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JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine

Volume 12, Issue / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Through a case of the after giving birth depression reconsideration - of - nurse midwife role
赤嶺さつき, 津堅愛, 岡本秋, 末吉睦子, 青木祥子, 比嘉久美子, 錦古里光子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 5-7, 2011.

Japanese Article Take in nursing care - lavender oil for the hand-and-foot syndrome by the capecitabine; and ...
古本美音1), 蔵下要2), 宮里恵子2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 8-10, 2011.

Japanese Article The report of the poor pulmonary arteriography case in PTE scan and the countermeasure
池原義人, 宮里和英, 糸洲亮
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 11-14, 2011.

Japanese Article About the current situation and the problem of the Okinawa doctor copter
岸本拓馬1), 屋良朝司1), 八木正晴2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 15-16, 2011.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the AFP-L3 compartmentation measurement in the hepatocellular carcinoma
神田峻太郎, 喜舎場良香, 上原正邦, 粟國徳幸, 手登根稔
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 20-22, 2011.

Japanese Article Invention of the image quality improvement in the MRCP imaging
山田勝也, 喜舎場良香, 上原正邦, 粟國徳幸, 手登根稔
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 23-27, 2011.

Japanese Article Evaluation after the doctor zouk Larc introduction in our hospital
譜久村由美子, 佐竹暁
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 28-29, 2011.

Japanese Article Efforts for the relief nurse system
新垣和美, 高嶺知佐
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 35-35, 2011.

Japanese Article About a doctor's car system
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 36-36, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of the flight nurse of our hospital
南真理子, 比嘉奈々枝, 照屋博子, 佐久間留美子, 仲座伊都子, 日高志州, 上田孝子, 平川達二
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 37-37, 2011.

Japanese Article In-hospital enlightenment using the report donor action program of the transplant promotion committee
上原ひろみ, 幸地あかね, 親富祖一人, 川満理絵, 具志徳子, 慶世村光代, 平川達二, 宮島隆浩
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 38-38, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect inspection ... from approach ... overhours of the duties efficiency in the supplies section
宮里むつみ, 比嘉良武, 大城政, 岡村導作, 影山祥太, 渡久地恭平, 比嘉美佐子, 饒波香子, 幸地優加, 佐竹暁, 来間三佳, 棚田文雄※1
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 39-40, 2011.

Japanese Article Perform reexamination, a remedy of attempt - to shortening in the overhours in the fourth floor of the south ward; and ...
仲尾次翔太, 梅田香織, 町田美恵, 宮城久乃
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 41-41, 2011.

Japanese Article Medical consultation, current situation of the medical cooperation support in our hospital
大久保礼子, 糸数美智子, 角山信司, 宮城芳江, 大城隆二, 志良堂幸次, 与那城恵美, 榮美沙, 仲宗根千佳, 神谷理沙
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 42-42, 2011.

Japanese Article The current situation and problem of the at-home palliative care
新里誠一郎1), 古波倉史子1), 又吉広見1), 中村雅美1), 糸数美智子1), 川満理絵1), 富田仁美1), 山内夏希1), 中村涼子1), 平良さおり1), 翁長真一郎1), 角山信司1), 大久保礼子1), 森下友紀1), 大城江利子1), 下地幸子2), 大浜篤2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 44-44, 2011.

Japanese Article The current situation of the rehabilitation system which we saw after the TKA technique from length of stay
蔵元愛, 東恩納のぞみ, 野里美江子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 45-45, 2011.

Japanese Article Efforts to the set infusion conveyance for the individual
前泊美保, 高良梓, 村田利恵子, 池村綾子, 知念高志, 翁長真一郎, 比嘉保
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 47-47, 2011.

Japanese Article Trend of the eating deglutition rehabilitation patients in our hospital
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 48-48, 2011.

Japanese Article Efforts of the mouth care team
辺土名枝美子, 徳田このみ, 新里千恵, 津川美奈子, 當銘由香理, 満孝博, 高橋浩代, 川満理絵
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 49-49, 2011.

Japanese Article About support of the situation and the nurse smoking cessation foreign exclusive duty of the smoking cessation foreign testee
伊佐美由紀, 嘉手川厚子, 安里節子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 50-50, 2011.

Japanese Article Efforts to the mouth care in the ward
高橋浩代, 嘉手川厚子, 上田幸枝, 伊佐美由紀, 安里節子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 51-51, 2011.

Japanese Article Introduction of the treatment to be able to put to deny Clinica
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 52-52, 2011.

Japanese Article Efforts for the in-hospital obstetrical hospital establishment
名嘉真姫子, 富浜好恵, 知念真紀子, 古堅華子, 吉田敦子, 喜納春江
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 53-53, 2011.

Japanese Article The case that caused an infected wound, wound detached room open after the operation
謝花千夏, 平良さおり, 安里亜希子, 又吉広見, 嘉手川厚子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 54-54, 2011.

Japanese Article The current situation and measures of EDTA-dependent false-related thrombocytopenia in our hospital
田場琢也, 山野健太郎, 玉城政浩, 石川実, 手登根稔
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 55-55, 2011.

Japanese Article For the unification of the nursing in the brain refrigeration
和田順子, 宮里司, 平川達二, 那須道高
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 56-56, 2011.

Japanese Article For efforts and the current situation to open heart surgery, the preoperation visit in our hospital ICU
安里宏美, 古謝真紀, 具志徳子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 57-57, 2011.

Japanese Article To perform effective tracheal aspiration
谷口祥子, 花城育美, 山内正三, 平川達二, 町田尊, 伊藤智美
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 58-58, 2011.

Japanese Article We felt it to be Kakehashi Struggle - personnel affairs interchange
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 59-59, 2011.

Japanese Article Construction of the maintenance period heart rehabilitation program
上田幸枝1), 亀山成子2), 玉井志乃3), 上地一樹3), 池宮城夢3), 池原匡3), 仲真迅4), 山城麗子4), 菊池正3)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 60-60, 2011.

Japanese Article From the support of current situation - HOT and the NIPPV user of the caring at home in our clinic -
下地幸子, 長嶺由利子, 梁取友香, 上地祐子, 宮城優子, 金城成子, 平良正子, 大浜篤
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 61-61, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... through relation ... Rehabilitation that incorporates play to patients who see it, and need defense in the daytime
崎原優子, 阿多ゆかり, 知場有香, 上原悦子, 小野光恵, 友利由美, 錦古里光子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 62-62, 2011.

Japanese Article About document management in the General Administration Division
真栄平千実, 米須真由美, 金城文之, 鈴木大介, 屋良朝司
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 63-63, 2011.

Japanese Article For low back pain zero of care settings
平良美香, 生田誠子, 森山いづみ, 古謝早苗
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 64-64, 2011.

Japanese Article Use current situation report of VSRAD in our hospital
喜舎場良香, 上原正邦, 石川実, 手登根稔
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 65-65, 2011.

Japanese Article The examination of the nematode situation in our hospital
下地法明, 徳山あゆみ, 神田清秀, 石川実, 手登根稔
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 12: 66-66, 2011.