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Glucosamine Research

Volume 5, Issue / 2009
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Application to hyaluronic acid - osteoarthritis
Glucosamine Research 5: 1-3, 2009.

Japanese Article Wonder of the skin hyaluronic acid
Glucosamine Research 5: 4-10, 2009.

Japanese Article Role of the hyaluronic acid preparation in an ophthalmology domain particularly the cataract supersonic wave emulsification aspiration
Glucosamine Research 5: 11-17, 2009.

Japanese Article Establishment of the molecular background and new control technology of the hyaluronic acid composition
Glucosamine Research 5: 18-22, 2009.

Japanese Article The effect that oral D-glucosamine hydrochloride gives to a plasma free amino acid concentration
東和生, 南三郎, 柄武志, 今川智敬, 岡本芳晴
Glucosamine Research 5: 23-31, 2009.

Japanese Article Effect of the D-glucosamine hydrochloride intake to give to the joint biomarker in the athlete
長岡功1), 吉村雅文2), 坂本廣司3), 鶴田曉史4), 山本哲郎5), 石田かおり5), 山口英世5)
Glucosamine Research 5: 32-40, 2009.

Japanese Article Effect of the glucosamine +II type collagen peptide on gonarthrosis
岡野徹1), 榎田誠1), 大槻亮二1), 萩野浩2), 豊島良太1), 高森吉守3), 坂本廣司3)
Glucosamine Research 5: 41-45, 2009.

Japanese Article Clinical Effect of D-Glucosamine Hydrochloride Supplement Containing Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients such as Willow Bark on Knee Osteoarthritis
澤田陽子1), 武田恭一2), 井口佳則2), 橋本三四郎3), 松崎剛4), 西島徹5), 河原徹6), 中村洋7)
Glucosamine Research 5: 46-54, 2009.

Japanese Article An amino sugar and uronate effect on glycosaminoglycan production in human synovial cells and cartilage cells
五十嵐庸1), 加賀出穂2), 華見1), 高森吉守2), 坂本廣司2), 宮澤敬治3), 長岡功1)
Glucosamine Research 5: 55-60, 2009.

Japanese Article About effect - symptom for the gonarthrosis of glucosamine and simple radiological finding
渡田整治1), 長尾淳二1), 磐田振一郎2), 豊田敬3)
Glucosamine Research 5: 61-67, 2009.

Japanese Article Glucosamine workshop third workshop
Glucosamine Research 5: 68-68, 2009.

Japanese Article A joint marker and the condition of a patient evaluation
Glucosamine Research 5: 69-78, 2009.

Japanese Article Physiology of the collagen peptide
Glucosamine Research 5: 79-88, 2009.

Japanese Article From epidemiology - large scale inhabitants cohort ROAD of the osteoarthritis
Glucosamine Research 5: 89-93, 2009.

Japanese Article In the glucosamine study 5 publication
Glucosamine Research 5: 108-109, 2009.