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Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology

Volume 39, Issue 1 / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Two cases which rheumatoid arthritis disease activity worsened after remission treatment of rheumatoid arthritis-related lymphoproliferative disorders and was used Sarilumab
荒井勝光1), 小泉雅裕1), 保坂登1), 植木将人1), 藤川隆太1), 穂苅翔1), 石井夏樹1), 樋口賢太郎1), 高橋響1), 田代啓二郎1), 木下瑛二2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 1-6, 2023.

Japanese Article Multicenter investigation - second report - about the preoperation treatment of the osteoporotic vertebral body bone fracture surgery case in Niigata
島垣朔歩1), 大橋正幸2), 渡辺慶2), 草部雄太1), 須田義裕1), 津吉秀樹1), 川島寛之2), 新潟脊椎外科研究会
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 7-11, 2023.

Japanese Article Three cases of the shaku side CM joint dislocation bone fracture that used a rocking plate together, and underwent bone fusion
石坂佳祐, 善財慶治, 五十嵐哲也, 高木祥有, 草部雄太, 村山敬之, 浦川貴朗, 高橋一雄, 矢尻洋一
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 13-17, 2023.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the childhood humeral distal diaphysis, metaphysis transitional region bone fracture
松尾裕次郎, 幸田久男, 森谷浩治, 坪川直人, 成澤弘子, 牧裕
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 19-23, 2023.

Japanese Article Comparison of situation investigation 2014 and 2022 of the osteoporotic practice in the proximal thighbone bone fracture
田代啓二郎, 荒井勝光, 小泉雅裕, 保坂登, 植木将人, 藤川隆太, 穂苅翔, 石井夏樹, 樋口賢太郎, 高橋響
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 25-30, 2023.

Japanese Article A case of early loading using open wedge HTO for proximal tibia fracture with varus deformity and delayed union
渡邉信, 村岡幹夫
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 31-37, 2023.

Japanese Article The pediatric cervical vertebrae intervertebral disk calcification symptom that occurred in a row for intervertebral disc herniation: Case report and systematic review
吉田侑真1), 大橋正幸2), 渡邊慶2), 田仕英希3), 牧野達夫2), 湊圭太郎2), 川島寛之2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 39-48, 2023.

Japanese Article A correction effect of the Rigo Cheneau harness in idiopathic scoliosis: Comparison with the conventional Jewett brace
花房繁寿1), 大橋正幸1), 田仕英希2), 牧野達夫1), 湊圭太郎1), 川島寛之1), 渡邊慶1)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 49-53, 2023.

Japanese Article Mainly on the hospital transfer situation of general condition - severeness paralysis case of cervical spine, the cervical cord injury -
保坂登, 荒井勝光, 小泉雅裕, 藤川隆太, 富山泰行, 石井夏樹, 樋口賢太郎, 遠藤祐己, 池田智也, 関谷岳
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 55-59, 2023.

Japanese Article 1. Fibular artery perforating branch dermal flap for the around the ankle skin loss
高野岳人1), 依田拓也2), 平野貴文1)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 61-61, 2023.

Japanese Article 2. The situation of our hospital after the secondary bone fracture prevention follow-up charges calculation
田代啓二郎, 荒井勝光, 高橋響, 樋口賢太郎, 石井夏樹, 穂苅翔, 藤川隆太, 植木将人, 保坂登, 小泉雅裕
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 61-61, 2023.

Japanese Article 3. An effect and effect of the efforts new patient outpatient department reservation system of the work-style reform in the Tokamachi Hospital
今井真1), 倉石達也1), 福原宗1), 村岡治1), 吉嶺文俊2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 61-61, 2023.

Japanese Article 4. Night how to spend orthopedics of the choice community hospital called the work-style reform measures second duty
福原宗1), 倉石達也1), 村岡治1), 今井真1), 齋藤悠2), 吉嶺文俊2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 61-61, 2023.

Japanese Article 5. The treatment situation of the compound fracture in the university hospital
依田拓也1), 高野岳人2), 普久原朝海3), 渡邊要3)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 62-62, 2023.

Japanese Article 6. Three cases of the shaku side CM joint dislocation bone fracture that used a rocking plate together, and underwent bone fusion
石坂佳祐, 善財慶治, 五十嵐哲也, 高木祥有, 草部雄太, 村山敬之, 浦川貴朗, 高橋一雄, 矢尻洋一
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 62-62, 2023.

Japanese Article 7. Strong steel wire anchorage to prevent the iatrogenic ulnar nerve injury for the childhood humeral supracondylar fracture
中臺雅人, 山下晴義, 河野賢人, 富田裕, 遠藤祐己, 渡邉仁, 石川裕也, 酒井芳倫, 庄司寛和, 瀬川博之
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 62-62, 2023.

