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Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections

Volume 22, Issue / 2008
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About doctor's delay in the recent Pott's disease
新納伸彦1), 藤田正樹1), 丹治裕2)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 1-4, 2008.

Japanese Article Example that provided rifampicin combination chemotherapy for purulent spondylitis due to the staphylococcus aureus and an epidural abscess, and was effective
森田充浩1), 北田明良2), 藤井達也3), 川口雅久2), 内藤智子2), 山城正浩2), 請川洋2)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 5-9, 2008.

Japanese Article One case that produced methicillin-resistant Staphylococcal aureus infection after percutaneous vertebral body plastic surgery
土海敏幸, 永島英樹, 楠城誉朗, 豊島良太
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 10-13, 2008.

Japanese Article Qualitative analysis of the staphylococcal biofilm using the Congo red-containing agar
玉井崇, 弦本敏行, 梶山史郎, 白石公太郎, 安達信二, 進藤裕幸
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 14-16, 2008.

Japanese Article Sterilization effect - film and fine particles water solution - for the staphylococcus aureus of photocatalyst titanium oxide
白石公太郎1), 小関弘展1), 弦本敏行1), 進藤裕幸1), 馬場恒明2), 垰田博史3)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 17-21, 2008.

Japanese Article It is the usefulness of the CD64 molecules expression measurement in the neutrophils in the osteoarticular local site infection
加藤成隆1), 西野仁樹2), 松井利浩3), 小宮明子4), 當間重人4), 松下隆1)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 22-26, 2008.

Japanese Article Primary causative organism identification by the quick real-time PCR in the operation in the reimplantation for the infectious artificial joint
小林直実, 稲葉裕, 崔賢民, 斎藤知行
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 27-30, 2008.

Japanese Article Risk of infection in the artificial joint surgery during use of biological drug
野中藤吾, 西坂文章, 斉藤政克, 福田寛二, 浜西千秋
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 31-34, 2008.

Japanese Article It is investigated the disturbance of wound healing after an operation in the rheumatic surgery
斎藤政克, 西坂文章, 野中藤吾, 福田寛二, 浜西千秋
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 35-38, 2008.

Japanese Article One patient who had a relapse of early infection after TKA technique during RA, antiTNF therapy
水木伸一, 山田一人, 仲田三平
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 39-42, 2008.

Japanese Article One case that became flail shoulder by infection, withdrawal of the humeral articular head prosthesis for tumor
竹下秀之, 田久保興徳, 中村文紀, 山田哲也, 西垣泰典
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 43-47, 2008.

Japanese Article It is a history of treatment of the hematoma infection after lower limbs blow
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 48-50, 2008.

Japanese Article One case of the buttocks actinomycotic abscess
筒井貴彦, 篠原一仁
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 51-53, 2008.

Japanese Article Two cases of Salmonella osteomyelitis
小川健1), 上牧裕2), 星忠行3), 中島宏3), 小松満3), 落合直之1)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 54-58, 2008.

Japanese Article One case of the culf necrosis-related myositis fasciitis which developed in a 10 years old boy
村松俊樹1), 岩指仁1), 藤井賢吾1), 市村晴充2), 屋嘉育男3)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 59-62, 2008.

Japanese Article Deep Wound Infection after Posterior Decompressive Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
佐藤公昭, 永田見生, 朴珍守, 山田圭, 井上英豪, 吉田龍弘
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 63-66, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of purulent spondylitis treatment in our hospital
中川晃一, 池田光正, 福田寛二, 浜西千秋
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 67-69, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of an epidural abscess and the iliopsoas muscle abscess in the purulent spondylitis
武者芳朗, 水谷一裕
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 70-72, 2008.

Japanese Article Analysis of the strain detected in osteoarticular, the soft tissue of the orthopedics clinical case
弦本敏行, 進藤裕幸
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 73-76, 2008.

Japanese Article It is chosen the antimicrobial in the infection treatment after an operation
倉持大輔1), 松下和彦1), 本田雅則1), 小宅雄一郎1), 正木大賀1), 宮本哲1), 田所浩2), 別府諸兄3)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 77-81, 2008.

Japanese Article One patient who treated the bone exposure wound that MRSA was present in in mesh skin graft
中島菊雄1), 平賀康晴1), 藤哲2)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 82-85, 2008.

Japanese Article Two cases of the deep part infection due to artificial materials after the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
村井伸司1), 金森章浩1), 絹笠友則2), 野澤大輔1), 渡辺新1), 李小由1), 落合直之1)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 86-89, 2008.

Japanese Article An example of purulent coxarthritis that obtained remission by conservative medical treatment
片桐聡, 中村正則, 宮岡英世
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 90-92, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of three acute purulent ileosacral arthritis
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 93-96, 2008.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy for the infection total hip prosthesis in our hospital
西坂文章, 野中藤吾, 斉藤政克, 福田寛二, 浜西千秋
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 97-101, 2008.

Japanese Article It is a treatment strategy of the infection after total hip replacement in our hospital
千葉大介, 山田則一, 田中正彦, 井樋栄二
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 102-105, 2008.

Japanese Article It is examined the infection treatment case after Total Knee Arthroplasty in our hospital
渡辺新1), 金森章浩1), 池田耕太郎2), 落合直之1)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 106-109, 2008.

Japanese Article Infection prosthetic treatment in our hospital
井出野太一1), 持田勇一1), 山口祐一郎1), 三ツ木直人2), 齊藤知行3)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 110-114, 2008.

Japanese Article The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Joint Infections
Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections 22: 115-121, 2008.