetes to prevent vascular complications
Takashi Nomiyama, Toshihiko Yanase
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 74(1): 54-60, 2012.