Japanese Article 8. Examination of the surgery medical treatment of the childhood humeral supracondylar fracture
犬飼友哉, 川瀬大央, 森田修, 三浦一人, 伊東祥希, 風間光
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 62-62, 2023.

Japanese Article 9. Treatment result of the epicondylus medialis humeri bone fracture that we experienced in our hospital
吉田謙, 土屋潤平, 高橋勇樹, 島垣朔歩, 大坪周平
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 62-63, 2023.

Japanese Article 10. Treatment result of the childhood humeral distal diaphysis, metaphysis transitional region bone fracture
松尾裕次郎, 幸田久男, 山田政彦, 森谷浩治, 坪川直人, 成澤弘子, 牧裕
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 63-63, 2023.

Japanese Article 11. Examination of the childhood antebrachial bone shaft fracture that resulted in a re-bone fracture
山田政彦, 幸田久男, 森谷浩治, 坪川直人, 成澤弘子, 牧裕
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 63-63, 2023.

Japanese Article 12. An example of the venous thoracic outlet syndrome
石井夏樹, 小泉雅裕, 荒井勝光, 保坂登, 植木将人, 藤川隆太, 穂苅翔, 樋口賢太郎, 高橋響, 田代啓二郎
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 63-63, 2023.

Japanese Article 13. Examination of the arthrodesis for the big finger CM arthropathy
サッキャ・イソラマン, 古月顕宗, 高須誠, 菊井博司
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 63-63, 2023.

Japanese Article 14. Examination of the transthyretin amyloid deposition case in the carpal tunnel syndrome
中臺雅人, 山下晴義, 河野賢人, 富田裕, 遠藤祐己, 渡邉仁, 石川裕也, 酒井芳倫, 庄司寛和, 瀬川博之
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 63-64, 2023.

Japanese Article 15. Short-term treatment result of the neuropathic pain medicine for the symptom for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
鈴木宣瑛, 涌井純一, 勝見亮太, 生沼武男
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 64-64, 2023.

Japanese Article 16. The X-P photography that the (2) CM joint is correct how first metacarpal bone osteotomy (1) osteotomy as big finger CM arthropathy treatment acts on big finger CM joint
隅田潤1), 星野貴正2), 井出祐里恵3), 木次翔子3), 芝田竹男4), 原玄一4), 溝上真司4)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 64-64, 2023.

Japanese Article 17. One case of the fracture of the distal radius that produced an extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon skin lower tear after the implant removal after the course for five years
川瀬大央, 犬飼友哉, 風間光, 伊東祥希, 須藤洋輔, 根津實広, 森田修, 三浦一人
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 64-64, 2023.

Japanese Article 18. Treatment result of the finger PIP joint collateral ligament tear that we sewed up by the Double-Loaded Suture Anchor method
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 64-64, 2023.

Japanese Article 19. Improvement of technique and the early automatic movement therapy for the finger flexor tendon tear
草野望, 長谷川淳一, 金谷文則
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 65-65, 2023.

Japanese Article 20. The effect that a run of the stitch gives to the tension of the tendon suture
森谷浩治, 牧裕, 成澤弘子, 幸田久男, 坪川直人
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 65-65, 2023.

Japanese Article 1. Outcome of patients with proximal thighbone bone fracture in the local core hospital
若杉正嗣, 藤井俊英
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 66-66, 2023.

Japanese Article 2. Examination of the urinalysis in the orthopedics inpatient
川崎亮人1), 若杉正嗣2), 藤井俊英2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 66-66, 2023.

Japanese Article 3. Association between sports dyskinesia, traumatic onset situation and weather condition, heat stroke in the Sado country triathlon championship
涌井純一1), 勝見亮太1), 生沼武男1), 鈴木宣瑛1), 望月友晴2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 66-66, 2023.

Japanese Article 4. Evaluation of blood vitamins D value of the female athlete
土方啓生1), 山本智章1), 望月友晴2), 江玉睦明3), 大森豪4)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 66-66, 2023.

Japanese Article 5. One patient who underwent bloody bone fusion using wound external fixation for a cuboid bone comminuted fracture
富田裕1), 瀬川博之1), 岡田洋和2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 67-67, 2023.

Japanese Article 6. It is small experience of the pseudarthrosis after the proximal thighbone bone fracture technique which we rebuilt bone using the Masquelet method
風間光, 川瀬大央, 伊東祥希, 犬飼友哉, 須藤洋輔, 根津貴広, 三浦一人, 森田修
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 67-67, 2023.

