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JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine

Volume 17, Issue / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Need of the outside the prefecture patients family taken by a doctor copter
喜納宏美, 西銘さやか, 仲宗根健一, 日高志州, 南真理子, 新垣和美
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 1-4, 2016.

Japanese Article About the duties results of our hospital dietitian
田島隆次, 仲間清美, 大田裕果, 安里あきの, 宮城由依子, 友利登子, 城間安李
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 5-6, 2016.

Japanese Article The smoking cessation foreign current situation and future problem
呉屋貴美, 豊里裕子, 名呉恵子, 新川友理, 呉屋さゆり, 錦古里光子, 金城俊一, 石垣昌伸
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 7-9, 2016.

Japanese Article About an effect after the early enteral feeding protocol introduction in the intensive care domain
仲間清美1), 城間安李1), 那須道高2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 10-12, 2016.

Japanese Article Analysis of doubt inquiry contents after the drug support system introduction
東千夏, 又吉里佳, 與儀邦子, 奥間結香, 松島亜紀, 上原佳子, 川上博瀬, 浜元善仁, 翁長真一郎, 比嘉保
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 13-15, 2016.

Japanese Article Efforts of our hospital balun strike scorecard
宮城さちえ, 儀間一弘, 森松長明, 徳山清之
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 16-20, 2016.

Japanese Article Current situation and problem ... which we saw from efforts - postoperative complications of perioperative care in the pre-operative examination center
リージャー理香, 阿波根絵美, 棚原むつみ, 大城美佳, 喜納薫
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 21-23, 2016.

Japanese Article Efforts of the chemotherapy interview sheet introduction in the outpatient
國吉洋子, 金城りか, 山川美智子, 平良さおり, 錦古里光子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 24-27, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent percutaneous endoscopic lower lumbar vertebrae intervertebral disk enucleation for recurrent lumbar herniated disk (L4/5)
原國毅1), 古閑比佐志2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 28-30, 2016.

Japanese Article Myocardium bloodstream SPECT - coronary arteries CT fusion image evaluation using the phantom for the myocardium bloodstream
紺野能稔, 糸洲亮
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 31-32, 2016.

Japanese Article An investigation of the exercise load quantity in our hospital undernourished patient and future problem
宮城真理, 喜納将克, 宮内明, 中松典子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 35-35, 2016.

Japanese Article Activity report of the nourishment support team
安里あきの, 金城俊一, 那須道高, 北原佑介, 三浦航, 棚田雅博, 村橋佳代子, 比嘉ききょう, 又吉広見, 平良浩代, 伊佐智恵, 當眞陽己乃, 平林容子, 宮城真理, 根間明須加, 赤崎瞳, 長嶺桃子, 平田やよい, 村田利恵子, 安村麻貴, 込山麻美, 渡久地英理, 宮村幸佑, 山城香菜子, 大城春奈
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 36-36, 2016.

Japanese Article One year ... after ... partnership nursing system (PNS) introduction to perform innovation of nursing
又吉広見, 伊藤智美, 安里節子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article ... which introduces PNS, and improves team power for the heart of ... three
石川千晶1), 比嘉ききょう1), 新川明美1), 又吉広見2), 伊藤智美2), 安里節子2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 38-38, 2016.

Japanese Article Adopt PNS introduction - D partner method; and ...
中村涼子1), 當山雅美1), 大城朋子1), 又吉広見2), 伊藤智美2), 安里節子2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article Is engaged in the administration of ... management headquarters study session to provide the place of the better learning; and ...
岸本拓馬1), 金城文之1), 大城剛1), 宮城吉晴1), 松田翼2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 41-41, 2016.

Japanese Article ... that the women focus on a manner as for gender gap ... men of the element influencing testee satisfaction in waiting time
松田翼, 大城育子, 比嘉光子, 喜納聡子, 田口里美, 屋良真梨子, 久田友一郎
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 42-42, 2016.

Japanese Article Work on "a making of mental health three years plan"
大坪徳江1), 田中桂子1), 佐竹暁1), 久田友一郎2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 43-43, 2016.

Japanese Article Having seen it from a relation to patients with cancer rehabilitation in our hospital
宮城徹, 稲嶺亜衣, 宮内明, 野里美江子, 中松典子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article Participate in the current situation and problem - country nutrition survey 2013 of the nourishment management of the acute phase of our hospital; and ...
大田裕果1), 仲間清美1), 那須道高2), 阿川幸人2), 河本あやみ2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article An evaluation of the basic nursing procedure simulation education of the new face nurse in our hospital and future problem
山内正三, 金城なつみ, 伊佐美由紀, 伊藤智美
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article Fact-finding after passing after the specific health guidance attendance for five years
田口里美, 喜納春香, 仲間志子, 安里彰子, 城間紀子, 佐久川育子, 屋良真梨子, 久田友一郎
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 48-48, 2016.

