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Journal of Constitutional Medicine

Volume 80, Issue 3 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Greetings of the 68th Japan constitution medical society general meeting holding
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 1-1, 2018.

Japanese Article Over a Japanese detailed body composition evaluation
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 199-199, 2018.

Japanese Article Healthy life expectancy and nourishment
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 200-200, 2018.

Japanese Article About the kinesitherapy of diabetes is underlying, a clinical study: For improvement of constitution
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 201-201, 2018.

Japanese Article The effect that strict multiple factor intervention gives to a vascular complication and a vital prognosis on type 2 diabetes
笹子敬洋1), 植木浩二郎2), 岡崎由希子1), 大橋靖雄3), 野田光彦4), 門脇孝1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 202-202, 2018.

Japanese Article Can the constitution be improved by the control of role elucidation - zinc transporter of zinc in life-style related diseases?
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 203-203, 2018.

Japanese Article Study on constitution elucidation of diabetes by the genetic information analysis
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 204-204, 2018.

Japanese Article For the best way of life in the old age for the health maintenance of the eyes of - elderly people
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 205-205, 2018.

Japanese Article Progress of the low invasive treatment in the circulatory organ domain
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 206-206, 2018.

Japanese Article Medical therapy of patients with elderly people diabetes
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 207-207, 2018.

Japanese Article Dementia as the cardiovascular disease and the initiative medical care
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 208-208, 2018.

Japanese Article Life-style related diseases measures necessary for healthy longevity: Than the results of the Hisayama-machi study
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 211-211, 2018.

Japanese Article From healthy long-lived study - centenarians to a super centenarians study -
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 212-212, 2018.

Japanese Article It is ... from a meal and efforts of science of behavior - Okinawa found in healthy protracted-life society
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 213-213, 2018.

Japanese Article Exercise for healthy longevity
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 214-214, 2018.

Japanese Article Type 2 diabetes treatment Up to Date
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 217-217, 2018.

Japanese Article The new prospects of diabetes treatment
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 218-218, 2018.

Japanese Article The diabetes treatment strategy which aims at the healthy longevity
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 219-219, 2018.

Japanese Article Function of the GLP-1 receptor in the prostate cancer
重岡徹, 野見山崇, 川波賢子, 濱口百合子, 田中智子, 柳瀬敏彦
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 223-223, 2018.

Japanese Article About an effect to give to a skeletal muscle of selective androgen receptor agonist S42
牟田芳美, 濱口百合子, 田中智子, 野見山崇, 柳瀬敏彦
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 224-224, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical physiological significance of feedback inhibition of insulin secretion in the healthy subject
加賀英義1), 田村好史1),2), 竹野景海1),2), 鈴木瑠璃子1), 門脇聡1), 杉本大介1), 染谷由希2), 河盛隆造2), 綿田裕孝1),2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 225-225, 2018.

Japanese Article The exposure to mother's body diabetes of the fetal and lactational loss of control of blood sugar affects the glucose tolerance and the liver metabolism after the growth of the pup
井口志洋1),2), 竹一柳健司3), 大石裕晃1), 井口登與志4), 佐々木裕之1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 226-226, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical picture of patients with diabetes to require a review, a change of the treatment
大星隆司1), 太地麻衣美2), 三長敬昌2), 福田咲子2), 若崎久生2), 中啓吾2), 南條輝志男2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 229-229, 2018.

Japanese Article Do the Mediterranean diet type dietary habits preserve the gut flora in elderly people in a good state?
金内雅夫1), 柴田満1), 岩村真樹2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 230-230, 2018.

Japanese Article Characteristic (examination by the dip stick) of the salt intake of the Kanagawa practice medical doctor going to hospital high blood pressure patients
南澤康介1),2), 佐藤和義1),3), 荏原太1),4), 高見澤重隆1),5), 柁原啓一1),6), 堺浩之1),7), 窪島真吾1),8), 原芳邦1),9), 羽鳥信郎1),10), 岡部元彦1),11), 古木隆元1),12), 小林一雄1),13), 山本晴章1),14), 宮川政昭1),15)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 231-231, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the sweetness by the blood sugar control purpose hospitalization in patients with diabetes-sensitive change
中村祐太, 石井聡, 加藤浩之, 永井義夫, 田中逸
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 232-232, 2018.

Japanese Article Association between snack intake frequency and skeletal muscle index in patients with type 2 diabetes
中山ひとみ1), 山田泰士2), 多賀百香2), 和田暢彦1), 永山綾子1), 山田研太郎3), 田尻祐司1), 野村政壽1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 233-233, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect with a predictor and the treatment of the bone fracture risk complicated with type 2 diabetes: From the adverse event data of the J-DOIT3 study
笹子敬洋1),2), 植木浩二郎1),2), 岡崎由希子1),2), 大橋靖雄3), 野田光彦4), 門脇孝1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 234-234, 2018.