Japanese Article 7. Comparison between sunflower law and treatment result with the tension band method for the patella fracture in our hospital
伊東祥希, 川瀬大央, 風間光, 犬飼友哉, 須藤洋輔, 根津貴広, 森田修, 三浦一人
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 67-67, 2023.

Japanese Article 8. Walk function after the articular head prosthesis implantation by SuperPath(R)approach, muscular strength recovery
真島裕也, 大渓一孝, 山中佳代, 渡邉聡, 佐藤卓
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 67-67, 2023.

Japanese Article 9. We evaluate it after the stem setting positional three-dimensional operation in the articular head prosthesis implantation using SuperPath(R)approach
山中佳代, 真島裕也, 大渓一孝, 渡邉聡, 佐藤卓
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 67-67, 2023.

Japanese Article 10. One case of the negative pressure-related pulmonary oedema which looked at the mirror, and needed differentiation with the pulmonary embolism after the lower rotator cuff surgical repair
酒井瑛平, 早川敬, 松枝宗則, 岡田洋和, 山田和矢
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 68-68, 2023.

Japanese Article 11. Examination of the adaptation changes from the plate in the proximal end of humerus bone fracture of Neer classification 2-part to an intramedullary nail
山田和矢, 早川敬, 松枝宗則, 岡田洋和, 酒井瑛平
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 68-68, 2023.

Japanese Article 12. Histories of treatment of an acromial process, the spinae scapulae bone fracture
富山泰行, 塩崎浩之, 北原洋, 山際浩史, 竹内峻
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 68-68, 2023.

Japanese Article 13. We look at the bursa subacromialis mirror of the rotator cuff tear case using the needle scope and are examined views
早川敬1), 松枝宗則1), 酒井瑛平2), 山田和矢2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 68-68, 2023.

Japanese Article 14. Five patients who underwent bone fusion for a patellar fatigue fracture
坂爪佑輔, 高木繁, 佐藤剛, 今尾貫太, 須田健, 白野誠, 澁谷洋平, 竹内峻, 高橋響, 三輪仁
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 68-68, 2023.

Japanese Article 15. How should you use vein of lower extremity echo check during the TKA perioperative period?
樋口賢太郎, 穂苅翔, 小泉雅裕, 保坂登, 植木将人, 藤川隆太, 石井夏樹, 高橋響, 田代啓二郎, 荒井勝光
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article 16. Menisci evaluation before and after the HTO technique by the supersonic wave
酒井瑛平, 松枝宗則, 早川敬, 岡田洋和, 山田和矢
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article 17. Histories of treatment of the inside knee cap thigh ligament rebuilding using the artificial ligament for the patella dislocation
高木祥有, 村山敬之, 矢尻洋一, 高橋一雄, 善財慶治, 浦川貴朗, 石坂佳祐, 草部雄太, 五十嵐哲也
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article 18. Relationship with a quantity of three-dimensional quadriceps femoris muscle in the iterative patella dislocation, the three-dimensional quadriceps femoris muscle vector and lower limbs alignment
高木繁1), 佐藤卓2), 谷藤理3), 望月友晴3), 渡邉聡2), 大森豪4), 川島寛之3)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article 19. Evaluation - in the comparison -3 dimensions digital model of the tibia rear angle of inclination that a tibia function axis after the Total Knee Arthroplasty and various tibia Internal examination on autopsy spindles determined
石井義則, 高橋郁子
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article 20. Relations of results clinical after the setting position and the operation of medial pivot TKA in our hospital
藤田裕1), 望月友晴2), 川崎謙哉1), 高橋駿1), 津吉秀樹1)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 70-70, 2023.

Japanese Article 22. A maneuver of Medial Pivot type TKA in our hospital and clinical results
大渓一孝1), 高橋勇樹2), 佐藤卓1), 真島裕也1), 山中佳代1), 渡邉聡1)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 70-70, 2023.

Japanese Article 23. Learn from the swing return marks of the Medial Pivot TKA own omen case
穂苅翔, 樋口賢太郎, 小泉雅裕, 保坂登, 植木将人, 藤川隆太, 石井夏樹, 高橋響, 田代啓二郎, 荒井勝光
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 70-70, 2023.

Japanese Article 24. Association between component setting state and clinical results of the medial pivot type Total Knee Arthroplasty in our hospital
村山敬之, 高木祥有, 五十嵐哲也, 草部雄太, 石坂佳祐, 浦川貴朗, 善財慶治, 高橋一雄, 矢尻洋一
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 70-70, 2023.

