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Glucosamine Research

Volume 2, Issue / 2006
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the IL-8 production due to intestinal epithelia cells of glucosamine
蓬田伸1), 華見1), 石井(堤)裕子1), 坂本廣司2), 長岡功1)
Glucosamine Research 2: 1-7, 2006.

Japanese Article The effect that glucosamine hydrochloride and glucosamine resemblance sugar give to cartilage cell line ATDC5
中谷祥恵1), 真野博1), 清水純1), 和田政裕1)
Glucosamine Research 2: 8-14, 2006.

Japanese Article The effect of combined therapy of glucosamine preparations containing vitamin B and intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate on osteoarthritis of the knee
戸田佳孝1), 月村規子1)
Glucosamine Research 2: 15-20, 2006.

Japanese Article It is reported the rheumatic congress in the United States in latest information -2005 year of the glucosamine clinical test
中村洋1), 橋本三四郎2)
Glucosamine Research 2: 21-24, 2006.

Japanese Article Opinion about clinical intervention study (GAIT) results for the gonarthrosis of glucosamine hydrochloride/chondroitin sulfate with the National Institute of Health (NIH)
Glucosamine Research 2: 25-27, 2006.

Japanese Article Oral administration of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and fish collagen peptides has an effect on tendon repair
南三郎1), 衛藤展功1), 岡村泰彦1), 岡本芳晴2), 又平芳春3)
Glucosamine Research 2: 28-37, 2006.

Japanese Article Short-term report of effect - three months age with the oral glucosamine hydrochloride in the spontaneous osteoarthritis animal and chondroitin sulfate
角野隆信, 龍順之助, 関雅之, 谷口眞
Glucosamine Research 2: 38-41, 2006.

Japanese Article Use of glucosamine for lumbar spinal stenosis - as a maintenance therapy after intravenous administration of prostaglandin preparations
Glucosamine Research 2: 42-44, 2006.

Japanese Article In the glucosamine study 2 publication
Glucosamine Research 2: 53-54, 2006.