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Research in Exercise Epidemiology

Volume 12, Issue / 2010
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article [foreword] Social conditions and exercise epidemiologic role
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 2010.

Japanese Article Validity and Reproducibility of the Self-Administered Shorter Version of the Physical Activity Questionnaire used in the JPHC study
Fujimi Takeda-Imai 1,2), Seiichiro Yamamoto3), Hitomi Fujii4), Mitsuhiko Noda5), Manami Inoue1), Shoichiro Tsugane5)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 1-10, 2010.

Japanese Article The twelfth exercise epidemiology meeting for the study academic meeting held report
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 11-12, 2010.

Japanese Article An evaluation of health Japan 21 and future health enhancement policy
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 13-14, 2010.

Japanese Article What is evidence in health promotion : Evidence as a research method as Evidence
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 15-24, 2010.

Japanese Article Healthy support - as the technique to nominate - result for with the support in the health promotion
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 25-26, 2010.

Japanese Article Possibility of acquisition and Workplace Health Promotion of the exercise custom in the generation in prime
福田洋1,2), さんぽ会幹事会2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 27-27, 2010.

Japanese Article We think about a new collective strategy to improve a Japanese exercise custom
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 28-28, 2010.

Japanese Article Significance and result of the challenge day as the local group strategy
藤原直幸1), 佐藤紫朗1), 工藤保子1), 渋谷茂樹1)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 29-29, 2010.

Japanese Article Mobility management - aiming at attempt - health from a city, the traffic plan field and environmental improvement
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 30-30, 2010.

Japanese Article Media campaign for motor behavior transformation
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 31-31, 2010.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the physical active mass of elderly people resident in an area: Dazaifu study
野藤悠1), 松尾恵理1), 大島秀武2), 岸本裕代3), 長野真弓4), 熊谷秋三4)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 32-33, 2010.

Japanese Article The association of the physical active mass of elderly people resident in an area and the cognitive function: Dazaifu study
森山善彦1), 松尾恵理1), 西崎佳子1), 長野真弓2), 井出幸二郎2), 一宮厚2), 熊谷秋三2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 34-35, 2010.

Japanese Article The association with the physical active mass and depression symptom of elderly people resident in an area: Dazaifu study
松尾恵理1), 森山善彦1), 長野真弓2), 井出幸二郎2), 一宮厚2), 熊谷秋三2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 36-37, 2010.

Japanese Article Association with the physical active mass and quality of life of elderly people resident in an area: Dazaifu study
村上清英1), 長野真弓1), 井出幸二郎1), 一宮厚1), 熊谷秋三1), 松尾恵理2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 38-39, 2010.

Japanese Article Than the questionary survey for elderly people with relation - Fujieda-shi with the healthy ability for maintenance and sports, exercise of elderly people -
中屋拓久1), 高橋武則1), 小熊祐子1,2), 大西祥平1,2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 40-41, 2010.

Japanese Article Study on disease control of diabetes using medical examination data and receipt data
馬場園明1), 桑原一彰1), 谷原真一2), 今任拓也2), 畝博2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 42-43, 2010.

Japanese Article A factor to influence blood sugar control situation and that of patients with diabetes: Vertical section study for 3 years
今任拓也1), 谷原真一1), 瓜生洋子1), 畝博1), 馬場園明2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 44-45, 2010.

Japanese Article Basic study on circle drawing and stress (1)
藤岡聡1), 雨宮正浩1), 荒木登茂子2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 46-46, 2010.

Japanese Article Basic study on circle drawing and stress (2)
荒木登茂子1), 藤岡聡2), 雨宮正浩2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 47-47, 2010.

Japanese Article Examination of consultation encouragement criteria in the specific medical examination
石原礼子1), 飯西美咲2), 馬場園明3)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 48-48, 2010.

Japanese Article Than the multipurpose cohort study (JPHC Study) by validity and reliability - Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare study group of the simple writing by oneself-type physical activity questionnaire in large-scale epidemiologic studies -
今井(武田)富士美1,2), 山本精一郎3), 藤井仁美4), 野田光彦5), 井上真奈美1), 津金昌一郎1)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 49-50, 2010.

Japanese Article In women with effect - bone mass menopause to be in decrease state that step motion at the lactic acid threshold strength gives to bone metabolism with a smile effect - of the pace exercise
柳川真美1,2), 松原建史1,2), 肘井千賀1,3), 江上薫1,3), 酒井由美子1,3), 小池城司1,3)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 51-52, 2010.

Japanese Article Attempt - in transient effect - university physical education class that a body-talk gives to a feeling
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 53-54, 2010.

Japanese Article Example - of efforts - Tsukui, Kanagawa for the spread of healthy walking
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 55-56, 2010.

Japanese Article Rating system of the simple and easy, exact sarcopenia using bioelectric impedance spectrometry (S-BIS) according to the part
山田陽介1), 田中宏暁1), 木村みさか2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 57-58, 2010.

Japanese Article Examination about the usefulness of 30 seconds chair start test (CS-30) as the systemic stamina rating system for patients with chronic respiratory failure
堀江淳1,4), 直塚博行2), 林真一郎3,4), 堀川悦夫4)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 59-60, 2010.

Japanese Article About association of orthostatic hypotension and the standing position balance control ability in elderly people
村田潤1), 村田伸2), 堀江淳2,5), 大山美智江3), 大田尾浩4)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 61-62, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect on psychological health by the activity practice of the beauty volunteer and quality of life
早川洋子1), 公文裕子1), 時田真澄1), 鎌田正純1), 渡辺聡子1), 大野淑子1), 東海林郁子2), 荒尾孝3)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 63-64, 2010.

Japanese Article Improvement effect of the physical activity by the school intervention for primary schoolchildren
根本裕太1), 荒尾孝2), 稲山貴代3), 北畠義典4)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 65-65, 2010.