Japanese Article 1. One patient who underwent cervical vertebrae vertebral arch plastic surgery under the intraaortic balloon pumping combination for cervical spondylotic myelopathy exacerbation who had the severe aortic stenosis
関谷岳1), 大橋正幸1), 田仕英希2), 牧野達夫1), 湊圭太郎1), 佐藤雅之1), 川島寛之1)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 71-71, 2023.

Japanese Article 2. O-arm guide lower trans-iliac trans-sacral screw, iliosacral screw precision inspection
鈴井幸成1), 酒井芳倫1), 平野貴文1), 渡邉仁1), 中臺雅人1), 石川裕也1), 庄司寛和1), 山下晴義1), 瀬川博之1), 伊藤雅之2,3)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 71-71, 2023.

Japanese Article 3. The elastic bandage pressure decreases affected side VTE generating in the proximal elderly people thighbone bone fracture case
野崎あさみ1), 杉田大輔1), 普久原朝海2), 伊藤雅之2), 入江悠子3), 遠藤直人1)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 71-71, 2023.

Japanese Article 4. It is examination of the reposition rank after the case and the bone fracture type, the operation failed after the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture technique
須田健, 白野誠, 三輪仁, 佐藤剛, 穂苅翔, 澁谷洋平, 坂爪佑輔, 鄭賢晧, 坂口彰, 上原優斗
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 72-72, 2023.

Japanese Article 5. A rare example who had the bone fracture cervical for a thighbone pertrochanteric fracture
田代啓二郎1), 遠藤祐己1), 樋口賢太郎1), 石井夏樹1), 富山泰行1), 藤川隆太1), 荒井勝光1), 坂上敦2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 72-72, 2023.

Japanese Article 6. One case of the stem neighborhood bone fracture the 17th-year after the THA technique that Double socket technique was useful
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 72-72, 2023.

Japanese Article 7. Comparison of the alignment error of a cementless stem in dorsal position and the lateral decubitusposition in the previous outside approach and the cement stem
鈴木勇人1), 今井教雄2), 小牟田佑樹1), 坂上敦3), 平野優樹3), 堀米洋二2), 川島寛之3)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 72-72, 2023.

Japanese Article 8. One case of the childhood traumatic hip joint compound dislocation bone fracture
酒井芳倫, 山下晴義, 鈴井幸成, 富田裕, 河野賢人, 平野貴文, 中臺雅人, 瀬川博之
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 72-73, 2023.

Japanese Article 9. One case of purulent coxarthritis and imperfection type Kawasaki's disease that needed differentiation
滝澤尚紀1), 平野優樹1), 嶋俊郎2), 小牟田佑樹2), 奥村剛2), 二宮宗重2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article 10. It is results after the treatment strategy and the operation of the childhood shaft of femur bone fracture at the Uonuma nucleus hospital
井渕慎弥1), 茂泉和磨1), 本間健一1), 花房繁寿1), 上村一成1), 目良恒2), 白旗正幸1), 平野徹2), 生越章2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article 11. An examination pattern and problems of the developmental hip arthroplasty imperfection in the infants 3-4 months children medical examination of Niigata
古賀寛1), 村上玲子2), 川島寛之3)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article 12. Proximal both tibias epiphyseal line injury by the fall by a hurdle race
榮森景子1), 藤澤純一2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 73-74, 2023.

Japanese Article 13. Does ESIN (Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nail) improve the treatment result of the childhood length of lower limb tubal bone bone fracture?
相場秀太郎, 吉田侑真, 細野泰照, 島田勇人, 野村真船, 生澤義輔
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article 14. Change of the DDH incidence in Niigata-shi
村上玲子1), 高橋牧2), 榮森景子3), 本間政文4), 北原洋5), 渡邉信6), 相場秀太郎3)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article 15. Is MIS-THA not dislocated without movement restrictions early anymore? Attempt ... of the rating system that the joint instability is new after ... operation
伊藤知之1), 白野誠2), 坂上敦3), 平野優樹3), 堀米洋二4)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article 16. Cup setting precision of the THA in the ALS approach using the AR Hip Navigation system
小牟田佑樹1), 鈴木勇人1), 平野優樹2), 嶋俊郎1), 奥村剛1), 二宮宗重1)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article 17. Long-term results 15 years in the CT navigation THA or more
今井教雄1), 宮坂大2), 坂上敦3), 平野優樹3), 堀米洋二1), 川島寛之3)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 75-75, 2023.

