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Glucosamine Research

Volume 6, Issue / 2010
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Dietetics of digestion and absorption
Glucosamine Research 6: 1-4, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect of functional foods in the osteoarthritis
渡部睦人, 野村義宏
Glucosamine Research 6: 5-14, 2010.

Japanese Article Bone, joint, effect of the collagen peptide intake on Achilles' tendon
小山洋一, 楠畑雅
Glucosamine Research 6: 15-19, 2010.

Japanese Article An effect of the hyaluronic acid which we ingested and mechanism
Glucosamine Research 6: 20-24, 2010.

Japanese Article An arthritic improvement effect with the chondroitin sulfate for the food and other physiological functions
吉岡久史1), 小西達也1), 室田一貴1), 西村和也3), 織田浩司2), 玉井忠和1), 岡田剛4)
Glucosamine Research 6: 25-30, 2010.

Japanese Article "Itch" reduction effect of clinical study report - haemodialysis patients of N-acetylglucosamine
西尾友理子1), 石和田朋子2), 又平芳春2), 太田信隆3)
Glucosamine Research 6: 31-36, 2010.

Japanese Article About an effect on experimental arthrodial cartilage injury of the fucoidan derived from Mozuku
北原康大1), 南三郎1), 岡本芳晴1), 今川智敬1), 柄武志1), 三木康成2), 川本仁志2), 斎本博之3)
Glucosamine Research 6: 37-43, 2010.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinical effect on gonalgia of the N-acetylglucosamine-containing milk drink and cartilage metabolism marker
勝野眞也1), 佐藤薫1), 江口知佐2), 吉村かおり2), 山本哲郎2), 朝長昭仁3), 長岡功4)
Glucosamine Research 6: 44-54, 2010.

Japanese Article Clinical study on vascular endothelium function protection effect of glucosamine
加藤宏司1), 森田博彦1), 原田晴仁1), 塩谷恵美子1), 坂本廣司2), 池田久雄1)
Glucosamine Research 6: 55-60, 2010.

Japanese Article Antiinflammatory osteoclasts differentiation, function inhibitory effect for the joint pain of fullerene (C60)
青島央江1), 平良光1), 山名修一1), 宍戸潔2), 竹内睦2), 遊道和雄3)
Glucosamine Research 6: 61-67, 2010.

Japanese Article Amino sugar and uronate effect on glycosaminoglycan production - second report in human synovial cells and cartilage cells
五十嵐庸1), 加賀出穂2), 華見1), 高森吉守2), 坂本廣司2), 宮澤敬治3), 長岡功1)
Glucosamine Research 6: 68-71, 2010.

Japanese Article The hyaluronic acid-producing reinforcement effect by the combination of D-glucosamine hydrochloride and phosphatidylinositol (PI)/phosphatidylserine (PS)-containing phosphatide
加賀出穂1), 椎原美沙2), 宮澤敬治3), 有福一郎4), 梅林志浩4), 谷口佳弘1), 高森吉守1)
Glucosamine Research 6: 72-77, 2010.

Japanese Article Glucosamine workshop fourth workshop
Glucosamine Research 6: 78-78, 2010.

Japanese Article Metabolism and physiology of the glycosaminoglycan as functional foods
Glucosamine Research 6: 79-88, 2010.

Japanese Article Evaluation with the condition of a patient and the joint marker of the osteoarthritis, progress foresight
Glucosamine Research 6: 89-100, 2010.

Japanese Article In the glucosamine study 6 publication
Glucosamine Research 6: 118-118, 2010.