Japanese Article Pay your attention to examination - self-efficacy of the factor giving it to the weight maintenance after "the intervention program for metabolic syndrome and the spare group"
頼建豪1), 大澤祐介1), 小熊祐子1,2), 大西祥平1,2), 八木紫2), 橋本玲子2), 勝川史憲2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 66-66, 2010.

Japanese Article Spare examination - using factor - focus group interview to have an influence on to physical activity self-efficacy of elderly people
前場康介1), 藤澤雄太1), 満石寿1), 齋藤めぐみ1), 竹中晃二2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 67-68, 2010.

Japanese Article Change of the 3-month body fat and offal fat with a document offer for weight loss and the group type weight loss support
中田由夫1), 笹井浩行2,4), 大河原一憲3,4), 田中喜代次2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 69-70, 2010.

Japanese Article Association between social participation and lifestyle of inhabitants local for the middle age
金森悟1), 荒尾孝2), 甲斐裕子3), 葛西和可子4)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 71-71, 2010.

Japanese Article Cross-sectional examination about serum carotenoid and physical strength, the everyday life activity of the middle and old age person resident in an area
安藤富士子1), 小坂井留美2), 下方浩史2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 72-73, 2010.

Japanese Article Cross-sectional examination about the sarcopenia of subclinical chronic inflammation and middle and old age person
安藤富士子1), 小坂井留美2), 下方浩史2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 74-75, 2010.

Japanese Article The effect that the exercise continuation of the long-term surveillance type gives to physical strength and medical examination results of the middle and old age
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 76-77, 2010.

Japanese Article Cross sectional study about the physical active mass and life-style related diseases in the Japanese worker
澤田亨1), 岡本隆史1), 塚本浩二1), 柿木亮2), 内藤久士2), 田中宏暁3), 桧垣靖樹3), 熊原秀晃3), 綾部誠也3)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 78-78, 2010.

Japanese Article Development of the psychosocial function improvement program of institution entering elderly people
東海林郁子1), 荒尾孝2), 早川洋子3), 鎌田正純3), 公文裕子3), 時田真澄3), 渡辺聡子3), 大野淑子3)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 79-79, 2010.

Japanese Article Association between characteristic and quality of life, consistency sense of "homebound" elderly people
西崎佳子1), 松尾恵理1), 長野真弓2), 井出幸二郎2), 一宮厚2), 熊谷秋三2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 80-81, 2010.

Japanese Article Exercise program (attempt in day service users) which supports the life act improvement in the weak person requiring nursing care
木村みさか1), 山田陽介2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 82-82, 2010.

Japanese Article Comparison - of associated - young old and elderly aged 75 or over with an exercise custom and a body, the recognition, the psychology function of elderly people
村田伸1), 大田尾浩2), 村田潤3), 堀江淳1,5), 大山美智江4)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 83-84, 2010.

Japanese Article Improvement of feeding behavior, the meal manner by the meal education intervention for fifth graders
稲山貴代1), 根本裕太2), 荒尾孝3), 北畠義典4)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 85-86, 2010.

Japanese Article We read and solve "health" to talk about by a newspaper reader's column
篠原圭子1), 小熊祐子1,2), 大西祥平1,2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 87-88, 2010.

Japanese Article Local comparison between stress degree and associated factor of mother in the child care
櫻井聡恵子1), 荒尾孝2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 89-89, 2010.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the physical active mass using the exercise guide
中村富予1), 保井智香子1), 八田誠二1), 景山洋子1)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 90-90, 2010.

Japanese Article Do an acupuncture needle moxibustion medical diagnosis and relative - meridian test and CMI with the awareness of the mental and physical healthy degree to an index; and -
本田泰弘1,2), 津田彰3), とう科2), 堀内聡2,4)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 91-92, 2010.

Japanese Article About purchasing awareness of the arch support which is one of the healthy support tools
光井信介1), 木村公喜1,2)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 93-93, 2010.

Japanese Article The tenth exercise epidemiology seminar held report
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 94-95, 2010.

Japanese Article 1) Youth project - of effect - randomized controlled trial - "ARA perception" second that the exercise program in the worker before retirement gives to the continuation of the exercise custom
後藤求1,7), 中田由夫2), 中井真吾3,7), 神谷義人4,7), 安田孝子5,7), 山下幸子6,7)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 96-98, 2010.

Japanese Article 2) Influence of livelihood communication activation on quality of life at paid nursing home: Randomized controlled trial
天野恵1,7), 北畠義典2), 大森肇3,7), 長谷博子4,7), 松本浩希5,7), 藤尾公哉6,7)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 99-103, 2010.

Japanese Article 3) The effect that the physical active mass level of the university student gives to weight gain after the graduation
辻本健彦1,7), 澤田亨2), 野坂俊弥3,7), 武田剛4,7), 五反田真里5,7), 松尾恵理6,7)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 104-107, 2010.

Japanese Article 4) The effect that the physical active mass in the doctor on duty gives to concentration
桐山菜穂子1,5), 種田行男2), 相馬優樹3,5), 頼建豪1,5), 長浜美智穂4,5)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 108-111, 2010.

Japanese Article 5) Development and effect inspection of the leaving school walking program with the primary schoolchild promoting participation and the continuation of the elderly people in the area
山根基1,6), 種田行男2), 高見京太3,6), 斎藤めぐみ4,6), 東海林郁子5,6)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 112-115, 2010.

Japanese Article 6) Development and effect inspection of the physical activity promotion program in the job area using the mobility management
金森悟1,5), 井上茂2), 諸角一記3,5), 甲斐裕子4,5), 櫻井聡恵子1,5)
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 12: 116-117, 2010.