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Journal of Constitutional Medicine

Volume 80, Issue 1 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Possibility - of a limit and the oxidative stress marker of - HbA1c thinking about a glycemic control marker in the diabetic complications onset prevention
西川武志1), 木下博之1), 梶原伸宏2), 久木留大介2), 荒木栄一2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 1-5, 2018.

Japanese Article One or - that only factor - why beta cells of pancreas determining a target organ of the autoimmune disease are attacked
池上博司, 能宗伸輔, 川畑由美子
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 6-12, 2018.

Japanese Article The association of smoking with Graves' ophthalmopathy
Hiroyuki Eguchi1), Yui Nakamura1), Junichi Tani2), Kentaro Yamada2), Ryotaro Kodama3), Yasuo Teshima3), Yuji Hiromatsu1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 13-21, 2018.

Japanese Article Relationship between Anaerobic Threshold and body composition in late middle age male patients with type 2 diabetes
Ryosuke Matsuki1,2), Yoshikazu Hirasawa1,2), Atsushi Ogi1), Hideaki Tanina1), Toshihiko Ebisu1,2), Takeshi Kurose2,3)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 22-27, 2018.

Japanese Article Blood cash registers Japanese spaniel regulatory mechanism and constitution in humans
大澤春彦, 川村良一, 高田康徳
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 28-32, 2018.

Japanese Article The present conditions and the future of the Monogenic diabetes practice
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 33-33, 2018.

Japanese Article Knowledge ... from disease-sensitive gene and environmental factors - cash registers Japanese spaniel SNP
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 34-34, 2018.

Japanese Article Type 2 diabetes mellitus and intestinal flora 〜present situation and future issues〜
Kanazawa Akio
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 35-40, 2018.

Japanese Article Molecular mechanism of the epigenome control in brown fat cells
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 41-44, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of Incretin Related Drugs on Atherosclerosis
Hirotaka Watada
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 45-48, 2018.

Japanese Article Progress of genome analysis technology and genomic medicine
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 49-49, 2018.

Japanese Article Adiposity and a heredity factor and participation of the lifestyle to give to the condition of a patient of diabetes
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 50-55, 2018.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy with the condition of a patient and the incretin of Japanese type 2 diabetes judging from constitutional medicine
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 56-61, 2018.

Japanese Article Significance in transcription, epigenome control and the life-style related diseases in the fat cell
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 62-66, 2018.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the role of gene E4BP4, DBP at an output meter in the carbohydrate metabolism of the liver in total
松村卓郎, 太田康晴, 田口昭彦, 谷澤幸生
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 67-67, 2018.

Japanese Article GLP-1 receptor agonist Exendin-4 inhibits a breast cancer increase through inhibition of NF-κB
岩屋智加予, 野見山崇, 川波賢子, 小松志保, 濱口百合子, 田中智子, 柳瀬敏彦
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 68-68, 2018.

Japanese Article GLP-1 receptor agonist Exendin-4 inhibits expression of nuclear receptor NOR1 in the vascular smooth muscle cell
高橋弘幸, 野見山崇, 川波賢子, 濱口百合子, 田中智子, 柳瀬敏彦
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 69-69, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect by the difference of carbohydrate intake contents at use of SGLT2 inhibitor on patients with Japanese type 2 diabetes
原口卓也1,2), 矢部大介2), 桑田仁司1,2), 浜本芳之1,2), 黒瀬健1,2), 清野裕1,2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 70-70, 2018.

Japanese Article Study on the suppression effect of diabetic macroangiopathy by Empagliflozin
村上彩子, 松村剛, 瀬ノ口隆文, 石井規夫, 山田沙梨恵, 西田周平, 本島寛之, 近藤龍也, 荒木栄一
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 71-71, 2018.

Japanese Article "Jet lag" and diabetes of beta cells of pancreas
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 72-72, 2018.

English Article 1-1. Sarcopenia and type 2 diabetes mellitus in Chinese elderly
Li Yu, Taotao Wang, Jingjing Zhou, Song Xia
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 73-73, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-2. Examination according to the form about the clinical index to prescribe a skeletal muscle mass and the fat mass in patients with diabetes
幕谷由佳子, 能宗伸輔, 廣峰義久, 馬場谷成, 伊藤裕進, 武友保憲, 貫戸幸星, 當間純子, 川畑由美子, 池上博司
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 73-74, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-3. Examination of the association between breakfast undernourishment and body composition and glucide and lipid metabolic disorders in type 2 diabetes
中山ひとみ1), 岩田慎平1), 大木剛1), 永山綾子1), 山田泰士2), 岩崎昌子2), 矢野万未子1), 吉信聡子1), 田尻祐司1), 山田研太郎3)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 74-75, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-4. Difference in body composition change of the SGLT2 inhibitor by the presence or absence of biguanide medicine combination
永井義夫1), 太田明雄2), 中川朋子1), 中村祐太1), 松原史明1), 田中逸1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 75-75, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-1. Graves' disease and thymus, sIL-2R
西理宏1), 山西一輝2), 古川安志2), 松野正平2), 稲葉秀文2), 岩倉浩2), 有安宏之2), 古田浩人2), 赤水尚史2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 75-76, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-2. Serum lipid, examination of the carbohydrate metabolism-related material of the person with cervical cord injury for the slow systemic low temperature stimulus
西山一成1), 上條義一郎1), 河崎敬2), 木下利喜生3), 中田朋紀4), 田島文博1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 76-76, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-3. About veracity of the abdominal ultrasonography for the fat abnormality accumulation in the liver which we evaluated in 1H-MRS
松原史明, 中川朋子, 中村祐太, 永井義夫, 田中逸
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 76-77, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-4. From the examination of the successive change -9 annual dock, medical examination consultation case of the BMI in elderly people -
中川朋子1,2), 永井義夫1), 中村祐太1), 松原史明1), 田中逸1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 77-77, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-5. Empirical meal inflammatory characteristics of healthy elderly
金内雅夫1), 柴田満1), 藤澤弘枝2), 岩村真樹3)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 77-78, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-6. The effect that a body fluid loss at the door-to-door parcel delivery service duties simulation gives to warm and cool comfortable degree and behavior in the summer in the winter season
上條義一郎1), 中山亜未1), 三井利仁2), 中田朋紀1), 川端浩一2), 吉松大樹2), 松永和彦3), 田島文博1,2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(1): 78-78, 2018.