Japanese Article 18. Comparison with the patients standpoint type evaluation - CE corner 20 degrees within acetabuloplasty imperfection crotch in the borderline acetabuloplasty imperfection crotch which went CPO
宮坂大1), 堂前洋一郎1), 木村圭志1), 湊泉2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 75-75, 2023.

Japanese Article 1. Example that removed a stem using transfemoral approach for fully porous BHA which produced frequent dislocation
今井教雄1), 藤井俊英2), 若杉正嗣2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 76-76, 2023.

Japanese Article 2. Tendency of the shaft of femur bone fracture injured by the ski snowboarding at the Uonuma nucleus hospital
茂泉和磨1), 井渕慎弥1), 小柳翔太1), 花房繁寿1), 上村一成1), 目良恒2), 白旗正幸1), 平野徹2), 生越章2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 76-76, 2023.

Japanese Article 3. Two cases of the rare backbone complications that occurred after the small endocranium injury
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 76-76, 2023.

Japanese Article 4. The purulent spondylitis that needed biopsy for differentiation with the malignant bone tumors of the spine
鈴井幸成, 庄司寛和, 石川裕也, 渡邉仁, 瀬川博之
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 76-76, 2023.

Japanese Article 5. About an intervention effect of the conservative therapy to the adult deformity of spine patients using the HAL(R) waist type (short report)
大矢渉1), 遠山達也1), 渡邊慶2), 下田晴華2), 徳永邦彦3), 村岡幹夫4), 長谷川和宏2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 76-77, 2023.

Japanese Article 6. The backbone endoscopic operation in Niigata, investigation from change - database of the minimally invasive surgery case
牧野達夫1), 大橋正幸1), 田仕英希2), 湊圭太郎1), 佐藤雅之1), 渡邊慶3), 平野徹4)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 77-77, 2023.

Japanese Article 7. The factor which predicts underachievement of the vertebral arch plastic surgery for the cervical spondylotic myelopathy
庄司寛和, 石川裕也, 渡邉仁, 鈴井幸成, 瀬川博之
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 77-77, 2023.

Japanese Article 8. An attempt of the compound reality (Mixed reality) guide lower pedicle of vertebral arch screw insertion: Fundamental researches using the dissection
大橋正幸1), 佐藤雅之1), 田仕英希2), 牧野達夫1), 湊圭太郎1), 川島寛之1)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 77-77, 2023.

Japanese Article 9. An attempt of the compound reality (Mixed reality) guide lower pedicle of vertebral arch screw insertion: Precision inspection in spinal operations inexperienced people
安居優作1), 大橋正幸2), 佐藤雅之2), 田仕英希3), 牧野達夫2), 湊圭太郎2), 川島寛之2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 78-78, 2023.

Japanese Article 10. Treatment result of the nanostructure surface processing titanium cage in PLIF
草部雄太, 浦川貴朗, 久保田美緒, 高橋一雄, 矢尻洋一
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 78-78, 2023.

Japanese Article 11. Effect of romosozumab on vertebral body and pedicle cortical bone - Preliminary study using CT analysis -
澤上公彦1), 田中裕貴2), 庄司寛和3), 仲村一郎1)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 78-78, 2023.

Japanese Article 12. Tendency of the backbone spinal cord injury injured by the ski snowboarding at the Uonuma nucleus hospital
花房繁寿1), 平野徹2), 茂泉和磨1), 小柳翔太1), 井渕慎弥1), 上村一成1), 目良恒2), 白旗正幸1), 生越章2)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 78-78, 2023.

Japanese Article 13. Examination of the high energy chest lumbar spine injury surgery case in our hospital
田仕英希1), 大橋正幸2), 牧野達夫2), 湊圭太郎2), 佐藤雅之2), 渡邊慶3)
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 78-78, 2023.

Japanese Article 14. With a high rank, the cross-linked number that a risk is sublimed into of chest lumbar vertebrae bone fractures with the ankylosis spondylopathy
石川裕也, 庄司寛和, 渡邉仁, 鈴井幸成, 瀬川博之
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 79-79, 2023.

Japanese Article 15. Surgery results for the chest lumbar vertebrae bone fracture who had diffuse idiopathic hyperostosis (DISH)
澁谷洋平, 佐藤剛, 三輪仁, 須田健, 穂苅翔, 野崎あさみ, 高木祥有, 田代啓二郎, 上原優斗, 桑野魁人
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 79-79, 2023.

Japanese Article 16. Problems in chest lumbar vertebrae bone fracture treatment with diffuse idiopathic hyperostosis (DISH)
関本浩之, 勝見敬一, 溝内龍樹, 荒引剛, 山崎昭義
Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 39(1): 79-79, 2023.