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Glucosamine Research

Volume 7, Issue / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article Development and Use of Molecular Biomarkers to Study Osteoarthritis
Robin A. Poole1,2)
Glucosamine Research 7: 1-2, 2011.

Japanese Article Oxidative Stress and Tissue Damages : Analysis of SOD-Deficient Mice
Glucosamine Research 7: 3-11, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of glucosamine in the ultraviolet irradiation damage skin
野村義宏, 田中美登里, 渡部睦人
Glucosamine Research 7: 12-20, 2011.

Japanese Article Biological Mechanisms Involved in Anti-melanogenic Effect by Glucosamine within Pigment Cells
Glucosamine Research 7: 21-26, 2011.

Japanese Article An antiplatelet effect of the glucosamine hydrochloride and antiarteriosclerotic effect
長岡功1), 五十嵐庸1), 華見1), 蓬田伸1), 坂本廣司2)
Glucosamine Research 7: 27-34, 2011.

Japanese Article Glucosamine and perpetual youth and longevity
中村洋1), 高橋謙治1), 竹之内研二1), 橋本三四郎2)
Glucosamine Research 7: 35-39, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the osteoblasts of the glucosamine derivative
五十嵐庸1), 斉木彩乃1), 坂本廣司2), 長岡功1)
Glucosamine Research 7: 40-44, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of the sulfur containing amino acid oral administration on experimental arthrodial cartilage injury
大崎智弘1), 今井崇博1), 勝呂栞2), 南三郎1)
Glucosamine Research 7: 45-50, 2011.

Japanese Article Oral Administration of N-acetyl glucosamine Affects Bone Mineral Density in C57BL/6J Mice
中谷祥恵, 清水達夫, 古旗賢二, 和田政裕
Glucosamine Research 7: 51-56, 2011.

Japanese Article The Inhibitory Effects of Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium on MAP-Kinase Pathways in Canine Cultured Chondrocytes
須永隆文, 呉南佶, 細谷謙次, 高木哲, 奥村正裕
Glucosamine Research 7: 57-60, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect to the synovial cells of the cartilage extract
松尾俊輝1), 並木郷1), 佐藤三佳子2), 高畑能久2), 森松文毅2), 渡部睦人1), 野村義宏1)
Glucosamine Research 7: 61-66, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine on rheumatoid arthritis model mouse
東和生, 大崎智弘, 柄武志, 今川智敬, 岡本芳晴, 南三郎
Glucosamine Research 7: 67-72, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of Ingestion of Type I Collagen Peptides on the Bone and Cartilage Turnover Markers in Osteoarthritis of the Knee
岡野徹1), 榎田誠1), 大槻亮二1), 萩野浩2), 豊島良太1), 中山清3)
Glucosamine Research 7: 73-76, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of a Dietary Supplement Containing Glucosamine Hydrochloride Produced from Microbes on the Symptoms and Cartilage Biomakers in Individuals with Knee Pain
長岡功1), 仲宗根靖1), 渡部一詔2), 山本哲郎2), 渡邉景太4), 朝長昭仁5), 山口英世3)
Glucosamine Research 7: 77-84, 2011.

Japanese Article Glucosamine workshop fifth workshop
Glucosamine Research 7: 85-85, 2011.

Japanese Article Kinesitherapy for the gonarthrosis
Glucosamine Research 7: 86-100, 2011.

Japanese Article Restructure of a bone and the skin
Glucosamine Research 7: 101-110, 2011.

Japanese Article On the Publication of Glucosamine Research Volume 7
Glucosamine Research 7: 137-138, 2011.