Japanese Article Study on effectiveness and safety ASSIGN-K with the ipragliflozin 104 weeks administration for patients with type 2 diabetes
川田剛裕1),2), 家光浩太郎1), 朝倉太郎1), 雨宮光1), 石川雅1), 伊藤正吾1), 金森晃1), 金城瑞樹1), 久保田章1), 篠田和明1), 高井昌彦1), 詫摩哲郎1), 武田浩1), 町村英郎1), 皆川冬樹1), 南信明1), 杢保敦子1), 宮川政昭1), 田中逸3), 寺内康夫4), 松葉育郎1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 235-235, 2018.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with diabetes
松村剛1), 瀬ノ口隆文1), 建石良介2), 小池和彦2), 荒木栄一1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 236-236, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of a characteristic and the constitution in the person with endocrinosis onset accompanied with the use of immune checkpoint inhibitor
武友保憲, 能宗伸輔, 馬場谷成, 廣峰義久, 庭野史丸, 當間純子, 川畑由美子, 池上博司
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 237-237, 2018.

Japanese Article The blood pressure low level in patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency during foreign going to hospital is associated with frailty
土井駿一1),2), 鈴木規雄1), 伊藤史之1), 足利光平1), 石橋祐記1), 木田圭亮1), 原田智雄1), 明石嘉浩1), 田中逸3)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 238-238, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the predictive biomarker requiring nursing care in patients with old diabetes: Correlation of serum bilirubin levels and basic ADL drop
井口登與志1), 福原沙希2), 大和真由実3), 中井陸運4), 江藤知明2), 正門光法2), 末廣悟2), 梅田文夫2), 山内照章2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 239-239, 2018.

Japanese Article Possibility - of early biomarker - urinary Ngal of the normal albuminuria-related diabetic kidney disease
西伸幸1), 西理宏2), 石橋達也1), 浦木進丞1), 竹島健1), 山岡博之1), 古川安志1), 松谷紀彦1), 森田修平1), 松野正平1), 稲葉秀文1), 岩倉浩1), 有安宏之1), 古田浩人1), 赤水尚史1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 240-240, 2018.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the quantity of muscle using cystatin C in patients with diabetes
阿部諒1), 前西佐映1), 村田清美1), 原友菜1), 橋本美晴1), 東佑美1), 田中明紀子1), 小出知史1), 望月龍馬1), 古川安志1),2), 石橋達也2), 松野正平2), 稲葉秀文2), 岩倉浩2), 有安宏之2), 古田浩人2), 赤水尚史2), 西理宏1),2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 241-241, 2018.

Japanese Article Diachronic study - study start time data of patients with antiGAD antibody-positive gestational diabetes
西川武志1), 木下博之1), 小野恵子1), 橋本章子1), 大久保侑馬1), 高橋毅1), 荒木栄一2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 242-242, 2018.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the energy metabolism regulatory mechanism in the liver through clock gene E4BP4
田口昭彦1), 太田康晴2), 松村卓郎1), 福田尚文1), 山本薫1), 柳井章江3), 秋山優1), 藤本留理子1), 神吉けい太4), 汐田剛史4), 水上洋一5), 篠田晃3), 谷澤幸生1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 243-243, 2018.

Japanese Article Relations with skin vasodilating, a sweat response and the injury number of years at the fulminant hyperthermia of the spinal cord injury injured
上條義一郎1), 木下利喜生2), 中村健3), 梅本安則1), 幸田剣1), 田島文博1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 244-244, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison of a person with glucide and lipid metabolism - cervical cord injury and the person before and after the wheelchair half marathon with chest lumbar cord injury
西山一成1), 上條義一郎1), 木下利喜生1), 石亀綾奈2), 田島文博1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 245-245, 2018.

Japanese Article About an association between vascular endothelium function and autonomy, peripheral neuropathy using the RH-PAT method in patients with type 2 diabetes
古田眞智1), 山岡博之1), 古田浩人2), 赤水尚史2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 246-246, 2018.

Japanese Article Physical activity above 3 METs is negatively associated with blood resistin and insulin resistance [Toon Health Study]
川村良一1), 高田康徳1), 丸山広達2), 田原康玄3), 高門美沙季1), 羽立登志美1), 松下由美1), 西田亙1), 大沼裕1), 谷川武4), 斉藤功5), 大澤春彦1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 247-247, 2018.

Japanese Article Comparison between double energy X-ray absorption assay and four extremities skeletal muscle index which measured it by multi-frequency bioelectricity impedance method in type 2 diabetes
石井聡, 永井義夫, 川名部新, 加藤浩之, 田中逸
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 80(3): 248-248, 2018.