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Research in Exercise Epidemiology

Volume 1, Issue / 1999
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the start of the foreword exercise epidemiology meeting for the study and the publication of the exercise epidemiologic studies bulletin
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 1: 1-1, 1999.

Japanese Article Exercise epidemiologic purpose and method
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 1: 2-7, 1999.

Japanese Article Association between physical activity and physical strength and vital prognosis
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 1: 8-12, 1999.

Japanese Article Than the findings of how to catch physical activity judging from epidemiology and result - city worker group -
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 1: 13-19, 1999.

Japanese Article Significance of the exercise custom for high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
津村圭1), 林朝茂2), 岡田邦夫3), 末松千雅2), 圓藤吟史2), 藤井暁4)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 1: 20-23, 1999.

Japanese Article The present conditions and trend of exercise epidemiologic studies in foreign countries
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 1: 24-32, 1999.