Japanese Article About the examination system which an uterine cervix cancer examination testee pursues in our center
仲村由美, 大城育子, 比嘉光子, 宮城智恵美, 喜納聡子, 屋良真梨子, デューランゆかり, 久田友一郎
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 49-49, 2016.

Japanese Article It seemed that we raised pre-operative examination center after ... six months
親川奈々絵1), 仲地千代美1), 末吉尚子1), 小橋川政美2), 仲宗根由美子2), 池原泉美2), 錦古里光子1), 喜納薫1), 又吉広見3), 島袋勉3), 城田真一4)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article Activity report - VAE surveillance ... of the breathing care team
山田裕貴1), 古謝真紀1), 那須道高2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article The current situation of the WEB reservation system in our hospital
上地玲, 星弓佳, 伊野波貴子, 名城あずさ, 仲宗根さおり, 玉城由理, 福永美香
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 52-52, 2016.

Japanese Article About duties improvement of the general office work
新崎里美, 上野理恵, 又吉弘乃, 常本友美, 岩永利枝子, 田仲真由美, 新垣矢代美, 和田久美, 真栄平めぐみ, 喜屋武優子, 古波蔵あやの
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 53-53, 2016.

Japanese Article Try self-care sheet introduction after the construction of artificial anus
佐久本しのぶ, 安里亜希子, 當山雅美, 大城朋子, 中村涼子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article It is ... for spondylolysis protocol - radiation exposure reduction of our hospital
奥平聖紀, 宮里和英, 糸洲亮
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article The current situation and problem of the in-hospital triage
中光淳一郎, 比嘉祥之, 池宮城美和子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 56-56, 2016.

Japanese Article It is ... about outside Parliament activity report - home care patient temporary nursing at home, the instruction of the palliative care authorization nurse
森嶋美音1)2), 伊藤智美1), 新里誠一郎2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 57-57, 2016.

Japanese Article Support helper Struggle Part 6 - terminal care, family to nurse at home; and ...
諸喜田美香, 宇江城恵子, 嘉陽幸江, 宮城尚人
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article It is ... through the relation of attempt ... multi-type of job of the secession of the hypoxic encephalopathy respirator wearing patients
新里梢, 町田尊, 當眞由美子, 下地幸子, 仲里政泰
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article Role of the occupational therapist found in a lifesaving ward
上原信一, 宮内明, 喜久里勝巳, 宮城徹, 中松典子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article Role of the paramedic in the hospital
儀間辰二, 八木正晴, 米盛輝武, 那須道高, 福井英人, 大澤憲一, 北原佑介, 屋宜亮兵, 高田忠明, 阿川幸人, 伊良波美里, 松門拓茉, 大山巧
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 61-61, 2016.

Japanese Article Efforts of the ensuring safety for allergy to latex
上ノ山理志1), 池田美奈子1), 喜納薫1), 島袋勉2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article Keep a smile of the beauty et al. Island; is role ... of the nurse in the in front of way ... Hospital first aid practice to a prehospital nurse
金城歩, 塩谷文子, 豊見本江美, 勝田育美, 波止綾子, 比嘉祥之, 池宮城美和子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article Adaptation, effect of HAL(R) in the acute phase rehabilitation
波平倫枝, 宮内明, 野里美江子, 中松典子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article About the multi-type of job team rounds effect of the intensive care domain
仲間清美1), 安里あきの1), 松野寛子1), 浜元善仁2), 赤崎瞳2), 米須清倫3), 東恩納のぞみ3), 那須道高4), 比嘉保2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 65-65, 2016.

Japanese Article About an evaluation and a problem of the paper to use for a visit in the preoperation of the ICU
仲村和樹1), 大友裕貴1), 樋口順平1), 古謝真紀1), 山内正三2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article Efforts of the ICDSC introduction in the lifesaving ward and future problem
近石ちはる1), 大浜智子1), 森田鮎美1), 新垣和美1), 山内正三2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article It was seen through the case that let's come back to the workplace, and aimed at ... work return
森屋明子, 森山いづみ, 島尻実和, 棚原ひろみ, 三砂健一
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article How to spend users ... who grow, and give life, and think through LIFE - lek
山内久実子, 平沼勝徹, 安次富あやの, 宮平葉月, 平良久美, 富原唯, 屋嘉比盛嗣, 安保奈緒
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article Helper Struggle part 7 will go to school; to ... child with a disability, family is better; continue assisting; and ...!
中松光, 嘉陽幸江, 宮城尚人, 外間裕子, 宇江城恵子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article We saw it from an example discharged from thing - hospital bought in temporary nursing at home station at home
洲鎌京美, 比嘉玲子, 宮城光代, 小野光恵, 植田洋子, 前津マキ
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 75-76, 2016.

Japanese Article It is ... problem and fine-view ... through regional alliances
武島由幸, 諸喜田美香, 岸田晃実, 知名定哲, 志良堂幸次, 櫻井淳一, 大得律子, 安慶田美佐子, 名嘉健二, 宮里美伊子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 17: 78-79, 2016.