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Journal of Constitutional Medicine

Volume 83, Issue 1 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Sense of taste and lifestyle-related diseases
Masahiro Nishi1,2), Akiko Tanaka1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 1-5, 2021.

Japanese Article Constitution for diabetes incidence and cancer incidence with diabetes - relationship between genetic predisposition and environmental factors from the JPHC study
Mitsuhiko Noda1), Atsushi Goto2,3), Shoichiro Tsugane2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 6-13, 2021.

Japanese Article Structure and function of the adiponectin receptor
岩部美紀, 岩部真人, 山内敏正, 門脇孝
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 14-17, 2021.

Japanese Article For diabetic complications conquest
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 18-23, 2021.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the mechanism of suppressing the onset and progression of diabetic macrovascular disease by antidiabetic drugs-Focusing on macrophages- [Machine Translation] (抗糖尿病薬による糖尿病大血管症発症・進展抑制機序の解明 - マクロファージを中心に -)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 24-28, 2021.

Japanese Article Constitution elucidation of type I diabetes mellitus in Japanese
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 29-35, 2021.

Japanese Article Constitutional medicine study for conquest of diabetes, the metabolic disease in the super super-aged society and the healthy long-lived realization
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article ... which thinks about the front line - GLP-1 receptor agonist of type 2 diabetes treatment
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 37-37, 2021.

Japanese Article Molecular Mechanism of Environmental Response and Adaptation
Keiko Taguchi1,2,3), Masayuki Yamamoto1,2,3)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 38-45, 2021.

Japanese Article Study on lifestyle and genetic predisposition related to the onset of diabetes - Including elucidation of the relationship between the two in the constitution for the onset of diabetes -
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 46-49, 2021.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the pathophysiological significance of the macrophage increase in arteriosclerosis and impaired glucose tolerance
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article Elucidation of macrophage inflammation control mechanism by clock gene E4BP4
梶邑泰子, 田口昭彦, 山本薫, 太田康晴, 谷澤幸生
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 51-51, 2021.

Japanese Article Lysin demethylation enzyme LSD1 controls skeletal muscle plasticity
荒木裕貴1),2), 日野信次朗1), 阿南浩太郎1), 興梠健作1), 高瀬隆太1), 荒木栄一2), 中尾光善1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 52-52, 2021.

Japanese Article The active sthenia of the marrow inflammation-related Ly6Chigh monocyte of the diabetes mouse has an influence on the impaired glucose tolerance
池田陽介1),2), 園田紀之2),3), 木村真一郎2),4), 井口登與志5)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 53-53, 2021.

Japanese Article It is effectively utilized sustained-release dissolution insulin preparation in type 2 diabetes treatment, the GLP-1 receptor agonist combination drug
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 54-54, 2021.

Japanese Article 1-1. The SGLT2 inhibitor decreases the weight in body fat predominance in the patients with Japanese type 2 diabetes (DIET trial)
園田紀之1), 横溝久1), 小野恭裕2), 伊藤淳1), 遠山岳詩3), 廣瀬将行3), 渡邊広子3), 岸本淳司3), 井口登與志4)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 55-55, 2021.

Japanese Article 1-2. Grasp of the diet change by the hyperemesis of patients with gestational diabetes
今村美咲1), 山下晶穂1), 福田由佳3), 加來正之1), 四元有吏1), 西川武志2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 55-56, 2021.

Japanese Article 1-3. Change of the quantity of intake nourishment after diet contents and the diagnosis of patients with gestational diabetes
山下晶穂1), 今村美咲1), 福田由佳3), 加來正之1), 四元有吏1), 西川武志2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 56-56, 2021.

Japanese Article 1-4. Examination of the clinical picture of diabetes (MODY3) due to the HNF-1A mutation in the gene
古田ひろと1), 松谷紀彦1), 宮脇正和2), 古田眞智3), 松野正平1), 浦木進丞1), 土井麻子1), 太田敬之4), 森田修平1), 岩倉浩1), 西理宏1), 鈴木啓之2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 57-57, 2021.

Japanese Article 1-5. The effect on carbohydrate metabolism of the biological clock improvement sleeping drug varies according to obesity
大山真穂1), 森田修平1)2), 石橋達也2), 小畑摩由子1), 前西佐映1), 阿部諒1), 東佑美1), 田中明紀子1), 小出知史1), 望月龍馬1), 西理宏1)2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 57-58, 2021.

Japanese Article 2-1. It is examination ... of ... 36 months about the effect on kidney of the SGLT2 inhibitor in patients with type 2 diabetes
古田眞智1), 山岡博之1), 古田浩人2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 58-58, 2021.

Japanese Article 2-2. The condition of a patient elucidation of the young diabetes case that showed the essentialness of the incretin signal
近藤龍也1), 北野さやか1), 井形元維1), 渡邊拓郎2), 宮川展和2), 吉積臨太郎2), 河島淳司2), 瀬ノ口隆文2), 松村剛2), 荒木栄一2)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 58-59, 2021.

Japanese Article 2-3. Identification of the efficacy attenuation factor in the SGLT2 inhibitor chronic administration
田中知子1), 松村剛2), 上田聖子1), 藤本有紀3), 荒木栄一1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 59-59, 2021.

Japanese Article 2-4. Role of Heat Shock Protein72 (HSP72) in alfa cells of pancreas
渡邊拓郎, 近藤龍也, 宮川展和, 吉積臨太郎, 北野さやか, 井形元維, 河島淳司, 瀬ノ口隆文, 松村剛, 荒木栄一
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 59-60, 2021.

Japanese Article 2-5. Examination of the body composition in patients with old type 2 diabetes
井口志洋1), 井口登與志2), 江藤知明1), 正門光法3), 梅田文夫1), 山内照章1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 60-60, 2021.

Japanese Article 3-1. Effect of the elastin peptide sustained administration derived from fish on hypertensive renovascular injury onset
竹森久美子, 米谷俊
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 60-61, 2021.

Japanese Article 3-2. Example that has poor diabetes control that caused indolent myocardial infarction
松尾知子1), 鷲見仁志2), 原口明子1), 原口義邦1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 61-63, 2021.

Japanese Article 3-3. NAFLD improvement effect of the warm temperature feeble current therapy in metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes
宮川展和1), 近藤龍也2), 北野さやか2), 渡邊拓郎1), 後藤理英子1), Mary Ann Suico3), 佐藤美希1), 高木優樹1), 阪口雅司1), 井形元維2), 河島淳司1), 本島寛之1), 松村剛1), 甲斐広文3), 荒木栄一1)
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 63-64, 2021.

Japanese Article 3-4. One case with suspected cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis who had the significant hypercholesterolemia
西田健朗, 三島ともみ, 工藤泉璃, 大久保美那
Journal of Constitutional Medicine 83(1): 64-64, 2021.