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JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine

Volume 20, Issue / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article It is ... for the life like "revival from end-of-life care time" ... person
屋嘉比盛嗣, 宮城光代, 浜川良子, 安保奈緒
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 1-3, 2019.

Japanese Article As library room service - community medical care support hospital for community medical care practitioners ...
島袋英子, 佐久川長之, 譜久村由美子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 4-6, 2019.

Japanese Article An effect of the nasal cavity washing and the instruction method
池田若菜, 宮良友莉菜, 佐久川杏実
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 7-9, 2019.

Japanese Article We learned from efforts - study session and a round-table conference for the consultation to the development child with a disability
屋我智香子, 安井礼子, 下門紋野, 金城真理子, 仲里明美, 普久原明日香, 儀間由美, 鉢嶺元靖, 儀部米子, 渡口ひろみ, 渡口明
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 10-13, 2019.

Japanese Article Efforts for the actual situation grasp of the learning need of the nurse beginning work in the intensive care system in our hospital and the sufficiency
屋比久貴仁1), 砂川貴子1), 與那嶺あすみ1), 那須道高2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 17-17, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of the contrast media infusion method in a pulmonary status pulse 3D-CT1 phase scan
高橋宏之1), 宮里和英1), 宜保慎司2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 18-18, 2019.

Japanese Article Plant establishment - heart of the heart failure device team in our hospital; importance ... of the remote monitoring of the type device
花城緑1), 山内亜由美1), 阿世知理奈1), 節原佑馬1), 古我知駿1), 阿部敬二郎1), 久場豪1), 砂川翔梧1), 山内惇煕1), 福山信隆1), 萬正寛子1), 具志幸樹1), 比嘉勇吾1), 兒玉健志1), 仲村健太郎2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 19-19, 2019.

Japanese Article Examine illness with the groundwork neurosurgery of Ishigaki-shi; about cooperation
吉元康明1), 池宮城美和子1), 仲村健太郎2), 川島朋之2), 上原裕規2), 福本泰三3)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 20-20, 2019.

Japanese Article Efforts of dentistry in our hospital nourishment support team
梶浦由加里1), 宮城千明1), 村橋信1), 湧田望1), 平良浩代1), 棚田雅博1), 那須道高1), 金城俊一2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 21-21, 2019.

Japanese Article Activity report of our hospital nourishment support team
宮城千明1), 又吉広見1), 那須道高1), 金城俊一2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 22-22, 2019.

Japanese Article Diabetes cooperation notebook possession in the glycosuria outpatient department and HbA1c recognition and medical treatment behavior
金城逸子1), 賀数友子1), 池村美紀1), 清水麻美子1), 稲福清美1), 友寄秀美1), 前川スミ子2), 喜瀬道子3), 石川和夫3)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 23-23, 2019.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the observance of the insulin self injection enforcement item for outpatients
宮城由莉子1), 宮里弥篤1), 佐次田頌1), 松田理美1), 渡久地香奈美1), 與儀邦子1), 玉城聖佳1), 翁長真一郎1), 喜瀬道子2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 24-24, 2019.

Japanese Article The type of job cooperation for nurse support
星弓佳, 名城あずさ, 伊野波貴子, 本濱玲, 仲宗根さおり, 玉城由理
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 25-25, 2019.

Japanese Article One case that followed the sudden course for a severe infection after the splenectomy due to the pneumococcus
大城春奈1), 込山麻美1), 下地法明1), 上地あゆみ1), 玉城格1), 粟國徳幸1), 上原正邦1), 手登根稔1), 名嘉村敬2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 26-26, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of the ADL drop factor of intensive care patients
亀濱梨亜1), 東若孝祐1), 中村隼人1), 仲座智子1), 平良盛人1), 近石ちはる1), 佐々木美穂1), 下地智之1), 那須道高2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 27-27, 2019.

Japanese Article Plant; the lead withdrawal operation using the excimer laser in the device
節原佑馬1), 山内亜由美1), 花城緑1), 阿世知理奈1), 古我知駿1), 阿部敬二朗1), 久場豪1), 砂川翔梧1), 山内惇煕1), 福山信隆1), 萬正寛子1), 具志幸樹1), 比嘉勇吾1), 兒玉健志1), 仲村健太郎2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 28-28, 2019.

Japanese Article About echography and a judgment of the polycystic kidney (ADPKD) in the medical examination
新垣蒼1), 小島正久2), 石川実1), 平良年子1)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 29-29, 2019.

Japanese Article Evaluation ... after the efforts - team system introduction to duties efficiency in the medical affairs section
友利豪1), 上間圭一郎1), 座間味大輔1), 安里亮1), 仲吉朝邦2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 30-30, 2019.

Japanese Article Introduce role playing into new face educational program
白石裕1), 野里美江子1), 中松典子1), 蔵下要2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 31-31, 2019.

Japanese Article Activity of the authorized nurse judging from cancer instruction to patient management charges
國吉洋子1), 豊里裕子1), 伊佐美由紀1), 山城律子1), 伊志嶺朝成2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 32-32, 2019.

Japanese Article General ... of the tendency of the patients at elevated risk for prevention and care ... of the skin tear and the prophylactic care
具志堅彩音1), 照屋理絵1), 當山雅美1), 石川千香2), 多田惇3), 安田路規3)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 33-33, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation of the information sharing in the "stoma management" seat continuing nursing care - using analysis - information sharing tool
金城大樹1), 眞喜志和希1), 仲村渠麻華1), 古波倉史子2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 34-34, 2019.

Japanese Article Fact-finding ... about real condition - calculation requirements for appropriate insurance claim system construction
島袋秀樹1), 安里亮1), 新城安史2), 宮城義規2), 長嶺義哲3)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 37-37, 2019.

Japanese Article Effective inhibition for the lines self withdrawal prevention
友利美南, 森田直子1), 當銘美奈子1), 中村涼子1), 具志徳子1), 川島朋之2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 38-38, 2019.

Japanese Article For the fixation of the personal protector (PPE) maneuver
野里美江子1), 伊東修一1), 中松典子1), 蔵下要2)
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 39-39, 2019.

Japanese Article Because we will begin it, and there is it, what is ... volunteer by one step? ...
屋比久亜紀, 宗像裕子, 座波なぎさ, 棚原由美, 比嘉かおり, 肥谷菊乃
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 43-44, 2019.

Japanese Article For the happiness of all
中村夏実, 福里堅之輔, 宮城梨子, 大城康孝, 儀間優紀, 桃原淳, 喜友名朝丈, 比嘉まなみ, 通所リハスタッフ一同
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 45-46, 2019.

Japanese Article Let's do it together without coming back to the workplace, and giving it up ...; is ...
棚原ひろみ, 古波津沙笑, 森山いづみ, 棚田文雄
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 48-49, 2019.

Japanese Article ... wonderful for diversity as for ... jumble
新川唯玄馬, 新里有沙, 島袋正吾, 浜川良子, 安保奈緒
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 51-51, 2019.

Japanese Article ... which learns the way about the We learned from the love - education
外間裕子, 嘉陽幸江, 宮城尚人, 新城純子, 山内久実子, 宇良恵美子, 國場久美子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article It is ... through an example with ... multiplex problem towards my thing, a whole local ring
櫻井淳一, 大得律子, 武島由幸, 岸田晃実, 宮城淳子, 仲井間里香, 銘苅喜美子, 下地奈津子, 大図由美子, 宇江城恵子, 志良堂幸次, 宮里美伊子
JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine 20: 53-53, 2019.