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Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections

Volume 21, Issue / 2007
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article It is examined the surgical-site infections case after Total Knee Arthroplasty by the multidrug-resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus
榎本宏之, 松本秀男, 大谷俊郎, 二木康夫, 金子卓男, 小崎直人, 須田康文
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 1-3, 2007.

Japanese Article Linezolid is 1 case of the MRSA infection after an effective acetabulum turn osteotomy
田畑知法, 加来信広, 原克利, 片岡晶志, 津村弘
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 4-8, 2007.

Japanese Article One patient who made we used ST medical mixture together with RFP (rifampicin) for purulent podarthritis and calm down, and underwent joint arthrodesis
市川日出勝1), 阿部哲士2), 松下隆2)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 9-12, 2007.

Japanese Article An example of purulent tibia osteomyelitis that recurred 48 years later
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 13-16, 2007.

Japanese Article Treatment result of osteomyelitis and the infectious pseudarthrosis
星亨1), 山岸賢一郎1), 佐々木浩之1), 今給黎直明1), 相川大介2), 大畑徹也2), 渡辺弘樹2), 里見和彦2)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 17-22, 2007.

Japanese Article Two cases of the purulent osteomyelitis due to the rare primary causative organism
丹彰浩, 上田広伸, 冨山貴司, 西坂文章, 斉藤政克, 野中藤吾, 浜西千秋
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 23-26, 2007.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the childhood purulent osteomyelitis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa
森田充浩, 北田明良, 川口雅久, 内藤智子, 山城正浩, 請川洋, 藤井達也*
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 27-31, 2007.

Japanese Article One case of atypical osteomyelitis that occurred in thighbone
仲川春彦, 竹下秀之, 田久保興徳, 中村文紀, 山田哲也
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 32-35, 2007.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent calcaneal bone total excision for calcaneal bone osteomyelitis
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 36-39, 2007.

Japanese Article 2 treatment case for patency osteomyelitis associated with the purulent gonitis
原夏樹1), 田村裕昭2), 佐々木誠人1), 川嶌眞之1), 川嶌眞人1)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 40-43, 2007.

Japanese Article Treatment of the bone infection with the bone defect using the slightly fibrous collagen with antibiotics blend
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 44-47, 2007.

Japanese Article Treatment of the lnfected Hip Arthroplasty with Antibiotic lmpregnated Hydroxyapatite Ceramic
須藤啓広, 長谷川正裕, 内田淳正
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 48-51, 2007.

Japanese Article An Experimental Study of Cefazolin Pigmented Bone Cement - Comparison with VCM -
祷史明1), 小林章郎2), 岩城啓好3), 岩切健太郎3), 高岡邦夫3), 田村隆4), 田邊裕治4), 堤武彦5)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 52-55, 2007.

Japanese Article Analysis of the infection route by the genetic analysis of metalloβ-lactamase production gram-negative bacilli
阿部哲士1,2), 岩堀智之1), 竹中信之1), 中村茂1), 松下隆1)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 56-59, 2007.

Japanese Article Attempt of the surgical-site infections surveillance in the orthopedics ward
斎藤政克, 西坂文章, 野中藤吾, 丹彰浩, 福田寛二, 浜西千秋
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 60-63, 2007.

Japanese Article One case of the Pott's disease localized in the extremely rare vertebral body center
藤田正樹1), 新納伸彦1), 丹治裕2)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 64-67, 2007.

Japanese Article One case of the purulent spondylitis complicated with Stiff-person syndrome
小林浩人, 山本謙吾, 田中惠, 遠藤健司, 田中英俊, 木村大
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 68-73, 2007.

Japanese Article Epidural abscess after the sustained epidural block
渡邉泰伸, 斉藤正史, 今林英明, 宇沢充圭
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 74-76, 2007.

Japanese Article Percutaneous lesion curettage drainage for the purulent spondylitis of the chest lumbar vertebrae transitional region
佐藤公昭, 永田見生, 朴珍守, 山田圭, 横須賀公章, 吉田龍弘
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 77-79, 2007.

Japanese Article Two cases of the iliopsoas muscle abscess which produced buttock pain
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 80-82, 2007.

Japanese Article A Case Report of Fournier's Gangrene
本田透1), 西山武2), 大塚和俊2), 長野博志2)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 83-86, 2007.

Japanese Article 1 lifesaving case of septic arthritis due to MRSA sepsis that developed in a rheumatoid arthritis case
原克利, 加来信広, 片岡晶志, 津村弘
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 87-89, 2007.

Japanese Article Septic Arthritis of the Hip in Adult Patients
塩田直史, 佐藤徹, 松尾真嗣1)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 90-93, 2007.

Japanese Article One case of elbow joint tuberculosis
大月健朗, 小畑哲哉, 亀山康弘, 石井博之, 森尾泰夫
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 94-98, 2007.

Japanese Article The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Bone and Joint Infectious Diseases
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 21: 99-104, 2007.